>all phase 1 content is done before even a week passes
>other phases will likely be finished just as fast with only exception being the long grind to get rank 14.
So can we get the actual golden era of wow now?
All phase 1 content is done before even a week passes
Other urls found in this thread:
TBC will always be the high point of WoW because that's when it became at least somewhat balanced, itemization got on track, and all classes and specs were at least usable, while still having a pretty good challenge and lack of casualization.
>TBC will always be the high point of WoW because that's when it became at least somewhat balanced, itemization got on track, and all classes and specs were at least usable, while still having a pretty good challenge and lack of casualization.
Shouldn't have added aliens, should have been high elves versus blood elves.
>should have been high elves versus blood elves.
Just kill yourself wowbaby
draenei were created way back in wc3 my dude. They weren't just some random bullshit pulled from thin air.
No I will just sleep.
>draenei were created way back in wc3 my dude. They weren't just some random bullshit pulled from thin air.
Draenei in WarCraft 3 were not those blue fucking aliens you see in the OP. They were in Outland and rectonned to be aliens.
Remember the good old days when raid bosses were so buggy and fucked up Vashj respawned instantly when killed and the good old days when Naxx got cleared 2 days after launch by sub-level 80s in Sunwell epics
>some speedrunning autist finishes the last dungeon after x amount of time
>wtf the game is done, no point in playing it anymore
Pandas!!! :O
Blood Elves are High Elves, also that would have been boring. The only bad thing about Draenei was the ridiculous way they came to Azeroth.
Orcs came from there too. Are they aliens?
balance is a meme. On the other hand TBC killed Azeroth, worldpvp, the zones were dogshit, the dungeons badly designed, and it killed the lore forever.
>and it killed the lore forever.
Hope they retcon all this shit out of existence.
Because they had to be in Azeroth somehow. So they invented the fucking spaceships.
Same way Blood Elves somehow were able to btfo the scourge, get back their land on their own despite that they just had been genocided and lost their well.
WoW ruins the lore constantly to fit with the gameplay.
>tease naga as playable race in Warcraft 3
>don't make them so in WOW
balance has always been bad, but they actually started trying to make shit balanced after vanilla. Vanilla is fucking retarded because only 30% of the classes are actually useable, other 70% are just various degrees of memes. Its like they didn't even try to care about class balance back then. On top of that the class designs in vanilla are shit. Spamming frostbolt over and over and over and over and over and over and over again is bad design.
>balance has always been bad, but they actually started trying to make shit balanced after vanilla.
*designs raids so that you have to stack warlocks and hunters just to be able to progress*
balance is overrated
>the zones were dogshit
stopped reading there
I get that it needed to happen, but in that same expansion was a rift, a Dark Portal, if you will, that could have been the explanation for how they got to Azeroth. I never understood why their faction capitals had to be on Azeroth. BE made sense because they're reclaiming their homeland, but it really pigeonholed the Draenei.
I was really hyped for ethereals on alliance myself back then
I think they should add content to classic but they should never raise the level cap from 60. So no expansions.
>ethereals on alliance
keep dreaming, cuck
>played back in early 2005 but usually just skimmed over the quest text
>actually take my time and enjoy the game
>tfw literally just found out that Quilboar are actually the good guys and all they want is a place they can call home
Aside from places like ashenvale, zones in vanilla are generic mountain place 1, generic mountain place 2, generic savannah.
Places in outland are unique and have way more effort put into them. a cool alien swamp, some demon fested green lava zone, a purple storm zone, a barren wasteland with the bones of millions and millions of people killed in a genocide forming a road right in the fucking middle of the zone.
>he hasnt been to RFK and RFD yet
I thought he was saying the zones in TBC were dogshit, which is not true at all, fucking love TBC
I guess the agent of the Lich King that controls them dindu nuffin, huh
tbc's best zone is nagrand ie. generic mountain place, zangarmarsh is okay, rest of the zones are puke
TBC also added resilience making it so you coulsnt use raid gear in PvP and vice versa. it was absolute dogshit design. Other than that TBC was great, but I can't say any expansion that still had this stupid system is the best.
