Attached: Charging.png (1328x1641, 1.3M)

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I remember when they first added this and how jarring it was to hear his death scream constantly. It seemed pretty lazy.

In the aaaarmmmms ooooooof the aaangel.....

Attached: half zatoichi.png (426x320, 26K)


>Explosion suicide


>Using huntsman
>See demo charging at me

Attached: 1560191647085.jpg (205x200, 15K)

>he's using a steering wheel
>turn 360° and walks away

I hate demknigs
>free crits on demand
>noticeable damage resist
>can't run away from a charge and """melee""" range
>can abuse map geometry to fly


git gud

Attached: 1565278550639.jpg (1078x1036, 137K)

Don't forget that every light class that they two-shot, they gain extra health and speed making them literally fucking unstoppable and there's nothing you can do about it. 12 years of life well deserved :^)

>being so bad at the game that you can't stop a melee class in a mode where you have a ranged weapon

>can't fucking read

Is the Loch-n-Load worth using? What does it do to buildings that a few sticky bombs can't?

Attached: 1ea.png (364x318, 101K)

Speed and the grenades not tumbling helps the range a fuck ton

>destroys sentry in 2 shots
>shit flies fast and far
>no need to activate

Not him but you just suck.
Knights were nerfed to shit multiple times. Like none of the shields worth a damn let you keep sprinting far if a scout so much as grazes your asscheek with a pistol bullet.
There's no excuse for not stopping them dead in their tracks.

it really isn't, the grenade arch takes time to get used, has only three shots, so if you miss your fucked, the faster grenade speed also takes time to get used to, and the building dmg isnt really useful since you have to fire directly at the buildings

>Demoknights are pushed away by the Force of Nature and a Pyro's airblast can cancel their charge
>can be fucked over in their movement and juggled in the air by a soldier's rockets
>are completely useless against a sentry (unless maybe they're a hybrid knight)
>can be baited into a trickstab by a spy
>can be headshot by a sniper when they're flying in the air
>can die to a heavy that can tank their hits
It's plainly clear that you just fucking suck. Demoknights have their uses but there's a reason why people don't play them in casual mode. And if they do, they're doing it for memes or because they're actually really fucking good at demoknight. Even in medieval mode, I can easily shit on a demoknight with the killing gloves of boxing.

I was playing TF2 one day and then suddenly found the sound HILARIOUS out of nowhere. Just the way he announces it at the top of his lungs is great.

>press my binded kill key
nothing personnel sweetie