What the fuck went wrong, Yea Forums? Gears 5 unironically looks like an early PS3 game


What the fuck went wrong, Yea Forums? Gears 5 unironically looks like an early PS3 game.

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gears of war was never good and stop being some shitty graphics fag. go play crysis or something

MS hasn't released a single good AAA singleplayer game this gen and Gears 5 doesn't look like it will change that. They should honestly stick to supporting smaller, creative games like Cuphead and Ori, and games as a service games like Forza and Sea of Thieves. AAA singleplayers are Sony's and Nintendo's virtues.

gears of war more like tears of war lmao

They target 60FPS in the MP

>series known for pushing visual quality on its console
>new devs come around and it starts looking like uncharted 2 at higher res

This is what you get when people demand 60FPS on an Xbox One of all things. This is all MP footage

For a comparison

the first 90 seconds are from the SP

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>enemy has hp bar
instant trash

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I looks kind of plasticy, I don't know something feels off

please understand, its a Destiny clone now

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Unreal Engine

it's 60 fps in all modes from what i remember.

Reminder that most of Yea Forums sucks at Gears multiplayer.

They also target 60 in sp

It really does feel like we've gone backwards with graphical quality in recent years.

OR they should stop hiring women and focus on jap dev

And that's NOT a good thing!

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It's to make next gen look better I think.
Early gen games like Killzone, Ryse and even Infamous still look as good or better than some new releases

Remember remember...

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>unironically looks like an early PS3 game.
I'm convinced 99% of people who say shit like this have never played a game on said console in question. And in this case, I sincerely doubt you ever played a ps3 game at all.

I was hype as fuck for it but it turned out to be a generic cover shooter.

this looks better

If there's one thing I'm tired of it's all the graphics fags complaining about the graphics. PS3 games looked like dog-shit. GoW looks way better

Blame Americans. They are so dumb and have to constantly feel like they are getting stronger as they progress in a game. That's why you see all these AAA games with rpg mechanics hamfisted in lately.

When you spend more money on mainstream music for your trailers than on the game, this is generally the result.

It wasnt generic when it came out dumbass

it's true though

just look at how bad the lighting is in the ops video

>I literally can't stop thinking about Americans

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GoW was the one to set the fucking precedent you larping zoomer

You hate shit in your eyes man.

It looks fun. I don't really care what Yea Forums or TLOU-lovers say, I think it'll be good.

you are blind

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why would someone lie like this?
what did you gain?

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Nah sorry But the majority of games being plagued with retardation like this are being made in America with American audiences in mind. There is this image that was posted maybe quite a while ago that I can't be assed to find in my folders showing a European game dev telling his fellow European devs that if they want a game to do well in America, they have to dumb it down considerably. Things like having character creation, or a tutorial which excessively holds your hand, Making sure they feel they are getting stronger as they progress and making sure not to bother with using historical events and/or figures which are outside their small pool of knowledge.
I don't hate America or Americans but most of them are just retarded. Sorry.

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Looks about as "good" as TLoU

>I literally can't stop thinking about Americans

is it just me or the audio really fucking low?

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its yet another sjwified western piece of shit. ignore it and move on, or make fun of the devs at least.

They managed to do a better job at emulating Halo's art style with two characters than 343 have in two entire games.

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100% of the people that play Gears multiplayer pvp do not give a shit, and they never have, and never will.

You have no clue what a early PS3/360 game looks like anymore retard.

I don't have to even open the video : on the thumbnail the girl has no sss. GoW instantly wins.

This is going to bomb so hard just like crackdown

No one cares about this franchise anymore, and the dudebros dont care about this women shit

Grey and brown?

does kat still have a big ass please say yes

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>the franchise that introduced gaming to cover shooting is finally dead

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Is this the worst trailer ever? They do not understand their dudebro playerbase at all

There is nothing wrong with targeting 60fps on console, that said it's a MGS game and it's going to fucking suck

kino game

there is when the console cant even run anything new at 1080p

Been playing a ton of Gears of War 4 for the challenges to get those gilded skins for Gears 5. I think the only thing that'll dampen my experience is in multiplayer when I inevitably rubber band out of cover right into the enemy's Gnasher thanks to my shitty internet.

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The amount of salty sorry ass playstation weebs in this thread absolutely SEETHING over the fact that Gears is now more accessible than ever to literally everyone, except them on PS4.

t. never played Kill Switch.

