Nobody would've killed Rag 1.0 Yet

On Patch 1.4 this would've been a wipe

Without the revamps to talents, debuff changes and the nerfs to Rags AoE damage this would've. Without the changes another 10 people are dead. The healers and Mages are all OOM and Rag still at 35% HP. This 100% wouldn't even have been close. Any raid this poorly geared would've wiped.

This isn't an opinion this is a fact.

Classic wasn't "hard" but it wasn't this much of a joke.


Attached: WhoWoW.jpg (802x500, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what is the point of playing MMO that will never get new content


>No new content
>Shit new content the makes the game worse

The first one is more fun

the whole point of MMO is that it never ends.
Yeah what about when you finish all raids? What are you going to do next?
Classic is trash

I don't really care about the raids at all. Leveling and PvP is the fun parts of the game.

Would prefer BC because better PvP but Retail is a joke even compared to Vanilla.

Wait what. WoW Classic is never going to get content beyond Rag?

>seething vanillacuck
It was never hard. Get over yourself.

On the other hand, there's some low-hanging fruit you could improve, like not having any avoidable deaths. It wouldn't have been a 1-shot, they might have opted to go an hour or two later to snatch a valuable quest reward/ran through some endgame dungeon on their 60s and get an extra level on lower levels, but the core idea "Ragnaros will die almost instantly" will not have changed.

Pre-nerf TBC launch content is substantially tougher than anything in vanilla, and pre-world first state of some encounters might prove legitimately challenging even for contemporary guilds (for example, Morogrim Tidewalker summoned spell reflecting charging water elementals in addition to his murlocs: Even the most nerfed versions are obviously tougher than vanilla T1, too.

However, while the experience difference between contemporary players and their retail peers is two years fewer, it is still a wide gulf. Any content that retail players managed to clear at all would now be easy, and by farming Naxx BiS for everyone in split runs (Naxx gear has as much stats as ilvl 115 blues) and augmenting it with select well-itemized TBC gear that you can get quickly, you wouldn't even be doing the content that undergeared. Indeed, people have done custom/speculative pre-world first tuned content on FRESH servers without the benefit of Naxx gear rather quickly. I'm quite certain pre-nerf post-bugfix Kael'thas/Vashj would go down within 7 days of Outland opening. This would be true for encounters like Yogg+0 or 0% LK HC as well.

On the upside, you only need to pay for a one month subscription to see everything.

>Literal retard who can't read


I wanna get to max level then play classic AV all day.

Attached: cianigs.gif (480x270, 1.76M)

English, Doc!

Sorry, it was a badly written post. Please try to bear with me.

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TBC had harder raids than Vanilla but Naxx gear was BiS-pre raiding in TBC (and sometimes better than the raiding gear) so the TBC stuff would go down super fast if they opened the dark portal. Also Sunwell gear was BiS for pre-raiding WotLK stuff too.

it's not planned too but the company is thinking of going only as far as Wotlk and that's a BIG maybe because that's just the development teams thoughts. The executives that make the calls are most likely not going to allow them to create further content as it'll create a competition for it's already dwindling playerbase and after the Disaster of BFA. The company is trying to keep players attention on "retail" World of Warcraft with "Classic" just being a side thing for when there isn't anything major. They were admittedly shocked at how many players wanted to play Classic but a few still expect that this is just due to hype and nostalgia. The "WoW" category on twitch views is steadily diminishing, meaning people are losing interest in the product and it's only been out for less then a week. People ingame are already playing less hours then what they use to a few days ago and many haven't even reached 60 yet. Soon the company will be releasing Patch 8.2.5 for retail and they're hoping that classic players will be jumping back into retail since they're paying for the sub for it as well. Either way, Classic isn't going to become it's own MMO. It's at best just going to end up as a "Social Hub" for Warcraft players when they aren't playing the "real" version of the product.
>Retail is shit.
True but the company still wants people to play retail since that's where the money for the IP is coming from.

1:12 BABY

Don't forget the pot was for a million dollars. Because of this, Method is literally out five figures bare minimum for all the shit they rented out, as well as expenses for flying everyone out.

Jokerd is out a couple days of work at worst, and never has to go back.

What pot? Who was sponsoring world 'first' to 60 in classic?

Not him but it was crowdfunded. Turns out Classic autism is real.

Everybody knew what the patch was and they were all playing on the same patch. So the fucking race was valid and the winners are obvious. You don't get to cry about it after the fact by insisting the losers would have won if everybody made the same mistakes as the losers.

