Things that make your dick ROCK HARD

>Boss has the same kind of powers as you
>You have to work around your own tactics and abilities

Or Alternatively:
>Boss is player character of another game

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Boss respects and complents you.
>Heals you because he wants you at your best

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most of the time this is just an excuse to make things easier for the player

That doesn't make it any less cool.

>Boss releases a huge explosion of healing items as its "warmup" attack phase ends.
>Background starts closing off as the boss gets closer to death.
>Boss's name starts out scrambled, but normalizes as they take damage.


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Kirby is always great for this. Star Allies is all about making friends then you get to the final boss who fuckin steals your friends and sends them after you

>boss is another player
still a crazy fucking moment years later, it's a shame the servers are dead now.

>Final boss theme incorporates the main theme
>Your friends give you their strength
>Final boss has sad piano bit in the theme
>Sad piano bit turns into uplifting triumphant theme
>Boss has a teleports behind you move
>The characters call each other retarded sluts during the climactic battle Based onechanbara

LGK and Spears are still active, they're not quite the same but at least the spirit of it is still there.

Name 1 (two) games like this


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>Demons Souls


Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 3


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A man of culture I see.

>Boundary break the game
>Has a easter egg and secrets basically telling you that you must've cheated.
>Ranger in full bear mode

>Boss is player character of another game
In twinsen's odyssey you find the Time Commando guy as a boss, Really cool

So modern Pokémon

nah nigga

sexy women (female)
what are you, some kind of weirdo?

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>Have a central location in a game, like a hub world or home point on an overworld map
>Endgame is that area getting destroyed and you having to fight through the destruction in a way that completely changes how you think about that area somehow

The ending to the first Mass Effect was godly. That's it.

>Party member learns new skills mid cutscene.

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here's mine
>boss sucks your dick and gobbles down all your thick semen

>Dark Souls 3.
Which boss was that, I don't remember.
Do you mean the mirror shield knight from ds2?

Spears of the Church in the Ringed City DLC

FUCK, I guess I'm gonna play ff4 soon.

It's too bad bloodborne didn't have a boss like that, it would fit since bloodborne's combat is fucking hopped up on bloody goofballs.

Technically Looking Glass Knight is the boss, not the player he summons, but I still love that fight anyways.
But yeah, Spears of the Church.

>he heals you to full
>all his attacks are ohkos

mgs4 kinoest battle since the boss and the end

Motifs getting remixed in general makes my internal kino detector explode.

Vergil battle 1, 2, and 3

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