Do you value historical accuracy in vidya?

Do you value historical accuracy in vidya?

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no, they're just video games. the game has you exploring alien atlantis and shit with your super assassin powers.

If the setting is historical then accuracy is important. If not then who the fuck gives a shit?

>the game has you exploring alien atlantis and shit with your super assassin powers.
which are of no fantastical value if the setting isn't credible, only cheapens the whole thing

yes, but only if the game is purposefully trying to be accurate in any way.
there is seriously no point in trying to make something accurate in some places while also trying to create something purposefully wrong. You either make something new or stay true to history. The second there is some sort of 'middle ground' between the two, things get fucked and confusing.

All historical equality bullshit aside, can we focus on the fact that the main character would literally not exist if the ancestors were gay?

>I like Assassin's Creed game because it teaches me about history!

Yeah, by telling you lies.

okay lol


Stop shilling your crappy video.

layla isn't related because magic animus and alexios real parents only fucked once for procreation so even if he was gay, he'd only have to do it once or twice for lineage purposes
hell, even today there are many fathers who come out as gay and go on to be homos at 40

You really shouldn't be looking to video games for your educational needs.

Kass is nice and it's all that matters.

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The American consumers refuse history, values and tradition as theirs is a society based on consuming and living only present pleasures without the worries brought by looking back or anxieties given by looking forward

But these characters aren't written as confused brainwashed parents.

Depends on the game. Though technically, accuracy is always a moot point when video games got to make sacrifices for the sake of gameplay. Even the most complex Grand Strategy games simplify everything for the sake of sanity.

Idc about historical accuracy, I liked playing as Kassandra. The game takes many artistic liberties anyways.

Imagine this. Historical equality is widely accepted for some fucking reason. The entire world agrees, and now women are seen as warriors equal to, if not greater then men. Suddenly, ayy lmaos invade and women are enlisted in masses to fight these aliens and save our world because they were deemed to be strong and independent. Suddenly, the entire army is overpowered and wiped out while the men, who have superior strength and reaction times, are left. The Earth can no longer repopulate because there are too few women and too many men. We die as a species because women couldn't keep their ego in check.

No amount of advanced weaponry will make a female more combat capable then a male. Revising history to put females in the place of males rather then celebrating what makes females strong is how the end times come. Go look at the last logs of the roman empire, its the same shit as we are going through now.

Their entire empire fell because of the illusion of equality. So yes, historical accuracy is very important even though 90% of it is most likely lies. Since the winners write history. So we will never learn from it and are doomed as a species.

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realism fags deserve the rope


don't make me post sweden's or the bbc's take on history

Fuck no if I want to learn history I'd read a book or watch a documentary, not play a glorified children's toy

Women were given only rights, not duties.

>society based on consuming and living only present pleasures

Denying jobs to non-white actors because of historical accuracy is pretty shitty. Everyone already knows Europeans were historically European. Doesn't mean in the present day you have to hire exclusively white people to play movies where ancient greeks are fighting aliens.

What about needs for representation?

If the game is basing itself on history, yes, the more accurate the better. There is nothing stopping anyone from making fantasy based on history, there is a certain disconnect when you make something historical and it doesnt even try to adhere to history.

The problem with re writing history through a modern lens you make it so certain things dont make sense in that world

>give all black people magic powers, only black people
>in this same world it is to be believed that black people were still enslaved for generations and are still the subject of institutional poverty and weakness and that the exact same politics is going on today in relation to black people
Like, some shit just doesnt make sense anymore once you start fucking with it. Make it fantasy or make it accurate, the middle ground is fucking lame.

>getting mad at video games

that's the problem, it's not supposed to be fantasy
fantastic is not fantasy

Just say you don't care about historical accuracy goddamn. Parading made up phrases to sound smug is what riles people up.

Now hold on a sec, if there's equal representation of men and women in the military, and the military is wiped out wholesale, wouldn't that mean that the loss of men would be equal to the loss of women, thereby meaning that the population would still have an equal gender split?

Choose one:

1) We enlist only men so they can die in the name of Israel, and leave our women to receive Ashton's BBC.

2) Women and Men are both draftable, hence MRAs can't complain that men get all the duties, and no rights.

I think it's cool sometimes but really it depends on the game. I understand it's inconvenient to add mechanics if they would make the game less fun as a result.
The reason why people shat on ASS Creed wasn't because it was inaccurate for the sake of convenience or making fun gameplay, but because it was inaccurate for ideological reasons and I think people have a right to disagree. It's dumb if you bought the game though because they got your money anyways in that case.

Nah, I prefer fantasy.

not really although I haven't touched an asscread game since 3 my friend had a copy of the egyptian one and after playing it for about 20 minutes I'm glad I never went back to this series

>riles people up
Oh noooo we don't want that happening, do we...

>(current year)
>Ubisoft product
>not being all about inclusive gameplay™

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>Oppressed people have super powers
Is there a name for this trope?

Inaccuracy for the sake gameplay is one thing, inaccuracy for the sake of rewriting the "problematic" parts of history is obnoxious shit and should be belittled whenever it crops up.

I do because i think people believe these inaccuracies
People argue that's not true, but then they dont like it if certain things are said about history even if they are true

Inaccuracies only seem to be okey if it warps European history and hurts white people

It's called the BBC.

The game literally says several times it's not historically accurate

To a degree. Does the change make sense ir is it just a change for the sake of modern perception?

>super nazi base on the moon

>changing a vase for no reason
not ao based

How is the British Broadcasting Channel giving people super powers?

i'm so mad because it felt like something else at first or maybe i was just really hoping it was something else

but it's just

you're in a virtual reality if you simplify it we left these gifts 4 you lmao

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>Do you value historical accuracy in vidya
Depends. If it gets in the way of gameplay (IE, catching cholera and being toilet ridden for a week), then it should get a cut, but otherwise historical games should try to be as historical as possible.

That's my biggest beef with Civ VI - the ahistorical importance placed on unimportant leaders due to gender politics.

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So when you're playing the game normally, a narrator chimes in saying that this isn't historically accurate?

>Inclusive gameplay
That's dumb, how does that make the gameplay more inclusive? Were male only classes preventing blind people from playing?

what do you mean the series where you fistfight the pope in an alien bunker underneath the sistine chapel isn't historically accurate?

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History is mostly just theories anyway. All the written accords are from a very specific class of people, namely those who could read and write, so what the other 99.9% of the population were up to is anyone's guess. Based on ancient letters recovered from Sumer it seems unlikely the commoners went around mistreating women on an hourly basis because then you just get axed by her father/brother/husband.

Imagine being so mad that your ancestors did nothing of note that you think everyone else should just pretend they were part of things to make you feel better. I wouldn't expect a white actor to be cast in a movie about ancient Kenyans or anything like that, why should you expect a non white to portray someone of note in Rome?

It absolutely does mean that. I will not think otherwise until the white/blackwashing of history goes both ways and we get white Shaka or white MLK.

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That's has a basis on reality though. Germans had a bunch of super secret weapons in development they never had a chance to use because WWII ended so this day people speculate they had bases in the arctic or that the US kept some of that research and uses it to this day.
So that's more of an urban legend, not historic revisionism.


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Why are diversity hires always black and not other minorities? When's the last time you saw an East Asian among the featured cast in a Western film (outside Crazy Rich Asians)?

Wish fulfilment? I dont think it has a name, another thing that needs a name is
>rebels are unequivocally the good guys
I fucking hate it, I despise this trope, the government doesnt need to be the good guys in this scenario, but the rebels being saints is fucking tired.

B-b-b-back that ass up to RetardEra. Make it fantasy if you want to include more women or diverse casts. Keep historical games historical. If there were a history game set in medieval Western Africa, I would expect it to be 99.999% black people, the 0.001% being Ibn Batuta.

I've genuinely never been so distressed by a game's portrayal of history than the portrayal of Greek (Byzantine) in the city of Constantinople as evil racists fighting against the Noble Turks. I was in complete and utter shock at how brazen it was.

>Caring about 'historical accuracy' in Demigod Simulator
Who cares about history when you can kick the Nemean Lion to death and fight the Minotaur in the Labyrinth.

>character is female just because, or maybe even cause they wanted some sex appeal
>Character is female because diversity quotas must be met, and inclusiveness is more important than oxygen, and your time is over you white male, cisgendered scum

> show that blacks were never enslaved
> show that women always had equal rights
> show that Hitler invited the Jews over for a round of beers
At some point historical revisionism is just an excuse to pretend like the struggles of humanity never existed.

>I wouldn't expect a white actor to be cast in a movie about ancient Kenyans

Why not? Pic related happens all the time. The first ones that say "Ethnicity doesn't matter. Only skill." Were white actors playing black or asian characters.

Are you racist?

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>Happens all the time
Name 3 times this decade. Most of the time it's white people getting blackwashed.

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Wasn't that the really shitty Peter Pan movie from China that didn't really have to do with Neverland and was just an excuse for pirates in overly colorful outfits to fight each other in flying ships?

Not that user, but Assassin's Creed is a fantasy series, that happens to reference history, not accurately portray it.
It's a video game, not a telling of real events.

This happens in art and other media all the time. We're essentially at the peak of one swing of the pendulum in one direction, namely towards depicting past events through a certain lens. It's not going to take long until people start craving the GRITTY, REALISTIC, and VISCERAL depiction of historical events and the pendulum starts swinging the other way again.

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The problem is that that stuff is basically a "Director's commentary" thing, you don't see it normally and you have to go out of your way to find this out. Second, their entire GDC talk about the topic was them flaunting that they tried to make everything about the setting as realistic as possible to the point that they hired a live-in consultant on Ancient Greece who could read Greek from the time period that told them not to mess with things because it wouldn't be historically accurate, and then you see stuff like this. The lady even had arguments with the team about how they would be doing stuff they'd have to immediately correct because they're being inaccurate to the history.

