This, but reversed
titties>everything else
no u
This was my opinion when I was younger and liked mostly jrpgs
This was my opinion later in life
Now i think it depends heavily on the game. NMH is incredibly stylish, and depends more heavily on its style than say DMC, which is gameplay incarnate (opinions msy vary). Both are great and I personally would say are each worth playing despite one having stronger gameplay.
This only applies to horror games, otherwise it's
>avoiding the filter
Thicc thighs > everything else
t. ironic weeb lewdbaby waifunigger shitter
>getting this mad over titties
Did your family get killed by a pair of boobs or something?
have sex
switch artstyle with music and I agree with you
I agree, but why did you post a pic that's clearly
Artstyle>Gameplay>Music(some tracks were weak)>Story?
waifus > gameplay
That I'm still playing SFV is proof enough of that
What about lenght?
Dayumm that mofucka long af
nigga just playin roblox in the background
Honestly that computer lab looks chill as fuck.
What is important in a game depends on the genre. For example the shit in the OP would be acceptable in a VN, prove me wrong.
Man, SF5 has some good waifus
But I just hate that game
I'm more of a Tekken guy, but I tried liking SF5. Karin main btw
VNs aren't games
(You) = yikes = cringe = bluepilled = seethe = cope = dilate
There are many VNs that have gameplay sections.
Based OP has good taste
read a fucking book with the radio on op lmao why do you even play games
You and the rest of Yea Forums like to pretend you care about gameplay over all else but I've been on here long enough to know it's all posturing. Quit posing, it's not like you have a reputation to maintain on here
[story, music, artstyle] > gameplay
gameplay > artstyle > story > music
Also art style is such a shitty phrase, fuck artists for not coming up with better words to describe this. It's like calling everything with 1 or more things interacting a system, no shit you dumb cunt it's a system but break it down further.
I think I should take a break from vidya for a while.
please rec me some games
There has not been a single video game story ever made that was good. Decent, maybe, but not something that would ever be considered timeless like Gone with the Wind or Terminator 2. Story should ALWAYS be ranked last in terms of importance.
>tfw a lot of the best stories ever told in video games are locked behind very long and often turn-based jrpgs
If they're games why are they called visual novels instead of being called games