Why would you trade in these sleek attack animations for the boring, lifeless ones in the new fire emblems?
3D Fire Emblem games are trash
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GBA era FE crit animations make me nut
Because they went full waifu marketing and forgot what gave the series so much soul.
GBA sprites are nice but they look kind of retarded in practice. They just sit there taking turns hitting each other with flashy attacks.
I prefer how the newer 3D games like Echoes and 3H handle animations, they're a lot more fluid and dynamic.
Agreed, fire emblem is now anime moe trash. It's not the same game anymore. However, I will acknowledge that it is keeping the fire emblem franchise afloat.
oh shit, what version of the game are these animations from? i thought this game was boring shit after playing the 3ds version
next time make a FE thread without the bait
>muh animations
Your games are trash just like the 3DS ones. FE6 is the only good one.
>fire emblem is now anime moe trash
He says this when a literal "pssh nothing personell katana teleport" sprite from the old games was posted ITT
And tell me what is moe about that?
It's made by a cute green haired girl you dumb weeb
>wannabe "veterans" lumping Conquest with the other shit 3DS games
Isn't FE6 the one where you're ferrying Roy's useless ass around for almost all game?
I guess. But it's still night and day when you compared the cute green haired girl to modern fire emblem characters. It's been amped up by 100
>defending fates
hahaha zoom harder
>he says as a, sure as shit, fanboy of either "move cavaliers in empty maps for 80 turns" Emblem 4 or "30 chapters fighting unpromoted units with 10 AS and 0 luck" Emblem 7
But old game good haha soul zoom zoom
nothin personnel...
NES sprite kino
zoom zoom fateshitter
>For his neutral special, he wields a Gun
>doesn't achieve liftoff
I'm disappointed.
Because the animations are something I have disabled most of the time and the gba games have extremely boring maps and either no skills or extremely neutered skills.
>Ferry a cripple around for 20 chapters btw you lose if you didn't do one of the obscure side chapters and the real ending is all absolutely trivial and devoid of all challenge
Who the fuck cares zoomer it's old so it's kino and soulpilled
Why are you posting Path of Radiance?
>Pop an Ollie on horseback and shoot a laser while yelling about blood
Blessed crit
Almost thought that was Exdeath
why not?
So fucking good.
Tensa Zangetsu...
>So you've made your sword smaller, so wh-
What the fuck is that. It looks retarded.
>gives lloyd and guy special sprites
>couldn't give joshua a hat.
Lazy bastards
Pre-release, it's not in the final game
>immortals corps
god damn persians
The nonstop laziness and asset reuse of the GBA games always put me off, people dump all the blame on Tellius for tanking the series but 3 almost identical games before that surely didn't fucking help
Why do sprite fanboys(especially gba) exist?
>1-2 range bow
Fucking shitty nu-FE...
because the 3d fire emblems don't have the trash fire that is the CON mechanic.
Also it's a skill you tardo. Bows are still range 2+.
Someone post the byleth enlightened one sword crit
>boomer thinks he has right to talk when gaiden exists
>let's completely nullify the drawbacks of using a bow and make people think carefully about positioning with a skill!
Fucking nu-FE...
Guy of all characters getting such detailed custom myrmidon and swordmaster sprites always seemed weird to me. They could've given every player character some custom tweeks to not make them look samey but instead the artists just decided to give their favorite characters custom ones aside from the lords.
Bows have less might than melee most of the time, you're usually trading away extra hitting power for 1-2+ range.
You know, like a jav or a hand axe.
Except javelins, handaxes and magic in general mostly invalidated bows. It also didn't help that for a time ISIS decided to give most archers irredeemable bases.
oh wow squishies now have a modicum of enemy phase presence through a specific skill that's so fucking broken, that's so unlike the perfect balance of good old soul emblem like half the broken weapons of the Jugdral games (if you even played those, probably not because you smell of a GBAFE fag)
Most archers being bad added soul to the game, that was more valuable than better game balance in the long run
Three Houses is amazing.
That is all.
I can't even tell if you fucking retards are serious about this shit anymore
I refuse to believe this faggot is an actual FE Boomer. Only a masquerading zoomer would consider archers as they were balanced.
Alright I'm done arguing.
Why did I waste my time responding to your faggot ass.
Sprites are hard user.
3D animation is easy and cost effective.
Just look at Disney.
Retards who only played FEH and Conquest be like "Conquest is the best SRPG ever xp"
Javelins and hand axes fucking sucked in terms of damage. Unless you got short spear/spear it was better to use magic or bow.
