Why the fuck did we not get to see her gigachad brother in the game? Wasted potential desu
Why the fuck did we not get to see her gigachad brother in the game? Wasted potential desu
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't get to see Caspar's dad either.
>He Jobs off screen to Nemesis.
Great bro you got there Hilda.
Why are most of the girls in their marrige portaits so busty? Her being the biggest.
My dude the fact he came out alive against a fully buffed Nemesis 1v1 is a testament to how fucking insane he is
To be fair, if you have to job against anyone, let it be Nemesis.
Literally too busy fighting the Almyrans. He can’t leave his post no matter how much he wished to rush and protect his little sister. Heck if it was up to him he’d pass his inheritance and Birthright to Hilda if given the chance much to her own horror of then having to be in charge of the House.
I'm still disappointed that Hilda had no special dialogue with Nemesis.
What would they say to each other beyond 'unga bunga'?
are there any big benefits from changing units from advanced to master classes?
I don't like how most of the units look in master
Holy fucking BASTE
>My name is Hilda Valentine Goneril
>You hurt my brother
>Prepare to die
>not making literally everyone a wyvern lord
>every single fucking time you go there for a paralogue or a side quest, it's because dude ate a random mushroom and got sick
He actually sounds retarded.
Some are straight upgrades, like Wyvern, Warmaster, Gremory, and Falcon.
Hilda is great as are her friends.
Better growth and better class skills, in some cases.
Depends which one. Some of them will absolute fuck with your growth rates, like Bow Knight, or are straight trash, like Great Knight.
I thought he was supposed to be trash because of her paralouge where he's sick and gives her the holy relic as if he doesn't want the responsibility. Apparently he just didn't need it.
why is lyssy doin hilda a look?
Name a more wholesome A support than Lorenz/Marianne you can't
If only.
She is in awe. Hilda isn't just like a Stacey, she's like a female Chad. Girls aren't envious of Hilda like they are of Stacies, instead they intrinsically respect and honour her.
Dimitri and Marianne
I hate how lazy this game is, they show ferninhands father but not anyone else. I spent like an hour moving Bernie around the map to every building in the second to last chaoter because she said her mom will be in the city and she hopes she channels her inner bernie and stays inside.
It doesn't help that manuala can wait near the opera house and visit it.
>Ferdinand's dad is a fat balding bastard
Who would've thunk
Dimitri and Marianne.
Dedue and Mercedes.
Ferdinand and Bernadetta.
Sylvain and Ingrid.
But all of Lorenz's A supports are wholesome as fuck anyway.
Raphael + literally anybody else.
Is it weird that I found Hubert's support with Bernadetta wholesome?
Dimitri and Marianne
Felix and Bernadetta
Ferdinand and anyone
Part of me wonders if the DLC is going to have something to do with family members. Raphael's sister is mentioned a lot , Lorenz and Marianne's dads, Lysithea and Ignatz's parents...
>play 3H for the very first time
>doing Edelgard's route
>literally no one in the class feels any guilt or thinks there's anything wrong with conquering and slaughtering all of fake Europe after the timeskip
Seems really out of character
What's more important?
A support or ending?
They showed Dimitri's dad
Oh hey, she's actually attractive without the shitty twintails.
This, nothing close to jobbing. He also didn't have a Hero's Relic, and if memory serves, Holst doesn't even have a crest.
Does anything bad happen if Sothis doesn't like you? I keep pissing her off.
master classes are a bit of cluster fuck: some are more like side grade classes like GK and Mortal Savant that are fun to experiment with but arguably worse than advanced counter parts whilst others are just straight upgrades over advanced classes like war master and wyvern lord
not really, his support with her shows him at his least dickish
You don't get to marry her
>great knight
It's a highly mobile tank class with absurd defense, it's anything but trash.
Thanks, wasn't sure if there were any implications. I pissed her off a lot on my last run as well, and it looked like I still had the option anyways.
Probably just something to do with Sothis, given the Silver Wolf icon.
Tank classes are trash by default
>survive a fight against this motherfucker
Holst is a fucking demi-god, if he didn't have to defend the entire fucking contient from mudslimes he could've ended Edelgards temper tantrum war by himself in a month
Is this peak UNGA?
Does BL change at all if you recruit her? Considering whether or not I should grab her.
Yes. Edel pumped full of crest power gets oneshot by him
DLC, it has been mentioned that there will be more playable characters in future waves of content. Considering that you can save the area he was protecting and presumably meet him afterwards, I am sure he is going to be one of the future units released.