The difference here is that those are add-ons to the history, they don't supersede it and history still has to go exactly as it was. People have to die, things have to look and feel like they do, etc. They even make it a very specific point in Unity to have Danton die at the guillotine despite the fact Arno was there to save him and actually got close enough to speak to him.
The fact that the pope was actually a member of a secret organization and didn't give two shits about his religion is something that happens on the side and could still fit into the historical aspect of it without it being mentioned. If they decided to change the look of, I don't know, the Pantheon because it was an Isu construct and it became a shapeshifting mech despite the fact it existed far past ACB's depiction of it wouldn't you be a bit pissed off considering that goes against how the Isu made their stuff and how no one in history documented a giant mech? The games follow history and changes characters to be part of the Assassins/Templars with PoEs being things on the side, but they still have to follow history.

Historical fantasy at best. It's still using real people, places, and events, so it very much should represent them accurately.

>Make it fantasy
>Keep historical games historical
>cyclopes, minotaurs, medusas, sphinxes, Cerberus, Atlantis, the Underworld, the Elysian Fields, Greek gods

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I don't care if they go stray from history for gameplay or artistic reasons. But purposefully altering historical facts for political reasons is just revisionism. It's literally no different than creationists altering historical books.

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Because if I'm watching a movie specifically about Ancient Kenyans then I don't want to see Chris Prat. It takes me out of the movie.

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Brotherhood was the best AC, prove me wrong
you can't

Oh I'm totally racist, but I wouldn't want to see something like the pic you posted either. Diversity for diversity's sake is disgusting. Shit like having the one called "The White God" played by a black guy in Thor was despicable no matter how well he acted, because it was literally a token diversity choice, but I also think that the Black Panther movie would have greatly suffered if they chose a white man to play a major, historically black role. What's more racist is thinking you should be put in over another just because there aren't enough people on screen with your skin color.

Why though? This isn't for educational purposes. It's for escapism.

Depends on the game. Even if i would love some assburger version of Castlevania with a wallachian, with french ascendency Simon Belmont, down to dialogues in wallachian and orthodox and muslim imagery and scenarios, proper clothing to the time where the game is set, i can deal with the original game version with things like Simon the barbarian and Ritcher with a martial artist headband.

Why do you think Odyssey is the outcast of the series? The only people who even like it are those who don't like Assassin's Creed in the first place. They decided to make magical shit simply because "It's not Greece without ancient monsters!" Even the enemies use fire weapons when this never happened before in the series and it makes no sense. Odyssey is the biggest departure from adhering to history even within the context of AC, there's so much that it does wrong. The fact you're allowed to make choices as your character already proves it's not an AC game because then that's not a historical representation of the ancestor's life which immediately contradicts the Animus.

Like the totally accurate historical representation of Perikles' grisly death at the hand of some super-Saiyan jedi descendant of ancient aliens working as an enforcer for an ancient evil cult of ancient alien worshipers who secretly control all of Greece? That history?

I love Kassandra. Very pretty face and sexy braided ponytail. Assassins creed game itself is shit though.

isn't hiding inequality actually disrespectful towards those who were repressed at one point in time?

Please don't reply as if you are me, I'm trying to have a real conversation with this nigga.

Although I agree with you

Not in my magical space ninja assassin creed games

No. I piss on muh accurate realism in all its insidious forms

>Do I value historical accuracy in vidya
>Do I value historical accuracy in a game where ancient civilizations made high tech orbs that can control the destiny of mankind?
Not really.

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That's part of their mythos, yes. You can make historical games fun too. It's more believable than Greeks teaching women in schools.

1) The Last Airbender.

2) Ghost in the Shell.

3)Michael and Marlon. Pic related.

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Uh Atlantis was real you dumb incel

We're a dying breed in this cesspool of pointless politics. I just want a movie that feels like a story and not a production.

>Why do you think Odyssey is the outcast of the series?
Because unlike all the other games, it's actually good.
>The only people who even like it are those who don't like Assassin's Creed in the first place.
Exactly, because Assassin's Creed is a fucking terrible franchise.
>Odyssey is the biggest departure from adhering to history even within the context of AC
You do not get to claim that there was ever the tiniest grain of historical accuracy when the very first game involved not only ancient aliens, but very explicitly said that the entire game isn't even real in-universe, but just a simulation like The Matrix. It's literally in-universe propaganda, and totally retarded.

Consequently, Odyssey is the best because it minimizes the impact of the atrocious modern-day segments that bring you out of the actual fun part.

This, she a good girl and I wish she was my wife

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Dude. The Witcher cast only has one black woman. The other two are Indian and Middle Eastern.

It's not my fault you guys immediately jump the guns and call everyone you don't like a black woman.

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It's made up. Plato made up tons of places that didn't exist to prove a point.

Like "The Republic". There was no Republic 3000 years ago.

>Ghost in the Shell
They made Ishikawa and Bouma black.

>Indian and Middle Eastern.
different shades of poop. Not white.

The 33, though that's more of a "literally who?" movie.

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The first one was a terrible movie based on a world that doesn't exist. It was panned by every audience.

The second did fuck things up but the "white" body was a robot and the character was Japanese

I have no idea what that third one is

wtf i want to pirate odyssey now

Yeah, it's a damn shame that politics are what sell these days. Maybe in 10 more years things will be better

Sure. But you do admit there was whitewashing. How about 3 more:

>The Lone Ranger.
>Exodus: Gods and Kings.

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The best part is they picked one of the ugliest black women they could have

>The Witcher cast only has...
It shouldn't have ANY. Dropped.

Really splitting hairs there.
The Avatar cartoon was praised for its emphasis on various cultures. Each land in the cartoon was inspired by a real culture. So naturally, when the live action movie came out, people expected characters to look like the culture they were inspired by. Not a much of white californian kids.

Motoko is Japanese, and should have had a Japanese body. Why would she take a white body for herself? Makes no sense.

>it's actually good.
Because you like The Witcher. You like a completely different series.
>because Assassin's Creed is a fucking terrible franchise.
So then why are you playing an Assassin's Creed game if you don't like Assassin's Creed? Seems pretty idiotic.
> but very explicitly said that the entire game isn't even real in-universe, but just a simulation like The Matrix.
Except in the very first game you are RELIVING MEMORIES CANONICALLY. Meaning everything that happens happened in history like Altair never getting his is canon. They only started rewriting history with Liberation and even then the Assassins hacked out the Templar edits so you could view them properly. The fact you don't even know how the Animus works already shows you're ignorant of the game you're arguing against. It's a 1:1 view of history, it's not edited (Until it became a game studio meant for the masses and even then that's hacked out).
Just because you bring up Isu technology means jack shit. AC1 took out crossbows just to stay accurate to the time period. AC2 only has the Hidden Gun because Altair use a PoE to look into the future, and even then the Hidden Gun only uses things that existed at the time like gunpowder and a ball bearing. AC always tried to stay accurate to history without changing anything drastically. At worst guys like Napoleon ruled because they had an Apple that could suggestively mind control weaker minds, but even then everything goes accurate to history.
>because it minimizes the impact of the atrocious modern-day segments
It literally has a DLC that is entirely about the Isu meant to be important to modern day.

No you don't understand, Johnny Depp is 1/1024ths Cherokee

Oh sorry, I'm not the one you replied to. I hate all of that bullshit, be it black or white. Keanu only gets a pass on 47 Ronin because he's a half breed, but that's about as far as I go on the bullshit changes

Odyssey would be a lot better if they have gone full fantasy.

I hate it when an user says something stupid, gets corrected, and then never admits they were mistaken. I mean, for small mistakes, I wouldn't expect an admission. But if you're going to be so harshly critical like this user Then at least have the balls to admit your fuck up.

Sounds to me like you don't know much of GitS, either the movie or the source, if you think the Major chose her own body or even knew who she was.

it's what their next game will be
i think they went too far and the game is shit because of it

Not him but in the very least she chooses her body in SAC.

In games like AC? Yes. People do the whole "dude lmao magic atlantis lol who cares" but that's the bitch answer.


inb4 kissless incels (You) me at my historical photograph primary source document of my wife.

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Odyssey also has literal mythological creatures running around.

Is he? If so, that's pretty cool.

*locked behind level-scaled content that can't be accessed until like 50 hours of gameplay


>quote 4 different posts
>accuse all of the posters of making a claim only one did
Look, I don't care how mad you are, you can't change the fact that the nigress they hired is fugly. Just accept it.

You're right. I don't know much. I watched many episodes of stand alone complex when it was airing on adult swim, but it was so fucking boring, that I didn't follow any of it.

So, what circumstances does Motoko receive her body? And why should it be white above Japanese? Also, I seem to recall an episode where she takes a loli body.(Or at least one that looked significantly younger) It seems like she can change her body at will, no?

It's pretty fun and a good way to kill a lot of time.
Plus Kassandra's sexy accent makes my dick diamonds

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Whacky absurdity is not as bad as (((non white))) signaling.

Ah, my mistake it's been a long while. Still, I don't believe she knew her origin in SAC so that point stands

>I hate all of that bullshit, be it black or white.

That's great at all, but then everybody shits their pants when they see an original non-white character anyway, and call it "forced diversity".

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it depends.
user here hates art.
Bet you screames at your TV during Inglorious Basterds as well

No, she goes over her origin in SAC. She lost her body in an accident. There was the whole paper crane folding kid who grew up to be what's his face as well, the terrorist.

maybe she thinks the white body is more attractive

Skyrim unironically did this well.

What's your point !?

>he doesn't know
I just cringed, and yikes

Unfortunately, you can't get any sphinx pussy

Are you defending one of the dumbest endings in cinematic history? Which was recently repeated in Tarantino's new flick?

