>7 years in development.
I've analyzed the video frame by frame on .25 speed in 4k resolution to get the highest quality possible screengrab. I'm literally shaking right now. What were they thinking?
>7 years in development.
I've analyzed the video frame by frame on .25 speed in 4k resolution to get the highest quality possible screengrab. I'm literally shaking right now. What were they thinking?
Fuck phoneposters.
shut up faggot
CDPR shills on suicide watch
This is the post made by the official Cyberpunk YT channel. The amount of COPE is unreal.
he cute
>games are only good if the graphics are good
the state of Yea Forums
well it doesnt have anything else going for it
Can't wait for this game to come out and be a success to see the seething copeposting by the marketers running the smear campaign and that one autism poster who is fixated.
I'm out of the loop; is that fucking Keanu Reeves or am I just imagining that?
it is keanu reeves
they blew all their goy dollars on him instead of making the game good
Well shit. Silver lining, the money they paid him is almost certainly going to a charity at least.
They've never made a good games so that's to be expected.
The more I see of this game the less interested I am.
>those driving physics with the vehicles literally drifting sideways instead of naturally turning
>that combat straight out of a looter shooter with bulletsponge enemies
>absolute garbage melee combat showcase in the last video (boss is slow as fuck, you literally strafe left or walk backwards and it cant do anything)
What the fuck happened, CDPR?
>I've analyzed the video frame by frame on .25 speed
Of course you did. Your cherrypicking is all you have.
I can't believe how much autism CP2077 evokes in nu-Yea Forums. Do you fucking tourists really want that ebin next TORtanic?
>this whole thread:
>W-wait, youre all just s-shills
top kek, OP on suicide watch
are you people still doing this who fucking cares
Really looking forward to this game. Glad you guys are as well.
Were you seriously expecting anything different after the Witcher 3 bait and switch? It's even worse now since they're still making this game to accomodate now 6 year old console shit like the base Xbox One.
Money going to leftard dick mutilating propaganda is never good
Keanu tends to donate to children's hospitals, actually. He's been doing it for years, he just doesn't like talking about it.