You can't get her in BL
>Goneril Valkyries served the house for generations
>this means before Hilda got them they served her brother
I wonder what he does with them
You can, BE is the one that can't get Hilda
>finished Beagles
>got mediocre endings all around besides Lindhardt saving Lysithea
I blame Petra, she messed up my whole configuration
Yes you can.
Isn't the Immaculate One also weaker than Unga the Bunga of liberation?
Hegemon Husk was really disappointing, which is weird. I got excited seeing her skills and the 1-30 range, but she either can't hit anyone, or if she can, she deals shit damage.
yes you can, she isn't as loyal as Dedue or as "loyal" as Hubert
not in a game where enemies lack Luna and have a severe lack of effective weapons
And where Stride, Retribution, and per-chapter Rescue & Warp are a thing
>You, Seiros. I choose you to be the first of my victims.
Do you think Hilda and her brother ever fucked?
Whoops, I'm retarded.
If you set someone as an adjutant, do they take experience from the person they shadow?
Not really, except that Hilda obviously gets replaced by an Alliance General in the maps she shows up in.
nope, only difference is when you'd fight her in either gronder battle she gets replaced by a generic female warrior with the same stats and skills like other students
No, they just both get EXP
I don't think you are losing any experience there. Setting an Adjutant has no bad sides, really.
That's a fight i expect to be a nightmoare on higher difficulties.
Also replaced on the map you save Claude in
I guess I'll save her for last and grab someone else
Just try to imagine how strong Seiros was at her peak, when she managed to kill Nemesis in a duel
Hilda would be too lazy to act on her incestual impulses
no they gain a separate amount of exp equal to around 50% of what the unit got
We will see, Hegemon Husk couldn't hit Falcon Knight Ingrid at all (even without Alert Stance), and would have only done like 5 or so damage. They'd really need to buff her stats up to make her challenging
>stride great knight and warp him to boss
unless you do it with a Warmaster it's practically the same thing.
Why is she sluttier than designated slut Dorothea?
doujins when
I need that gif of the GD kids dancing please
I just finished Edelgards Route as my first run but all I did was kill a dragon, what routes do I get to fight the demons?
winter I guess, game came out after summer comi
why is it random whether or not people drop their relics
Catherine gives you Thunderbrand when she dies but that's it
>Not giving Dedue Distant Counter with Retribution, and then watching him punch so hard that a bolt of lighting appears to smite the boss to death
But yeah, that works.
The image this is based off of is pretty good, it's from The Young Pope
What a thrill...
This. Church route fits their character so much more than edeltard's route
Golden Deer
>Distant Counter
isnt that an enemy exclusive skill?
no demons here, we have super evil molemen on claudes route though, they are like demons
depends on the character, a lot of them are just doing it for "muh sensei" or they're just dumb like Caspar or Bernadetta. Ferdinand and Petra are the only ones that really had interesting reasons for staying.
Well she didn't seem so confident considering she had to raise an entire army and created the Empire to combat him.
Maybe you should talk to them and do their supports. And Edelgard doesn't slaughter people in her own route
well she didnt REALLY have to go and kill Claude
He also had his own army, it's not like he went around conquering Fodlan all alone. Guess he wasn't so confident, either?
Why are you putting quotation marks when referring to Hubert's loyalty, what are you implying?
It's a gambit with a different name
If you killed Claude that's on you
Give Nemesis a break, he just knows the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
>there are five losers with unique crests that never had their descendants show up ingame.
I wonder what the point of them is. I never used their stones on NG+ since I only used them when I wanted a commoner to use a relic without the penalty and they have no corresponding relics.
Hubert fucking disobeys her whenever the fuck he wants as long as he can rationalize it as it being to her benefit. Also, look at the guy.
How did Nemesis get his own army and conquer Fodlan anyway? I mean I get he was strong and all but he was still just a thief, a very unga thief, but a thief nonetheless, who's ever heard of a thief getting an army?
I mean Hubert frequently disobeys Edelgard's orders because he thinks he knows better, unlike Dedue
wait a fucking minute
As a skill, yes. However, there is a Battalion called Kingdom Archers that has a Gambit named Retribution (There might also have been two other Battalions which have this), which grants your allies the ability to counter regardless of distance to attacker for 5 turns, so they essentially get Distant Counter for 5 turns.
Byleth and Marianne A is the best support in the game
>goes on continent wide campaign and kills everyone in her way
>dOesN'T SlAUgHteR pEoPLe
>only one to have a bad feeling about monica
>only one to have a bad feeling about the crest weapons
>only retainer with the sense to jump ship to byleth's classroom
is she the least retarded character or something
Hubert probably does know better than Edelgard. And what, are you saying it'd be better for a retainer to blindly follow their lord then to guide their lord to the correct path?