Kill Switch didn’t define anything you stupid fuck. Yea it introduced cover mechanics but Gears took it, did it a million times better, and from that came Gears being the title to kick off the spawn of generic cover shooters

You are fucking retarded

>playing Gears for anything but versus
No one cares about the shitty story past 3. It's a Multiplayer shooter, like Halo and CoD.
>Caring about graphics when the game can actually hit 60fps unlike Snoy movies
3rd person shooters have always had garbage story and campaigns. Atleast Gears has a good Versus mode. Unlike the dogshit that is TLoU and Uncharted Multi.

I care about the story. I can’t wait to see what’s going on in Gears 5, I love the universe of Gears

gears is made in leafland

Everyone get a load of this absolute fucking weeb.

lol Amerimutt devs have really fucking weakened. Feel fucking good man

This shit is literally lost planet 1

>amerimutt devs
Says the amerimutt. Is there anything worse than weebs?

Aren't they leafs?

When will you plebs understand that when devs put a female lead on a popular game, it's because they know it's gonna fail?

>lost planet 1
Hold your tongue, you shit-ass.

It will be the highest selling Gears game.

Canucks mate Canucks

I've literally never played gears but I have gamepass so I'll give it a shot

>Gears of War is having it's name changed to Gears Moving Forward.
It's dead.

If you think Gears 5 is going to fail you are trippin.
>muh women
Have sex

Yea Forums only hates Gears cause you're a bunch of Sonytards and Nintendo babies. 4 was solid and this one looks better.

Last time they focused on Japanese games they all flopped and 95% of them got ported to PS3.

Yea Forums hates it cause they can't wallbounce

And those that do quit after the third game. Only the most tasteless Mexicans cling to this series.

>Single player shooter
>Health bars

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Looks like absolute dogshit.

>health bars/damage sponges
>loot system
>open world
>female protagonist for Twitter points

Absolutely everything that just killed Wolfenstein and they thought it was a good idea to put in Gears of War. Yikes. This franchise could not be more dead and irrelevant.

Looks like Youtube compression judging by the picture.

This game is absolutely going to bomb. 4 never sold that well, the franchise is dead just like Halo. On top of that, no one has an Xbone and nobody on PC cares. It is a dated and tired boomer franchise that has no brand power in 2019.

It will deffently be shit compared to 3. But it won't bomb in terms of sales. It's on gamepass. They'll count each of those as a "sale".

It's on steam doe, obviously it's going to sell well. Looks great, already pre-purchased it and looking forward to playing on the PC, as a hard-core Gears of war fan.

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>health bars
Health bars and damage numbers are an option to turn off in the settings.
>loot system
All unlockable through gameplay and leveling. They've gotten rid of loot boxes.
>open world
Read more. It has open world elements with some light RPG elements as well. But the core gameplay of Gears remains, you just now have the option to explore around more.
>female protag
A total non-argument. Women have been in the Gears universe since the start of the series. The only reason this is not a positive for you is because the bitch isn't playable fapbait for you to jerk off to.

This will be the best selling Gears to date and will bring a lot of life back into the series.

>nobody has an xbone and nobody on PC cares
These 2 points couldn't be anymore inaccurate and just shows you are talking out your ass. With the inclusion of being able to play Gears 5 on PC for $1 a month brought in a lot of new people as well as the inclusion of it being on Steam and playable on Windows 7. Gears 5 is bouncing around being the top seller on Steam and it isn't even out yet and that's not including whatever sales it has on the windows store. Just because not everyone wants to play the same anime games over and over doesn't mean that no one wants to play the already very well established Xbox franchises.

All in all I don't give a fuck. More players for me to fuck up online and more support for my favorite game series.

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Ah, yes. I remember when Gamepass salvaged Crackdown 3's poor sales. Oh wait, that was still an amazing flop even with Gamepass. Nobody wanted Crackdown 3 even though it was 99¢

Nobody wants to address that wonky ass vehicle section? Why is there virtually no weight? How come for some Kait can inexplicably fall from these great distances without dying?

Them counting gamepass free trials as a sale does not equal a sale. That's literally nothing. The game is not going to sell. They are going to make no money here either way because nobody pays for gamepass either.

Sent, shill.

>me hate Gears of War
Fuck off retards. It's an 8/10 series that's fun and has ok lore.

If it's not god of war or spiderman this board hates it.

Gears of War aesthetics and popularity was deep seeded within the mid 2000s dudebro culture and the type of games they like. GOW is simply too outdated even on basic level.