Don't forget letting a fucking woman compete in the Olympics. Women weren't even allowed to fucking watch the Olympics back then.

I didn't accuse every poster. I just quoted all the relevant posters, because they are all *potentially* the same user who fucked up. And even if they aren't, they refuse to acknowledge a fair point, opting to bury the point under more blind hatred.

And yes, she is ugly. Or at least, not lead role material. She could be a side character.

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>(((non white)))

Dude. Literally the 5 richest men in the world are all white.

Soros makes only 8 billion dollars, compared to the Ceo or Amazon who makes 170 billion dollars, and that second one is doing his darned best to make work as shitty for you as you can. And he's not even hiding it.

He's a Christian, and when he says "I'm going to give you less pay and a wage-cuck cage" you say"Good! I have protestant work ethic! But fuck Jews for stealing my money!"

Please, show me where people complained about the Black Panther being black.

I wish there was a mod to remove all female soldiers from that game. Especially those huge brute types, fucking shit is ridiculous, they're literally twice the size of Alexios

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>dumbest endings in cinematic history
>literally just any random exploitation movie ending where the bad guy dies in some over the top way

Why don't games talk more about how based Spartan women were?

>Spartan women were famous in ancient Greece for having more freedom than elsewhere in the Greek world. To contemporaries outside of Sparta, Spartan women had a reputation for promiscuity and controlling their husbands. Unlike their Athenian counterparts, Spartan women could legally own and inherit property and they were usually better educated.

>Because Spartan men spent much of their time living in barracks or at war, Spartan women were in charge of the household.[31] Due to this Aristotle was critical of Sparta, claiming that men were ruled by the strong and independent women, unlike in the rest of Greece.[32] Aristotle also criticised Spartan women for their wealth. He attributed the state's precipitous fall during his lifetime, from being the master of Greece to a second-rate power in less than 50 years, to the fact that Sparta had become a gynocracy whose women were intemperate and loved luxury.[33]

Then my wait continues.

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But the ending to Once upon a time in Hollywood was actually brilliant.

>Not that user, but Assassin's Creed is a fantasy series
That is a brazen fucking lie. Assassin's Creed is a story where fantastical elements are contrasted against lavishly researched historical settings.

Or at least it was.

I don't have to acknowledge any point you made in conversation with another user. You quoted me calling the bitch ugly, and that was honestly the extent of my opinion on the subject. Bitch is ugly, end of point. I don't give a fuck if some other retard said something wrong on the internet

They totally currywashed the fire nation.
That's the least of that movie's problems though.

>Bezos is the richest man in the world
grow up

Because it's mostly boring legal jargon? Inheritance in Sparta went to the wife rather than the son like the rest of the hellenic world, leaving many women quite wealthy and thus influential enough to shape politics. Also the Spartans were total fucking assholes so they're not to be glorified. Also everyone else were also total fucking assholes, but only Sparta owned up to it.

Death... BY SNU SNU

All the brutes are men. I've never seen woman warrior in Odyssey outside of a few bandit camps and the cultist dagger guys.

>Consequently, Odyssey is the best because it minimizes the impact of the atrocious modern-day segments that bring you out of the actual fun part.
It has the most IRL segments since 3, and with a character that is somehow worse than Desmond Miles.


In the AC games?

Only in regards to the locations and being able to learn about historical sites. Also Kassandra is a qt

But you worded your opinion as "the best part..." As in part of a whole. As if you were agreeing to his opinion, and identifying a peculiar aspect to it. But ok.... you were just saying she's ugly for no real reason.

There are women soldiers and brutes but its hard to tell sometimes because of all the armor

I remember getting here and being like "this statue did not fucking exist"

It did, but it was smol

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I thought that was odd too.

Fuck no. I will always take fun, imaginative spins on history over stale, carbon copy retellings of it.



You must be retarded. In game Kassandra has the body of a fucking fridge.

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That's because Spartan citizens were a slave owning elite.

That's like pointing to the Saudi Arabian royal family today.

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You can get sphynx pussy in Corruption of Champions.

She even bullied me for having a tiny dick :(

She is in the Desert biome in the dungeon you have to fuck around a lot of find. She gives riddles I think. If you solve it correctly you get a gift, like fucking her. If you get it wrong she attacks and rapes you with ancient magic.

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Look into the mirror, and tell me you actually believe those conspiracy theories.

For fuck's sake. David and Charles Koch together have a combined net-worth of 90 billion. They could buy the Soros fortume 10 times over, and I don't hear you assholes complaining when he literally funds laws made to fuck with you. And he's Conservative.

A game adapting a historical setting should only stray from the source material when it makes the game experience better. Changes made to appeal to real-world politics, to garner good-will by virtue signalling, should not happen.

That's just poor reading comprehension. The "best part" was in reference to the casting decisions made as a whole. I am most entertained by a waifubait character becoming a fucking ugly nigger. Nothing about that at all even remotely implied that I agreed with the idiot you were replying to, especially since my post was in response to your post proving him wrong.

Tl;Dr, you are retarded.

>Odyssey is a serious game made with historical accuracy in mind

Attached: ACOdyssey.jpg (1920x1080, 831K)

>This man is worth 10 times more than Soros.
>He's Christian Conservative.
>He's the man that ruined your life, and convinced you it was actually the Jews who control your life.

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What does that have to do with her accent, retard?

Those fucking mythical beast fights on the hardest difficulty, oh my fucking god. Fuck this game.

It didn't start out that way.

There's plenty, even those mercenaries that track you down. It feels like they were hand crafted as well, because all of the have stories and shit you can read on the menus, and most of the women are brutes, so it's not like it's random, it's by design

Theres a rad as shit statue of Kronos eating a baby in the game that didn't exist in IRL, and that bummed me out.

Firstly, I'm not the user who proved him wrong. I was just acknowledging it.
Secondly, fair enough, you weren't agreeing with the wrong user. But still, I quoted you, because it sounded like you were dodging the point. Disguising wrongness with more hatred. You say you weren't. But that's just the gamble I took. Seemed likely at the time.

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The worst about about unlocking Pegasus is that he doesn't fly. If you're going to toss that in, may as well go balls deeps and lock it behind a content achievement like finishing the game + mythical bosses. Or completing the map. Just something to show that you've thoroughly finished enough of the game that being able to fly won't rob you of anything you haven't already experienced.

I had fun with Medusa. Sphinx intimidated the shit out of me but I finished her riddles and she fucked off.

I don't agree with the motivations behind it but the outcome is mostly harmless. Liberals just don't understand historical dialectics. Every struggle in human history was necessary to create the world we live in now and every struggle now is necessary for a better future. Inevitably the oppressed will overcome their oppressors.

Aight well looks like a bunch of mistaken identity. That's fine. As long as we're clear that, even if it isn't always niggers, this nigger is fucking ugly

It's based on a painting.

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Nobody was whining about the straight up history revisionism in AC about the French Revolution but add a fucking girl in it and suddenly everyone is a historian

No, I honestly couldn't care less. If I want accurate real world history then i'd crack open a text book or read some biographies.

>everybody shits their pants when they see an original non-white character anyway, and call it "forced diversity".
Nobody gives a shit about non-white characters in a game like with a setting where their inclusion is plausible


It literally began with Alien Artifacts and a war between the Illuminati and Reptilians to control them.

Sure, when historical accuracy isn't just a cover for white supremacist beliefs

I know that but I was hoping it was a real statue. As a matter of fact you memeing faggots are the only reason I have a surface level knowledge of historical works.

I as a white man am better than you faggot, accept it.

Agreed. Except for the "nigger" part.

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Fuck no. Imagine playing games from the Age of Empires series for the historical accuracy

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>Everyone already knows Europeans were historically European.

No, they don't actually know that, and people are actively engaged in modern propaganda to convince Europeans that Europe was always African or Muslim or what have you. That is, in fact, why they hire black people to play Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans, Medieval British, etc.

The idea that Europe is the historical home of Europeans and belongs to them would actually be considered "racist" or "nazi" in many circles, including very (((influential))) ones.

>It literally began with Alien Artifacts
>It literally began
as i recall the ancient alien revealed herself in 2.

I don't value anything except girls with huge tits that can milk my cock

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Probably because the east asians that we usually talk about haven't had to deal with multi-generational inherited poverty from being chattel slaves for centuries

>Nobody gives a shit about non-white characters in a game like with a setting where their inclusion is plausible

I still remember when Yea Forums shit their pants on e3 2017 over having too many black women. I even remember the Assassin's Creed Origins reveal when the entire chat went WE WUZ KANGZ over an Egyptian guy that wasn't even black to begin with.

Admit it. You just shit your pants when a black character appears on-screen. This shit about plausibility is merely excuses you make to make yourself look good. But you're not. You're obsessed.

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Remember the Apple and the Doomsday writings. Also the sci-fi genetic memory time travel machine?

Grow up magapede

>greek woman

pick one

Fine taste. Why do they even bother auditioning girls below an E cup?

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I'll burn your black clothes antifa cunt.

I'm just as upset about your pic related as I am when white characters get recast. She should have been played by a cute native american girl, but, likewise, a white girl should be played by a cute white girl.

No ugly girls though. Ugly things can fuck off.

roasties seethe when they're titty mogged

Attached: huge tits with big juicy veins that you want to suck on but you cant because you're a loser.jpg (422x750, 30K)

I'll give you a hint. Make of it what you will:

95% of BLACKED posters are other White Supremacists trying to rile you up.

>I even remember the Assassin's Creed Origins reveal when the entire chat went WE WUZ KANGZ over an Egyptian guy that wasn't even black to begin with.
I was watching the youtube stream, and they were doing it there too. FLOODED the chat with we wuz kangz as soon as dark skin was shown. Like a knee jerk reaction.

