>Microsoft abandons original Xbox halfway into it's gen
>Microsoft abandons Xbox 360 halfway into it's gen
>Microsoft abandons Xbox One halfway into it's gen
why would anyone fall for it for a forth time in a row?
why does anyone have any expectations for their next gen system?
will people finally catch on when they abandon next gen half way into it's life?
>don't forget to subscribe to gamepass guys!
Microsoft abandons original Xbox halfway into it's gen
>next gen will fix it
The original xbox had a fuckton of games and they even kept the online going for half of the 360's lifespan for free.
Microsoft Flight simulator looks really fucking good.
Because next gen will be the last one. Once you're at 4k 60fps there's no real reason to upgrade any more.
I wonder if the general public can be convinced to wait for the elite versions of Scarlett/PS5.
It's a PC game
Depends if 8k tv is a thing.
It's both. PC primarily with Xbox one later.
They're real, but I have a really hard time distinguishing resolutions beyond 1440p so I'm not sure why anyone cares.
>I don't care so no one will
>6 years is considered half gen now
zoomers, I guess you don't seem to have learned your video game history.
Next gen, Xbros.
Its all about the poisfoive moite
yeah Microsoft is known for really investing into their consoles after launch
I'm European and don't think I met a single person who owned a PS3, everyone had the 360 during that generation.
What's the last one?
No correction, everyone had a Wii and then a 360
It says elph, user. Not sure what it means
I don't even know what the joke is supposed to be, and I'm cringing.
>MS abandoned the xbone
It's their longest gen for a console and Gears 5 comes out in 2 days.
I don't know why Microsoft never opened their wallet for exclusives.
Seems like an easy thing to do.
Sure they got Forza and other racing and sports shit but does that sell enough?
this will never stop being funny
>everyone had the 360 during that generation.
why lie?
>6 May 2008
>"We have sold more PlayStation 3s throughout Europe than Xbox 360 even though they launched 16 months before us."
>"We have been consistently outselling our closest competitor [Xbox 360] since October 2007,
How has Buck Timley been around for so long, he hasn't made a single funny comic
fable legends,
Fable Legends.
I thought it came out on the 6th for game passers and the 10th for everyone else
Because Americans have to buy American. Trump said so.
Comes out on Tuesday for gamepass and Friday for retail. Next week is borderlands.
Do you guys have more fun talking about things you don't like rather than things you do like or are you not aware there's an option
Microsoft has forced American workers to train their own foreigner replacements, on top of having all their factory's outside of America
>trillion dollars company
>can't afford a single good exclusive
>instead buys shitty third rate studios en mass
Nahh I checked, it's the 6th at the earliest
Because Nintendo misses out on 80% of AAA games, I already fell for the PC meme once and none of Sony's exclusives interest me
Yea europe can't get enough of Sony, they live to worship sony every seconds of their existence.
And I'm not talking about nogamestations, I'm talking of every single sony production, tv, headphones, etc.
Shit you right, I got confused. I thought the 10th was this Friday not next Tuesday.
the only consoles I've seen abandoned halfway into their life were the dreamcast and wii u
guarantee the leads of many of those newly bought studios will be taking a payout and bailing after their current projects are completed
this is Rare 2.0, but happening to 5 studios at once
>xbox exclusive trailers
>instantly fades to black
>nothing its over
>not even master blaster cheif
>wheres my jet set
>wheres the games
>just blank list of nothingness
>-x-xbocks tew is going to be awesome have you seen the d---d-dashboard I havent but woah
I love the OG Xbox but MS moved to 360 pretty fast and developers moved on with them.
MS made a really bad deal with Nvidia at the time resulting in a huge loss on every console sold.
I like how people think the Microsoft audience would buy Banjo Kazooie games. Or that a new game would be done justice considering how Battletoads turned out.
I honestly forget the Wii U even existed. It's the only console that I sold.
same. britfag here. everyone owned 360. the only handful of people i knew who owned ps3's were these cod and fifa playing indians and this one fat bangladeshi guy. everyone civil owned a 360.
>snoys realized they cant argue against Nintendo's dominance so they switch targets to Xbox
I just love watching this all go down
>beyond 1440p
Depends on the size of your TV. I game on a 50 inch screen myself so I don't care either.
There is Ori and the Will of the Wisp still coming, and that's will basically be the best M$ came in the last 5 years.
