Here's your memory card back bro...bye!
Here's your memory card back bro...bye!
WOW a whopping 16 MB
>Thanks bro, but what's the hurry now, come and let's play some SOCOM together!
>today you can have half a terabyte in a card the size of a fingernail
truly crazy times we live in
Fuck off future faggot.
the joke is that it's an unbranded chink memory card instead of the one he loaned
Socom was such a fucking chad game
PS2 is 16mg so the PS1 is how many megs?
This, I had a chink made 32 mb one
I had the 1 Mb one.
128KB, split into 15 "blocks"
I have a 64mb ps2 memory card that I bought from dealextreme several years ago and still don't know for certain if it was a scam or not, I've never confirmed if it can really store 64mb of saves or if they just used a lower capacity memory card and did a firmware hack to show it has 64mb of space.
One thing for sure, it reads and writes data slower than an official 8MB Sony PS2 memory card
it's really 64MB of space, it's just incompatible with some games because of the size on top of being unreliable chinkshit. even if you didn't have many games that worked with it you could definitely copy 64MB worth of files to it from other memory cards.
unbranded and datel cards are shoddy, but how good are licensed third party cards e.g. mad catz, hori, fujiwork
Mine was 8mb you nigger, this isn't mine
>using anything other than an official 8MB memory card
I'd rather not get all my saves corrupted bro
chinks are making >8MB memory cards with sony branding now
saw one on ebay with a different product code on the packaging than a normal memory card...the product code for an s-video cable
Playstation 2 and Sony logo are still shit. Won't fool anyone.
My parents got me a PS2 for Christmas one year with no memory card.
Never got one for like 2-3 years. Kept asking for one, but parents didn't really understand vidya and why you'd need one, or they'd just forget.
I ended up just having to beat a ton of games in one sitting. KH1 was a slog.
Luckily I just mainly played Budokai 3 and Spiderman 2.
Eventually got a memory card after a friend gave me his.
Actually got a 360 HDD like that too. Had a black friend that won a 360 in some Pizza Hut contest or some shit, he's like "You want the HDD? I already have one". He fucking brought it to school in his pocket and gave it to me in German Class, first period.
>inb4 stolen
Maybe, but who knows.
>friend insists he installs one of those cheat devices like ActionReplay
>fucks up the install
>the corrupted file takes up like 3-4mb and cannot be deleted
>my fucking face when
Wipeout Pulse wipes your memory card and keeps filling it with corrupt dummy data so you can't use it
>that kid who borrowed your vidya and then moved away
Fuck you brandon give me back my peter jackson's king kong.
If you think that’s crazy...
Holy shit xD 128k
Thanks bro!
uh, user.
you are like little children
>Socom was such a fucking dad game
Is that as big as your pinky nail though?
>1TB on something so volatile as a microSD
I mean yeah we can do it, but "should we?" is the question.
I honestly don't see any application of something like this. At least for now. Photography and filming probably (especially with 4k/8k), but the speeds probably wouldn't be all that to write home about.
security cameras in hd definition, user
not for the public
I remember to get Tofu in Resident Evil 2 when i was a teeneger.
To unlocked him you needed to save on ALL 15 slots each games Rank S of course.
I did it...but i saved all of my saves on the SAME slot.
Needless to say, i never saw Tofu but i could do a Leon A run in under 1h 45, no save, no healing spray, no special guns.
Pretty much actually, my dad loved the shit out of it. Too slow/tactical for kid me, but we'd play Conflict: Desert Storm 2 co-op so halfway there I guess
>N64 is popular
>lend my friend my NES with 10 games
>During the gamecube era I remember that I lent my friend the NES
>Walk over to his house with another friend (that I was gonna play games with) and ask if he's still using it and if not could we take it back so we could play it
>he says just a minute and closes the door
>comes back five minutes later and says "My dad threw it out so I don't have it anymore"
>uhhhhhhh are you sure? It was a lot of games and it's still worth money, do you have the games or the controllers?
>closes door and comes back five minutes later
>no my dad says he threw it out
We leave and like two years later I see him in highschool (this all happened during grade 4/5/6) and he comes up to me and says "Oh user I actually found the NES it was in my closet under some stuff do you want it back?"
I lost a lot of games to friends who moved away or stopped talking to me but this guy actually gave me my stuff back. I didn't learn my lesson though, even at age 25 I loaned a Gamecube to a friend with 15 games and after a year he moved away and stopped talking to me. -_-
People sucks bro
Big heart Big weakness
I feel you man
remember the original Gamecube memory card?
59 blocks = around 1mb
Wait a minute, Sony made official 16MB memory cards for PS2? The 8MB ones I know the most.
It's taken me too long to realize this. The only games I have ever gotten from somebody without returning was Super Metroid (because we traded games, I let him borrow my Super Smash Brother : Melee and after two years he moved) and Perfect Dark because every year I would remind him I still had it but hadn't beaten it yet and after 3 years he was like Oh that's fine you can keep it since I'll probly never play it again, and I am still friends with this one guy so if he ever asks for it back I will gladly give it to him.
I just remember being such a friendly kid and if I saw somebody who only had one game for their N64 and we were in the Gamecube era then I would be like oh you know I have a couple games you could borrow since you don't have a lot of games and the next time we hang out you can give them back.
You can format the memory card with a PS3 with a memory card adapter. Backup your saves to a virtual memory card file and restore them.
Here a picture of my new kitty to try to cheer you up friend :)
>Thanks, man
>Go back home to continue Jak 2
>No save file
>Mother fucker deleted my save of an almost finished Jak 2 for fucking Kingdom Hearts when there was enough space
Never again.
they didn't, that's the joke.
This made me cringe. Jak 2 was fucking hard.
>implying the knock-off chink card would've have already corrupted everything on the card
That's horrible.
Why didn't you tell your parents?
Sorry bro my multitap is in my dad's house.