Yes BC and LK were way better.
>Crusader Strike
>Avengers Shield
>Chaos Bolt
>Tree of Life
Paladins on horse
Shamans on alliance.
Blizzard killed world pvp with battlegrounds and instant spawning NPCs
They can't add too much vertical gear, though. If they want classic to last, they're going to have to come up with something other than raids.
>retailcucks just want more retail rubbish
Fuck off, if you like TBC/Wrath you HAVE that fucking game available to you right fucking now.
Absolutely fucking no one wants to see Classic get ruined with progression and its bullshit. You're just fucking mad that retail died and Classic is going to survive longer because its got fucking nothing to do with content its about immersion and world building which classic has in spades and retail lost a decade ago.
These shoulda been the future races
>High Elves
blood elves and death knights ruined the game
FUcking space pirates man
>trandate of heaven
>top 31rd on server mc time
>literal underage class leads
>stealing guild gold to by edgemasters
>underage posting illegal nudes in discord
>literal tranny emotional outrage bursts
>madti and puddi faggotry
im glad its over
? most zones are deserts with a different color, the only cool zones are nagrand and zangarmash
High Elves and Ogres would be fucking amazing.
Gotta eat somehow.
>no original AV
>golden era
>healers slow all pvp encounters down to a crawl
That's a pass from me dog.
>flying mounts
stop with this high elf autism.
You wanna play high elf? Play Night elf. They are the exact same.
Now imagine how Tauren feel seeking a human eat cow.
>Same as HE
Lol no.
>noooooooo my warcuck """pressure"""
Orcs are aliens too, your point? Are you just a salty belf player who hates on juicy goats?
FFXI for the longest time only added gear progression. It's doable. Regardless, you're right. There needs to be more than just raids. But 60 should remain a hard cap on level.
Lol yes.
Also HE are no more since TBC.
>b-but muh npc in vanilla
yea vanilla lore is also retarded, more news at 11
Retailcucks dont want to admit that even TBC was shit. Aliens, flying and casulization hit hard and ruined the game.
fuck i meant since tft
anyway, you trannies already have night elf if you want to rp as a slut lusting after strong humans
>no more since TBC.
Gee if only Classic could do some sort of Classic+ instead of following the dogshit TBC started.
You're a retailcuck, your opinion is irrelevant here is your last (you).
0 need for high elves other than your pathetic fapbait. Low test race
Blood Elves are the worst thing that ever happened to the Horde.
TBC was alright, Nagrand is still my favorite zone of the game, Blades Edge Mountains was fun to fly around too, but Wrath is where the glorious part of the story is at, though I never actually played the retail, only on private servers with bugs.
I stopped playing after tbc because the lore was too much shit i couldn't bear it.
I also think that one of the reason for WoW downfall is that the world simply sucks because of how shit the lore is
Only people still playing this are drug addict (me lvl X character, dat feel good, oh wait new expac for new lvl, i feel stronger!!!)
Wrath was when I probably had the most fun, but looking back on it, it's where it all started to go to hell in terms of casualization and developer laziness.
Not even slightly surprising, but it's hilarious seeing the "NOBODY was saying vanilla was hard" posts.
>Only people still playing this are drug addict
Or people from Wc3 who liked the story.
I don't know how any wc3 player can stand tbc or wotlk
I am in these thread just for this. Seeing all the revisionism happening in an effort to COPE.
>got tempted to play Classic
>watch some streams
>it's all poopsocking tryhards staying up 40 hours to powerlevel
>every one of these guys is committed to sucking every tiny bit of fun out of the game
I'm glad I waited and I'm not going to play classic. There's too much cancer now.
They're misrepresenting Classic, these were people that prior to launch were saying things like
"Classic is about the journey"
"Classic is about the community"
Then they proceed to gather their friends and spam dungeons until 60
TBC would be god tier if they removed flying mounts and resilience. Blood elves were cool but the community of people that played them ruined the horde forever. I wish Horde had gotten ogres instead, and that blood elves were a neutral faction.
