Pretentious video games
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OP likes cock
fuck off alex
Dude what if killing monsters... was bad????
Gamers are dumb violent idiots who masturbate to lolicon and hate story in their games? They want to be edgey badasses with anime swords!
As is tradition.
The most pretentious and up its own ass game on the market
Imagine being so stupid that NMH seems pretentious to you.
It's actually saying eliminate not lemonade you piece of shit. You'd KNOW that if you actually played the game and gave it a chance instead of just immediately review bombing it and posting out of context screenshots/youtube videos like the sheep you are.
This game would've been much better if it was a much bigger challenge to pacifist run it where you have to actually go out of your way to do so, instead of basically forcing you down that path and guilt tripping you every step of the way if you don't.
Sorry, what did you say? Take that dick out of your mouth, I can't understand you.
Time for the yiikes challenge, try to make it through the entire video without x'ing out, opening other tabs, etc. You have to watch the whole thing as the creator intended.
did someone say out of context screenshots ??
>missing the point of NMH that much
Go away Alex
nearly all american indie games are like that. fuck them.
who's more to blame here, shitty writers or shitty voice actors
who was the smug indie dev that switched their kickstarter to epic and told foreign fans they were SOL because epic wont process their currency
>Huh, you know, maybe I am a bit racist, sexist, and bigoted. Maybe I should check my privilege, and think twice about what I am going to say before speaking to a woman or minority. Maybe I could be better by realizing that as a man, I've had my turn being successful and in charge, and I should give up my privileges to the women and minorities who really need them.
>*pause* *looks into camera*
Wow what a fun looking game, I sure love being labeled the scapegoat, made to feel guilty for all of society's most emotionally-charged problems just for being alive, living within my means, trying to keep to myself, and attempting to escape through video games once in a while.
Dayum... fuk whypeepo...
The writing. Bad voice acting can make good scripts sound bad, but YIIK's writing is already terrible, so getting youtubers to voice your characters is only adding on to how bad it already is
What about all the candlelight vigils and moments of silence about innocent black people getting shot by white cops?
I guess those don't happen as often as they say...
I wish I was a beautiful white woman
At least even lefties are being forced to admit that it's a vagina, not a penis, at the top of the "social privilege totem pole".
I'd honestly buy Yiik just for a couple of laughs if it didn't look completely terrible in gameplay department. Some of the worst sound design and pacing I've seen in a paid video game released in this decade.
YIIK is the only game I've ever called pretentious, and that's saying something.
Did they forget to hire a VA director or something? They sound like broken robots
Going out of your way to pacify everyone? A pacifist doesn't look for trouble just to show how non-violent they are. And yes, they guilt trip you becauae killing is bad and wrong and it wants to make sure you know that so you don't start killing. That's why genocide run is the best part. Once you start it the game puts its hands in the air and slowly backs away from all nagging becuase you're a complete psychopath who hunts down people just to kill them.
>words words words
>hypothetical generation
>if you don’t get your dumb :^)
Tell me that isn’t pretentious
Imagine thinking Undertale is pretentious for having the concept of the game be "choose to kill or spare every monster and get story results." Fuck off.
>it’s bad to attack monsters
>even though they’re attacking you
>it’s just because they’re awkward bro
>don’t increase your LVL or EXP
>haha guess what, those actually mean LEVEL OF VIOLENCE and EXECUTION POINTS, you can applaud now
>by the way, I locked most of the good content behind killing every single enemy
>but you shouldn’t do it
That is not pretentious.
Having a theme =/= pretentious
What the hell is this game?
>Dude what is androids were exactly like humans down to every last detail. Wouldn't you feel bad about enslaving them!?
>>by the way, I locked most of the good content behind killing every single enemy
>going through the tedium of killing every enemy and missing out on over half the game for 2 new bosses and some dialogue
>most of the good content
undertale is a shittier monster girl quest with no porn, a garbage story, and shit combat. prove me fucking wrong
Explain this then.
the lead developer's self-insert fantasy story
Yiik isn’t a leftist game, it got panned by journalists largely because Alex is an unapologetic leftist asshole for most of the game.