I think they;re meant to show that maurice wasn't the only elite that went berserk, just that he was the only one to fuck before becoming a monster
Most likely DLC bait. Two of the unmentioned Crests appear as Crest Stones in the Dark Creator Sword, at least.
On her route she doesn't, it's a stalemate until Sensei shows up because Edelgard doesn't want to disappoint him
No it's not.
The only people you have to kill in Edel's route are Dimitri, Dedue and Rhea.
You can spare Hilda, Catherine, Claude and the mexican janitor.
damn i really should've used more gambits in my game but I guess it would've made it too easy
>Kingdom Archers
>BL Dancers
>Most unga of all bunga lords
Why did they need to make BL the designated babby mode
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. The thieves after him might as well be an army.
i'm not sure it is
but i am sure i personally think it is
Story DLC could possibly delve into them.
why couldn't she stay a loli post timeskip?
>kills everyone in her way
She spares a lot of people in her route. (of course a decent chunk of those people are killed by Hubert without her knowledge) Her crime in her route is doing all of the dumb ass shit like "lol slithers are totally trustworthy bros, they're definitely not using me I'm super smart" and "lloooolllll flame empreror lol this is totally the morally and ethically correct choice".
Hubert/Bylat A rank
Why didn't yo protect his smile
Probably because she wasn't one.
she'd need a transfusion from flayn
how long until everyone just calls my unit blyat
well she kills all the Slithers offscreen afterwards, really should've added that to her route though instead making it 1/3 shorter than everyone else. Maybe DLC
Should I get this game Yea Forums
She's already 17-18 pre timeskip
Are those going to be his actual stats in Lunatic after killing his elites?
I bought this game because Yea Forums tards won't shut the fuck up about it. Let's hope there's some dlc.
Is this achievable natty?
do you have a Switch though?
This comes up in Ferdinand and Hubert's supports
>Ferdinand: I need to be better than Edelgard so I can advise her properly. I will not blindly follow her.
>Hubert: I can just go behind her back who gives a shit lol, all for her own good, who cares if she doesn't change, I'll just hide it all from her
Also, Hubert definitely doesn't know that much more than Edelgard considering her fucking dumb plan doesn't raise any eyebrows on his part.
it's got a little bit of everything for everyone
>you can grind if you want to
>you can do whatever the fuck if you want to
>writers finally wrote some god damn subtlety compared to fates characters
even the dumbest most unlikeable characters (edelgard) have developments for why they do retarded shit
edelgard is still a retard tho; if you plan on replaying the game play her route first
You can spare Cyril? How?
by avoiding him on the final map I'd imagine
>dumbest most unlikeable characters (edelgard)
t. Dimitri
We all know the most unlikeable is Ingradz
just don't kill him
technically you never have to kill him on any maps you're on. I left him alive in Edel's route because I 1 turned power of friend ship 5xgale force gangbanged Rhea
Just use Edelgard, who's completely fucking broken and just have her murderize Rhea before Cyril can react.
>targets you from 5 spaces away
>cantos out of range
Kill him with Blyat probably, but why would you want to spare him?
Lore friendly
Yes. I just can't decide between MM2 and this though, I can only get one right now
>Ashe isn't gay
why cant he be my boyfriend?
Killing Claude is optional m8.
Although I did it because I felt it was bullshit this cunt gets to just walk away scot free in every route
Wait, can I get TWO birthday bonuses?
Yes, other one is just a letter though
well those are two completely different games so I cant help you decide on that but its a great Fire Emblem game, and its very newbie friendly if its your first game. Also the threads are super fun, it'd be a shame to miss them.
Is it a DIFFERENT letter?
Her and Claude are really cute together and I haven’t felt like that about a duo since Nino and her angel of death.
Even if you perceive Edelgard in the most villainous way possible she’d still be a thousand times more interesting than fucking Raphael
She's too busy raping Annette to fuck her brother
ohgod I murdered Claude for no reason
>killing him out of spite
you're not wrong but
>start violent war over an assumption
>be a spiteful cunt who backstabs childhood friend
is pretty silly
It’s just his autism, he believes the perfect servant shouldn’t burden the master with problems so as to make things so easy for them that they don’t even need to know problems exist. This creates problems of course because even Hubert isn’t perfect in his judgements and his insistence on keeping the war with the slithers in the shadows due to muh vestra pride ended up with him being literally the only person in the continent who knew and could deal with them properly.
>You can spare Cyril? How?
You mean "why"?
