People on Yea Forums acting like Classic losing players or being labelled as "boring" is a sign that it's failing

>People on Yea Forums acting like Classic losing players or being labelled as "boring" is a sign that it's failing

It's like you retards aren't aware of the point of Classic. It's not designed for modern Retail faggots who want a single player MMO where they can do everything automatically.

People are naturally going to get scared off and it means they can streamline Retail WoW as much as they want and keep WoW Classic actually fun for people who want to play an MMO.

Attached: Classic.jpg (1600x900, 191K)

*clears all content before a week has even passed after release*

This is literally what poopsockers do in every mmo. What's your point?

>It's not designed for modern Retail faggots who want a single player MMO where they can do everything automatically.

Ironic. Literally WoW is the epitome of casual MMORPG experience. It's the CoD of MMORPG's. It's a MMO grindfest doing "kill X amount of monsters", and, "collect X amount of materials." All the quests are so fucking boring. Your game is nothing special. It's all about who can grind out the game the most.

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This. I'm not surprised at all. I'm enjoying my time slowly leveling up and actually reading the quests. It's funny, at 15 years old I barely read any of the quests despite having all the time in the world so to speak just so I could reach 60. Now I'm 30 with a wife, good job, and less time to play so you figure I'd be raising to 60 but no, I'm enjoying taking my time and paying attention to the lore. I'm in no rush.

>reading the quests

patrician, people don't realize how much more enjoyable the world is when you navigate it using landmarks and directions as opposed to braindead markers

Bro, come the fuck on. You just look ridiculous still trying to push the whole "Classic is more hardcore!" thing now.

Only retailcucks give a fuck what raidfags do. Have sex, stop caring so much what the 0.0000001% do.

>never played an MMO in his life the post
Nice try though here is your reply

>aoe grind of dungeons will scare off the retailkeks
LMAO what do you think happens on retail?

>losing players
Then why does my realm have an 8k queue today?

Imagine being so upset that a past iteration of a game is still doing better than the retail version that you like, that you spend you free time complaining about it or using poopsockers as a means to express the failure of said iteration.
>Play what you like instead of complaining about what you dont.

You're retarded. I played WoW and maxed out my level I couldn't believe I went through every fucking quest in that game. End game PVP is good I guess in WoW but it's not worth it.

>Blizz is now offering a free 110 and expansion to anyone who makes 60 in Classic
>implying anyone who likes vanilla would like retail
They are so fucking detached from reality they exist in another dimension.

Classic sucks

you went through every quest to max your level? what? youve never played wow

>quest to get max level
worse than a lfr hero

Attached: 1552718255352.jpg (1920x1080, 1.16M)

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Classic Wow. The play style is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the nuances in rotations will go over a typical players head. There's also your class trainers nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation - their personal philosophy draws heavily from panderan literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Classic Wow truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the murlocs existential catchphrase "Mrglrlrlrlrllr" which itself is a cryptic reference to Illidan's epic War of the Ancients. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Classic Wows genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Classic Wow tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own.

p.s. this community is so good, FREE LINEN BAGS (with your mats of course)

p.p.s. when I die please play the Grizzly Hills music at my funeral

It's not good because it's hardcore.

It's good because it's not aimed at retards.

You need to read quests, socialise with other players, get potions, level professions and organise groups to get by.

The best thing is it actually teaches new players how to endgame raid by the time they hit 60 rather than teaching retards they can 1v5 without any backup.

why even waste the time typing this out?


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classic being hardcore had literally nothing to do with convoluted raid mechanics, I'm not sure why you guys keep pushing this narrative. people already said weeks before classic was released that rag would die within 2 weeks and having a million mechanics in raids is not remotely why people are drawn to classic in the first place


fuck off normie

>what kinda rotation you want senpai?

Attached: 1566558149920.jpg (824x600, 168K)

>cheapshot by rogue while questing
>sac my voidwalker, bait his kick, fear and dot him until he dies
I had forgotten how good it felt to stomp someone in pvp

Must be good to be a Warlock. Meanwhile us Warriors fall down dead if more than one mob or another non-warrior player breathes in our direction.

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Classic Wow


>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Classic Wow.

why do normies think wow is for hardcore gamers? even classic wow during that time was shat on by actual real nerds who played real mmorpgs at the time.

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>Imagine being this new to reply to plug and play pasta
How and why are you even here

>30, wife, good job
>raising to 60
lol ok ESL, sure you do

is this some kind of reverse-troll? >:]
that was satire

gay ass buzzwords are gay

Yeah, this is going on the front page of r/cringe


Not by you.