Also why did TBC even happen? Illidan was the good guy and did nothing wrong.
wotlk was the last time I actually played WoW, weird seeing people still talk about this game.
>Illidan was the good guy and did nothing wrong.
He was a villain during Wc3 until some WoW player autist thought he looked cool and therefore he HAD to be a good guy
streamers aren't people
i guess you never player WC3
>doone by less than 1%
>Implying this should affect your gameplay
Because the game is old, people know how to speedrun it now. It's not that big of a deal unless you're one of the players doing everything as fast as possible.
Yeah I'm just glad I held off.
maybe if there was anything else to do in the game, the world first circlejerk nonsense wouldnt exist
But Method is still in BRD
I did unlike you
>13000 queues
>have to roll on that server because if you go on a lower pop server it will die in 6 months
guys what the hell?
how does an insignificant fraction of the player base affect you guys at all? just play the game
I'm playing it, just find it disappointing that the biggest advocates for Classic either lied or backpedaled on their positions
Insignificant fractions dictate the meta in just about every game. So when the visible top players do something then everyone starts copying.
remember when tanks had to actually manage threat?
remember when dps was not shit and annoying
>literally beings from another planet
>"are they aliens?"
good thing that mages can manage when the tank fucks up
they are ms13, literally animals bro
>WotLK will always be the high point of WoW because that's when it became at least somewhat balanced, itemization got on track, and all classes and specs were at least usable, while still having a pretty good challenge and lack of casualization.
>pretty good challenge
>lack of casualization
Wrath Baby faggot
Leveling is much harder than retail. What no one was actually saying was that Molten Core is harder than mythic raids.
Literally introuced the biggest problems in WoW that still exist to this very day.
Didn't he immediately pussy out of being independent and go back to being a pawn for the Burning Legion the second a demon told him to get back in line?
>Alliance still pushing the pigman dindu propaganda.
I bet you think the centaurs are just good ol bois too
They let the Scourge occupy their main city and take over, giving the most dangerous threat on Azeroth a foothold on a continent they're otherwise absent from. They're by no means the good guys.
>can’t play classic for another 3 weeks
>friend text me about how awesome it is. Has a community and live world and everything
>read text this morning
>he’s 10 man grinding SM
Not even sure I want to play anymore.
Blood Elves don’t even seem necessary. They were added to fix a huge population imbalance, but classic actually has a balanced horde:alliance ratio. Adding Belves again would destroy that.
>>all phase 1 content is done before even a week passes
Why do you retards equate the entire playerbase with the top 0.1% of hardcore guilds when it comes to content?
Yes. Both Illidan and KT finished TFT working for Kil’Jaeden. I don’t know why everyone was so caught up on them not being good guys.
98% of people aren't even above level 30 m8
of those, about 90% will never set foot in a raid.
>black temple gets released
>stomped by a bunch of 67-70 characters in greens again
TBC added stupid shit like resilience and Wrath was too fucking easy, both expansions made gear matter less why the fuck do people like them?
Because they started playing that expansion. That or they’re blood elves.
Factions in WoW should be different from the start
The Good (The Alliance)
>Night Elves (maybe)
>Draenei (maybe)
The Savage (The Horde)
The Edgy (Illidan + Sylvanas)
>Blood Elves
Obviously not every race at the start, some added in later expansions.
>Poopsockers rushed 60 and MC
>Games over come back to retail please I need people to see my mounts Mogs and cheevos.
Can someone tell me why everyone hates resilence? Like I don't give a shit either way, but it sounds like a bunch of salty raiders who can't just shit all over everyone else anymore because they have better gear.