I spent 60 dollars on it when the first one came out. I was so hyped and the beginning is creppy and full of atmosphere, shame the rest of the game is garbage.

It was a stupid series user. Its like a parody of what people think videogames are.

What's the problem with it, honestly? We haven't even had a chance to play it so we don't know if it will feel weightless until we try it. Also not everything needs to have cinematic controls. Everything in Gears has always had a feeling of weight while also provided a feeling of control rather than your character doing shit on its own. It's a video game set in a sci-fi universe where you kill underground aliens and everyone looks like they've taken steroids for 30 years it doesn't have to all be realistic.

>stop discussing video games in depth and clarifying information so people who might be interested aren't driven away by pointless shitposting
Uh huh. Fuck off and go back to the hundreds upon hundreds of smash, fap bait, final fantasy, cyberpunk and gamer gate threads jackass.

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Most of the people who are blindly hating it don't play Gears. They just see that it's the newest game that's pushing the "muh stronk wahmen" and jump on the hate wagon. That being said, the only good part about Gears anymore is the versus. The Singleplayer looks lame af.

It has a more interesting plot than fucking Uncharted or most other cinematic bullshit. Shooting molemen with explosive crossbows is fun and violent.

Are you fucking stupid, the plot plays out like it was written by a middle schooler who just saw their first sci fi action movie. Are we forgetting that Cliffy B directed this retarded ass games. Literary all Gears has going for it is the cover system and their stupid edgy chainsaw gun.

>sony fags still being mad over gears of war

What the fuck why are there spartans in the game?

nuGears went to shit immediately when they went for nuLocusts instead of something actually new.

>series known for pushing visual quality on its console
Since fuckin' when? They've always looked muddy and blurry with stretched textures, save the character models.


I'll play the campaign for $2. Gears multiplayer has always been a joke.

what are crossover promos for 500 alex

Other way around kiddo


Nah, only loser Mexicans and white trash like the PVP. Horde and campaign are worth playing.

Looks like youtube compression mostly. also

What do cool Mexicans play?

Eh, I just don't think a slow, cover based TPS can really be that competitive. I'm sure there's a fair share of nuance to the gameplay, but I just find that perspective to be better suited to solo/coop.

King of Fighters

They don't play video games.

Fuck do you mean? In what way did Gears play out like a middle schooler wrote it? There's a reason the original delta squad in Gears 1-3 are beloved, even on this board. The characters were incredibly charismatic and funny. They are some of the more naturally written military hero's.
>all gears has going for it is the cover system and chainsaw
You really are downplaying how impactful the cover mechanics are and have been in Gears since 2006. Gears is still THE best TPS multiplayer shooter on the market simply due to how smooth and fast the cover system is. If you ever step inside a high ranking Gears match you will see just how insane the depth of the cover mechanics are. IT isn't just a system used to hide. Throughout the years its been polished to intertwine with gunplay which is what makes it so unique and fun. People like Gears because the gameplay is smooth, the gunplay is very satisfying, it's violent, the characters are charming (despite the lack of development from 4, but I'll give 5 a chance), the Gears universe is very broad and has a lot to be told etc.

People have been discussing Gears and Halo crossovers since 2008 and now that its finally happening people are excited. I have yet to see anyone saying that they don't think it looks fun to have.

Yep, discussing video games is shilling. Do you even have fun playing video games anymore? That's an honest question I have for you.

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Gears multiplayer has always been completely irrelevant trash. No one ever played these game for that, it was always campaign and horde. But the franchise is stale and tired now so not even that is worth caring about here. This a series that hasn't mattered since last gen just like Halo being dragged out because MS has no ideas whatsoever. They are stuck in the past and their console is just as irrelevant.

kill yourself shill.


Gears multiplayer is in no way slow.

>no one even played these games for that
You can still load up Gears 1 on a 360 and find lobbies just because people loved the multiplayer so much.

Excruciatingly well paid shill

Except, everyone who isn't some tourist plays it for multi. If you played Gears 3 at all you would have seen how fast the numbers died off for campaign and horde compared to multi. It is like Halo, as in a predomitaly multiplayer game that peaked with it's 3rd installment and has only gone down hill since changing devs.
That's fair.

tears of war more like queers of war lmfao

Gears' problem is that it was specific to it's time, like Duke Nukem in 90's. It doesn't work anymore so they have to "evolve" it with all these new plots and weak characters, but the new problem is that now it's not Gears of War anymore. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place. They should just cancel the series and bring it back in a decade when there's enough nostalgia.