Raphael cures people of their problems with his s heart and his humongous dick.
Every character that comes in contact with Raphael becomes a better person.
>all those Lorenz support
>they think im creepy?no that cant be dont they know how much i have to offer?
>it cant be me obviously theres something wrong with them
>past his C supports hes the best noble
>goes out his way in his spare time to make sure peasants have food money and wants a system where everyone can be a noble
Holy fucking based and to think i was gonna drop him for that gay ass haircut,reminds me a bit of pic related
Who do I grab for Blue Lions? What are they missing rosterwise? I already plan to grab the units that Dimitri has a support with (I'm blanking right now though)
Not everyone has to be fucked up by their tragic past. Raphael is just a good bro
Caspar is a must to unlock Mercede's prologue. Marianne is Dimitri's canon waifu.
He was in the way, he had to go
Get a black mage, Annette is the worst one in the game by a fair margin.
Lysithea works well
Also Marianne has some good spells too plus nice supports with BL
You absolutely must get Caspar for a special paralogue
>What are they missing rosterwise?
if you ask me alot of BL can respec to spellcasters
grab someone who you know you want to see flying around because cavalry eat shit on some maps and canto is strong
Just grab someone to balance out the genders for end pairings.
Is there any difference in dialogue if you kill Raphael with Ignatz vs killing Ignatz with Rapahel?
Don't worry about what units you need since the game is easy enough, just get whoever you want to ship with the BL characters.
That is, after all, the main point of Fire Emblem. It's a shipping simulator disguised as an SRPG.
>BE epilogue dlc
>Byleth, Edelgard, and Hubert stand around a table, its oak surface covered by a map of Fodlan.
>Hubert points to a particular location on the map, and begins to describe his plan for moving the Empire's vast army to surround the Slither's base of operations, crushing them once and for all.
>As he exposites, Edelgard gently takes Byleth's hand in her own, and gazes lovingly into his/her eyes.
>"Soon, my love, this horrible war will soon be over. The Fodlan I... no... we dreamed of will finally come to be."
>The war console is suddenly interrupted by a thunderous crash. The floor itself begins to rumble, knocking Hubert to the ground.
>The war room's towering doors are suddenly torn asunder, and the three look in horror as two corpses are thrown to their feet, those belonging to the leader of the Slithers and Nemesis himself.
>"Impossible... unless..."
>She looked up, seeing the robust figure. His jaw framing a wild, pink beard. On his shoulder sat a familiar looking girl. It was non-other than Hilda.
>"Holst Motherfucking Goneril..."
>"Are these the mean people who hurt you, sis?"
>Hilda, holding back her tears, simply nods.
>"Low blow, Empire, invading while I was busy kicking Almyran ass. I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to my sis!"
>Hubert retorts "Such insolence, you will pay for that door with your life", as he speaks he waves his hands, readying an incantation.
>Holst flings a hatchet at him, severing both arms.
>Edelgard, shocked, turns to Byleth.
>"Forgive me..."
>Her physical form begins to contort and morph.
>"Now, Hol..." Holst interrupts Edelgard by grabbing her by the face. He tosses the creature through a nearby window.
>Byleth looks down at the streets in horror, Edelgard's corpse sprawled below.
>"NO" Byleth freezes time.
>"That won't work on me!" Holsts screams, as he cuts through time decapitates Byleth.
>"Come along Hilda, maybe one day big bro will teach you how to do that."
Only way to do him justice.
DUDE FOOD, LMAO is just a shit a character as LADY RHEA LADY RHEA LADY RHEA
Caspar again? Thanks, I forgot that he's in the DK paralogue.
Marianne as a black mage? Doesn't seem like her speciality but okay. Thanks.
Get Casper for Death Knight lore then some people for good supports like Lys and Marianne
>There are people on this board right now who chose to pray for Peace for Fodlan over her smile
>There are people on this board who did not marry the best girl themselves
Lorenz and Ferdinand are just too pure, fucking Ferdinand works the field to bake shit for Dorothea.
Probably since Ignatz specifically says something about Raphael joining the Empire in BE.
Does Raphael even show up in BE post timeskip? I know Lorenz doesn't.
Bernie and Felix
Ferdinand is absolutely based
>Marianne as a black mage?
no kidding
>play GD, go mostly heals
>recruit as BL
>starts with some reason, find out shes one of 3 mages with ice magic
>Not letting Marianne get BOARED for the best support chain and ending in the game
what the fuck? Works for me though.
Do NOT get bernie
Marianne has one decent heal (Psychic), and a whole cadre of offensive magic (Blizzard/Thoron/Fimbvultur/Aura) plus the demon sword Blutgang. She is for punishing sinners
There’s exactly one and it’s fucking western.
