I just want to play more games like Otomaid Cafe

I just want to play more games like Otomaid Cafe

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Haha god I wish that happened to me and it stayed that way forever haha

Cute boys dressing up like girls is okay as long as they don't pretend to be actual girls.

Yeah that's shits gay when they suck a dick like a chick would. Fucking death grip and rip that shit. They have one, they outta know how to handle one


I felt I was pretty clear

I've got a better version

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me too

That's too lewd, it has to be cute to be good

All of them are made for BBC

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Big Beautiful Cows?

Haha funny comic bro

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shut up

At least he is still a boy

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Shame the cover of this doujin is hotter than the actual doujin. Still good though, artist should do more like it.

what's the name

Looking back at it, this is the artist's best work. Nothing else compares.

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Boy dressed up as girls> Tomboys> Men=women>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trannies

Finally. A man with taste.

>bringing up trannies for no reason
rent free

>he hasn't made a sequel for this or the Cagliostro doujin
The man is a criminal for this.

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>men = women
Fuck off faggot.

More games like this

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>searching the artist archive from sad panda
>nothing to do with Lupin III
What are you talking about?

>men and woman aren't equals
Sounds like you're a sexist homo, user

oh my

all traps end up transitioning, COPE

I love Makuro's art.

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wtf i'm gay now

and people wonder why anime makes you gay

>image implies a TG thread
>it's a trap thread
I'm disappointed but can't be mad because of how fitting the misconception is to the topic

being attracted to femininity as a man is not gay

>tfw no part2
>tfw next to no trap-male-female pron
>tfw it's the only thing I can fap to
Why live

You can't possibly be this stupid.
If OP didn't scream trap thread then you're an idiot.

I was talking about the Cagliostro from Grandblue fantasy

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It's a TG image, numbskull. I recognized it and checked out the thread.

Cope more retard

And every character in the image is from Granblue Fantasy.

Trannies kys, unless you're actually beautiful; in that case don't kill yourselves: be a traditional conservative wife to an alpha male

Haha nice meme faggot kid

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All that butthurt in one pic.

Nice argument, oh wait there was none, fuck off kid

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you will never be a real woman, tranny scum

allahu ackbar

agreed. as always mentally ill homos ruin every thing

>be a traditional conservative wife to an alpha male
That's the pipe dream

>I wish to be the little girl
>you will never be a real woman, tranny scum
where did everything go so wrong?

>ahola snack bar
I’d like a shot of your finest wine please

i’m not mo0t-kins
fuck off

Election + GG really did a number on us.

People got really jaded when they actually couldn't be the little girl.

I get the fetish reason, but why would you wear panties over a leotard?

Right. It wasn't the trannies popping up in literally every gaming forum and community and demanding special treatment. Donald DRUMPF is personally responsible for tranny hate.

Help hold stuff in place, maybe?

I still wish to be a little girl, not a tranny. Fuck trannies. Not literally.

Because the west is about to collapse and people can sense it

You're proving their point

right, it wasn't you fueling the fire. you people had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's not like it takes two to tango or anything. OTHER SIDE BAD!!!

t. electionfag

Every time.

even though you've never done it before, leave /pol/tard

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How did I make trannies invade gaming communities and demand special treatment? I never even thought about you freaks until you became mods on every forum. Go join the 40%.

I've been here since 2005. You will never be a woman, hon.

What is Otomaid Cafe, is it good?

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>muh /pol/
Same shit every single time. I've literally never posted there.
Ignoring the problem won't make it go away. I agree that there's an excessive amount of rent-free, but I don't want those delusional abominations infesting everything even further.

>All trannyposters are actually closeted trannies who do mental gymnastics and will one day join the 40%

Ah, gotcha

>I've literally never posted there.
lol okay

People who look like the rock tried to be the little girl and progressives forced every one to call them cute when they weren't, then they trans community latched itself on and forced the idea that every one who once thought about crossdressing is trans, be it a fictional character or an actual person, making every one disgusted with anything associated with trannies.
It's a horrible cycle that has been growing more and more with the rice of super PC and privilege culture

>closeted trannies who do mental gymnastics
Spoken like a tranny.

fuck off tranny

It's about a boy visiting his brother's maid cafe. Then he realizes everyone working there is a trap, even his brother and he ends up working there. But depending on the choises you make you can fuck a trap or end yo being fucked by one. It's good

>lmao dude u lie
You stick with that tunnel vision. I'm sure it makes life easier.

