This is the ideal Tales game. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Tales Of
Literally the worst Tales game in every conceivable way
>worst Tales game
I wouldn't go that far but it's definitely bad
Tales of the Abyss>>>>>>>>Tales of Symphonia>>>Tales of Xillia 2>>>Tales of Xillia>>>>Tales of Graces>>>Tales of Berseria>>>>>>Tales of Zestiria>>>>>>>Tales of Legendia
I can't get over how bad the cast is.
Right. Battle system is GOAT, story is comprehensible, characters are solid, customization feels powerful.
Best tales. A symphonia remake would top it but until then? The best
lol no
Dawn of the new world is the worst but yeah the combat and story in f is not very good
>the combat
imagine being this bad at videogames
I like all of them
Main arc is shit
Future arc is kino
I like all of them that i have played
I like all of them except the last 2 and wish both Xillia games weren't unfinished pieces of shit, since they do have a strong cast and worldbuilding but mediocre to bad everything else
My favorites are Graces F and Hearts R tho
The battle system was literally the ONLY good thing about thos game.
Story, characters, exploration, quests etc. were all garbage.
i just wish it had a worldmap
point and click tales feel so much lazier when it comes to development, as do current linear hallway tales
i'm playing tod dc for the first time and i'm having a blast with it
it saddens me that no other tales game will get a god tier remake like destiny did for a very simple reason: the other games don't have leon magnus
I'm very interested in playing ToD DC. Do you know Japanese or are you using a translation guide?
Good thing combat is literally 95% of the game then and everything is built around it
The characters were good anyways, the game barely took itself seriously and was pretty self aware for a Tales script, and the pacing made the lack of exploration outside really basic bullshit fine since you had entertaining side content in loads to make up for it
It was a pretty well crafted and balances Tales game that knew what it wanted to be, you literally can't even say a huge portion of the franchise does that right in the first place
It's also pretty deep and replayable which is a legit bonus, and for once difficulty settings are balanced properly without bs
i know japanese, but isn't there a translated script? i know there's one for rebirth
Is this the peak of Tales combat or is there a better one?
Yeah, I was just wondering if you can actually have fun while using a translation guide or if it's tedious and confusing.
it was too easy pleb lol troll harder
Tales of Xillia had a WAY better and more fun combat system. You people are fucking crazy with shit taste. Linking with party members and doing fucking link combos and attacks was 10x more fun than anything Graces had.
>Based Abyss Fag
Tear makes my penis tear up
i think it'd be like reading subtitles, i'd give it a shot if i were you
>Better combat
>Attack 5 times before the enemy gets iron stance
Atleast say Xillia 2
>Tales of Xillia had a WAY better and more fun combat system
Fine, Xillia 2. Still better than Graces to me.
Graces is literally a what if Platinum made a Tales game scenario come true
The game is 100% focused on cathartic split second precision first and foremost, it's literally the Bayonetta of Tales games
phantasia >>>>>>>>> all of them
>Bayonetta of Tales games
Bayonetta was hot fucking garbage, at least the first one was.
phantasia needs a definitive remake
>the game barely took itself seriously
Yeah no
>trying to get Graces F plat
>Inn request shit
Can't they all be just at once
I spend like an hour total just walking around waiting for the Katz quests appear
Very based
begone you disgusting skillless rotting walking vagina
I know action games are too hard for your inferior brains but please
They've had countless chances to remake it and they don't for a reason
PS1/NarakiriX version is fine
I know having fun over proving your skills with a garbage battle system is too hard for your inferior brain but please
Malik is the best old man character. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
You sound like a zoomzoom, it's fine the way it is, and still the best tales by far
so tell me how is Xillia/2 superior to Graces outside stupid cinematic bullshit that only slows the game down
because otherwise both games are literally a neutered version of Graces f with less of a skill floor/ceiling, more jank and no soul
>Legenda at the end
oh... no. that's wrong.
Dotw may be bad for whatever reasons people want to believe, but it has a fucking solid combat system, more so of you like air combos.
While I like Graces, a lot actually, I think it's the game that started the downfall.
>Imagine having a copy of Tales of Legendia with a quote and keychains framed on your wall
Good lord...that is hard to look at.
I hear you. Sometimes I close my eyes when I look to the right of me. Keeps my anxiety in check.
dawn may have good combat but the lack of actual party members (besides canadian tidus and that insufferable lolita) and shit story plus the linear world makes it the worst tales game in my book
That's based though
I get why people dislike Dawn. I think if they would have made it a spin off title at the very least it would have been received a little better overall, but they really wanted to ride off the Symphonia name. It's a shame really since it does have a couple things going for it.
see, now you I like.
symphonia is a tough act to follow
Reminder that there's going to be a Graces anniversary event in a couple of months. Port to modern systems is likely.
i wanna pinch her cheeks
"Best Tales game" is false praise. It's like being king of the retards or the best guy on the jv team. Being atop a pile of shit means very little.
I wholeheartedly agree. Symphonia was my first Tales game, like most I would assume, and it was a magical ride when I first played it with my now fiance back when we were both in high school. It carries a lot of nosalgia and memories with it, but at the same time, it holds up to this day. I still think it has some of the best boss fights in the Tales series, those being the Sword Dancer and Abyssion.
what's your favourite tales then? if you have one?
I wouldn't mind seeing a port or remaster of Graces F.
what tales are you playing right now, Yea Forums?
I'm always playing Legendia. I am at Will's character quest, which happens to me one of my favourites. I also started up Phantasia again. I recently acquired Arche and went back to the previous towns to get a couple of her strong magic spells. I'm also playing Vesperia, pretty much finished everything, just making my way through the final labyrinth dungeon to fight Spiral Draco.
I restarted Abyss too, trying to get my nephew to play with my fiance and I, but I don't think that's going anywhere. He doesn't seem to interested at this point.
Trying to get the plat in Graces F
9999 Eleth, Fodra and Lambda in 60 seconds left
Estelle had no personality and was innocent as fuck but was hot
Natalia was a whore but she was hot and had a personality.
Both are sheltered as fuck, but Estelle was "book smart" and had a photographic memory. Hmmm I guess I'd take Estelle. I mean, Natalia had daddy issues as well, so yeah.
god I wanna lick sophies cunny
What was the point of keeping CC and adding TP in Xillia??
I'm positive there are more annoying and tedious trophies in existence, but the 9999 eleth was just so god damn boring. The whole way through felt like wasted time, and you could literally feel it.
My guess was to make the west feel more comfortable since they are used to it. I'm sure there is a better answer however.
Xillia 2 because I like playing as Ludger. This series always feels like one step forward one step back, forever putting out 6/10 games with the occasional super shitty 4/10
>bad story
>boring towns
>overworld reduced to themed hallways between cities
>vapid main character
>shitty villain
>awful dungeon designs
>bad OST
People keep complimenting the battle system, but it doesn't make up for any of the aforementioned flaws, nor does it really start getting good until way late into game much like with any other Tales game.
I wanna grune Grune's Grunes
I just like the sense of familiarity. Every game (aside from sequels, and even then) as it's own story, characters, combat, etc; but at the end of the day you know you are playing a Tales game albeit that being a good or bad thing is subjective. I didn't really like Xillia 2. The beginning was a definite slog and everything else after that just felt quite mediocre and flat. It's still better than Berseria and Zestiria however.
Bloody howling~
All are shit compared to this Tales of game.
So how is this series post-Baba?
I'm playing it now and don't like dualizing equipment. It's probably cool with a guide, but playing blind it's such a pain in the ass trying to get the gems you want plus my steel tunic was so strong for so long I really had no reason to change to anything new.
Grune is a babe. Is this from Asteria or whatever the mobile game is from? Do they explain how she exists still?
>>awful dungeon designs
>>bad OST
whatever you think of the game these two things the game does better than symphonia, abyss, etc
Oh and she's pretty hot I should add.
daily reminder that Legendia bro is the best poster in Tales threads
>Legendia user still shows up.
Mate, you are one dedicated fan and I admire that. You do you.
Means a lot. thanks for that!
thanks user! appreciate the sentiments.
have dungeons ever really been a strong point in Tales games though?
Zesteria made me commit suicide.
Is there a worse tales game?
I guess you could argue Tempest, but even then I would rather play that. Honestly though, I think I enjoyed Zestiria more than Berseria. I know most people won't agree and that's fine, but Berseria is my absolute least favourite tales game.
it's from rays
I agree with you on Zestiria being an overall better experience than Berseria, though. Berseria was too lacking even on the most basic shit, even if the script was somewhat entertaining
It's from Rays. There's a Legendia event going right now that brings in Grune.
She's exoflected (cloned) from before she recovered her memories. You can see the post-story cast's reaction to finding her here:
And here is another Grune skit for more Legendia cast interaction:
>no ryona
>no bondage
Phantasia GBA port is ass
>whatever you think of the game these two things the game does better than symphonia, abyss, etc
Like hell it did. Symphonia's dungeons were eons better than this Graces'. Some of the puzzles were actually cool, where as the box pushing and switch puzzles in Graces was abysmal. As for the OST? Yeah, few games in the Tales series are particularly strong in that department, but at least they don't have a dungeon theme that's literally three chords being played over and over.
>the ideal tales is the one that fucked the franchise and made people drop the franchise
this faggot
>no phantasia
fucking dropped
GBA phantasia is borderline unplayable at times
Downloaded Vesperia a couple weeks ago. It's shit. Can't bring myself to pick it back up.
the combat system in xillia goes to the trash can automatically since every enemy goes into iron stance or use burst out of nowhere.
in fact tales has been a fucking shit show thanks to how anti-combo the games have gotten
totally agree. i don't know fully how to explain what i dislike about Berseria, but lacking is a damn good word.
Thanks user. I really appreciate you posting these otherwise I would have never seen them. It's cool they found a way to bring her back without just slapping her in and calling it a day. Do you really get to fight Schwartz again?
>gba port
forgot about this. pretty fucking awful.
more people need to play Phantasia. it's one hell of a game for being the first in the series.
Symphonia is literally the only Tales game without dungeons that aren't basic as fuck or straight up empty mazes that test nothing but combat skill. And you can really tell Graces wasn't even made with dungeon crawling in mind, which is why the bitch basic short combat gauntlets with throwaway puzzle ideas are fine.
I won't even talk about the OST. I'll just say you're approaching the game the wrong way with the wrong expectations and it's really fucking stupid to judge it for what it isn't according to you instead of what it is as a product, both in isolation and in relation to the rest of the franchise it's part of.
>Do you really get to fight Schwartz again?
It's a raid type event that's still ongoing (stages are unlocked as the entire playerbase earns enough points). The last stage hasn't unlocked yet, but it likely will be Schwartz given they're building up to her.
i heard that innocence on ds is fucking bad
Sounds neat. Definitely disappointed that it's a mobile game, but also happy that Legendia is getting some recognition that it truly deserves. do you know when the last stage will unlock? does someone normally upload boss fights? it's something I would really like to see. thanks again for all of this information.
>you never play as her
Innocence's dungeon design is absolutely abysmal, most of the time you're walking down identical hallways until you get to the boss and the final dungeon is a literal flight of stairs. I think the game is fine aside from that.
Anyone that likes Chloe and Norma is a friend of mine
Norma is best girl though!
Peak gameplay, sure. Weak everything else.
>I'll just say you're approaching the game the wrong way with the wrong expectations and it's really fucking stupid to judge it for what it isn't according to you instead of what it is as a product
Well, how am I supposed to approach it, then? Ignore every normal characteristic of a good game in favor of some arbitrary criteria specific to the Tales series? If you DO mean the latter, that's stupid for two reasons. First, outside of combat, Tales is a pretty standard JRPG series and can be easily judged within the framework of said genre. Second, even within the context of the Tales series itself, it fails to make a good impression.