Not half bad admittedly but you have been warned
is it possible to get all of the supports that your base group has in one playthrough?
I think he fucks off back to the farm in BE since the war was a stalemate in that route
i like their development so far (month 10) but until i see more i still think my fav pairing thus far having only played GD is seteth/bern
Her romance arc with Byleth is objectively superior and actually follows her character arc.
what happens if you share a birthday with a character? Do you still get to give them flowers/tea?
Why's she so perfect?
He gets Caspar out of his manlet self hate, cures Bernadetta with his dick, knocks Lorenz down a peg while having lunch, infautates Shamir despite breathing being hard, learns to speak bird and is such a fucking bro he marries his friend to his sis, not only that but if you marry him to Hilda Holst and Raphael have exercise contests.
Raphael is a good boy.
>start violent war over an assumption
To be fair how the fuck was she going to know the truth of the Nabeateans l. Literally one person living has that knowledging and it’s the head of the institution she is sworn to destroy.
Also war was going to break out regardless of Edelgard would’ve started it or not. Keep in mind she is basically a puppet princess until her ascension of the throne
Yes but it makes endings a mess.
Killing him was the only rewarding thing in the BE route.
Raphael is a regression of awakening/fates tier characterization where their one gimmick (DUDE FOOD/TRAINING LMAO LITTLE SIS) too greatly overpowers whatever depth they may have
Cyril is a good boy.
Why are the nobles so based in this game?
not all of his bonds are memes
this is literally like how people think lorenz is a shit pervert but thats literally
>people who never got past any of his Bond C's
>people who didnt play GD
he's actually pretty amusing with shamir for instance
Is sensei next?
Raphael is a nice counterbalance to the game's general angst
>Hilda will never rape you.
>say ur fuckin prayers bernie
i wonder if thats why the game wont let you kill him or have his friends kill him
fucking gold
He's too busy cleaning for Lady Rhea for him to hear you say that.
What is supposed to be the appeal of Dimitri?
no, Hilda only plays with Annette, why do you think she had to get rid of her donuts post timeskip?
Even the designated snooty noble in Lorenz is based as fuck
He shows up in BL Gronder
make the female playerbase cream their pants
Trying to be a knight to protect others, big gains come from loads of food, willing to forgive Ignatz and Lorenz just because he is such a bro, talking about being a good bro he is a fucking treasure when talking about his sister.
Unironically some sort of sex God in all oh his endings, he gives Caspar a run for his money for crying out loud.
That Shamir support is the whole reason I went assasin, he became a punching Wrecking ball, I thought Caspar was broken but dear Jesus Raphael is a fucking beast.
he would have been happy to what?
>tfw health cap of 110+
He appeals to the RED WOMAN BAD crowd
Ferdinand is a man of culture.
Shsmir and Raphael, and Hilda and Seteth are extremely underrated supports.
>finished BL yesterday with the paired endings I wanted to see but had to skip a lot of available A supports to do it.
>gonna redo the last two maps but with all A supports done.
This is gonna be a mess.
Otomepandering and gendernent Velvet Crowe
You shut your mouth
Raph is the sweetest cinnamon roll in this game and I won't let you hurt him
he's a good guy at heart with a dark side, that's always fun
>Annette cut her donuts because Hilda kept dragging her by them and throwing her onto the bed
>tfw seteth so based leonie for once doesnt fixate on "muh shishou" in the bonds
To score with sensei so they can both rape him/her together.
He's Sasuke.
>when he yells at Ignatz for apologizing too much and thinking they can't be friends
He's one of the best characters
watching waifufags seethe
>Should have stayed in your room, bitch
Dimitri honestly felt like a bully here
So what kind of shit does Hubert do behind Edelgard's back that he thinks will 'help her'?
That would be Felix user
This is Byleth von Edmund, say something nice about him.
he prostitues himself to gain funds for her army
if you believe for one second that this is real you are a bona fide retard
Byleth von Fireemblem
His face looks like someone stretched a mask over a brick wall and he probably doesn't wipe his ass.
>had every right to be punished and go the way of the felix
>chose to be a good man instead
>Taking your wife’s last name
The most numale cuck thing imaginable
kt's some shit some sjw wrote, sh
No, Felix is just an regular omega person.
Comfiest house
>there are people so autistic they think Felix is sincere in his edgelording
to be fair if a commoner matches up with a noblewoman it would make sense to take on the name of the house of higher status
>The real fire emblem was inside you all along.
