So Yea Forums, how would you imagine a Metroid movie to be like and what would happen in it?
So Yea Forums, how would you imagine a Metroid movie to be like and what would happen in it?
I imagine it would be mildly entertaining to see once and then I’ll go back to playing the games
Anime or CGI and will be about Samus saving the galaxy.
Samus is a strong short-haired sassy black woman
2D preferably
She gets raped by various aliens
It'd be shit. Same as the Metal Gear movie if it ever got made. At best it'd be a generic spy movie.
metroid is inspired by Alien in so many ways, so theres your metroid movies
Samus is a trans-creature. One-liners/catchphrases: I need no man, Strong as a female, and pirate males are whimps.
This, Metroid games are above movies.
Samus kicks ass
I don't know but you can be sure Yea Forums would complain about it because female lead bad.
Metroid's generally a nearly plotless moodpiece of a game and series. It doesn't really explore any themes besides "bad guys are bad" and doesn't really have any characters with any sort of personality or depth besides that imagined by the player.
So, obviously, a Metroid movie needs to completely disregard all of the above and include 15 minutes of Samus flashbacks (her time on the colony, Ridley killing her parents, being raised by the Chozo), 20 minutes of Galactic Federation politics and bullshit, a mentor / romantic subplot with Adam, an action set piece where the space pirates raid a Galactic Federation research facility to steal Metroid samples, a segment where Samus doesn't want to chase after them because of her past trauma, a scene where Adam encourages her to fight, she suits up, leads a team of commandos on Zebes, 25 minute nostalgia run through Zebes areas where you can make out a couple minutes of classic Metroid music in the score, confrontation with Ridley and Mother Brain, The End. Post-credits teaser of Ridley's remains being retrieved by Space Pirates. It'd cost $125 million to make and it'd take in $80 million.
pic related wants to be samus in the movie, so I would hate it
>no dialogue for first half hour of the movie.
>explores dark cave, and fights big alien
>gets back to ship
>takes off helmet.
>audience gasp
>title card.
How it should be done:
>focused on the setting, with some subtle character moments for Samus
>quiet moments intermixed with bursts of action
How Hollywood would do it:
>big dumb action movie
>atmosphere/setting is undermined by shoddy looking CGI effects
>Samus constantly makes quips and has companions constantly bantering with her
>Samus constantly takes her helmet off for no reason
>arbitrary changes to the Power Suit design to make it more "tacticool"/"realistic"
>how would you imagine a Metroid movie
on PS5
There's only one way to shock and surprise the gamer audience today the same way Metroid did in the 80s. This is the only way to be true to the spirit of the series:
>Samus takes off helmet
>she's a transgender black woman
A plucky parkour enthusiast and courier in the big city, Samus Aran is a girl with all the right moves. However, when a meteor crashes into her apartment building, she discovers a strange glowing artifact. The artifact turns out to be a spaceship, which gets much bigger than any old meteorite! The spaceship takes Samus on one hell of a ride, all the way to the alien planet of Zebes! Once there, the ship tells Samus she must defeat the metroids, a race of beings who feed on energy. How can I do that, thinks Samus, until the ship gives her the POWER SUIT! Now suited up and ready to kick butt, Samus travels deep into the depths of Zebes to defeat.... METROID! Starring Brie Larson as Samus, Idris Elba as Ridley, and Lupita Nyongo as the voice of the ship. Available only on Disney +.
Too real, stop it.
>Samus (played by Elizabeth Debicki) is a hired bounty hunter to help a federation op
>the mission is to secure Zebes after its been invaded by Space Pirates
>(The team is led by Malkovich)
>Then it follows the Aliens route, they all die one by one, and the last 30 minutes are completely silent as Samus alone takes down Mother Brain
>Samus' past, her childhood on Zebes and her time working with Malkovich can all be naturally flashbacked to
>movie opens with Ridley's attack on Samus' colony as Samus wakes up from a nightmare
>she talks btw.