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You're the one that can't read. He said it was never hard. You thinking otherwise doesn't make him wrong. You need to prove your claim with enough evidence to convince him of the truth if that's what you're trying to fucking do. Retard.

>Sunwell gear was BiS for pre-raiding WotLK stuff too
Not really. There are SOME items, but not many. For example, caster pre-Wrath raid BiS items from Sunwell are Brutallus legs and shoulders from Twins. Head from KJ, too, although everyone but the raid DPS cuck demolock should be engineers. Sunwell is worth going to if you are playing on a private server that delays T7 release for some unimaginable reason, but it's marginal upgrades for two or three slots max. With blizzlike tuning that wouldn't matter anyhow because WotLK Naxx is pretty much doable in Hellfire peninsula greens.

In TBC it's not quite as straightforward because itemization plays a much bigger deal. Naxx epics have as much stats as ilvl 115 blues and you'll find items like Kiss of the Spider with superior itemization, but on the other hand, there are TBC items like Heavy Clefthoof that are similarly ideal while casters don't like Naxx gear because it's low on hit. Hell, there are pre-Naxx items that are relevant in TBC, such as Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon that is holy priest Sunwell BiS. But yes, Naxx basically allows you to jump straight into TBC raids.

Context? Not into MMOs and have never played one in my life but that bald character keeps being posted with stuff about beating the world and I'm very interested.

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Method is a professional WoW guild that trained every day since Classic was announced to guarantee that they would be the first to get to level 60, defeat Ragnaros, and defeat Onyxia.

Instead, some literal who nobody who was just playing for a giggle got to 60 first, and claimed the first kills for Ragnaros and Onyxia in less than half the time than anyone expected.

Basically like tribes

Not sure why you guys feel the need to lie about this. It's still incredibly impressive that the gnome guy achieved this without having to make up stuff about Method.

Check the date on the tweet before you post anything stupid btw.

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and won 1m for it?

That's fucking hilarious.

>literal who nobody
you mean an autistic private server guild

It's also not true. Not the part where it's a "nobody"(he was a well-known private server speedrunner) or that they beat Method the guild(they sponsored people to stream on their channel but the actual guild was preparing for the MDI so missed the Classic WF race).

>Method = professional guild
>Flew numerous players to a Las Vegas studio for WoW Classic
>Method themselves are racing to 60
>After getting to 60 FUCKING GNOME HOSTED Method just to rub it in their faces that he had 350k+ viewers watching him and Method only had 20k viewers.
>Method IMMEDIATELY went into commercials so that people wouldn't see that BALD GNOME hosted them. They canceled his hosting of them, and muted all the viewers coming from his stream.


>not participating
>but let's gank the guy going for first
>and let's accuse him of account sharing based off a clip taken out of context from his own fucking stream


They didn't gank him. As for the accusation one of their streamers did say that and I'm not defending it, but it's pretty irrelevant as to whether or not the guild was competing. They weren't, that's a fact.

Streamers that they sponsored to play on their stream were competing. Those are the ones who lost.

>the whole point of MMO is that it never ends.
wrong, the whole point of an MMO is having fun with your friends/making new friends

it will get content up to Naxx which was the last raid before burning crusade released, they've said they might do a TBC server or expand on Classic depending on how the community responds

>Classic wasn't "hard" but it wasn't this much of a joke.
Nobody knew how to play the game as well. They sure didn't get to practice on private realms.

Oh and Method totally clickbaited the fuck out of their stream to strongly imply that it was Method the guild competing and not random people they sponsored to stream for them in order to get more viewers. I don't blame anyone for being confused because of this and they really should have been more clear about what the stream was.

>fun with friends
it's literally life replacement you dumb niggerfaggot

Right but everyone autistically asked for 1.12

>What are you going to do next?
stop playing like not retarded people

Nah, they knew what they were doing. Nothing to apologize for, just goes to show everyone they're shady.

To be honest, current all the way to Naxx = LOTS of contents
Then you have battlegrounds, alts, twinks

>40 in-house wow pros

They sponsored like eight private server people to play on stream. What Jokerd achieved is still amazing, there's no denying that, but there's also no need to exaggerate to try and make him look even better.

Method's fuck-up was more akin to betting on the wrong horse than losing a race. The actual guild never took part and thought that the streamers they brought in would be the ones to get WF on their stream.

fuck off menthos

>life replacement
only if you allow it to be, cunt

keep telling yourself buddy.
As soon as everyone will be done with raids this shit will die.

