What do you think of this game?

What do you think of this game?

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the greatest walking simulator ever made and personal favorite game of this decade


It was good, I actually liked Limbo better but holy shit, these guys cant make a proper ending if their lives would depend on it

to me, this is all the best parts of half life 2 (the first 25 minutes) with some amazing visuals and audio design

Best anti-aliasing I've seen in my life

It was good but I regret playing it.
No matter how beautiful a game is, if the point of it isn't clear then it's a waste of time.

can someone explain what was the fucking meaning of this game?

Loved it
Oh and by the way, please go play picrelated in case you havent and enjoyed Inside. You'd be STUPID not too, best AA game of the generation if you ask me and I'm baffled how Yea Forums never talks about it

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inside is a cinematic platformer, not a walking sim. please learn the difference, underagedb&. (the best walking sim ever made is Soma)

Are you incapable of having your own interpretation?

Having your own interpretation is a meme.
I could type this for 300 pages and you could have your own interpretation of it: fjaiosdfjoi;adsfjw;aefwe
Does that make it worth reading?

more like inside my butt

>muh ambiguity
they claim art, when they're really just a bunch of depressed danes

No because that's just gibberish.
You just sound like a dumbass who is incapable of thinking and thinks other people who can are inferior.

you are unironically a stupid person, read some books and lay off the vidya for a while faggot.

Was okay. No-where near as good as Braid or Limbo though.

It was alright. Kinda wish the story was expanded on a bit because i'm curious what the ending was all about but I get that was sorta part of the point.

both this and limbo are overrated 3deep5you garbage with "puzzles" easier than ones found in the nuLara Tomb Raider games. Only things worth complimenting are the atmosphere and the smoothness of the animations. There are way better sidescrollers in terms of gameplay and story out there.

it was made to confuse you.
specially the ending.

>here are way better sidescrollers in terms of story out there.
Oh yeah? Name a few. I wouldn't mind having some new games to try out.

t. indoctrinated

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i thought it lost a lot of steam at the end, but overall a fun experience. I like the concept of massive, incomprehensible architecture. The whole section with the giant shockwave generator in particular was great

>no no you don't get it! they indoctrinated you by making you think by yourself!
jesus christ, you're barely worth the 20 seconds it takes me to write this shit down, killyourself nigger.

It's okay, i will wait for it to be free on epic.

>shockwave generator
Agreed that was the best part. The way the game builds it's world without any dialogue and throws you into difficult and odd situations to let you piece things together is what made it such a gem.

What did the secret ending mean when you shut down the mind-control device and the boy slumps?

Did he die or is he free of control?

Shockwave room was my favorite part too. The way they built up tension for it in the section beforehand was also stellar.

Which ever you prefer user.

Love them both. Can't wait to play their next game.

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You can think for yourself while understanding exactly what someone is trying to say.
Misinterpreting a writer's intention does no one any good, it's one of the reasons religious people are so fucked.

It felt like one of those "dude, you gotta do some super abstract shit to find this crazy out there and ultimately ambiguous ending" things. Braid popularized it and it's pretty much retarded every time. Just stick with the body horror ending

fantastic art style and atmosphere.

Well the writers on inside were clearly going for an ambiguous tone that let the players decide for themselves

The part where the boy's clothes got shredded up and he was naked in the tank made no sense. You'd think the shredder would've chopped him up

I want them to try making a 3D platformer already. I could see them dethroning Ico.

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Braid, Little Nightmares, and Fez just off the top of my head. I enjoyed all of those games more than I enjoyed Limbo/Inside

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I've played and like most of those games but god brothers is so fucking boring

another world came out in fucking 1991? it does not look like a 1991 game at all

>In August 1989, Chahi was impressed by the flat-color animations that the Amiga version of Dragon's Lair had and thought that it would be possible to use vector outlines to create a similar effect using much less computer storage. After first attempting to write the graphical routines in C, he turned to assembly language. He wrote a polygon routine for the Motorola 68000 on an Atari ST to test his theory, with much success. Later, he found that he could run the code on the Amiga platform and achieve a frame rate of about 20 frames per second, later recognizing this as "a major turning point in the creation of the game" and the point where he knew the polygon approach would work. He was able to take advantage of the Amiga's genlock capabilities to create rotoscoped animations with the polygons, using video recordings of himself performing various actions. Though he had tried to use smaller polygons (which Chahi called "pixigons") to construct the backgrounds for the scenes based on Deluxe Paint artwork, the process of creating them was excruciatingly slow, and he returned to using bitmapped images.
The game was made by one guy. It's really impressive.

I liked it up until the end of the giant castle bit. I was waiting for something really crazy with the giant that just never came and then the city in the snow that's under siege by a giant invisible monster... just felt like the devs being lazy and not wanting to actually make those assets. Then the ending was needlessly sappy and ham handed so that also sucked

It was weird.

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I thought it looked very similar to Limbo and decided not to play it, that game wasn't good enough to leave me wanting more of it.

It's just an entertaining experience. There's no deep story, background, or moral lesson.
The ending is just a cathartic release that follows all the previous frustration and tension. A message or political statement is not a requirement for creating a good game.

the art direction in this game is incredible

I think they said that their next game will probably be 3D because they are tired of the limitations of 2D