>she doesn't have the Zero Suit, she's actually wearing the Justin Bailey suit underneath, green hair and all. She gets the ZS after she's downed and restored in a Save Room.
(I've legitimely written a script treatment for this fuck me)
Show us user
sounds decent but reminds me of capeshit too much
pretty good
now show us that script user
It'd be pretty tight to see a full-length atmospheric adventure movie with no dialogue and just samus getting shit done
Metroid would be the worst thing to turn into a movie. They tried it. Remember?
Half-joking aside, I really do think it would be an awful idea.
It should be like the first 30 minutes of Wall E but expanded to be 80% of the film.
The other 20% should be the obligatory Ridley battle.
how so?
How would you ever convey the mood of any of the good Metroid games while still having a proper story arc for a movie? You can't do it. Metroid games are always "Samus has to do a thing." And then the game is doing the thing. The plot is too barebones for a movie, and when you try to put a plot on Metroid, you end up ruining the Metroid feel and turning it into a shitty sci-fi with a version of Samus no one wants.
what's wrong with giving Samus a character arc?
A movie is too short.
Needs to be an anime, starting with toddler Samus losing her parents, then focusing on her training with the Chozo, then the plot from Metroid 1 up to the ending of Metroid Fusion, including a cleaned up version of the plot from Other M (which is only bad because it has a fuckton of extra unnecessary shit, some of the story beats can work well).
Nothing at all. Just don't do what Other M did. Make her emotional, sure, but not a wimpering bitch start to finish.
I'm fine with Other M being ignored but I agree with you.
well personally I think Metroid would be a good franchise to make a movie out of since the atmosphere of the games would really work well in a feature film, as well as the extended lore and story of the franchise could make for some interesting movie premises
Only include Other M if Fusion gets included too. Maybe make the plot of those two a separate sequel anime while the original ends with Super Metroid.
Make it an anthology film.
>Make it the worst kind of movie
Ok so if they have to include a reference to Justin Bailey how would they do it?
Have her use Justin Bailey as an alias for an online forum where she gets nudes from hot straight girls.
Might be her best role; she'd be forced to shut her fucking mouth and have her face covered for most of the movie.
And it would STILL be the worst version of Samus.
finna based
>Remove the yellow/orange/green color and make it dark red with gold and green accents
>The Metroids dindu the whole fucking movie and is just against the pirates
>Scratch thats, not pirates anymore, now they're space nazi terrorist.
would she still do it if it were animated
Let me guess, Brie Larson?
Man people still raging over Captain Marvel is too funny.
Fusion doesn't need Other M though.
What do you mean "let me guess" he posted a picture of her you fucking bumbling moron
>The Federation's codename for Samus
>Samus' password
>One of many false identities while bounty hunting
>One of Samus' potential names before being born
It would in anime form. Not all of Other M - just the Adam stuff. Most of it. Not all of it.
where's that script user
Will only watch if they make Samus physically attractive... which they won't
Which is why most people want it to be animated
straight penis
you will not get
>starts off with short flash back to Samus being taken in by the Chozo
>roll title
>cut to desolate planet were Samus is on one of her missions
>explores the area w no dialogue until she encounters some space pirates lead by Weavel
>action scene with Samus fighting the pirates ensues
>she defeats all of them except Weavel who she captures and takes him aboard her ship to give over to the federation
>he tries to take the piss out of her but she just ignores him
>that's until Weavel mentions his boss
>Samus remains silent but she monologues in her head about Ridley attacking her colony with some quick shots of that happening
that's all I got so far, probably would take up to about 10 minutes
It will be a heart warming story about a minority bi-gender pansexual Metroid trying to make it in the big Star Port despite being held down by the white cis bionic oppressors.
>tfw there will never be a Metroid movie because a) Nintendo is so stingy with it's properties they'd never license out anything than their most popular one and b) Metroid is so unfit to be turned into a two hour movie that only the most depraved retards would want one
>only 4 hp bars
Even with the Adam stuff, Other M is pointless, the Samus Returns Universe trailer just makes that all apparent.