No exact eta since it depends on how fast the players earn points, but at the current rate it will probably unlock early tomorrow maybe late tonight.
I don't know any specific channel that uploads boss fights, but there's definitely some people that do. Just look up the jap name テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ on youtube and check the ones uploaded after tomorrow.
On another note, here's the new MAs released with this event:
Same. Even the spinoffs that I've worked through like Reve Unitia were pretty fun.
I don't understand all this hate for Zestiria. Excluding the camera, it was fairly solid as a whole.
She is so good
Still better than Tales of the Tempest on DS.
Awesome. Thank you so very much for all of this. I'm going to check everything out once I get back from dinner.
Well, it has been fun anons. If the thread is still up when I get back I'll jump back in to see what's going on. If not, good night/good day to everyone.
>being casual filtered this hard
You're shit with zero attention span. It has the best cast of any tales game, the best combat system, the most fleshed out world and best paced/most epic story, etc etc.
>best cast
>best combat system
>It has the best cast of any tales game
subjective, i think vesperia's cast in general is pretty bland
i love its battle system and graphics though
I thought Vesperia's cast was fucking garbage. Half the cast barely even matters, especially Judith who's only role later on is calling your airship. It's character interactions are also poor, remaining relatively stale. The story was lackluster and just jumped around all over the place with abrupt transitions. First we chased some blastia thief, then we just follow the whims of a sheltered princess, and suddenly we have to get rid of climate change.
Combat system's nice, but it's held back by retarded designs until you get to endgame. What the absolute fuck is the point of introducing altered artes so goddamn early when you can't chain them from or into anything until way later in the game? Why is TP so scarce? Why are bosses allowed to use Mystic Artes without first landing a clean hit on you, and also just tech out of your combos? There are so many little things wrong with Vesperia and it builds into an annoying experience.
That aint Tempest.
I really liked Phantasia. Does the FVE add anything, or is it basically just a graphical remaster? I know X changes spells so they don't freeze the action.
>Senel ending it with the way he finishes a Climax
Now thats a sick fucking reference.
You may not like it, but Graces f EASILY has the best gameplay.
They were retarded to abandon that system. It was kino.
but they didn't, zestiria uses it
I want to drink a six pack of Sodia
I want to throw her off a fucking bridge, bitch never had to face consequences
Jesus christ, are you guys seeing what im seeing
Neither did Yuri and yet everyone loves him.
Him killing 2 corrupt assholes saved hundreds and prevented innocent people from being played with and killed for fun.
From what I played
Graces f>vesperia>symphonia>berseria>>>Xillia>Xillia 2>courage is the magic that turns dream into reality
forgot zestiria, second to last I guess
every single one of the goal post shifts were seen through to resolution before moving onto something else and done in a way which gradually increased the size/scope of the stage (from local matter to guild matter to world stage).
all of the cast are memorable and the interactions are fun and varied. ToV literally has the largest number of skits of any tales game for a reason. the fact the japanese voice cast can come together years later to reminisce about their time recording says something about the love and care put into the end product.
That's well and good, but the game constantly brings up that Yuri's actions are questionable, even if his intentions are noble, only to drop that whole point later in the game.
I think living with the guilt of attempted murder and watching your crush NTR you with the guy you tried to murder counts as consequences
It wasn't just dropped. Flynn felt strongly about it not because of the 'legality vigalantism' but because the path yuri set himself on would only hurt himself. That's all he cared about, Yuri's tendency to be self sacrificing (to the point of being self destructive). Flynn had nothing more to say about the matter after the atrocities he committed in nordipolica (under Alexei's command) and his loss in faith in the system.
Looks like my only option is to hire someone to make a custom figure for her.
add Vesperia = to the beginning and I mostly agree
these two remind me of rita and estelle but with none of the gay
>Yea Forums was expanded to 15 threads per page
>is currently moving at the same speed as before thanks to smash spam
Fucking hell