Sure you will, tiki-torch wielding manchild

But it's okay! It's okay if I'm manipulated that way. At least these manipulators are showing me the proper path.

Wasn't that tracked down to an asian supremacy reddit sub?

Go suck off some transwoman's dick you fucking failure.

Depends on the game and what it's story is. Assassin's Creed is shit so I don't care.

All three panned by people on both sides of the argument. Ghost in the shell didn't just recast the main character as white, they recast all sorts of asian characters as white, black and anything but asian.

All you're proving is that recasting characters of set races is bad, always bad, regardless of what race you recast them as. Cast the race of the character accurately or your movie can fuck the hell off, and that goes for ALL races not just whites.

Yes non-whites being in European history and European mythos ruins the whole lore, Lord of The Rings have had solid games but the last one they add captain dindu. These things are part of the White culture and blood itself of repeated stories pass down from kin.

Blacks are overwhelming over represented not from any innate talent but, purely from being subhuman and not being able to properly act or create art as well as Whites. While the black actors their self always turn out to be some type of we wuz kangs idiot who hates White while ruining White art that was never for their community.

Non-whites can make their own videogames based on their history and stop degrading an stealing White/European culture. Basedboy game devs purely put non-whites and dyke women due out of spite for the common White man just breathing.

They never put normal woman either now its some trans dyke that only a few mentally ill faggots like.

Also just a sign the game is shit.

Isnt she a dyke?

Make me
The march of progress will erase you, this cultural anxiety is the reason you are lashing out online, poor little white boy

I have your Yenn right there.

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Nope thats a hapa sub of mentally ill loser basedboy asians.

And you'll get shot like the silly darkie you are. Leave.

>his mind immediately goes to sucking feminine penis
muy interesante

yes, because it makes sjws pissy

An here's Triss

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Another fun story, the first BLACKED stories were written by White Supremacists.

>After losing the Civil War, the white supremacists in the South developed a gargantuan persecution complex that fruited into various rumors and conspiracy theories. These rumors postulated a variety of paranoid possibilities, including blacks stealing all the white jobs, loss of white franchise, race war, black men running the government, and the total control of the American women by black men.

For a Master Race, you people are the first to jump into conclusions that black men will dominate you.

It's disgustingly hilarious.

Attached: novel-featuring-the-brute-stereotype.jpg (560x871, 65K)

And that's perfectly fine.

growing up in the ghetto, I assume any black I see is a nigger until proven otherwise

Depends on the city-state. Only Athens was ridiculously big on locking their women indoors at all times. Sparta let them exercise nude outdoors and stuff like that.

>middle eastern woman
cast as the pale skinned red haired blue eyed woman
>indian girl
cast as the pale skinned black haired woman with violet eyes
>black african girl
cast as the pale skinned daughter of a pale skinned father and pale skinned mother who are the king and queen of a pale skinned germanic inspired peoples that contrast the pale skinned polish inspired peoples of a european inspired fantasy world
>deformed skinny white girl
cast as an athletic superhuman woman with witcher mutations

all the female castings in this show are straight up wrong and dogshit not just the racially charged castings that say fuck the books and their setting

Assassins Creed as a franchise needs to end, it's so far from what made AC, AC. The new games should be called something else.

I value sticking to your story.

if you want to be immersive and realistic, don't pull your punches. Hiding nazi flags, pretending everyone was inclusive, making every girl vocal around men ruins this.

Is AC Odyssey actually good? I was looking for a timesink and it's on sale on PSN.

Whiter than you, mutt

Only if you want her to be. Mine was a pure virgin who never hopped on any dick or snatch.
Canonically she's atleast straight enough to have a kid though, because that happens in one of the DLCs

And here's Ciri

Attached: 1379027337142.gif (308x211, 4M)

To be fair, look at all those pictured. It's literally just as disgustingly generic as the white dudes people have been complaining about, except these are done specifically for the sake of being the opposite end of the generic spectrum.

>I still remember when Yea Forums shit their pants on e3 2017 over having too many black women.
You don't have a very good memory then. It was entirely making fun of game studios being so creatively and morally bankrupt that four different token minority characters from four different games ended up with the exact same ultra-safe sterotypical black woman design in a vain effort to pander to SJWs feminists and libtards who won't buy their game anyway.

>not being able to properly act or create art

Dude. The entertainment industry is swarming with blacks. You've practically forced them into shitty art and sports careers since you won't take them into actual fucking jobs.

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>always in your head rent free
literal mental illness in in writing

It's not GOTY, but don't listen to some of the saltier anons here, it's a fine game and its pretty fun. And it is definitely a timesink, it took me like 60 hours to beat the fucker

They're disgusting looking. I hate this generations idea that obese whores that are going to die of heart disease are in any way attractive.

who cares about kass when you can get some old crusty grandma pussy

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Shh that goes against his narrative that only white people dislike it

If that's the case, you should be happy we're getting more original black characters these days. But instead of that, I'll I'm seeing is threads like these.

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>since you won't take them into actual fucking jobs.
the implication of this statement is astoundingly retarded and ignorant and only an actual retard gorilla nigger or brainwashed frankfurt school social justice parrot would believe it.

Okay black man, fucking idiot.

god i fucking hate ubiturd

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>the first BLACKED stories were written by White Supremacists
please dilate

>frankfurt school
literally nobody fucking reads that shit, you know that right?
you've been sipping the koolaid of youtube personalities that thrive off of whipping up your rage

>recasting characters of set races is bad, always bad

It's only bad because people bitch about it in the first place.

>ntring an old man of his feisty wife he cant satisfy
that was a fun quest

>you should like these characters because they're black
that's pretty racist

I do if they market it as accurate.

No, it's bad because you're not representing the work properly in the first place. Recasting the Witcher characters as nonwhites is bad. Recasting Children of Blood and Bone as nonblacks is bad.

It's all bad. No good comes of it.

I did like that quest where my Alexios pounded the shit out of that dry puss while her cuck husband waited outside.

Honestly I think Odyssey has a ton going for it, which makes the SJW shit just unfortunate.

Not me. Ubisoft are the only game devs who actually know what the fuck they're doing.

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But threads like these are specifically about the opposite of "original" black characters. I'd totally play the nig in your pic, I fucking love ASW games

The picture is so misleading. Because first of all, none of these are playable characters. Unlike the generic white dude protagonist.
The first one is set during a time period where that fashion was normal.
The second time is also set during a time period when that fashion is normal, but also, it plays up the blacksploitation stereotype, just like it plays up the buddy movie stereotypes.
The third one also makes stereotypical characters. And it just so happens that she's part of a rebellion, so they play up the whole freedom fighter aspect.

And the fourth one doesn't even look like the other 3, except for the fact that she's black. But her hair is different, she's not wearing the earrings, and her fashion is completely different. People just see poofy hair, and assume it's the same. But look closer, it's not a stereotypical afro. It's a little straighter, a little more relaxed, it's parted.

Dude. You live in a country where pic related literally takes 3 teenagers on gunpoint for being black and "being too loud" and you're seriously thinking that people don't discriminate jobs based on race?

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they used to be vaguely authentic with their settings, it was only around syndicate they decided to make every other enemy a stronk woman because people cried about unity

>spartan women

>But purposefully altering historical facts for political reasons is just revisionism.
When has that literally ever happened?

>everyone is either alt-right or a tranny

I don't think it means what you think it means.

>wow i cant believe all this sjw shit
>meanwhile you can choke threaten and beat women in multiple dialogue options throughout the game for little to no reason other than i feel like it
>all these people who have clearly never played the game

Attached: capture.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

Where did that argument even come from?

And why is it that almost every character you don't like happens to be black? Don't you just stop to consider that you may actually be racist? Why are you so angry about black people?

Was it all the blacked porn posted by white supremacists, and all those cospiracy theories about ultra-rich Jews? In a world where the richest 10 families are all Christian and White?

Once again, pic related was all made by white people.

Attached: Lebron1.jpg (432x314, 71K)

>Black people bad
>I am good because I am white

Attached: you.jpg (636x773, 22K)

At least you're cool. Unlike this dude over here.

The real question

pair of tits #1294190482145

If you don't know what it is like to be around American blacks then shut the fuck up. There are literally hundreds of stories over the years of white people getting robbed, raped, murdered, etc. all because they gave feral blacks the benefit of the doubt. She absolutely did the right thing.

Anyone know who this tittymonster is?

Sorry user, I don't know. Just an old picture I saved off the chans.
her body type closely resembles Katee Owens. I don't think it's her, but it's the closest match I have.


The real questions remain:


the game in the op

What is 'dilate'

they know kids play these video games, the kids are their target to get them to think things happened differently. Radical lefty SJW's are trying to change history.

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Depends on the game to be honest

Considering they cause most of the crime, yes.

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>Do you value historical accuracy in vidya?
Yes, if the game is marketed on a historical settinng, it must be historically accurate at least to some fundamental degrees (like the fact that no such a thing as equality or empowered women existed in ancient Sparta).

History is not something to be played with, specially when it comes to products that are marketed at or are likely to be consumed by children, as it might shape their perception of history in a wrong manner.

Dude, how can you honestly look at those and act like the generic archetype is any less abhorrent than the norm just because they're not the player character? Most white dudes in games don't look exactly the same, but the generic cookie cutter ones are all "normal" in context. The problem is that they have absolutely nothing unique about them. They're just there to pander.

And why do they cause "most of the crime"?

This, its subjective and history has some interesting stories to tell anyway.
The difference is between a historical piece or an ahistorical fantasy.

Despite making up only 48% of the population, men commit 91% of all crime.

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This, unironically.

Fact: Humans cause nearly all the crime on the planet. They must be stopped.

Now you're getting it

>Waaaaaah, some of the fake virtual video game people look like wammyn!

