Shes killed hundreds

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Other urls found in this thread:

big milk

>made a furfag kill himself
Is she /ourgirl/?

its they/them

>she swallowed billions


She save bundreds

She also sucked dozens of penises to promote her shitty game but then became the face and voice of a feminist gamer and SJW revolution. She also has nudes on the internet I believe, actually really nice tits if I remember correctly.


So where's their statement? They literally took part in the killing of their ex-coworker.

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disgusting ham-mittens pounded out this post

just a band splitting up bro

is this feminist sjw bayonetta?

well done





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Ugh, you virgins don't understand, she's the victim and the rapist took the easy way out, pathetic.

They said he deserved it for being a wh*te male and that they will deserve it when it happens to them in the future too

yep it was a vast conspiracy of murderers... if only he had been forewarned he may have avoided being the trigger man
grow up

>implying you wouldn't suck her cock

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Holy shit. That mockery

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who is this and what does it have to do with video games?

Her and anita unironically won, look at the gaming industry now

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>western women

hot until I noticed that flab of fat under her armpit

>diversity lounge

only trannies care about this shit. projecting


>his sister was against him
thats some real shit

why are so many people trying to fuck those abominations?

I'd rather stay virgin for the rest of my life.

I hope both he and his fursona get DFTD

gg i know i won. go back to twitter. i won't read your reply. you'll still be seething and obsessed with eceleb faggotry lol

Of fucking course

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actually kekking
say what you want about her but she's a top tier drama queen

But the Diversity Lounge makes me want to commit suicide even more.

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I don’t use twitter but this guy’s a real fag

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Desperate men will do dumb things.

oh the things that must happen in that sick head... makes me shiver just thinking about it

>diversity lounge

Thing is I don't understand why any adult or anyone who's over 20 years of experience living in this earth would believe her when all the past and present facts are stacking up against her that she's a pathological liar.

>female millwright

400 lb gargoyle dyke detected

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> diversity lounge
> suicide center
Also have have any of you ever been to Pax? The layout of shit is so weird. South had a hall filled with bean bag chairs and a ton of really fat older people sunk into them playing with young kids.

It’s a tranny too with the she/her lingo

I hate women so much

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The guy was probably getting scolded on his "bad behavior" at home

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Same. Why can't we just kill all whores?

jesus christ, i can't believe it's not satire


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When will you retards realize Islam is the only solution to feminism?

imagine for a moment, the smell.

I wish Zoe Quinn had the actual power to make people kill themselves. Yea Forums would look a lot better.

Seriously though. Why would anyone want to touch this with a ten foot pole, much less their fingers or their dicks?

>She also has nudes on the internet I believe

>actually really nice tits if I remember correctly.


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I thought she was hot,Yea Forums? What happened???? LOL.

I wish zoe would GET THE FUCK OFF
Yea Forums

Tank whatever shitty game she's working on? Tank the shitty game she's working on.

nothing's holding you back

>game she's working on

>Yea Forums
>am I fitting in yet, guys?

she just neeed to show her Vagina Pass and everyone forgets everything else.

Then who am I thinking of? Some feminist gamer chick had tit pictures on the internet and I remember them being really fucking nice. I swear I thought it was Zoe? Maybe someone equally well known, can't remember.

If the culture we're promoting makes you feel like killing yourself, please report to the Suicide Center at the Diversity Lounge where a team of doctors will prescribe you psychotropic drugs. Many thanks to Comrade Sarkeesian for making gaming an inclusive space for everyone.

Most people don't look that deeply into things, even things they have strong opinions on. It's more of a social action to say "I support abused women" than them actually having thought about it.

They're cowards trying to run away from this.


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what the fuck, and I got thrown out of there for playing with young kids

leftists are cannibals

You can't convict somebody of that, generally speaking

I want Zoe to fart down my throat and threaten to accuse me of rape if I don't do as she says and be her toilet/fuck toy

Communism and feminism are killing this world, I don't blame people from give up. This shit is so fucked up we maybe see the apocalypse of Devilman with everyone turning into demons and eating each other soon.

there's an INCREDIBLE clip on pornhub of a Zoe lookalike getting tickle tortured, I highly recommend it, literally spilled buckets to it

>irrational wiki
Oh you

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That one antifa chick who got punched in the face by a manlet at a protest did some porn. She has a great body, but leftism made her think that deconstructing beauty standards by growing tacky dreadlocks and not trimming her pubes was a good idea.