I'm strictly referring to the movement speed, which is definitely slow.

You need to know how to wallbounce for the game to become fast. So I see why you'd think it's slow. Hell, they've been making the games slower and slower since 3 by nerfing wallbouncing more and more.

I don't usually want to take something away from people who enjoy it, but boy I would love to deprive retards of their spastic wall-bouncing shotgun faggotry. Everyone who likes Gears MP is an insufferable turd.

Horde and campaign are fun though.

This just makes me want another Lost Planet
I didn't appreciate that game enough when it was new.

>posts a video of the PS4 version

I don't even disagree with your original assessment, but this is just dishonest.

t.got styled on by Pablo

>he got fucked so hard in mp he gave up and didnt bother trying to get good

As I said, everyone who likes Gears MP is an insufferable cunt.

Gears 4 died pretty quick after launch and the SP story was a joke, it just fucking ended when I thought it was getting started.

user there's nothing wrong with liking horde and campaign. I like them as well, but the reason people call you a shitter is because you like to call them out as if they are assholes. Don't throw fire at someone and expect them to not call you out on your shit. If you don't like multiplayer that's fine just say that, but when you target a specific group of people you look like a jackass.
Pic related is you.

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I dislike the shotgun-focused MP because I really wanted cover and rifle centric MP like the campaign and horde. Shotguns should be their own mode. I hate that it took over all the PVP and essentially ruined it for the rest of us.

People still care about gears?

Gears 1 was nice, gears 2 was amazing, but gears 3 wasn't that good and the judgment came out and completelly shitted all over the franchice.

I don't get how anyone would care about gears 4, let alone gears 5

I unironically didn't realize 5 was a new game, I mixed it up with 4 and thought it was the newest gears

I was only watching the MP though

Play high level Gears and you will grow to hate the lancer with a burning passion. High level play is 75% lancer.

Horde Mode in 2 was pretty good, but I never played any after that one.

Then you can play arcade mode, it's perfect for casuals like you that hate shotguns.

Nope, arcade is just nonsense. All I want it a mode where you don't spawn with a shotgun but everything else is the same.

Christ does that sound boring.
>arcade is just nonsense
Arcade was literally designed around people like you.

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I want an actually tactical cover-based shooter. Shotguns ruined that.

Gears has never been tactical because every game mode since the birth of the franchise goes against tactical play aside from maybe
Guardian. With symmetrical maps and power weapons littered throughout it encourages people to rush and control the map.

Gears MP was a total accident that turned out successful strictly because people didn't play it in a tactical manner. Cliff bazinga even stated that he wanted Gears to be a slow tactical shooter but it didn't happen. That's why Gears stands out from the rest of the slow as shit TPS is because it isn't completely about hiding behind a wall. Thank god no one played like that in 2006 or I can't even begin to imagine what shit we'd have now.

>halo shields
>maps that look like halo
>a fucking sarah connor skin for multiplayer
>toned down gore

doesn't look like gears of war anymore

Women, every single fucking time.

Right, but some people want to play the game how it was intended. People who like fast games should be playing Quake Live. It just makes me mad that the original inventor of the cover shooter genre doesn't have a decent MP mode.

Gears was no longer intended to be a tactical shooter after Gears 1. There have now been 4 Gears games since then dude, they aren't bringing it in.

>maps that look like halo
>toned down gore
Blame the europeans and asians.

>20 years later
>Still hasn't surpassed the original 3rd person cover based shooter it's influenced by

How embarrassing is it to be a developer on Gears of War? To know you'll always be sloppy seconds to Halo and be created by Cliff Bleszinski?

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Stop shaming games for having bad graphics

GoW ended at 3, the ideal was to not care about this series but now Microsoft is beating a rotting horse corpse

They seem to do a pretty good job, every comment I been seeing for Gears 5 has been positive and impressed of the direction they're going in, despite the weird marketing and having Yea Forums believe "omg there's a women on it, it's so woke and broke haha its doomed to fail" That 2019 E3 trailer was odd and retarded, but with the recent gameplay and recent leaks, the game is turning out to be more hyped, even if it wasn't hype. Well, at least for a Gears veteran like me and including everyone who plays the franchise. And it's on steam, as well. So obviously this game is going to sell like hotcakes, but we'll see as September 5th and 10th comes.