Two nukes were not enough
this guy did the same shtick for xander in fates
>violent and abusive
You see Byleth, this is how kids are made. I never got to explain to you.
>implying it's not sincere edgelording
at least it's more out of pure cynicism and not childish angst
>Keep asking Marianne what she's praying for
>Slowly start to actually open up to you
>Ultra cute goddess tower scene about her prayers, where she becomes increasingly concerned about you learning about her prayers
>A rank, and she finally tells you about her prayers and what was going on
>Her prayers changed from that point on
To me, it was the most kino support in the game, if not Fire Emblem in general. I wasn't expecting it at all and it made her character for me.
>Handsome, Noble, violent with a DARK PAST but underneath his punished exterior is a heart of gold
Husbando material. Fire Emblem has a sizable female audience you know.
The only way they could be made it better would be if he had to kill Glenn himself while everyone still said he died like a true knight.
This shouldve been canon desu
eisner is a lame last name desu
no it's not, it's some dude trolling
how stupid are you to think anyone who wrote that could be serious?
He has a cute smile and warm hands.
hard to tell these days
Does anyone have this image of eldegard ready for paper print and cutting?
Ignatz banged the shit out of Ralph's sister in my ending
Girls believing they can change a total edgelord with their purity is a fucking Stone Age trope my guy
>not choosing the eternal dragon loli
it's not if you have a brain
probably because all of her bonds with other characters are better?
She's barely taller than pre-timeskip, she just stopped using her donuts
>at least it's more out of pure cynicism
no, it's just a literal cope. He's internalized all the values he hates.
In my GD run Hilda stole Marianne and everyone else paired off in weird ways. Leonie even ended up alone with a nasty drinking habit
He's the pope at worst, and king of all Fodlan at best.
What the FUCK is his fucking problem?
why does she love fish
i mean, the cynicism is technically a way to cope and lash out at the stuff he hates
>tfw blade breaker II
why'd they have to write her to be so insufferable to listen to
i'll fight you
the desire for a mommy gf is the most powerful force in the universe
Women love bad boys
>dat gentle smile she gets for her neutral expression post-timeskip
An angel.
It's not a one-off at least, their twitter is full of D*mitri seething
>accepting a student's offer for a date
that's a disciplinary write-up, Byleth, don't do it!
Wrong pic
Girls like to heal the troubled handsome guy in the same way guys like to tease the cute dork
I can't believe Bernie is fucking dead
did her father teached her to stay perfectly still so her husband can use her better?
I don't even know how those work. Is there some kind of priority system in the pariings? My Leonie for instance had max support with everyone but got paired with Shamir and became they created a professional mercenary group with a retarded spider banner
>You look so... happy. I love seeing you like this.
What goes through Edelgard's mind at this EXACT moment?
>God Byleth is so hot
>This guy is a total faggot. I'm going to conquer his kingdom to purge it of faggots
Nigga, he's pretty much fangirl shipper bait.
>Prince of royalty
>Tall and strong
>Pretty boy, then handsome man
>Has a tragic past that he tries to hide the fact that it affects him
>Becomes a bad boy that only Byleth can fix
I mean, goddamn, stick him into a romance novel and he's pretty much a cliche.
>He didn't entice the fwrightened wabbit out of her smelly burrow with gifts of beautiful flowers every single week
So how did Hubert manage to lug her unconscious body back to her room? He's not exactly the most physical person.
>tfw even after playing all the routes I still like Edelgard and Dimitri the most
Am I fucking shitter?
Yeah but she's smol
two options
>bernie's a lightweight
>>he has telekinesis
They only missed him because he was high on shrooms
What would the s-support between Edelgard and Dimitri be like?
Bernie is small as fuck pre timeskip, probably wasn't too bad.
What the fuck did you do Hubert?
>ywn be Hilda
Why are we here?
Hubert is fucking jacked
I wonder how his relationship with male Byleth is. I get that it makes more sense to choose to play as female Byleth for his route, but honestly it's just way too fucking gay.
he stabs her repeatedly instead of once
Tried to poison him but even that wasn’t enough to take out gigachad
Dimitri, Sylvain and Felix are coveted character archetypes in Otome games, fuck it you could make Ashe or Ignatz fit in the slightly younger one with family obligations that can't go into his dreams due to family reasons archetype and eventually chases his dream because of you.
Now I kinda see why people called this Otome Emblem.
so hes Griffith?
>Played Church and BL first
>Hated Edelgard's guts after going in liking her design the most of the three lords
>First 10 minutes of Crimson Flower she has completely won me over with how adorkable she is.
What the fuck is wrong with me
is that natty?