We'll make sure the only copies she sells are to the few hundred furfags and cucks who follow them around.

Reminds me of the Cultural Revolution, where children would torture and beat their parents and siblings into confessing to being counter revolutionaries

>we maybe see the apocalypse of Devilman with everyone turning into demons and eating each other soon
Unironically can't wait. Let all the garbage be cleansed off this world in one fell swoop.

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And mother iirc
Despicable behaviour. Imagine how duplicitous you must be to toss aside your own family for social media points.

Will she regret this in her old age?

Why exactly do we need this shit? Go fucking attention whore on reddit or something, fuck

gonna need a link, friend

What could a Diversity Lounge be? I've tried coming up with something in my head but the best image I had was some hired staff that just hang out there and reassure you that diversity exists. They are chosen by race and sex. What on Earth could this be?

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Her cunt must be carrying all sorts of diseases. She may look healthier outside but inside? Fuck that gay shit

like I know, right? I can't even...

That case is why I said "generally speaking"

>Throwing family under the bus for points
>Lives with gecko and cat
It adds up.

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this is some clown world shit right there


We both know it’s just a regular lounge that they call “a diversity lounge” because it sounds more woke

>destroys any chance of being any professional setting forever
>makes soiman end himself

yeah, i'm thinking /it'sbased/

Can I get a quick rundown? Why is this bitch being spammed again?

google it dumbass

>Diversity Lounge
Are niggers and chinks just not allowed anywhere else in PAX?

Her patreon was running out of money so she stirred up drama with false accusations and the dude killed himself.

I want to hear it with memes and buzzwords

/pol/ was wrong yet again.

That post wasn't related to Xenogears at all.

reported for meme misuse. Remove yourself from the thread.

God, I really, really hope Dante's hell is real. There's literally a circle reserved for those who betrayed their own. I want this bitch to go there and be tortured for eternity. This is beyond disgusting.

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beanbags, sadness, and STDs

Would fuck her brains out lads

I unironically fap to the mental image of a giant Zoe Quinn eating me.

She facing legal issues or just e-drama?

>rapist killed himself

this is a problem why?

She called out some socjus indie twat for fingering her too hard almost a decade ago. Rest of twitter joined in, and suddenly the man had raped most of the west coast. He lost his job, career, friends, and got disowned by his family. He killed himself, and his sister talked mad shit and licked Zoe's feet while publicly announcing his death.

>Your own brother fucking kills himself
>Side with the person that drove him to it
My sister is about as nutty a feminist as there is and not even she would do this.

She's not facing anything other than e-drama, she got all the support and people believed despite being a pathological liar

Why not think of a cuter girl voring you instead of la goblina?

oh shit she must have fallen hard after gg if she is associating with furries and tabletop nerds now

>Associating with women outside of absolute necessity

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Wew lad


>raise daughter
>she kills your only son

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>heh heh, this'll be the tweet to make him finally off himself!
-Zoe Quinn, August 27 2019

Protip: InfiniteAmmoDev was Alec

careful user, one day you will be a rapist too

He wasn't a rapist for one

Very sad, she spoke about some violent relationship with alec holowka (no rape) but mixer other cases sexual assault she hear it, mass media and twitter transform it to super rapist alec holowka, yesterday alec holowka suicide.

Now journalist kill someone and zoe quinn delete twitter account.

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Reminder that fucking Moot was friends with her

THIS is what a bunch of men are tripping over themselves for? When did guys become so thirsty?

My sister or brother could do all the wrong in the world and i would defend them.

People who betray their own fucking siblings of all people should be shot.

Shit tier pred user. I'd eat you and shit you out just to deny you your pathetic fantasy.

Wasn't part of the original 5 Guys stuff that she freaked out about the wife of a dude she was fucking getting a test, because she was convinced it would come back positive, ie she had infected the dude who had then infected his wife.

Difference is she spent months literally telling this guy to kill himself and psychologically breaking him down.

This is the first time I can say "Wise of a Took"

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I really don't understand his sister. If some cunt would accuse me of sexual harassment for fun, my sister would beat her half dead.

shouldn't have gone around raping people than

>try to look up her account on twitter
>its deleted but "#ZoeBodyCount" is a thing

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user stop raping me


nice tits i would've fuck her and my friends will congratulate me after she tweet about our "rape"

fucking gross. jfc I swear soi cucks need to acquire taste in women

You just raped me. You have no proof against it. Now kill yourself because you are guilty.

Because that's part of the fetish.

I don't know how you can defame a mentally ill person as a group using unsubstantiated claims to the point where they become an hero and not only justify it and forget about it, but come out of it feeling like you're a good person.

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This user led me around the house by my penis, it was a horrible experience i am shaking just telling you guys.. please... believe me Yea Forums

those tits aren't real

I can't imagine how the guy felt, his own fucking sister even turned against him.

This is the shit nightmares are made of

Imagine throwing your own blood under the bus.

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But doctor, the Diversity Lounge IS the Center for Suicide Awareness

Isnt it also REEseteras mob the reason he necked himself?

She claimed that the guy who made Night in the Woods raped her 10 years ago when they were living together. The guy suffered from severe depression and of course no one did any fact checking so he was instantly inundated with hate mail and people cutting ties with him despite a lack of evidence and he killed himself. It’s still not known if he actually did it or not but Quinn’s supporters exacerbated things with an already mentally unstable man and it ended in tragedy.

must be rough being betrayed by your own family, not even a proof and everybody sided with the chick because feminism

Claimed he was mean and fingered her too hard or something, never accused him of rape to my knowledge.

Having accidentally walked into it at PAX, it's not really a lounge.
Just a room set aside with various diversity themed booths. A lot of LGBTQ+ stuff and a few women groups.
I'm not sure what's so stressful tho, it's pretty chill.

I like giantess vore myself and I’d much rather have a cute, fat girl voring me than that goblin

she never even claimed he raped her is the funny part, everyone just assumed that and made it even fucking worse for the guy.

Be fucking careful anons you never know when it's going to be you.

>Literally a circle
user, traitors get literally the bottom of hell in Inferno.
Like, they're all on the same level of hell as Satan. The very bottom of the crater formed from his fall from the heavens. The treasonous are entrapped in ice for all eternity to represent the truest punishment God can deliver: Isolation.

Why? Consider this: In Alec's darkest moment, he was betrayed not only by Zoe (someone who, in her stated announcement accusing him specifically states some other person raped/almost raped her but he apologized/isn't relevant so she's on good terms with that person), but his colleagues, and most importantly, even his own family. All of those people did their part to isolate him for their own ego and personal gain, most importantly his sister, with no proven reason to do as much. In betraying someone, you isolate them, and final ring in the final layer of Hell is betrayal returned: To be isolated, frozen in place and buffet by stinging icy winds.

Alec's sister -- and arguably everyone involved -- would be in the 9th circle, outer layer: Traitors to their kindred. Frozen up to their necks in ice and only allowed to bow their heads.

In fact, you could argue even worse for his coworkers that stripped him of a job he did most of the work for. Their treachery could very well count as treachery toward a benefactor: These people are next to Satan in Dante's cosmology, completely submerged in ice and doomed to spend an eternity in a conscious state of death, effectively.


I'd rather have a cute girl too but I ocasionally desire ugly women to do it as well.


This is the image you’ll find in the dictionary next to the word “slampig”

>So hungry for drama and attention that you kill your own blood.

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Only because she thought he was one of (you).


>Zoe Quinn makes a game about depression
>gets a clinically depressed person to kill themselves


>those glasses
>Lists her illnesses

This is true NPC.

I doubt she even cared who he was, she just needed patreon and pity bucks and found a target from her past

*big plastic

>that bio

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For me, it's the Third Impact.

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They dispense yogurt on good days.

haggard whore

Honestly this bitch was probably more at fault than Zoe. Imagine your own family doing this to you.

why would anybody stick their dick in that?

please get some standards, guys

Dick wants what the dick wants.

>if she didn't want to get killed, she shouldn't have gone around practicing witchcraft

I don't know. I'll play devil's advocate here but I remember of that video where the kid said he was going to shoot up a nearby schools as a joke and his mom was adamantly defending him saying it's a game. people were mad at his mom for defending him saying she didn't raise him right.

I actually remember when that "game" was posted here for the first time, before any of the retarded drama and the thread was a 20/80 mix of faggots talking about their feelings and the remaining 80% talking about how obvious it is from playing that the creator was just a narcissist who wanted to be treated like a victim, with a few comments about how it's not a video game mixed in. Pretty funny in hindsight, actually.