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The state of xb*x games

multiplayer is shit anyway

Slick black, baby

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Because you can't wallbounce and win gnasher battles and clutch? i'm pretty certain you haven't even played the game the Multiplayer. Maybe Alarcade is right up your alley.

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>Halo shields and maps

He's talking about this. The guest Halo characters have Halo abilities for Horde.

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The core gameplay mechanic didn't age well, I have no idea why they keep insisting on making more of gears.


Marcus dies trying to stop Kait at the end.
Kait becomes the new queen and JD promise to kill Kait same as his father did it with Myrrah.

t. My ass

Kait betrays his friends but not really she is the new queen but she as a plan.
She want to unified the Scions with the Humans as intelligent species so they need to overcome their differences.
The good Scions support Kait and they are have a pacific societty they still believe in their queen figure but the bad Scion are the ones who are creating the Swarm and kidnappiong people to create more Swarm.

Nice non-source. Sounds like a shitty fanfic

This sounds like a shitty fanfiction.
But I really wanna know more about Scions in Gears 5.
Scions are the evolved old Locust the Swarn isn't related with the Locust.
2 different factions.

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holy fuck there was a gears of war 4????

Gears of war is what invented cover-shooters


So how the fuck did the Locust survive after 3? I have 4 but I never beat it and honestly kinda just tuned out the story for the most part.

>Lambet melted/ashified
>Locust just fell down and died
>Humans throw locust in huge burial hole
>Mutate again from residual emulation or some bullshit despite supposedly destroying all emultion
>Turn into bio Mass that spawns swarm
The theory crafting currently going on is that maybe some Locust some how survived the deathray at the end of 3 and turned into Scion and are behind the creation of the swarm somehow. Lots of plot holes desu.

I refuse to believe these comments are serious

>Plot holes in Gears
Does anyone else remember how Lambent Wretches were working with the Locust in Gears 1 before they decided they wanted the Lambent to be the Flood or is that just me?

>GoW 1
>This is pretty great
>GoW 2
>An overall improved GoW 1, I wonder where they're gonna go with this franchise next
>The rest of GoW franchise

I'm genuinely curious to see how TC handle a proper fully crossplayable PC Gears at launch.

these games are total shit anyway

No originality, no soul, just a cashgrab.

durr people pay money for games with guns right?? Make it just like all those other ones but change peoples names, they'll never notice!

>Arrogant Snoy is back
>Microsoft still can't offer enticing exclusives

Next gen is looking bleak

>a pseudo bubble shield.
neat,already looking foreward to the game.The campaign shit looks better than 4

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we barely know anything about the locust,even adam fenix felt like he was missing alot of data on the creatures. We don't know how these fucks mutate and evolve

This, gears has always been shit. Killzone is a better series than gears and killzone is generic as hell.


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>just a cashgrab
Don't think you know what that means my friend.

That's a hot opinion bro.

Raven Down (Gears 3 version)
Young Samantha Byrne
Candy Cane skins from Gears 3

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they want the overwatch audience, I see

I stopped paying attention to the first trailer after this

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>the original delta squad in Gears 1-3 are beloved, even on this board. The characters were incredibly charismatic and funny
What the actual fuck are you talking about? 'Beloved' no, 'entertained by' maybe since they're the perfect stereotypes of STRONK SPESS MARINE
Go watch Egoraptor's old cartoon if you want to know what people around these parts used to think of them

Sounds like the dialogue of a gay trans teen talking to her parents ... maybe that's what they were going for.

This is the new face of gears

>a slow, cover based TPS can really be that competitive.
Gears for used to be people bouncing from wall to wall so they could one shot people with the Shotgun

You mean the Halo audience?

Funny how these marxists devs love individualism so much when it comes to an ugly woman

>people around these parts used to think
Yea okay buddy quit fucking larping you have no idea what this place used to be like.

Alright then, when did I 'join'? I'm interested

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>ask me how long I’ve been here
Christ dude

I knew you'd say that genius, that's why I said tell me instead

I'm hyped the last time I was hyped for a game was because Fallout 4 came out.

How did that work out for you?

Me too bro

*Raises hand* I liked 3

Is this a thread where people talk shit about a game that they had no intention of playing?

they still make gears gams ? the hunchback simulator now on shitbox one with a tranny as your hero gears of woman5 the period as cum !

>This amount of resetera discord dilation and cope

Pretty much yea

Which side?

Oh is this the next game everyone’s shitting on, I guess astral chain and control shitposting is finished

Control wasn't worth continuing to shit on