Not really. Edelgard is a neat villain but her route kind of sucks. Dimitri has appeal across the board. Claude is kind of boring, if only because he's already level headed and his growth as a character is more subtle than Dimitri who otome's get to fix with their pussy. That said, I see a fairly even split for the lords which suprises me.
Hubert sure isn't acting like whatever he did failed
I love ultrastacy!
how would you, as a father, protect your daughter from being inseminated by Chads?
>I like the GD the most, and the Church route the least
>I still end up thinking the Church route is the most likely to be canon
I can't help it. The Church route is pretty much how I see things would happen if Byleth didn't pick a side and it's pretty much what I would have done in his/her situation.
>what is perspective
Well sorry to tell you but you've got shit taste.
And her goddess tower scene is boring.
Where do I find a FE gf?
Is it bad that as a man I unironically love having bros like this? Usually jap games with romance have a slough of goofy, whiny, unattractive men where the main villain is a tall, handsome chad and it just makes me roll eyes.
When I roll out with the boys I want them to be a force to be reckoned with.
It comes off more like you're a big brother to him, honestly.
I'd beat them to it.
unironically on reddit
you get anything for keeping dedue alive on confrontation at the palace? I didn't rush it down and he suicided into mages
You’re in the right place
Cordelia/Frederick 2.0
They can't inseminate her if I already did
Become a whale for one on FEH
Claude slowly getting Redpilled and realizing Rhea was actually right is such a fun ride, he even stops his selfish quest for open borders in order to fix his shit hole and gets his dream done through actual diplomacy.
I really, love how they made Claude grow, it's not dramatic but every belief he has takes a beating and he becomes a better person due to that.
Why do people like Claude?
But my Emblemfu is f2p
best girl
The benefit of knowing the Dedue fulfilled his Bromise.
Because he's literally the only sane lord
>Soon, my love
Who the fucking she talking to here, because it sure isn't me. I didn't marry that dumb bitch.
Who thought it'd be a good idea to have Sothis be written out of the story half way through before all the juicy story bits happen? Makes her seem rather irrelevant beyond being the in universe explanation of how you can rewind time (though you barely ever use it in the story) and being the object of Rhea's obsession.
His ending with Petra is pretty great because of this as well. Still my favorite of the lords in TH
Fun guy with a godlike class and also the only one who realizes something is amiss with the bigger picture.
Close but no.
Cuz they smell like dick.
Didn't want to pick BLs at first and thought they were lame. After Byleth's pops dies. he comes up to you and pretty much tells you he will avenge your father at Byleth's command without any expectation of a reward for any of it.
>Your enemies are my enemies
>My strength is your alone
>I will kill anyone should you ask
My knees are bending on its own. What a King. Truly Aragorn-tier.
>learns to speak bird
I fucking loved that support.
>implying Holst would kill a fellow chad like Nemesis
>implying Holst wouldn't instead convince Grug that they might as well join forces and chad it up together
Also canonically Holst wasn't able to beat Nemesis
>Implying she needs or wants your consent.
Don't worry, she'll be the focus of the DLC route where you get everyone on the same team for the true ending.
How would Corrin deal with the crests, church, and molemen?
What kind of nasty dick do you have if it smells like fish ass?
The one good thing to come out of the church ending
He wouldn't, he would still s9mehow win against them though.
Idk let me smell yours to prove my point.
Nothing, Corrin can't think for herself.
well how will they deal with corrin's 3x3 breakbar?
By being a wishywashy faggot/twat being dragged along by Aqua until things just work out in his/her favor somehow.
Imagine FE: Conquest, but instead of femCorrin being the MC, it's Edelgard. What changes?
Starts as a literal almyran Trojan horse buttmad at being an outsider on both sides of the frontier also a fucking hippie nature lover with cowardice as his main trait.
With teach guidance he overcomes his cowardice and fights for Fodland, slowly realizes that religion was just OK but right in a lot of parts, instead of dreaming about open borders slowly realizes that Fodland was closed for good fucking reason, is forced to choose sides and grow up to a point he and Byleth double team Nemesis with absolute trust on each other.
To top it all off he leaves Fodland to Lorenz, the man five years ago he thought was bad news for Almyra and proceeds to fix Almyra raid culture and problems from inside(Dare I say make Almyra great again) before returning to Fodland in other to start diplomatic discussions as equal.
Claude development is more subdued but is one of the few Lord whose dream changes and becomes one for a new Fodland not for himself.
I love Dimitri but Claude getting buttfucked over him mocking the goddess only to have a slight crisis when they reveal Sothis is inside of Byleth is beautiful.
xander finally has someone to beat him in the stupid and stubborn olympics
Surprisingly similar, just less ko's and more killing.
