Be at PAX West

>Be at PAX West
>See this

What do?

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Satanic things only looks good on good looking goths and emos or whatever it just looks cringe here

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go over and rape the girls since they are satanic and don't give a fuck about life and rape is what satan would want

Satan doesn't give a fuck about people who "pick" him. They get the same tar pit to boil in as everyone else who goes to hell.

thats not what it's about at all bro

>vidya promoting satanism is a meme they said

What actually are the theo-philosophical beliefs of Satanism as pictured here?

The Satanic Temple is not the Church of Satan

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>actually existing
If you say so.

If they are le veyan devil worshippers they can not be trusted.
If they are ars goetic devil worshippers then yeah they are cool.

>What do?
look them in the eye and laugh

Hey its the LGBT panel!

You'd think Yea Forums would love Satanism since it's so reliant on irony.

Exactly, it's just edgier atheism

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>Hail Thyself
>LaVeyan satanism
if i felt i was worth self worship i would have sacrificed myself to appease myself years ago

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ignore those marketers and do whatever you were already planning on doing


Spit at their feet, watch them in the eyes and then keep walking

Think the biggest problem with these is that while everything sounds cool on paper, they decided to slap satan on their name, making it extremely counter productive.

>not wanting to believe anyways so you're not one of THOSE retards