Sometimes I wonder if these sales stats are true because all the people I know owned a 360, Wii, or if they had a PS3 they also had a 360
They bought Cuphead and Ori, don't see why they wouldn't buy Banjo.
>bringing up nintendo out of nowhere
this is an xbox thread friend
>We have sold more PlayStation 3s throughout Europe than Xbox 360
Sony will always win Europe because of FIFAniggers, what else is new?
>Goes in to E3
>"We have 40 games to show and 20 exclusives"
>50 are multiplats that even appears on Nintendo
>The rest can be played on PC invalidating any interest on buying their console.
>Have to literally pay millions of dolars to give free games for 1 usd so they can stay ""relevant"".
Hell, the last game for the xbone is probably gonna be Halo Infinite
I’m American and the only people I knew that owned a ps3 were weebs that spent more than they could afford. PS3 never dropped their prices to compete with 360 until the ps4 was announced. I didn’t help that all 3rd party games ran like absolute shit on the ps3.
Car in smash when?
after it gets generic anime hair and a sword
>PS3 was bought because of CoD and FIFA
Microsoft had marketing rights to both of those during the 360 era
exclusive content and getting dlc first, on top of every ad featuring xbox as the primary console for the games
stop being retarded
they paid top dollar for the sega exclusives back in 6th gen and those games were amazing. no one bought the console though so it was essentially a waste of money for them. fast forward to 7th gen they continued with some of those really good games into early 7th gen because the deals for them were already struck several years previous in the 6th gen but again no one bought them. cod 4 and halo 3 came out and suddenly everyone is buying xbox's so it's not shocking they went down the halo route for their first party when no one bought the actual good exclusives they spent tens of millions on. blame the fans, not microsoft. only now do people look back and get all nostalgic over those games. the xbox fanbase has always been loyal to those games. everyone else ignores them till they're old then gets pissed off at microsoft for not releasing sequels or remasters because they suddenly want to play them. look at the immense hype over halo mcc on pc now all of a sudden.
Nintendo is not dominant though. PS4 is still outselling Switch globally.
It says pleh, which is the sound I make whenever I see anything Xbox.
no. sony had the fifa deal all through 7th gen. the playstation was the console for fifa.
I did my part.
>Halo Infinite
Except when they will announche that it's actually a launch title for Scarlet and not an Xbone game. lol
hmm. I mean xbox had enough for me. halo, doa, conker, otogi, gun valkyrie, pso, hunter the reckoning, jsrf, metal wolf. I enoyed it. xb1 is the only software lineup I hated enough to pass on ms so far
>PS3 never dropped their prices to compete with 360 until the ps4 was announced.
>The rest can be played on PC invalidating any interest on buying their console.
an xbox one has about a 5% profit margin while any oem license for windows 10 is basically 100% profit, they literally make more from people playing on pc.
what was the last good Switch game? Breath of the Wild from 2017?
astral chain, supposedly, I haven't played it
Is that yours? Thats honestly pretty based user. After the Dreamcast I went the Gamecube route but the OG Xbox ead legit
>one off timed exclusive they jewed out for 3 months
>2 rehashes
>a literal remaster
>a cancelled f2p abomination (I was in the closed beta it was fucking awful)
How delusional do you think this company is?
Car is my favorite Microsoft character.
Astral Chain from 2 days ago.
What happened to state of decay? The first one was so good.
They already confirmed it will be on the xbone too
Performance issues at launch.
i still cant believe crackdown came out
6 years isn’t exactly halfway through this gen, kid. Consoles have typically come out 4-6 years after each other.
Microsoft redeemed themselves with XboneX
>great perfomance, rock-solid system
>retrocompatibility that enhances games to 4K60fps
>Gamepass is not a meme and has a lot of great games
As for exclusives, they are well aware of it but keep in mind AAA games now take 4-7 years to make, so it makes sense for them to focus on next gen which is just over a year away
Meanwhile at Sony....
>Abandons console day one
>3 months
it was a full year though right?
I played it, it was very boring and mind numbingly easy
it was pretty much the exact same game, but buggier
I'm an Xbox fan and even I admit this is absurd and ridiculous.
>thinking that next gen consoles are gonna do 4K 60FPS on anything except 2D indie games
I mean. I'd rather play Tomb Raider, Gears of War and Forza over cinematic 3rd person linear as fuck action game with the gay included that all follow the same template surprisingly.
>handhelds are consoles
But aren’t the new tomb raiders uncharted rip offs?
