Caving to the SJW mob, massive downgrade, no more TPP cutscenes, no longer a RPG oriented game but a action oriented game. What went wrong?
Cyberpunk 2077 post mortem. What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>post mortem
It's not even fucking out yet
>getting rid of more features
Might as well get rid of customization all together.
>What went wrong?
is what your mom asks herself every single night before she cries herself to sleep because of how big an autistic failure of a man her son is
>*calls for magic car*
>autodrives on road to quest marker
>*cybernetic implant toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant blood stains all over the crotch....a tranny™, it's gotta be"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*follows augmented nose*
>guys in women™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" WUBWUBWUB *sets guys on fire and they stumble and dilate immediately, does a cinematic headshot and blows guy in half"
>"™ pretending to be women™......better tell the district head about this"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*autodrives on road back to metropolis*
>"Just some trannies posing as women™, here's proof *shows wig*"
>10 eddies and 5 XP received
and it already has post mortem threads lmao, what went wrong??
They got taken over by american white sjw beta male devs?
>reset the era
my asshole itches bros, and yes i wipe properly
>What went wrong?
a retard started whining about shit no one cares
With your hands? Yikes
Been seeing this a lot in modern gaming
you make a mediocre game then try to meek by on "woke" points.
Well still sell well because pre-order fags bought the hype, but boy are they gonna regret it when launch comes around.
I can't think of ONE SINGLE positive thing about this game after they re-revealed it in 2018.
There was the announcement and CGI short in 2013 that got people excited, but nothing of it survived.
It looks so bland and generic I'm surprised it doesn't get ripped apart everywhere.
bad short term strategy because woke points never convert to sales
bad long term strategy because you lose all your non-woke customers
also the wokefags seem to hate them but i'm not 100% sure why
Remember when people were excited to play the game as a cop, corpo, or rocker and get a unique gameplay experience from each? And now it turns out there are NO CLASSES and your only choice is between janky Human Revolution-tier combat or janky Watch Dogs-tier stealth?
The funniest part is that Yea Forums defends these nu-males because they propped them up as a """""based""""" developer from Poland and now they're too ashamed to admit they got fooled by a bunch of leftist nu-males who cower to trannies and have never once made a good game.
Fuckin kek
What does fpp and tpp mean? First and third person view?
>not using handheld bidets
TP is for trogs
Bad news after bad news. Loosing all interest.
Took you long enough. I lost all interest once they revealed it and I saw it was nothing like the 2013 teaser
Why couldn't we get this?
So when did YOU lose interest in Cyberpunk, Yea Forums?
>when the game was announced as first-person only
>when the game turned out to resemble GTA V more than its reveal trailer
>when the gameplay was shown to be janky, generic trash
>when CDPR cucked out to trannies and leftists
>when CDPR relied on a meme actor to appeal to the mindless Reddit crowd
>when the game turned out to have no classes
>when the game was revealed to be severely graphically downgraded
>when the game took out third-person cutscenes
>none of the above: I am an unthinking consumer who has pledged their loyalty to a leftist corporation and I am still looking forward to this game because Reddit told me to
When the first real reveal showed all the points you wrote
Enjoy your 1 month of hype cyberfags
what will they downgrade next? It's barely even a videogame at this point.
i was optimistic after the first trailer but the gameplay demo was so boring and by the numbers im surprised that anybody even cared enough to watch the entire thing and still want to buy the game. Yet another on-rails open world game with nothing in it.
>f-fps is more immersive!
kek what a casual
fucking stupid devs
Death Stranding looks better than this LOL
best version so far
you might be a liar Todd but at least you don't run around in a woman's dress
when I realized that it was going to be first person only and look nothing like real cyberpunk
What's KITT?
First trailer looked good and I even thought the first gameplay demo was cool.
Been a downhill slide ever since.
this timeline sucks. this dimension sucks, this universe sucks. the world is shit. life was a cosmic mistake.
and this is why we can't have nice things.
I always planned on pirating it. Well, it fits the game.
>i-it's for immersion
Same excuse they've used every time they've cut something from the game and people have wondered why.
In actuality they're likely severely behind schedule, in full crunch mode, bad management and messy direction.
This will not turn out good. All the people leaving CDPR involved in Cyberpunk and all the backpedalling CDPR have been doing with the game is really worrying. I do not have high expectations for the game anymore.
Death Stranding sounded like a terrible pitch for a game but every trailer and demo makes the game look better and better. Meanwhile CP2077 was a perfect triple A game pitch and every trailer and demo looks worse than the last.
You forgot to mention backpedalling on multiple apartments and instead only having the one.
Yea Forums got flooded so full of retards who want to get on soapboxes that they ignore that there's FIRST PERSON SEX SCENES.
>when the game was announced as first-person only
right there
can't wait to look deeply into your burly partner's eyes while he fucks you in the ass becuase the sex scene doesn't change depending on your gend- I mean body type
why do people hate so much on first person? Outside of cut scenes, first person is way more fun
The first trailer after the long silence.
I didn't think it was going to be a bad game or anything, I just lost my interest. It didn't at all look like the very first trailer and the aesthetic seemed completely changed. I would probably still have bought it at this point if reviews turned out good, but I was not really keeping up with news on the game after that besides the odd Yea Forums title thread. Now they have backpedalled so much on so many aspects and there are a million indicators that CDPR is a complete and utter mess internally so I have absolutely no desire to buy the game at all. Maybe a miracle happens and it still turns out decent, but it's looking really really disappointing now.
fucking killed me irl
you DO look at the paper after you wipe right? You wouldn't leave unwiped stains on your itchy asshole would you user?
When i heard there weren't specific classes/roles, i hoped this game would the closest i'd ever get to an open world Judge Dredd game but guess not.
I bleed from my ass. Have done for many years now. Never seen a doctor about it. Should I?
wokefags will cheer when first pandered to, but then they want more and more, then start bitching when they dont get everything
you can NEVER satisfy crybullies.
alright you got me to bite fuck you
Why do you want third person cutscenes in a first person game? Games are objectively better when the whole game stays in one perspective. Just look at Titanfall 1 and 2.
>Remember when people were excited for a game that didn't existed and never will because they saw a blade runner rip-off youtube video
I don't know what is worse the sheer amount of buzzword or the fact that some retards like you still act like a fucking 6 years old teaser meant something other than a "we got the IP" from CDRED
>he thins his subjective opinion is objective
Step inside.
>implying all those times CDPR publicly backpedalled and admitted to changing and cutting corners never happened
CDPRshills out in full force
This video didn't age well
hey isn't that the dude who takes and shills soi supplements
I pre ordered it lol
Anything that makes you fags seethe must be good.
you keep talking about those things as if they never happen in this industry, have you had a look at the first design doc bioware did for ME1 ?
or what the metro devs wanted to do with the IP ?
the only promise I ever received from CD on cyberpunk 77 is that they were making a RPG based on CP2020 and so far they're delivering
When I realized that the game likely won't have many RPG elements that influence the world and you're probably going to be forced into a specific character type.
>game isn't even out yet
>post mortem
>What went wrong?
this is quality shitposting
I really don't have a strong opinion on the gender stuff since I am not a crazy, but this is really really disappointing. What's the fucking point of creating a character if 90 percent of the time you cannot see them? With the downgrades and all of the other commotion I'm really starting to get why people are disappointed with this game.