This is the very first scene Vellas VA recorded and the developers didn’t know what they wanted the sewer dungeon to be about. As a result the scene is really weird compared to the rest of the game.
>no porn
Genocide isn't even fun until after you do pacifist.
Like most RPGs, the fun comes from the story and characters. So seeing them hate you and their reactions to you destroying their world and killing their friends was neat narratively. And it's a fun play on the usual tropes of RPGs.
when this game is like five bones on switch I'll probably pick it up, it seems like it's almost kino in how you can't tell if it's self-aware or not in a way that seems potentially genuinely intriguing. but I'm probably reading FAR too much into it and it actually just sucks lol
It’s might be but the gameplay is atrocious. Regular random battles cN take 5-10 minutes. Not worth it
But Undertale is terrible as an RPG, all it has is some C&C.
this is the one thing keeping me away from getting it but idk, No More Heroes was a slog to play in a very intentional way (intentionally bad "open world" and minigames) and it's one of my favorite games of all time. obviously yiikfag isn't suda or even fit to be mentioned in the same sentence but I like playing bad games to see how interesting they are, like AMY for XBLA, I expect yiik to be more like that than NMH
Is supposed to be persona 4’s retarded step cousin or something? Holy shit
The minigames weren’t that annoying, except for the waggle. Helped I played on a higher difficulty so got money quicker. I like the open world even if it’s mostly empty, broke up the fighting a bit more
Holy fuck, what kind of faggot wrote this?
I didn't say these things weren't comfy... the whole game from premise to aesthetic to themes is extremely comfy. but the minigames are clearly designed to frustrate (bringing back ONLY the scorpion one in the sequel was appreciably kojima-tier trolling) and the open world is clearly designed to lampoon Western devs' GTA clone obsession. but these things make the game unironically great and a timeless classic, perfect for the hardware it was made for. been playing TSA for the first time and it makes me want to dig my Wii out to play the first two again
Despite the vagueness and some of the themes in his games Suda comes off as one of the least most pretentious developers I've seen
>shitty bootleg Persona plot about alternate selves
>godawful voice actors that either have grating voices, nonexistent emotional range, or in most cases both
>bitch keeps ignoring the guy who can only ever scream angrily and just wants some answers, even after she's explained everything to the dropdead sister guy
>everyone just stands there when she starts freaking out and telling them to leave because it's dangerous
How do you make something this bad and publish it thinking that it's okay to do?
Oh yeah, forgot
>starts off the dialogue with just words
>suddenly character busts finally show up
>they don't even match the emotion of the dialogue half the time
Do you remember how heavily this got shilled on Yea Forums?
Probably more people posted on Yea Forums about it than ever played it.
I'm the guy above who said I might get it when it's five dollars because I enjoy bad games. just checked and THIS GAME IS TWENTY DOLLARS ON ESHOP HOLY SHIT HOW
>didn't even break three digits
The games ironically pretentious but it's so shit at being ironic it turns around and becomes pretentious
>human bad
>non-human good
t. human
D2 on Dreamcast is the most pretentious SJW game ever made but I am so absolutely in love with Kenji Eno's(RIP) particular flavor of autism it's one if my favorites.
I love this game to death. I really do.
But come on.
Do yourself a favor and avoid it like the plague.
>Press X to end Apartheid
Yeah okay, game. Whatever.
>No, actually, it's super deep, because the girl actually was a real human the whole time! Which justifies the game's themes by completely undermining them!
The fuck you doing, David Cage
This shit is so depressing, because you can easily look at it, put yourself in the developer's very narrow-minded, insulated shoes, and go
>Yeah, this is good. This is a good thing that I have done.
Not to say I think it's good.
But it's not a big stretch of the imagination to think that the kind of person who would make *this* would think that *this* is good. Like, you can tell he believed *whole heartedly* in what he was doing, he just had uncannily bad taste. Which somehow makes it worse.
Does that make sense?
this shit makes FFXV's Hold O combat look good.