Realtime Raytracing looks pretty outstanding and with the xbox2 pumpin out 120 frames a second into your pathetic eyeballs at 8k you'll go from having fits of excitement on the floor spazzing out to changing your name to Ray Trace and only playing raytraced games while talking about ray tracing realtime
this is an extremely brainlet tier post.
1- PC and console markets don't overlap so it only 'invalidates' it for people who already own a gaming PC, but if they're interested in those games it's still money in microsoft's pocket.
2- having the $1 deal for the month of gamepass is the exact same loss leader strategy all subscription services use. have you really never seen the one month free netflix or amazon prime deals? the difference is microsoft is actually making money off it. all those people using the one month free netflix generates no money for netflix. if only 500k people on both xbox and pc use that $1 gamepass deal that's still $500,000 in microsofts pocket. their strategy is very clever. i bet you didn't even notice that.
>this post
It's not impossible considering current gen can already do 4K60fps on a few select games. It also does native 4K30 on big open world games such as RDR2
Now they won't go beyond 4K next gen, so framerate is the main area where it will improve
What's your favorite Xbox One exclusive, Yea Forums?
>Crimson Dragon
>Dance Central Spotlight
>Fighter Within
>Forza Motorsport 5
>Halo 5: Guardians
>Kinect Sports Rivals
>Powerstar Golf
>Rare Replay
>Shape Up
>Xbox Fitness
imagine spamming your shitty channel here
at least we know who's making these threads now
Define rip off...? I mean they are similar because they both are both "Indiana Jones" style, yet they are very different
the fact that after years of hyping it up they release it silently in the sorry state it was is despicable
miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
it doesnt do native 4k 60 though youre lying or a gullible idiot
Those are my favorite Xbone games
I don't think they're exclusives, but that's irrelevant to me desu. Non 1st-party exclusives are cancerous imo
Bloodborne would perform/look much better on PC and XboneX, same thing with Spiderman
>Shape Up
>Xbox Fitness
>Dance Central Spotlight
>Kinect Sports Rivals
Big Phil shutting shit down
And I bet she's straight and not pushing some agenda unlike Sony games...
I was under the impression it ran at native 4K just like RDR2. If I'm wrong can you post an article or something that analyses its resolution/framerate?
not even him but the xb1x has native 4k60 games like forza 7 he mentioned.
>Microsoft abandons Xbox 360 halfway into it's gen
what. that gen lasted for what seems like an eternity
>Microsoft is American
Stay hurt. Im just informing the public not to believe Phil's lies. Six years and not one stand out exclusive. Pathetic.
I’m so fucking glad the Xboner failed so miserably after all the insanely consumer unfriendly shit they tried to push on launch and ultimately had to backpedal on.
Hell, the only reason PS4 has been allowed to get away with the shit it has gotten away with is that the Xbone was a worse evil in every way. I remember Sony made an entire advertising pitch around the fact that the PS4 can play used games.
imagine taking console wars so serious. literally the most retarded person i've ever encountered on this board. these executives are laughing at you all the way to the bank.
>Non 1st-party exclusives are cancerous imo
>Bloodborne would perform/look much better on PC and XboneX, same thing with Spiderman
Sony produced and funded both of those games
that's not the same as money-hating an already existing game, these titles would not have been what they were without Sony
other publishers have different priorities and inputs.
>startling lack of diversitiy in management
>almost all the managers are of a single ethnicity, and not native to north america
competition makes industries thrive. we wouldn't have the ps4 if MS and nintendo didn't expose sony for jewish FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE and we wouldn't have the extremely consumer friendly MS we have now if sony didn't expose the xbox for being always online and used games
and the second half had fuck-all coming out for it it's why halo/forza/gears was a meme
Cinematic linear third person action game
that pic is retarded because FYI that shit didn't account for timed exclusives which microsoft heavily did to gain the upper hand on sony.
the PS3 was an $800 console being sold at a $200 loss
I don't think you are good at spotting jews
Game pass ultimate is an amazing deal. Not just getting games given away, you get the MS exclusives. I've preloaded Gears 5 on PC and if I get a single enjoyable game other than that in the next 6 months it's paid for itself. But oh look, I already have Metro Exodus, Vampyr, and Hollow Knight. All for one base price. Just buying those I'd have spent more than GP ultimate for a year.
The Xbone was crap though. I keep waiting for a X to go on sale so I can play Fable 2 in 4k.
>didn't account for timed exclusives
name them
what did the pic miss?