>visual style
Harlock movie
Just adapt the comics or her origin story through the end of the first Metroid. Make it definitive and easy to pick up.
Oh, and make it have zero dialogue.
why are people so insistent on No Dialogue
Just watched it to be sure, and... No, it doesn't. Samus Returns is a remake of Metroid 2, which takes place before Other M.
>Metroid 1 / Zero Mission
>Prime Hunters
>Prime 2
>Prime 3
>Metroid 2 / Samus Returns
>Super Metroid
>Metroid Other M
>Metroid Fusion
I think it should have very sparse dialogue when necessary and maybe a little bit of a monologue from Samus like she had in the intro to Super Metroid
Let Genndy make it
Holy fuck this, I didn't even think about that.
Metroid doesn't need dialogue to be good or great.
I can't think of an instance where visual storytelling wouldn't suffice.
Nobody should want to hear Samus monologue about how she got revenge for her parents or the Chozo after killing Ridley and Mother Brain.
I'm sorry lads but I'm too embarrassed to post it, it's too shit.
I wrote it when I was younger and it's so fucking cringy, like, it has some good ideas I guess and I liked how I paced it, but the dialogue and action are just trash.
Fucking hell it has a post-credits scene of The Master Sword and the Temple of Time, it's not good, it's just wank.
Check out this gem:
>SUDDENLY, the caverns SHAKE. Far away, echo-y sounds of crumbling rocks and cracking walls make it very clear: Something's coming!
>Samus quickly turns to face the sounds. Her buster's up, and she positions herself ready for an attack.
>[Malkovich]: (breathless) I'm only going to slow you down. Leave me.
>[Samus]: You're not getting ready of me that easy, Commander.
>The sounds grow LOUDER AND LOUDER. A horrifying but FAMILIAR shriek BLASTS through those ancient walls.
>Malkovich's face contorts into disbelief.
>INSIDE HELMET: Samus' secure and confident aura is instantly broken. A million emotions hit her and for the first time since this mission began, we can tell she's not sure of what to do.
>[Malovich]: Leave him, Aran! We don't have time!
>She's already walking away from the Commander. She doesn't care about the mission, this time her head's not in the game.
>As she approaches the epicenter of the sound, she sees a familiar shadow, preparing her for the impossible.
>The creature finally shows itself. It's RIDLEY, now a grotesque abomination combining Space Pirate, Machine, and gore.
>Facing her, it ROARS with all its remaining might.
>INSIDE HELMET: Her breathing gets HEAVIER AND HEAVIER. Her expression turns into pure hate as she loses all her composure.
>[Samus]: Why don't you *fucking* DIE?!
>Charging her Buster, she CHARGES in, carelessly and without precision.
I remember thinking that was the most badass shit FUCK ME
The Universe trailer shows, Zero Mission, Samus Returns, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, where's Other M, Sakamoto even ignores it in SR's dev diary. Other M has zero importance to the series, even the Prime series has more importance than Other M. I'm not understanding why you're so fixated in adding it, you can't fix Other M, it's shit move on.
Also, the manga can barely even be considered canon.
us gonna paste bin that?
Other M sucked that bad.
>*getting rid of me
Fuck the more I read this shit the worst it gets
nah I'm good
I'm fine with it as long as it's like Super, Fusion, and Zero Mission, if it's like Other M, throw it in he trash.
Alright, so what I'd keep from Other M is Adam's existence and death, and Samus's attachment to him. Show it in a different way. But it needs to be shown in some way for the whole computer thing in Fusion to have significance without just monologuing through an elevator.
As for the manga, similar thing. Need to show her relationship with the Chozo, don't necessarily need the entire plot of the manga.
I was fine with not knowing how Adam died, sometimes itis best to leave a mystery, a mystery or end up ruining it when it's explained.