Night Elves should have been their own faction or not playable, their endless misery and jobbing since vanilla is a result of an entire WC3 faction's worth of power and relevance being shoehorned into the Alliance and depowered so that one race doesn't upstage the others
Forsaken worked fine for the Horse because they were always a tiny splinter of the Scourge from the start
i would prefer goblins instead of ogres but yes would be an ideal race spread
The entire core of WoW is to get better gear to shit on everything it makes no sense to go against it just to appease a minority of PVP players.
i dont like it cos it forces you to grind for pvp sets, it`s an extra stat just to make the game longer
>those settings
>not having must have addons
>no additional hotbars
go away lol
It's fun, but it isn't vanilla. Half the guild chat has become "invite to new layer" spam so people can abuse spawns. And every party is this spellcleave shit because they want 1-60 ASAP. I'm actually amazed by how influential streamer culture has become, to the point barrens chat is twitch emotes.
>Everyone else must have their interface look like mine
Not him but you are one gigantic faggot
That's exactly the reason. When PVP gear is actually the best choice for doing PVP raiders get angry they can't one shot people with their sick purples earned by standing still casting shadowbolt for two hours straight
The specter of PVE gear has always fucked with PVP balance anyways, the idea that resilience or other PVP stats ruined raiding's relevance is horseshit when legendaries have always broken arena balance to pieces.
Warglaives in BC, Shadowmourne and Deathbringer's Will in WOTLK, Cataclysm had fangs of the father and gurthalak and like a dozen absolutely game breaking PVE trinkets including that feral one that let them 1v3
>no additional hotbars
fair enough
>must have addons
rag died in 4 days and we need addons? kek
Please move to a different server you'll be happier on literally any other one
>Move NEs and Goblins to Neutral races, alongside Pandaren maybe
>Move BEs to alliance as HEs
>Delete non-broken Draenei completely, they were a mistake
>melee that already levels the slowest gets fucked even more
actually it was the start of a lot of bullshit and retconning that turned wow's overall story arc into the pile of garbage it is today.
Splits the community. Best PvP gear became (almost) exclusive to PvP (which was arena at the time). So PvPers stopped PvEing, and PvEers can’t PvP without going back to step 1 because their gear is useless in a player fight. Resilience should have just been slapped on all the gear if Blizzard were worried about kill times. Keeps everyone playing together.
Arena’s as the number one source of PvP gear was also a mistake.
kill yourself, my man
Kirtonos seems like a good server, short queue. How gay is this server?
>Those settings
If you're talking about the keybinds, stop being a faggot
>No additional hotbars
Why enable them when you don't need them yet?
Oh, I get it, you're a nigger.
they kinda did that in MoP with base resilience and MoP PvP was good
come to sulfuras and play with me, its not a bad place
What server? Sounds like garbage.
Things are comfy over on Zandalar Tribe EU (except for Nixxiom and Athene's streamer cults shitting up the server size), maybe try picking a server that doesn't suck that much ass.
I just wanna roll hots in tree form.
Bring on the BC or LK legacy servers asap.
>All EU servers are completely full except Waterlords (lol RP), Bloodfang and Judgement (Which are completely empty)
why doesn't anyone roll on these servers? p-please guys
Asmondfag crying that the content was beat by APE and not Method lmao
Gotcha. Salty raiders.
Retail is waiting for you.
BC Ret Pally
But other than that, yeah, BC was the best expansion. Shadow Priest ftw!
They should add
>two more 55-60 zones
>4 more zones for lower level players
>karazahn but have it drop tier 1.5 gear that is itemized to make meme specs less of a meme
>two more small raids and two more 40 mans that fix the itemization problems
>gear never goes past tier 3 quality
>gearscore or gtfo
>i took part in the rag kill
no you didnt
>TBC also added resilience making it so you coulsnt use raid gear in PvP and vice versa.
uh, bull-fucking-shit. My t6 BM hunter shit on players with top end gladiator gear.
So are orcs, you mongoloid.
>Wait for BC
>Wait for WoTLK
>Wait for MoP...THAT was the GOOD expansion!
Asmongold spent years ( as did a lot of people ) begging blizzard to release classic wow servers, For many reasons..community..the leveling experience..the RPG elements that disappeared throughout the years..fun..the old zones..Grouping up with other players all the time...