No idea who that is but I'm assuming it's someone associated with Method. No idea why you think a Method shill would praise Jokerd and say that Method fucked up.

Is it literally just because I'm not going along with the lie that the actual guild played?

>this is your brain on retail

you sound like an absolute retard and a dumb bitch on top of that.
You have no idea why MMOs were/are popular and why people play them.

I never played wow but I did play plenty of other MMO games, that's why I'm asking that simple question.
It's never enough content for MMO game. If it won't get any updates it will die pretty fast.

You know what other game doesn't ever end? Retail WoW, and it's criticized to hell and back for the endless grind.
Where were these complaints in vanilla? Nowhere. Because there was an end to the grind, people stuck around because of the community that had been built around the game

The PVP is still fun and what kept the game alive.

I play on RPPVP so the community makes infinite content.

>AV gets released as the "limited reinforcements" bullshit version

Attached: 93074213-208-k729737.jpg (208x325, 12K)

pvp alone is not enough to keep people around in a raid-focused MMO

twitch memes on v. you have to go back

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They calmly and rationally took steps to prevent the endless chat spam, flaming, and shitposting that you retards were going to flood it with. You're doing it right now. What possible benefit would they have had from letting you retards speak?

>what is the point of paying a subscription for an MMO that will never get new content

They've already confirmed it will be this, and not the "lasts for days" epic battle it once was.

>Literal retard that can't read number 2

Never claimed Classic why hard. Learn to read faggot.

>On Patch 1.4 this would've been a wipe
Of course it would've. Because 99.9% of the playerbase back then had no fucking idea what they were doing and MMO's themselves were also a new thing. Now every player playing classic has 10+ years experience in the genre and knows of every single item that can be beneficial in any given situation and takes advantage of it.

Also notice how they only have a single druid, back then entire raids were full of them. Imagine having shit players playing the shittest class. Look at the Mage stacking, 90% of their DPS are mages. If you actually played back then, you would know this and wouldn't make that stupid fucking comment.

There is a large number of people from Method in both Progress and A bunch of Idiots. Kenny was literally Methods hand picked golden child to do both first 60 and be part of the first Rag kill. Method the guild wasn't racing as a guild for world first. Method the org was racing for both and anyone who says otherwise is fucking retarded.


Can you still stack a ton of elixirs or is it to the battle/defense elixir system?

>Of course it would've. Because 99.9% of the playerbase back then had no fucking idea

Nope it would've been a wipe because they would've done 30% less damage and taken 50% more AoE damage. People back then knew how to spam one button kid. It wasn't the mechanics that was that kept Rag alive for so long it was the stat check. Ony is harder then rage for a mechanics point, yet guilds didn't have a problem killing Ony because the stat check wasn't nearly as high

That's TBC, but only like 2/3 elixirs are worth running anyway

It's been a while, but I remember running Mongoose, Greater Agility, and one that gave strength (Brute Strength?) as a rogue. Probably others that I'm forgetting. Plus farming Felwood for Whipper Root Tuber.

Yea, thats def a BC enchant.

>an IN-HOUSE, staff trained, guild
>have shit handed out for FREE
>have a vegas arena to play
>lose race to 60 to a Private Server Maltese gnome
>lose race to Rag to a Private Server gnome guild
Fucking christ

I was referring to the elixir.

>Method the guild wasn't racing
>Method the org was

Yeah but literally everyone thinks of Method the guild when they hear the name. They're why Method is such a well known name in the first place.

As such saying "Method lost", while technically correct as the org is also called Method, is pretty misleading since 99.99% of people are going to assume you're saying that the guild lost.

What's the point of Classic AV if it's not the original? What a disappointment


dont worry. the fucking allie bridge is still the same.

Greater Agility and Mongoose don't stack. But you can for example run Mongoose+str+HP+Armor ect. But as a rogue you really aren't getting meaningful stats from say Armor or INT pots.

>Method isn't racing

>Method boardcast for 4 days straight
>Method Kennymarsh is an amazing player and he is gonna get world first 60 and his guild Progress is gonna get world first Rag

Yeah Tips wasn't racing but Method most certainly was.

>The wow category is rapidly diminishing

Whatty?!!!? You mean like every game release ever? You mean games don't retain their day one numbers?

I don't give two fucks about classic but reading brain-dead opinions presented as facts, like yours, drive me up the wall. How stupid or sheltered are you?