>Human males

>Fact: Humans cause nearly all the crime on the planet.

Women don't :)

>Do you value historical accuracy in vidya?

Is the game MARKETED as historically accurate?

I don't really care which gender we start with.

Attached: 2815022-2791614557-10652.jpg (960x540, 54K)

>ancient aliens technology
>mythological creatures
>reality bending artifacts
>literal gods and demigods walking around
>atlantis and all the cool shit that goes with it
if you think ac odyssey was ever going for historical accuracy youre retarded. that cyclops you just killed was in no way a historical entity.

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cringe, kys

>Ghost in the Shell
people who mention that movie as whitewashing have no idea what they're talking about
The body that Major possess IS NOT her real body, this was a thing addressed in the first fucking movie too

That movie was dogshit, so yes

Bad culture, inferior genes of course :)

Time to reinstall

Attached: Destroy All Humans.jpg (1280x1803, 540K)

>white people get away with bigger and more impactful crimes because they're rich (ie most of the GOP)
>black people commit small scale crimes and are the victim of a broken justice system


please dont shoot something up because anons are making fun of you

I also live in a country where having dark skin gives you a systemic advantage over white and asians.

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can it be now

Women are such trash "people".
Until artificial uteri are invented, the world will stay trash.

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>If you don't know what it is like to be around American blacks

Oh. I can imagine how it feels like.

>Black guy says hi.

>Police? That black male tried to rape me.

If you're dead-set convinced that someone's evil because of your skin color, evil's the only thing you're going to see. Make it so an entire country flexes itself into a baseless anger, and you've got yourself a Yea Forums's no-no word in systematic racism.

Just imagine seeing yourself, good user, on every single post office or police officer. Imagine seeing yourself, good user, on every CEO post or lawyer post, and roughly 50% of the country thinks all black people should be gassed, and they treat them like shit, and they slap 30 years in jail for shit a white person wouldn't get 5 years for.

That's just good business you leftist retard, of course we dominate, superior species and all.

Fun-fact: Black People called this racist and they removed it.

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>And he's Conservative
You're even more stupid than those you're admonishing.

I greatly value accuracy in historical narratives. History is so muddied with myths, lies, propaganda, and misinformation that trying to understand the facts is like unraveling a mystery. Any story that actually tries to present reality as it happened is far more interesting than any fantasy we could make up.
But if you don't care about accurately capturing the past, than get completely stupid and have fun with it.

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watch as this blatantly off-topic post doesn't get deleted

they make some half decent games sometimes but theyre total fucking fagnards
by all means spend more money on third rate waifubaby trash skins

>I greatly value accuracy in historical narratives
>posts ahistorical picture in historical setting
you're part of the problem

Dude, it's like you saying "why do knights wear armor?" Or "Why are colonialists wearing white wigs?" It was just the fashion of the time. If you were alive in the 60s-80s, then you likely wore your hair in an afro at some point. Hell, Afros kind of made a comeback in the 90's and early 00s, because everyone was getting their hair in cornrows, and when you took your hair out, it was long.

You calling it pandering, is the equivalent of saying white girls with long straight hair is pandering. Like
>"ugh they're so generic, with their straight long hair. They're only doing this to pander to white people"

In order for your argument to work, you have to ignore all cultural context, ignore all creative context, and just go "hurrrrr afros and earings bed duh same"

Low IQ, the worst culture in the history of the planet barring tribals, poverty, prevalence of single mothers

This guy has the right idea. If women want to enlist and die in a pit in afghanistan, then who am I to stop them?

noo dont say that how else will we cry about a video game weve never played before!!!

Video games

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I said it before, I say it again:

White Supremacy is a bunch of incels trolling each other over and over and pretending to be black /Jewish until they're angry enough to shoot people that did fucking nothing.

Attached: Florida-man-arrested-for-threatening-to-bomb-mosque.jpg (476x591, 28K)

It's meant to counterbalance the oppression blacks receive with police and the justice system, retard

>a bunch of incels trolling each other over and over
This is really popular in incel circles for some reason.
Blackpills are the perfect example.

This user knows what's up.

watch as this blatantly off-topic post doesn't get deleted

This post proves you've never been around them.

A tranny on the left, and a tranny on the right. At least that much stayed the same.

This is so incredibly ignorant of human history, holy shit. Completely ignores that the entirety of of the late anglo who existed solely to fuck exotic people

Nice source though.

The oppression of being punished when you commit a crime, in a way that is typically more violent when compared to other races?

Don't worry, we're training a new class of redditors, er I mean janitors to clean all this up in due time :^)

In next post you /pol/tards will be claiming that trannies only exist since 2000 or so.

>Americans for Prosperity, which in 2012 raised as much money as the Republican >National Committee itself (Thank you, Citizens United).
>Cato Institute
>Citizens for a Sound Economy (defunct, split into AFP and FreedomWorks)
>Competitive Enterprise Institute
>FreedomWorks (as previously mentioned, spun off from Citizens for a Sound Economy, but does not disclose its funders, so its Kochtopus status is technically unknown)
>George Mason University
>Heritage Foundation
>Reason Foundation
>Tax Foundation

All of them major Conservative foundations. Unless you're one of those weirdos that thinks anybody on the left of "murder all Jews" is an enemy, you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about.

If that's your measurement to label somebody a Liberal, I don't know why you're not complaining about White Supremacists that literally call the Master Race a dying race that's beset by beasts of greater physical power, and a manipulative hyper-genius race that's dominated the Master Race through wiles and terror.

Sheesh. If only what you said was actually true. If that was the case, according to White Supremacists, black people and Jews are dominating and winning!

In short, you're an angry idiot.

I don't understand your post. It's like you disagreeing with the notion of a tranny existing in 1969 through greentext. and then in plaintext, it sounds like you're agreeing with the notion.

>people are getting mad because someone pointed out that women werent equal or treated as people during the roman empire


I can't imagine that, because I'm not retarded. Way to construct the worst possible argument for something I would in principle agree with.

For games in general fiction can be as fictitious as it wants, for games that promise historical accuracy it becomes muddy when it incorporates real events and people but also wants to play around with fictitious elements if only to not make it a strictly linear moviegame where the player has no agency, and doubly so when there's a natural tendency to whitewash the ugliest aspects of the era in question for whatever reason. In Odyssey it was obviously done to make the game as fun for whoever's playing it regardless of their gender or to give it more replayability at any rate, and not to pretend ancient Greece was almost as equal or equal opportunity as today. But I don't see it becoming much of an issue considering games are art and entertainment and not documentaries.

Deliberate historical erasure is something that only a religious fanatic would do, and yet here we are.

unironically my gf

your point is retarded but i won't bother with that since you're factually wrong unless you think stalin was a religious fanatic dipshit

Attached: (Stefan_Löfven)_Viaje_del_presidente_del_Gobierno_a_Suecia.jpg (185x281, 55K)

>In regard to that last one, white supremacists generally believed that black men were inherently physically powerful (an image that was a product of many black men at the time having physiques reflective of a life of gruelling manual labor) with a sexual and god-like nature, and that the institution of slavery was necessary to "tame" them.

Even if a black man didn't fit this description, it was believed by many of the more superstitious white supremacists that black men could always increase their strength and penis size through magic spells anyway. Thus, it was thought that white women would immediately target black men and sex them, as they found them irresistible.

>Thus, it is known that White Supremacists invented the myth of the BLACK MAN, and FEAR them!

Here's a phamplet. Written all the way back in 1864. It's been more than a hundred years, and you still fear the black cock.

Attached: BANDERA ONDEANTE.jpg (600x450, 70K)

Religious "fanatics" are present in every single authoritarian system. In large numbers.

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Not really. Even if there were a 100% historical accurate to last detail game players would find a way to exploit it/act plenty silly or the simple bugjank like in Ubisoft's case so all that effort into making it super cereal would be wasted in a second. But this is an obvious le complain about females and le sjws thread so whatever.

>user points out that HAVING to like people of your own skin color because of their skin color is racist
>Instead of arguing against it, decide to ramble about a conspiracy theory

>In short, you're an angry idiot.

It's especially beautiful to consider that all these /pol/ talking points are literal talking points from the fucking 1800's. White Supremacists are bouncing around the same doom-saying they've been doom-saying for nearly 200 years, and they've moved not an inch or evolved in any significant way. Jesus Christ.

But I don't want any of that pop culture normiebait shit. There's hundreds of other games with that shit.

There's no games with an ACTUAL Historically authentic Greece that lets me play as a soldier in a Phalanx or something like that. AC Odyssey is a total disappointment.

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> you still fear the black cock.
I'm pointing out that man has existed and wanted to fuck other, slightly different colored man since it's existence and has even done so to the detriment of other species. The fucking Greeks even made their Gods as erotic as they were. But keep making that strawman to beat, you clearly have some unresolved issues.

Could you tell me how the immigration act of 1965 didn't massively change the status of northern America?

>Admitting to attempting to brainwash kids through videogames

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Why do you think they are so impoverished?
Do you think 3 centuries of the transatlantic slave trade has anything to do with that?

Women hate children

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If historical inaccuracy is due to game mechanics, it can get a pass. If it is due to art direction, they better be minor or you need to emphasize that you are doing a historical fantasy. If it is done due to politics/marketing, the game and the devs can go fuck themselves.

It's not beautiful. It's just confusing. Why are you following this /pol/tard ideology, when they're the ones manipulating you?

The jewish slave trade lasted far longer, and those niggers don't seem to have anywhere near similar problems

What the fuck are you even talking about

>transatlantic slave trade
What percentage of african slaves ended up in the US user, give me a ballpark figure.

What percentage of Africans that got to the Americas were slaves, retard?
South, Central, North, it doesn't matter

>ctrl f
>0 results found
Shit thread desu

The answer is 3%. 3% of all slaves from the transatlantic slave trade were sold to the US. Here's another question what race/religion were a majority of the ship owners/slave owners?