Right, I forgot that it is on the lowest level of hell. I wasn't sure of it and thought there may be something worse than it, though the way you phrase it, it is much clearer to see it is the most disgusting act you can perform.

Funny thing about all of this is I'm a fedora, yet this is the most I've wished for in over a decade to be wrong about it. I'm fucking sick and tired of seeing more and more trash that deserves punishment get away scot-free. It really is starting to mentally exhaust me to know these people will never get the shit they deserve if there isn't a hell for them to go to. So I want there to be one, for the sake of not falling apart out of desperation and impotence about how rotten some people can be.

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What will the final body count be? Will we see double digits before people catch on?


When the fuck did ACCUSED and ALLEGED became CERTAIN GUILT

I had a shitty supervisor once. It was running a month long event, and the supervisor used to make me do the shit work, cut our breaks then fuck off for three hours with her boyfriend, typical shit. I always did what I was told, didn't mean I had to like it. I mentioned to another front of house that she was a bitch and I didn't like her - big mistake. She ran off and told her straight away. The supervisor immediately cried foul (as in, ran off to her boyfriend, and the other supervisors, and actually cried, for sympathy. Crocodile tears). I wasn't punished, since I always worked hard, was good with patrons and they needed me, and I was already doing the shit jobs nobody else wanted to do anyway.
But the whole thing got back to my sister (who was working there at the same time, in a different venue) and I remember to this day how shitty it felt when I came home after a long shift and found her and our mum gossiping about it. They completely sided with the supervisor, told I shouldn't have said what I said (in private), I had really hurt her (by saying she was a shitty boss) and I should apologise. They never asked me for my story. Well I didn't apologise, but I was hurt, and I remembered how it felt for nearly a decade until my mum mentioned it once and I exploded at her. She still doesn't feel like she was in the wrong for not even asking to hear my side. I love my family, but it felt - still feels, all these years later - like a knife through the heart.
Compared to what it was like for this guy, that was nothing. I can't imagine how awful he felt. His family publicly tossed him under the bus without a shred of remorse. No fucking wonder he killed himself.

Is Alec the only person she accused of rape?

Since 2016 when the left went crazy.

It will never be me. I god damn wish i was responsible for some rapes.

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not gonna lie, i wouldn't call a 400 lbs steel mill worker tranny a tranny to his face

She didn't accuse him of rape, but it's not the first person she's accused of abuse. There's more than enough evidence of her making exaggerated claims of abuse in the past too.

>Yea Forums suddenly cares about soi boy kiling himself

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I'd fuck her

sorry, can you type that out again? I don't think that's what you meant.

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>Makes an anti-trump virtue signaller and furry kill himself
Based Zoe unknowingly quelling the lefty population

>A woman
>having or showing regret

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Women spewing false claims for money/fame is far worse than any of those things. women like her do REAL damage. case in point.

I want her to step on my dick

Where did I make a mistake?

Honestly, I'd take a cuck like that over human scum like Zoe any day.

It's like number 7 or something.

If she's got that many people apparently abusing her maybe she's the problem?

It must be awful to have family you can’t depend on. I hope that you have people in your life that you can trust.

>soiboi kills him self
>Yea Forums all of a sudden cares.
im tired of seeing this dyke already

What a foul ghoul of a human

A real nigga would've killed her and than necked

She claims her brother was her "best friend", yet being so rigidly dogmatic led to her abandoning him when he needed her most.
If she has a conscience, it'll be too much for her and she's the next one to end herself.

>Women poisoning an industry with drama

It’s been happening since the dawn of time.

>That face every time.
You can tell that he's in a waking nightmare and trying to shut himself off.

>All these replies to a fake tweet

the question remains....

has Yea Forums ever killed someone?

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In fairness all the pro-trump people are fucking morons.

I mean jesus fuck, Trump claims he got repeated calls from the chinese and they want to make a deal. The chinese clarify they have no knowledge of any such calls taking place. Trump's aids clairfiy they have no knowledge of any such calls taking place.

You shouldn't stick up for people who respect you so little they lie to you daily.

Though, his new press secretary says Trump has never lied to the American people, so there's that.

yes, look at every school shooting

Maybe she should have handled her dirty laundry privately then.

The saddest part is that were the only ones who care in general.

Explain the appeal of such a fetish please.

or maybe he was an actual piece of shit of a human being?