There's a million reasons we all wanted classic wow but I think it's really sad that he and many streamers shit talked BFA forever and said they would play classic differently only to go around begging for gold and items. They spent YEARS saying " WE'RE FINALLY GOING HOME BOYS!!! " " WOW IS ALIVE AGAIN " .. " WOW IS BACK BABY ".. Only to beg for gold and items from other players after saying they strictly wouldn't.... Only to spam Scarlet Monastery to level. ...Only to beg for gold for your first mount when you said you wouldn't... Only to say " CAN I GET THAT? " whenever an item drops....Only to say " I don't want to do that quest it doesn't give good enough loot "...Only to do the same exact things and behave the same way you do on retail
You had a second chance to re live classic wow and you threw it all away. You can't use the excuse " but I decided to roll on a pvp server sooooo I don't want to be behind..." Because we know that's an excuse. Don't even try to justify your lie. You asked for legacy servers for years but when they came around you just weren't strong enough to do it without begging for gold and items. At the end of the day, Who cares he's just one person. But as a top WoW streamer it's sad.
You failed classic, you failed your fans, but most of all, You failed yourself. We thought more highly of you.
You're disappointing.
But high elves became blood elves
Classic will get Raider.io'd to fuck and back now that progression inflation is a thing.
They just patched 10 man grind
Just avoid the poopsock queue servers i've been having a chill time befriending players while doing dungeons and questing.
>be in guild with bunch of irl friends
>we use to try to do shit like try to be in top 50 mythic guilds on our server (tich) and other competitive stuff.
>the core of our guild in classic is mostly in 40's range
>im only level 29
>feels like ive wasted so much time playing classic already
>cant imagine the grind it would take to catch up
>work and school takes so much time out of my day
>on the verge of just quitting and saying I can't relive my childhood.
Draenei are from Argus though. Not even outland
You should really come out of the closet, user. We're here to support you.
>most High Elves became blood
All fixed. But jokes aside, blood elves are bad idea atm because of how badly they’d imbalance the classic population (which is surprisingly balanced as far as I can tell).
You know normal people don't fuck goats, right Ahmed?
This if outlands didn't drag it down so heavily nobody would contest TBC being the best.
Roll along into the gas chamber you fucking NPC
>Is done
You didn't do it.
All Yea Forums does is talk.
TBC wasn't interesting since all equipment had to be tailored for arena meta. This meant interesting effects like Dark Edge of Insanity, Ironfoe, Blade of Eternal Darkness, and others weren't going to to appear anywhere in TBC and instead get boring shit like "increase crit rating" and other homogenized shit. Even the legendaries in TBC are lackluster and even less iconic than Vanillas.
holy fuck just go play retail
what are your movement keys?
I really don't understand how anyone can enjoy Wotlk more than TBC. Sure Northrend was far better than Outlands, but it had way less content and it was also piss easy, and there was fuck nothing to do of importance outside of raiding (if you didn't PvP)
They all have penises, so yes, it is gay
Delicious blue horsecocks are absolutely strictly heterosexual as long as the goat has pussy.
Im so sick of hearing itemization was fixed in TBC, it made items much more boring, people liked it because it made it easier to gear up
Also 2.4.3 TBC & 3.3.5 Wotlk are easy as fuck, content will be cleared day one also
>Thinking we'll get BC and Wrath
Nigga this is classic +. We're gonna get an entirely new alternate universe expansion.
Reminder that Blizzard was pressured by China at the time due to WoW growing popularity to add Blood Elves because they noticed A HUGE disparity between horde and Ally because nobody in China liked the hunchbacks.
This reeks of a retail baby. Cringe
TBC was good because of balancing. They could do that now in classic or they could do it in an entirely different expansion while avoiding all of the things TBC got wrong.
Could be cool its the only way im giving classic a shot.
Bc/wotlk/cata/mop servers WHEN
While I don’t have much faith in them, classic is a chance to go in a new direction for post Naxx and then wasting by just re-releasing expansions is stupid. I hope classic+ is something different.
Take the good ideas from tBC and leave the rest on the floor.