It merely brought immigration to levels before a 1920's act (I'll get you back on that) that essentially turned America into an Hermit Nation because those dastardly Italians and Irish people were stealing all the jobs.

Same shit the Pledge didn't mention God at all until the Russians happened, and America went full Christian to separate themselves from a Secularist Soviet Union.

Is this where you start blaming "the jews" for everything, poltard?

If it's obviously not meant to be taken seriously as an example of "What life was like™", then no.
The reasoning behind it is more concerning, for example, Rome: Total War had fucking Pagan ninjas and Amazons, but they did it because it was fun/funny.
In the example of AC:Od, they're doing it because they don't want to "perpetuate historical sexism".

Diversity is good, just look at all the great things that female engineers are serving us!

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watch as this blatantly off-topic post doesn't get deleted

That's correct. Jews owned a majority of the slaves and slave ships.

It doesn't have to be 1/1 accurately, I'm not a big fan of realism in vidya anyway, it's just when you put stuff where it obviously doesn't belong.

And who benefited off of this, with the monetary increase from free labour
Oh right, your ancestors, and by extension, you

*ugh* incel, just because you don't see why it's important because you don't have sex it doesn't mean it's not important

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>My ancestors
I can't hear you over all this slave money that I'm bathing in. Here's another question. How long did it take the southern economy to recover after the civil war?

>Why do you think they are so impoverished?
A negative feedback loop of a shit culture, shit genetics and shit upbringing, i.e their environment and non-environmental factors.

Do you genuinely think Europe would've been the economic center of the world without imperialism?
The bank of africa and the exploitation of slave labour and overseas natural resources was very very helpful in making things like the east india company (UK) and dutch VOC be so rich

Now imagine 50% of Americans believe what you do, and shit their pants the moment they see a black person and throws more shit into the fire.

>Unironically thinking the sins of the father pass down to the son

>Unironically being unable to recognise how you benefited being born into a race that wasn't enslaved for 400 years

Incorrect. The economy of the south still hasn't recovered after the civil war over 150 years go. Here's another question, where did most of the rich jews go before and after the war with their slave money?


Maybe not the sins, but the money does. And of course, it wasn't until very recently that people assumed you were evil because of your skin color.

Judging by these people, many still think this

Incorrect. Most of the rich jews with their slave money fled to the north and started business there. One of the largest examples of this is Monsanto, which has a monopoly of agriculture related products in the US and also developed all the agents used in Vietnam that lead to so many dying of cancer.

Repeat after me: The Richest people in the world are White Christians.

>Halo is a 9/11 allegory

I don't think so, Tim.

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Nigger are you seriously advocating for original sin bullshit?
Also didn't you have to be rich in order to own slave sin the first place? I doubt most Americans have slave owning ancestors. Also are you counting blacks who have slave owner ancestors? Thomas Jefferson's children as an example.

No reason to waste your time with any piece of media - fictitious or not - if it isn’t historically and logically accurate.


>Maybe not the sins, but the money does.
But not the sins. Which is why you cannot strip away money from white people because centuries ago a subset of people were used as farm equipment.

>it wasn't until very recently that people assumed you were evil because of your skin color.
Who said they were evil? The only thing I've read here is that they're qualitatively terrible, not morally or intrinsically so.

>ayy lmaos invade
Literally never going to happen. You should base your argument around dealing with islam since that is an actual threat to our way of life

No. I was talking about that (probably) white user.

If you didn't like it when publications said "Whiteness is over" now imagine how it feels like when people point guns at for being noisy in a white neighborhood. 50% of white people thought we lived in a post-race world when Obama got elected, but only 10% of black people thought the same. Simply put, shit like this thread makes one thing clear:

A bunch of (probably) white people acting like racist pricks, and then pretending they were the victims all along and racism doesn't exist.

Like, dude. People like you are literally everywhere, and you're telling me it doesn't affect real life? It sucks watching a bunch of dudes blaming genetics or some other bullshit without even considering it's thoughts like that-- is precisely what systemic racism is. And the system is:

White people make other white people angry, until a white person finally snaps and kills somebody who did fucking nothing to him.

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>Assiassns Creed is a false lure
Who the fuck played these games for historical accuracy? It has historical places and figures but so does this movie. AC3 litterally had George Washington as a fucking King that toook over the 13 colonies.

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Yes I'm sure it's very very easy for an entire race to start from slavery and get to the economic position of the people who enslaved them in a few decades

if they weren't parading around how historically accurate they were you might have had a point


But you did! Dude. They even fucking taught a Hiring Robot to hire based on previous company policies.

Guess who the robot ignored based on stuff it was taught?

Suspension of disbelief is a thing.
Plus, they invented their own buzzword for "historically accurate except in a different way".

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The El Paso shooter was ethnically Jewish.

I bought odyssey solely for naval combat with triremes, triremes are fucking awesome
>t. faggot who majored in history

Not sure if you're serious? Any race can create almost an infinite number of excuses as to why they aren't successful on an individual level, yes even European Americans (or what you might so vulgarly refer to as 'white people'). It was certainly one of the greatest/easiest tricks the devil evil pulled: focus your energies on other people, and your life will become chaos and ruin. It's no wonder that most early American (IE late 18th/early 19th century) authors are often harping on the theme of personal responsibility, and making satirical fun of those who focus on everyone else's business but their own. My heart goes out to all my African American brothers, yes slavery was horrible. But they were certainly NOT the only race on the planet to have ever been enslaved, lol!! Come on. But even in that case there are two sides to every coin. 'House' negro's often had leisurely lives of simplicity and ease, essentially equating to the anglo-saxon tradition of house maids/butlers. Lives MUCH better than the working class Anglo-Saxons had, both in the UK and in the USA, since they got to live in the mansions themselves, eat better, and were better taken care of. This is just one example. It isn't as black and white as the ultra aggressive and frankly, ignorant University education system would have you believe. The point I am trying to make is that America is found on the idea of freedom of conscience, and in strictly legal terms, everyone has equal opportunity and responsibility regardless of race. You saying the fact you are a women/man/gay/tranny/poor/ etc and the system at large is against you because of this label is an excuse that you are building up in your imagination and using as the reason you cannot be successful. Or, what is more likely, you aren't that talented anyway, and it's easier to blame an imaginary 'system of oppression' than it is to admit your limitations. My 2 cents.

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You got an entire thread worth of people that believe with their soul that white men are the master race. And you're telling me people like this wouldn't discriminate when they finally take to the streets as Human Resources, a Cop, a video gamer....

No she isn't, not if that's her in the pic

Wow, women really are the niggers of gender

>Nothing happened after slavery ended!
>ignores Jim Crow,Mammy Culture,Redlining,the CIA shipping in crates of crack cocaine,The burning of 30,000 black business in 1921, The DARE program that jailed black men for years over an ounce of weed,etc.

>Watch cop show
>all the niggers have guns and drugs on them

Oh nooo those poor white people who haven't faced a shred of racial discrimination in their entire lives, and the second their hegemony is challenged they turn into fucking crybabies.
Give me a break

Was he really, or is this another conspiracy blaming the Jews when White Christians are 10 times as rich and powerful?

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>if they weren't parading around how historically accurate they were
Show me

>she can't call herself pretty because she isn't
Have you never met a woman?

He really was, his dad was also connected to the brazillian child trafficker and pedophile John of God

>Being such a fucking bootlicker that you pretend that american cops dont treat blacks prejudicialy
Jesus christ man, are you really being this stupid?

>watch cop show
>all the niggers have guns and drugs on them

I have never heard them say that, the only thing they claim is historical is the area and some figures

If the setting is historical, yes.


You got an entire SOCIETY of people that believe with their soul that GAMERS are the untermensch. And you're telling me people like this wouldn't discriminate when they finally take to the streets as Human Resources, a Cop, a manager at a Wendy's...

>white has gram of weed, gets let off with a warning
>black has a gram of weed, gets jail

Historical fiction is a thing user even Japan does it

>nigger passes out on heroin with a gun in his lap in a taco bell drive through
>cops try to make him up
>the first thing he does is try to hide the gun even with them screaming "DON'T TOUCH THE GUN"
>gets shot

>Watch cop show.

>Cops are racist so they target mostly black men.
>Media is racist, so they target mostly black men to get a reaction.

That's the point. Black People have been on a shit deal since slavery happened, and it's been damn near impossible to get out of that pit because it's a toxic vicious cycle.

>all blacks have guns and drugs on them
damn reality, you racist

>White guy shoots 40 people
>gets arrested
>Black guy stops a shooting
>gets shot by police

>13% of the population

>fall asleep in your car
>wake up surrounded buy like 7 cops with their guns pointed at you
>panic like anyone would in that situation
>get shot 100000 times
Those poor police officers that vastly outnumbered and outgunned that one guy right user?

>white man passes out on heroin with a gun in his lap in a taco bell drive through
>cops try to wake him up
>the first thing he does is try to hide the gun even with them screaming "DON'T TOUCH THE GUN"

>Hey! Be careful with that! Now come with us.

See how that works?

>AC3 litterally had George Washington as a fucking King that toook over the 13 colonies.
That was an explicitly non canon dlc

>White passes out on heroin with a gun in his lap in a taco bell drive through.

>Gets sent to Rehabilitation.

>Black Man passes out on heroin with a gun in his lap in a taco bell drive through.

>Gets sent to jail.

>group of niggers kidnaps a retarded white kid during christmas
>kill him with a blowtorch
>nothing happens

And it had historical figures in a historical setting just like this game

>Has to exist in the same place with a bunch of goons that think they're subhuman.

Hence, more crime. It doesn't even help if you're rich, police still treat you like a negro.

