Was it kino?
Was it kino?
it certainly isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
there are a couple long-running sidequests parallel to the main story in IW that are more engaging and memorable than whatever happens in the main story. play it for that.
has more rpg elements than cp2077
More like Invisible Bore
It's still pretty bad though. Just not throw away immediately bad. More like try a couple hours and if nothing is grabbing you then uninstall bad.
It's not amazing but it's better than Mankind Divided and Human Revolution. I tried to play Human Revolution twice and quit around the same point each time.
I loved it I kinda wish the new games made you play as a girl
better than 1 but not as good as hr and certainly not md
I loved it. Played Deus Ex when it came out. Played Invisible War when it came out and played it again recently. It’s still great.
Yes though it was as blocky as Minecraft. Had Bungie made it, it would have been great.
"It's a good game but not a good deus ex game" is a lie, it is mediocre through and through
It's ugly, but it has so many predictions about the future that have come true now(like in the original). You just gotta read all the text/letters. Not that Yea Forums reads lmao
No game with spider grenades is mediocre.
It was the opposite of kino (it was ugly and bland) but it was still pretty fun when you put aside the clunkiness.
Well, it's not DMC2 tier bad, but it's not Sacred 2 tier bad either
I liked it. I liked breaking into that dude's penthouse for his laser sword
>but it has so many predictions about the future that have come true now
Such as?
Wasn't Sacred 3 the bad one?
It was okay, but some of the mechanics and design were fucking retarded
It was terrible, only Deus Ex game I didn't finish. I have no idea how anyone says it's better than Human Revolution or Mankind Divided
This post confuses me
I've meant
>dmc2 is a god awful unholy tier
>sacred 2 is kinda sorta whatever alright, but worse than the original tier
Sacred 3 is DMC2 tier of bad
The writing in Montreal Ex is garbage by comparison.
Also one button completely silent takedowns with canned animations are cancer.
IW's story is hideously bland and the gameplay is awful
Invisible War was anything but kino. Decisions meant nothing and the story amounted to nothing until the very end where you can go through all of them selectively anyway.
If you want to see kino, play Project Snowblind which would have been a DX IP if it didn't fall through during development.
Like the hipster meme, altho it is kinda dying out to SJWs.
>Like the hipster meme
What particular part are you referring to?
No, the only good thing about it is the extremely bleak atmosphere.
It's actually pretty underrated and has some great shit like NG Resonance and those lobster men
I played up until the sewer level where the physics broke in a way that softlocked my game, it was pretty boring
You gotta read those data logs. Has a whole section describing hipsters and "plebeians"(plebs) before 2007 Yea Forums meme'd it.
no it was one of the worst sequels in video game history, and an average game overall.