If Mankind Divided had come out in 2013 instead of 2016, y'all would have liked it. Prove me wrong

If Mankind Divided had come out in 2013 instead of 2016, y'all would have liked it. Prove me wrong.

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you're a retard; prove me wrong

We still would have bitched about how it felt like 1/4 of a game was delivered.

That's because you have a 50 IQ. Mankind Divided was a full 40-hour game with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The retards on here are unable to discern between "the second entry in a planned trilogy" and "a literally unfinished game."



>5 years for an expansion pack sequel
>Plot doesn't go anywhere.


see i would agree but
>the phone app
>you can still buy it but it's not actually useable
literal scum, putting items in the game locked behind more fucking money

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>40 hours
I played through both very recently and even with the 3 story dlc and taking my time I still beat it in 30 hours on give me deus ex. It took me 40 to play through HRDX a couple weeks ago.

what diffrence does 3 years make? What changed in 2016?

It's 10 hours longer than human revolution but it feels incomplete because of the atrocious pacing

>all the sidequests with unique dialogue that I liked at first before I realized literally everything was the same.
except daddy sarif

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It wasn't different enough to warrant a five-year gap, that's why. Lots of people mentioned it felt like an expansion to HR instead of a fully-fledged sequel.

>also the weird fucking disconnect of a dude having a fucking amputee'd leg and being treated like the devil/black
i couldn't take it seriously

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I can't remember anything about this game besides the hub area and exploring the bank

>doing the three stone pillar puzzle, thinking i have to get them all down or up
>randomly solve it in under a minute
it turns out it has to be staggered in height

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>deus ex died for capeshit

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>people who were hacked into going crazy and killing everyone around them causing the greatest loss of life in human history in a single day are treated with suspicious two years after the fact
Wow, you don't say. Fuck every low-IQ retard on this godforsaken board.

>it turns out it has to be staggered in height
Imagine not figuring that out in the first second of looking at it. It must be hard going through the world with such diminished mental capacity. I can only hope you can get your IQ augmented in the coming decades.

>There are still people who think it's the same Jensen as from HR.

I liked it regardless.

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Game was good at first, was munching down energy bars like a madman because stealth always gives most xp.

Then I found out only one guard goes to investigate thrown objects, pretty much a guaranteed thing.

>toss him on ground
>sputters for a couple seconds before finally flopping(sometimes killing himself because lmao ragdolls)
>when i'm literally around the corner of a couple dudes
they really don't think this shit through

speaking of the ragdolls
>try to pile bodies in places to hide them
>they fucking explode and smash all over the room only surviving occasionally
I also threw that guy you're supposed to capture out of a second story window, he landed on his head. He was fine, i'm sure.

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HR also has bad pacing if you play the director's cut. After finishing the DLC mission, the game has climaxed, you still have 4 hours of content left, which is really easy because you are at max level.

Thanks for confirming you weren't on Yea Forums in 2016.

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Yeah, dude, brain chips for everything including you're arms and legs! haha just some crazy blood inside the augs, all had this signal all over the place because lmao Illuminati

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I still play the original release for this very reason. Missing Link is godawful and it just breaks the whole game.

Do you even know what i'm talking about?

It literally starts staggered, you have no clue as to what it's supposed to look like.

>notepad lady is even more retarded because she spent 5 minutes supposedly trying to figure it out
hilarious though, let me just keep these classified documents right here at my office

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You interface with the augs through a chip in your brain. This is explained at length in both games, and you would have understood it if you weren't a fourteen-year-old with a 50 IQ.

I was just kidding, man, relax.

biological chips can't receive updates because of how biology works. nanomachines aren't real yet

then lmao mankind divided being more advanced than later games

Back to Twitter you fucking degenerate.

also the neuropoz was literally for the chip because it would fucking BUILD UP GUNK like a fucking bone, lmao, let me just reprogram you're whole body with this
>just activate the brainchip! it will make them all go curraahzy
illuminati wins again, haha!

True, it's still a good game, but it requires that you play all the side quests.

>everyone being paid to be cunts to human amputee's
spoiled half(more like all ;))the quests

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i like it, just not as much as Human Revolution

with all the flaws MD had, you have to respect that HR and the original set a pretty high bar to beat.
I still play through the dlcs every now and again on I never asked for this since theyre short

>mechanical augs being better than the newer stuff, when it's just gotten out of alpha and the black market is only starting to get into it

they didn't think at all

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