Fucking trannies, they ruin everything, even crossdressing

Why would I believe you? It's in your best interest to lie.

Of course, and assuming that I lied supports your narrative. There's no way I can actually prove otherwise, either. Convenient.

I wanted a brother route.

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Why would you want to be a woman anyway?
I know it would be fun for like an hour or two or if you could go back to being male when you wanted but permanently female? FUCK NO

Pretty sure he wanted to see his brother turning into a sissy slut

Because women can get away with behaving like a brain-damaged pet and it's treated as some adorable quirk, they have no expectations placed on them beyond looking nice and having a warm hole.

Being a woman is easy mode at life.

I want to be permanently female

Only little kids play on easy mode.

Nice try tranny cultist

gtfo back to your disc*rd

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death upon all trannies

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That's not cool, in fact many women rebel against that patriarchal way of life because it's completely unfulfilling
Women have in hard mode, not only they are weaker and have menstruation, they are raised to be idiots and this patriarchal society often enforces those weak traits Good thing nature knew best instead of giving you a shitty life

Trannies aren't born, they're made by constant exposure to garbage like this. I pity cūmbrains, I really do.

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i have many traits that are favorable for women and unfavorable for men. i've had many people mistake me for a woman at first glance and i've been asked several times if i'm gay which i'm not. i feel like i'd fit into society better if i wasn't a guy. unfortunately there's nothing that can be done.

haha she looks like she's about to take a fat shit
someone should edit that in as a joke lol

Nerdy woman would be more desirable than most nerdy men, besides after a while you'd be past the point of caring that you were once male.

You say this, but do you have any issues with identifying as a guy? A being "a man," being male, something that makes you yourself uncomfortable?

Why do you have no confidence in yourself as a man?

You guys are loners desesparate for attention. Buying a personality might fix your problems


/lgbt/ fags need to leave

Because literally all I want in life is to be abused and to serve. For fucks sake my favorite thing to do is to clean and do domestic chores. But because I am a man its weird and wrong and every girl I do manage to get with leaves over it. One girl I went on a date with I brought back to my apparent and she immediately accused me of cheating on another girl with her since "I had to already have a girlfriend that cleaned up after me." My one and only dream is to be a house wife and to take care of my partner and it is forever out of my grasp.

Yea Forums really should've died 4-5 years ago.

It's gone from being a zombie to just being a pitiful helpless undying yet ineffectual being.

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream in website form.


i don't have an issue with myself or my body. i just feel my personality and behavior are a better fit for a woman with the way current society sees both genders.
i just don't feel "manly" if that makes sense. like if we made a list of traits that define what being a man is, besides obvious physical ones like having a dick, i don't think i would fit the description very well.

>the last truly anonymous forum dying off
>every user kills themselves cause they can never leave

It sounds like the issue is with gender roles and gender stereotypes, not your gender itself. You shouldn't need to change yourself to better fit society's biased views of gender because the problem was never you in the first place. Don't let anyone tell you that you should be a girl or some kind of nonbinary or whatever. There's nothing wrong with being who you are, and that includes being a "feminine" man.

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>It sounds like the issue is with gender roles and gender stereotypes, not your gender itself.
i do agree with this and i don't intend to change myself. i'm aware becoming a woman is impossible, but i wouldn't mind being one if it wasn't.

I love how 3-kun feels like everything you typically see about Astolfo up to 11.

>Astolfo is a weird, retarded bro
>doujin Astolfo is a cockslut

>3-kun's old Yea Forums as a trap, only cares about vidya also in typical trap fashion is pretty upfront about being a guy despite everything
>doujin 3-kun is also a cockslut but half the time also still just Yea Forums as a trap, getting the D while playing a PS Vita or Switch

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Huge influx of moral-crusading redditfags who tried to turn this site into their epic haven of right wing political activism. They’re extremely low intelligence and very repetitive so it’s easy to spot them. Exhibit A: