Fact: This game is the MGS2 of the new generation. Hashino knew what was going on and tried to warn us, notice how he was removed from the team shortly after the Western release?
>Main character is a young man who's life gets ruined by false allegations, just like Vic, ProJared, Alec and countless others.
>His team is a group of youths who are shunned by society because they don't blindly follow the "progressive" ordeals set forth
>Antagonists go from athletes and media artists to organized criminals all the way up to the government itself, just like what we're seeing in the news lately
>One of the confidants is a disgraced politician who's career is ruined by propaganda
>Another is a prostitute who's career is ruined by an increasingly puritan society
>The only gay characters are rightfully portrayed as sexual predators
Why do you think it makes leftards screech so much? Because it's a truth bomb they can't escape from. And it sold gangbusters. For fucks sake the name of the theme song is Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There.
Fact: This game is the MGS2 of the new generation. Hashino knew what was going on and tried to warn us...
yeah sure whatever post Kawakami
These people exist.
>Implying he wasn't
So you're telling me right at the launch window for the biggest game in the franchise, he just decides to leave? That shit is a cover up.
Or Sae. Sae is acceptable as well
fuck off retardera
This eve makes more sense seeing how Yea Forums hate this game, specifically this game not the series in general. I'll give you that
Trust The Plan
>yfw the conspiracy with the villains mirrors the real life Epstein case almost word for word
He fucking knew.
Or maybe it's not a big secret that idols get fucked by some zaibatsu suit
How so? What’s similar?
>Top government officials connected with organized crime and celebrities
>Sex trafficking of teenagers, see Kaneshiro's arc
>Using the police and the media to demonize those trying to fight back
>Top people get exposed and then promptly killed off to avoid anything leaking
It's a pretty generic plot if not for all of those exact circumstances coming together. Except in real life there's no phantom thieves to take down the elites, that has to be the job of the people.
that's bullshit, but i believe it
Q exist tho.
It was actually right before the Western release that he left, but that only makes it more suspicious. Just look at Atlus since he's been gone, they're already backpedaling his message and putting leftist propaganda in the localized version of Catherine Full Body.
>Another is a prostitute who's career is ruined by an increasingly puritan society
But society is getting more sex-free user.
You faggots HAVE to be underage.
Its not even really an Epstein thing. Democracy inevitably results in conspiracy to consolidate power and the lack of restrictions that comes with such power, this has always been true. Looking back at Athens and Rome one could even argue the foundation of democracy is simple oligarchy.
A hierarchy will always exist, in a democracy its simply less overt as nobility.
Go move to North Korea.
Yes but unlike the thieves they don't have the power to attack the root of the problem. Ultimately it's up to the people to believe their message and fight for change. And notice how every time they do they get demonized by the media?
>tfw Aristotle understood the huge flaw in Democracy as it turns into Demagoguery because the general masses will never pick a logic option over an attractive option.
Fucking candy salesman selling us sweets when we should be listening to the Dentists.
Only degenerate sex that flies in the face of traditional values. Look at how P5 portrays those people, it's right on the money.
Hey I'm not condoning communism or fascism. You can criticize something without exalting its counterparts.
Unfortunately people are prone to blind fanaticism and treat their politics like religion, assuming anybody who doesn't do as they do is inherently wrong (sinful).
Don't forget that Atlus USA already promised to do the same thing with Royal.
>Only degenerate sex that flies in the face of traditional values
I agree but the argument OP was making relies on the presumption that people's opinions of sex are getting stricter rather than looser.
>You can criticize something without exalting its counterparts
>A hierarchy will always exist, in a democracy its simply less overt as nobility
Yeah you're bullshitting.
The idea that nobles weren't/aren't incredibly corrupt is ludicrous.
It has nothing to do with democracy, it's simply concentrated power/wealth at work.
The elites even had to go as far as taking down Q’s platform where he post all his cryptic predictive info....infinity chan. The elites took Q so seriously they had to stage 2 mass shootings (people did die) and now even the FBI is after Q officially as he/they are tied into an investigation about government and corporate officials being exposed in illegal activity. Crazy stuff sounds like fiction.
You need to look at the context. Kawakami is a prostitute but she's a straight one. If she was a lesbian she wouldn't be exiled like she was. That's the entire point.
And yet it's exactly what P5 predicted. How many "train accidents" happened that were actually tied to Shido and his group?
>The idea that nobles weren't/aren't incredibly corrupt is ludicrous.
You misunderstand me. I never said Nobles aren't generally corrupt, I compared them to the current oligarchic circles running democracies to point out how little has changed. Hell with the Epstein case mention starting this I might as well point out Prince Andrew was in his circle.
I agree with what you typed. It is just how concentrated power works. It leads to a mindset of being above restraints and inhibitions. Sorry for the confusion.
Wait what? I don't think we're even having the same discussion here, user.
I'm just stating flat out that OP is wrong on the words "Increasing Puritan", there is no addendum to that statement needed.
Society at large is becoming more accepting of sex, increasingly puritan would imply it is no longer accepting of any sex other than missionary for the purpose of procreation with the lights off.
>yfw getting Sakurai to put Joker in Smash was Hashino's last ditch effort to expose as many people to the truth as possible
Don't you fucking DARE compare this garbage to MGS2
The quality of the gameplay is irrelevant. The point is that it has a very important message that people need to listen to.
No. It has nothing to say. You're reading too deep into what is essentially a puddle compared to the ocean that is MGS2.
MGS2 has a much bigger message while P5's is more specific and isolated. Both are important.
I'd disagree.
MGS2 pointed to issues that were on the horizon with how society was developing and asked the player to question things like it asked Raiden.
P5 is more or less a straight glorification of cancel culture vigilantism.
You have it backwards. Joker himself is a victim of cancel culture. He's taken from his home and put on probation for something that wasn't his fault. Look at real life cancel victims. Look at Vic, ProJared, Alec, Infiltration, and countless others. All of them falsely accused and then had their careers ruined off allegations. One of them was KILLED by cancel culture. It's a disgusting movement used to silence people with something to say.
Well to be fair
The Phantom Thieves low-point is when they give in to popular demand (cancel culture) and target Okumura because of online polling (which the conspiracy wants them to do). After that their popularity also plummets yet they still resolve to go on despite public opinion.
Cancel culture is entirely about public opinion.
But yeah the game really never explores its themes of Freedom and Justice in any meaningful way. Pic related is about as deep as it goes. Still has top-tier cakes though.
>the game really never explores its themes of Freedom and Justice in any meaningful way.
Are you sure about that? The entire final dungeon is a very on the nose metaphor for how people imprison themselves with their own complacency. There's even a boss fight designed around the theme of the futile cycle of self reassurance. I wouldn't be surprised if Hashino wanted to do more but the execs made him water it down, it was delayed like 6 times after all.
>hating gay people
>defending prostitution
You realize you're more likely to get AIDS from the latter, right?
>The entire final dungeon is a very on the nose metaphor for how people imprison themselves with their own complacency.
Yeah and as you said its extremely on the nose. It shows how people willingly imprison themselves and how the Phantom Thieves are outside that. But that's it.
It never questions what is the freedom the Phantom Thieves are fighting for. What does it mean to be free? Is their belief in justice and truth ever at odds with freedom? They have ideals but are those not also ties and bonds that restrict their freedom of mind and self? Does their concern for others not restrict themselves? Can freedom be a partial thing where you act as you desire but only if it helps others? Do they ever doubt and self-reflect? Rarely. Everything is pretty clear-cut in that what the Phantom Thieves are doing is "Just and Free" while everything else is "Bad and Subjugated"
It never presents any real nuance.
But it doesnt have to. Its a JRPG. Not anything philosophical. It's good for what it is.