I played literally every FE game and Conquest's gameplay is fucking great
I always loved how all my archers had negative str growths, only way to use a bow was with warriors and it was still a dumb idea. Archers felt like something that exist only for the AI to keep down flyers.
never played a FE game before, where should i start?
It is a very good game and I enjoy it. I hate niggers that only played it though.
Because sprite art is great and it peaked on the gba.
No because bows did absolutely nothing on enemy phase. Also axe, lance and mage units tended to be way more capable as units themselves compared to the archers in most games.
Yea but the thing about that is that the characters who could use axes and javs usually had the str to make them work regardless of their shit might because enemy phase was just that important for some games, FE7 for example.
It peaked on SNES though.
And the 3D animations are good at 10 and later.
>it was better to use a 2-rng weapon on a squishy unit that would get ganraped during EP rather than a durable unit with 1-2-rng
Sure thing user it's not like clearing hordes with javelins/hand axes during EP is literally the most prominent strategy in 3/4 of the series and one of the most valuable assets a unit can have under efficiency criteria
I'm just here for Moulder the Boulder
Is Conquest really that good? I didn't have 3DS when the new games were coming out, and all the Awakening shitpositng and death of /feg/ made me avoid threads on Yea Forums.
Also javelins and handaxes were pretty much similar to iron bows in terms of might which was more than enough considering the stats those units were working with.
I was thinking these gun ones were so stupid but I lost it with this one
7, 8 or 11
The story is pants on head retarded, the world building is bad, and I personally don't care for the Fateswakening character art. That said the maps and mechanics are excellent, if gimmick heavy. It's worth playing (as are Echoes and Awakening, desu).
i don't think those niggers actually exist and if they do they came on from other srpg series. cq is explicitly not for srpg newfags.
>360 noscope
>good map design with conflicting objectives, treasures and villages constantly under fire, and the biggest number of status staves assholes since thracia, albeit some maps get a little gimmicky
>pair up completely reworked, you either use dual attacks by being unpaired but adjacent, or use Awakening style pair up for dual guard. Both aren't % based anymore, dual attacks are guaranteed but weaker, dual guard happens when a bar fills so you can even save it for specific encounters. Mindlessly pairing everyone up will kill your slaying potential in Player Phase and get you wrecked
>reworked weapon triangle, bows are fucking good
>hidden weapons that debuff enemies, play a huge role
>weapon durability is gone, but now every weapon fills particular niches since it has much bigger tradeoffs
>far too many of Awakening'd degeneracies to mention have been removed or reworked for the best, from reclassing to child units
>enemy compositions have great skills selection to counter common braindead strategies
The story is absolutely foul though. Play it for the gameplay.
>this neato animation
>for 0x2
It depends on how much you love spending time skill spotting.
I've always preferred snes FE animations over gba animations
literally have no reason to unless you are grinding like a faggot and at that point you may as well play Revelations
>fire emblem is now anime moe trash
Are normalfags actually this delusional?
I was just getting used to all the Awakening mechanics, and now I will need to adapt again.
Also I'm a fucking brainlet in denial, and all this shit sounds like thing that spreadsheet autists love.
Conquest is best gameplay in the series, Echoes is the worse with three houses being close behind.
So dead.
Regular Gaiden is worse than both.
It's the other way around. Awakening is for spreadsheet Disgaea fags who would rather number crunch and grind obessively to create monster children units in order to completely bypass the game.
Conquest requires actually understanding the mechanics and interacting with the game
Please delet
lol no are you insane
only echoes had good animations and even then not as good as the gba ones
What the fuck do you think skill spotting is?
The flip is so clean
Someone post best girl Neimi.
Sorry I'm retarded, thought you meant skill hunting through the online features. If you meant double checking every enemy for some bullshit skill or hidden +/-x modifier you will surely miss, I agree
You serious?
Fates and Echoes have much better animations than GBA and RD's and 3H's are solid as well.
Stop fucking sucking GBA cock for one second.
you're insane
YOU'RE insane. GBA animations are ok at best with the only fucking standouts being lords, swordmasters, and heroes.
No u
wtf I love treehouses now
Fire Emblem 6, 7, and 8
Claude's tailspin crit once he becomes Wyvern Master/Barabosa is the tightest shit
i agree, i don't like the franchise like i used to ever since it became 3d.
Why did you cut the boob giggle faggot!