>Has historically accurate inequality
>Removes historical accuracy and makes everything equal
What did they mean by this? Can these SJW faggots ever be satisfied?

>Implying the women that whine about this shit actually want to enlist.
>"No amount of advanced weaponry will make a female more combat capable then a male."
What about power armor?

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>dylan roof shoots up a church killing 9 people in a racially motivated attack
>gets jail time

the police shoot more white people than black people
all of you stop with this idpol bullshit class is all that matters

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>it's a hate crime if he knows the people
Oh I forgot, niggers only like indiscriminate killing

>White guy shoots a black girl with a crossbow for being black

>gets a stern talking to and has to goto anger management

Learn what "punching down" is

>White guy surrunders
>Gets arrested
>Gets shot

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Learn what the definition of a mass shooting is. It's not a mass shooting if the person knows the people.

yeah Japan is full of fags.

Yeah, I liked that other political stuff. Keep doing more of the war mongering, that is okay.

Historical accuracy is bigoted and vile.

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When was the last time the police stopped you for driving while white user?

When was the last time you could type in white or black to the search bar and get something other than white on black hate crime?

>Has to exist in the same place with a bunch of goons that think they're subhuman.
So you, the non racist, are saying the solution for this is they should go back to africa

>white people are worse!
>black people are worse!
>Not noticing it's all a ploy to get people to hate each other by the true enemy.

Never, because I obey traffic laws and don't drive erratically.

>Go look at the last logs of the roman empire, its the same shit as we are going through now.
Links would be nice so I don't have to guess at what's relevant.

Unrelated to Rome, the downfall of Sparta was because all the men kept dying in combat and women were allowed to amass wealth and political power. Their control became stifling and the society collapsed because they refused to try to conquer anything new. Anti-war is death, my dude.

>oh boohoo i have to see how racist white people are when they think they can get away from the consequences
all you have to do is read what people think in here

Here's one more recent

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Even if you ignore the females in WWII scenario
>That fucking uniform
>That fucking makeshift club
>That prosthetic arm being used in combat rather than being wrapped in a sling.
>That fucking war paint shit (and don't give me that crap about how it was used in WWII, only Native American units used it and they looked aesthetic as fuck because they were the only ones that did it and it looked cool because of it, having Brits use it is fucking retarded).
I don't think there's been a game that managed to irrationally irritate/annoy me this fucking hard with it's details since fucking nu-Deus Ex

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>Whites are racist
>All media in the country tells us so 24/7
Right, and IQ doesn't exist.

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You're getting defensive because you think you're getting attacked, or we're taking over Yea Forums or something ridiculous like that. Nobody's attacking anybody, and this isn't a conspiracy or a shill invasion.

user, you are stuck in a hole of your own creation. Worst yet, it's a hole you've been manipulated into entering by the same people that anger you and beat you, and are trying to get a reaction out of you because they fucking know there's not good enough reason to hate an entire group of people because of their skin color. Hell. Let's put it that way, and even say that minorities have shit genetics or they're evil and so on.

What exactly are we supposed to do about that? Do we help them get out of this hole, so their kids and their kid's kids, and your own kids don't have to deal with crime? Why don't we help them?

Are you sure you just don't want them to remain evil so you can fuel this pointless hatred inside you? Are you sure you're not being manipulated?

Dude. I'm going to stop here and ask you to reconsider my position here. For fuck's sake. I won't say I'm trying to help you, but maybe I'm trying to tell you to stop and think for a while.

Is this a Resetera invasion finally pushing you to pull that trigger, or just a worried black man that's watching you feed on your own hatred and could potentially hurt someone or yourself for reasons you yourself manufactured. Reasons manufactured since the 1864, and ironically lead to black people getting hurt more than white people.

Remember this stupid image? Who do you think is actually suffering the most from black crime?

IT'S NOT YOU, you stupid idiot.

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You're implying niggers killing eacother isn't their natural state.

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Based and Truthpilled.

White People feeling persecuted when 7% minorities in video games become 8% minorities in video games.

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i havent played civ vi, care to elaborate on the forced diversity thing?

I dont play games to learn as a priority, but..this is going too far.

>Implying Nazis were only burning Tranny books
>Not knowing that the majority of books the Nazis were trying to burn were books that glorified Slavic history and books that talked about shit like the Battle of Grunwald/Polish-Teuton Wars or the Hussite Wars
>Not knowing that the Nazis burned books that were made by anti-trannies
>Not knowing that the Nazis burned books by people like HG Wells
Nigger, just because the Nazis happened to kill the one parasite amongst the forest doesn't mean you should glorify them for burning the entire forest you stupid fuck.

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And they call us snowflakes lmao
They see one person that isn't from their group and they chimp out. Sometimes all it takes is a white woman with a square jaw and they'll be screaming TRANNY DILATE TRANNY DILATE

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

>White people on an enviromentalist stunt to draw attention about Global Warming.
>They must be some sort of weird hippie cult.

>Black people on an enviromentalist stunt to draw attention about Global Warming.
>They're all savages, and they kill people!


Did you know there's only two races in the US?

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>And they call us snowflakes lmao

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Ok but there's degrees of seperation between inserting fictional characters into a historical setting VS just completely changing the course of history, culture, values, or inserting tons of mythological shit and fantasy elements like odyssey

yeah dude girls are gross XD
do i get upvotes here btw???

I value historical accuracy in things that claim to be historically accurate. Remember how the last game literally tried to sell itself as a history teaching resource

yeah but why is aways redheads?

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Suspension of disbelief. If you want it to be believable or just immersive, then you pretend to be accurate. That said I play the characters I want to ____ in the real life.

I always look for historical authenticity rather than accuracy in works of fiction.

>picture has clinton on a made-up reddit-tier rap album cover
>no special saxophone song at the end
you're a faggot for posting this and not penciling that in

ginger is an anagram for nigger

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More importantly can the average gamer even tell if a game is being historically accurate or just so and so?

Literally the Jim Crow laws essentially destroyed black neighborhoods with a mix of overly harsh punishment (harsher than white neighborhoods of course) mixed with a complete lack of government oversight and infrastructure that turned those places into no-go zones.

If you want an answer to that /pol/ question "What happened to all the good black men from the 50's?" All you need to know is, a /pol/tard got into politics and turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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I mean, you fight actual myths in this game and they tell you upfront this isn't historically accurate.

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That's the secret, every song has a sax beat

Oh please youtuber, they clearly did it to avoid controversy because of the controversy trolls who do nothing but make twitter post about stuff that's "problematic". Yeah it's stupid that they pretend women were treated the same as men, but doing anything but is going to make some retard scream on his megaphone about meaningless shit in a fictional made up concept created within a person/people's mind(s). I guess it happens regardless though but "the other side" just sits in an echo chamber so no one can tell anyone otherwise to their far leaning opinions.

i want to escape the reality that is decline and shitskins. get them out of games

The N-fection!

Only if the game claims having accuracy.
If not, just go for the coolest thing you can think of.

>I'm not a giant racist therefore I must be a leftist

>reality that is decline
Too bad, humans literally can't breed without said decline.

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The point of his post, I assume, is due to a decimation factor where you can have a few men impregnate multiple women to repopulate quickly.

That's literally what the Baby Boom was.

>Muh black neighborhoods
Are you ever going to apologize for detroit, chicago, memphis, new orleans, new york, Philadelphia, houston, baltimore, LA, DC, Dallas etc?

It's only decline because you believe it's decline.

To be less kind with you, it's decline because you're voting for the people that actively pays millions to fuck over.

Are you going to apologize for the war on drugs (read: the CIA funnelled drugs into black neighborhoods)

You're getting defensive because you think you're getting attacked, or we're taking over Yea Forums or something ridiculous like that. Nobody's attacking anybody, and this isn't a conspiracy or a shill invasion.

user, you are stuck in a hole of your own creation. Worst yet, it's a hole you've been manipulated into entering by the same people that anger you and beat you, and are trying to get a reaction out of you because they fucking know there's not good enough reason to explain the inordinate disparities between racial groups through environment alone. Hell. Let's put it that way, and even say that white people benefit from slavery and that we just need to change black people's environments and so on.

What exactly are we supposed to do about that? Do we continue throwing money at a problem that will never go away? Should we continue to blatantly discriminate in favor of them?

Are you sure you just don't want them to have the possibilty of there being an "ethical" fix to the problem so you don't fall into inordinate despair? Are you sure you're not being lying to yourself?

Dude. I'm going to stop here and ask you to reconsider my position here. For fuck's sake. I won't say I'm trying to help you, but maybe I'm trying to tell you to stop and think for a while.

Is this a /pol/ invasion finally pushing you to pull that trigger, or just an amused non-American stating that there is no solution to your race's problems outside of a large scale eugenics and reeducation program.

Remember this stupid image? Who do you think is actually suffering the most ?

IT'S NOT YOU, you stupid nigger.

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Why do all black majority city's infrastructure immediately crumble?

The decline began before I was born. At this point I just vote to slow it down. I just want to enjoy what's left before the hard times begin.

When are you going to stop blaming the poor foor the actions of Billionaires? Poor people never had any power. If the people on-top won't give you a chance to work for them, with them. You're fucked.

no you are a lefists because your memes are fucking shit

Okay magapede

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i not even american user
but keep seething

Chicago has had black majority leaders for nearly 150 years and it's singlehandedly dragging own the whole state of illinois.

The hard times will begin at 2030, and there is still time to change everything. For fuck's sake, Nigeria just planted 300 million trees in one day. Make it so billionares pay people to plant trees, and the Climate Crisis would be over in less than a year.

And just to put this into perspective, once again: This decline is all the fault of people like pic related. Hint: They're neither black nor Jewish.

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Yes, but AC: Odyssey was unironically a good game anyway.

implying he's wrong

If it's attempting to be a historical setting yes. I see Asscreed Odyssey as more of a Greek mythology game than an historical one. I think the Asscreed franchise has long abandoned historical accuracy.

Wasn't it Reagan who pushed women away from programming when trying to return to "conventional gender roles?"
Maybe you should direct some of that anger towards Republicans instead of women

Yes he's completely wrong, I just think the that it being a redditor image is a larger black mark than that.

I don't believe in the climate crisis. I do believe that billionares are using the government to garner more power.
I agree with planting more trees, I think more nature and less urban environment would be good. Split up the cities and spread them out.
I want a game where it focuses on breaking up cities to create better communities.

>ayy lmaos invade earth
>men and women don't all immediately sign up in mass to defend the planet
>it's a survival of the species problem but you alienate half the species from fighting
the imperial guard does your scenario in a more realistic way
if ayys invade and they're superior to us technologically, its a stomp
if we're on match with space faring aliens, then the military tech we have would be easier to handle and more deadly, the natural progression of tech, so biological differences doesn't matter and it's made up by the tech
and thus can you have a horde of humans composed of millions of people with deadly lasguns
imperial guards have less training than knights but are deadlier because tech > skill
for an easier analogy, knights getting shitted on by longbows and crossbows

If the Koch brothers controlled the US Romney would have been president

>Do we continue throwing money?

That's literally it. Maybe pipe down on the racism. Literally anything kind of help would work, HAS worked as the crime-rates in the USA have gone drastically down, especially when the Jim Crows laws were removed and have made it easier for minorities to find their own niche.

You're talking as if these measures didn't actually help clean up places like Bronx and Harlem, and made the city the safest it's been in ages, ever since people actually invested in those towns, and also marketed products and so on to black people. Things HAVE improved.

The only one that hasn't improved is people like you that somehow get angry that the crime rate is getting lower, and black people are beginning to find success like white people.

Jeff Bezos could singlehandedly end world hunger and still be the richest man alive.
Bootlickers in this thread will pretend that there is any just reason billionaires or even millionaires should exist

Iris West, Wally West and Jimmy Olsen are shown twice. Electro isn't a redhead, Hawkgirl is played by a latina which btw was how they portrayed all of the Hawk people in JLU and Alicia Masters isn't even consistently a redhead in the comics. Shit image.

I don't think anybody controls the US. That said, you don't need to get someone elected to drag your balls around. The Koch brothers to that well enough with bribes.

>Actually BRAGGING about the blue vein
Cringe. That is not, and never has been, a positive attribute. Don't get me wrong, it's normally attached to amazing tits, but the blue vein itself is usually a full letter grade off. Perfect breasts are just big enough to suffocate you, but not big enough to put strain on the blood vessels.

>false lure of historical equality

Actually women and men were far more equal in history than the feminist myth of "the patriachate" lets on.

t. historian

If they're so rich and powerful and bribe so many people Romney would have been president.


>Can these SJW faggots ever be satisfied?
Hell fucking no.

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Holy shit you are fucking livid

>What about power armor?
Even removing tasks that require strength requirements, women perform worse at all military tasks.

>You're talking as if these measures didn't actually help clean up places like Bronx and Harlem, and made the city the safest it's been in ages

By pushing out the niggers and replacing them with middle class blacks and other gentrifiers, yes.

Also your
isnt doing you any favours. Having to be placated with shitloads of free stuff all the time lest you chimp out isnt making a good case for letting niggers be part of civilized society.

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Sexist pig

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That's part of the manipulation. Rich people pay good money to shill that "The Socialists are just around the corner!" when that's never fucking happening.

Even those reddit college Socialists are just choosing that name as a form of protest, and not some actual desire to change the system into a Socialist System that would break the economy. A more appropriate name for them would be "anti-capitalist" which makes sense when you see shit like pic-related happening all over the place.

Our salaries were created to support a family where the man works two jobs while the woman spends doing indentured servitude in the kitchen. They weren't meant to support a single man paying alimony, or two people working at the same time while the house rots. It was built to exist in a post-war boom economy, not an economy on recession.

We need change but Rich Christian White Men literally fund fake studies to convince your average American that changing the system is evil, and all you need to do is work harder. Which is especially ironic when these same men end up addicted on opiods and absolutely no savings or future prospects.

You're living a nightmare, and yet you're blaming everybody except the actual people that caused your misery.

And the funny part is that these "SOCIALISTS" are not even asking to raise taxes on the middle class, just the rich fucks who don't pay taxes to begin with.

Attached: water.png (1078x656, 825K)

>women perform worse at all military tasks
>Implying Women don't have good eyes and managment
Nigger even traditionalists would disagree on that. Even in WWII women were added into the military for completing certain tasks and performed well, they just didn't do anything strength-related because of the fact that they just don't have the strength. The only other downside they'd have is combat stress and decision-making, but in the future of Power Armors we'd probably have that issue resolved as well.

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>Jeff Bezos could singlehandedly end world hunger
You say that like ending world hunger would be a good thing. Feed third worlders and all they do is pop out more hungry third worlders.
And even if they improved as a civilization from being fed, their development would drastically accelerate the planet's pollution levels.

I don't get where this strawman of the centrist comes from when pretty much all centrists I've met just happened to combine left/right wing stances and take a clear stance on shit.

The only people I've seen act like this are fence-shitters that don't even call themselves centrists.

africa is the largest receiver of humanitarian aid and it is nowhere near looking like that fictional wish fulfillment utopia of wakanda.

>"SOCIALISTS" are not even asking to raise taxes on the middle class
Tell me how I know you're a communist for wanting increased death taxes

Its a question of principle.
26 individual people own 50% of the worlds entire wealth and constantly need to accrue more at any cost to the other 7 billion people no matter what.

The same motherfuckers complaining about women in the army, are the same fuckers complaining that men are getting the short end of the stick in equality.

ask me how I know you've never worked at a company with an HR department

You’re retarded you faggot

>Even in WWII women were added into the military for completing certain tasks and performed well
If you are talking about the Soviets, that's because they were desperate for anyone who could hold a gun. They armed kids too, that doesn't mean kids make good soldiers.

American "leftists" and "socialists" are just neoliberals in disguise.
Behind the rethorics its all about citizens giving money to the state who then proceeds to hand that money to billionaires.

Not him, but I genuinely hope you and every stupid faggot like yourself gets cancer


For support/logistic roles maybe, but anything requiring front line combat they are worse.

the nigger in the norse mythology is la creme de la creme

No it isnt you retard. Atlantis was a real place as told to him by his mentor who learned of it from an Egyptian monk. The temple with the history of Atlantis sank into the Nile during a flood in recent history, but it was freely available for anyone to see while Plato was alive for hundreds of years.

Atlantis was a real city 9000 years ago during a wet and green Sahara period.

Tell me how stealing all of rich people's money solves anything


Nigeria, South Africa, and Morocco might not be on the level of European countries, but it's at least higher than true shitholes like Latin America, and Nigeria is projected to grow further by sheer weight of Population, which is ultimately the true gauge in econonomical power. Pic related is Nigeria.

Don't post the obligatory poor people Nigeria or I'll be forced to post one of your country's shitholes.

Attached: nigeria.jpg (640x320, 199K)

Who said anything about "stealing"?
Just crack down on market monopolization, break up huge companies and untangle the state from its corporations.
Dont worry, your poor billionaires will still be able to affaord themselves 50 mansions a piece, they will just not have the godlike power they enjoy now.

I think it's just people thinking military puts just about anybody in higher ranking positions when that's literally not the case. It has nothing to do with muh "no men getting equality" shit.

>Implying HR doesn't hire the most bottom of the barrel women the same way the corporate landscape hires the most bottom of the barrel retards to handle important jobs
Comparing the military landscape to the corporate landscape is the most absolutely brainlet move I've ever seen.

I am talking about Americans and Brits you illiterate fuck, I literally said they were put in non-combat roles.

That's precisely what I was saying. That's why I said that in a futuristic setting if they had power armor that problem would be far less there (although some things might still remain like combat stress due to female emotional vulnerability), but the poster I was arguing with claimed that they were terrible at everything INCLUDING support/logistic roles, which is incorrect.

Attached: Concern.jpg (443x503, 80K)

I will never understand american mindset; If you eager that much of inserting people of color in every new media by replacing, noneless, why not actually create something new?

The upper classes don't pay their "fair share" in taxes, due to clever things through creative accountancy that only people of their economic stature can afford and/or get away with, with the right bribes of course

>Comparing the military landscape to the corporate landscape is the most absolutely brainlet move I've ever seen.

Youre right, in the military you at least need to be smart enough to not shoot yourself during basic training while all coporate requires for a promotion is that your bosses asshole is squeaky clean after your daily meeting.
If you got a tongue and you can slob it ,you got that middle management post in the pocket.

soldiers aren't bullet sponges and armor isn't designed to turn them into one. power armor would be a mechanical nightmare and maintenance would be impossible on the field. also it would require an external power source, so unless you want to carry a giant battery with you in a desert go ahead to look cool. but then again, if the purpose of using power armor was to carry the equipment of its user and now the user has to carry both the weight of the armor and the battery, they might as well just ditch the power armor and just get fit.

That's fine, but that's not actually what you think.

Im not American, I just find it funny.
All Americans are constantly grasping at having something to identify with (see: "Im 12,4% german") but the niggers take on it is a lot more funny than the rest.

Yes, the upper classes should be taxed for 90% of all their worth and their money funneled into welfare. Makes sense

>Stolen memes
>Ancient memes
>Bad art
This is 100% the only thing that /pol/ and its degerante fuckbois on Yea Forums do with their endless wojak and pepe spam. There hasn't been a single original thought in that cultural dead zone for almost 10 years

Attached: 1479696110935.jpg (675x570, 112K)