Somehow all the fighting would stop, due to their love/respect for corrin, the molemen would then immediately reveal themselves for no reason, base location included, and be immediately wiped out.
She'd guess your fetishes at a glance and probably blackmail you about it.
If that's not a sign of best girl, I don't know what it is.
He mocks Lysithea to her face without even noticing.
Raphael is such a treasure, his A support with Byleth is about how much you do for others and how important you are for him, he will protect you with as much love as he would for his family.
We don't deserve Raphabro.
Oh fuck please not another golden ending, the story works because it's bittersweet.
I'd find it redeeming if everyone lived but you died in the end instead.
Whoops, read that as Byleth.
Edelgard straight up kills Garon, and immediately turns around and conquers Hoshido way faster and cleaner than Garon did.
and it was all thanks to azura's guidance
Just imagine what kind of rock-stupid fucktard of a child they'd have.
I suppose that could work, after all if we're dragon jesus might as well go the full mile and die for their sins.
Hilda is too lazy to blackmail you. She would just tell you that she COULD blackmail you and that you should do what she wants because she is nice enough not to.
she'd probably push a crest stone out of her womb
She used to live next to the sea and spent most of her time watching her mom fish , since they were living in isolation.
>siegbert with white hair
or as a brunnette
>oh you're into threesomes?
>jeez Byleth you're such a perv
>just dont ask me to join
>what? No no, I'd love to ride your face, it's just so much effort you know?
>I'd much rather just watch from the couch or something
Well, Yea Forums? What choice should I make here?
She would probably threaten to tell Ultimate Gigachad Maximus about it.
You don't want to be on the bad side of Holst.
>King Lambert was for social reform, even called a radical by the lord who conspired against him
Edelgard’s war is so retarded, literally the only thing preventing people from changing society is the empire and slitherers killing people
>Walk into your dorm
>Find Hilda tied up on your bed.
>"Ha, caught you user, I knew you were into this sort of thing!"
Imagine if Dimitri was able to hold hist spaghetti together long enough to try and reconnect with Edelgard at school.
Put him down! True evil Edelgard with no mercy for former students is the only way to play
Hilda says at some point that she doesn't like to guilt people into helping her because she doesn't want them to feel bad about doing her work for her. Blackmail just isn't her MO
Cute art. but I want a lewd version
Spare him. He's a good boy who doesn't really do anything wrong throughout the game.
>Why must you befriend me?
>Why must you rebefriend me?
Kill. Why would you spare enemies?
He isn't a true man of Fodlan. He must die.
Edelgard usurps Garon and we have Crimson Flower 2: Electric Boogaloo.
You get the satisfaction of keeping one of the best character in the game alive, to honor the memory of Dimitri
Dude doesn’t even want to be in Fodlan.
Why would you not kill him?
He won't care once he's dead.
A character analysis on Edelgard.
It is only missing Dimitri breaking something in the background due to his retarded strength but that's pretty much how that would go up.
>Imagine if Dimitri was able to hold hist spaghetti together long enough to try and reconnect with Edelgard at school.
He did, he gave her plenty of opportunities to join in a conversation with him but she always gushes over the professor instead.
Fuck it, now I'm curious.
Which prior-game lord would handle being in Byleth's shoes best, which one would fuck it up hardest?
Assuming they all get loli tulpa powers of course.
Spare him he did nothing wrong.
>Edelgard’s war is so retarded, literally the only thing preventing people from changing society is the empire and slitherers killing people
You literally managed to contradict yourself in context of the narrative in the same sentence. Incredible
>literally the only thing preventing people from changing society is the empire and slitherers killing people
>Slitherers essentially control the Empire from the shadows
>This includes Edelgard up until her coronation
Spare him the burdan of continuing to live
Marth would probably befriend everyone, even Rhea.
FE14’s MU, for both.
Ah the ESLgardfags come out to play
I don't think it would go as smoothly as you hope.
Remeber Edelgard has literal memory issues from her experimentation. She only vaguely remembers her relationship with Dimitri
She'd definitely tease you about it though
Dimitri only has appeal on his route tho. In BE he never goes crazy and in GD he fucking dies offscreen
I really want Hilda to sit on my face.
Eirika finds a way to ruin everything
Fantastic argument fagtimus prime.
Wouldn't that make Dimitri want to pry for more information from Edelgard over what made her amnesiac?
Spare him so he gets bullied to suicide when he runs back to Almyra
Ephraim would do great. Eirika would be terrible.
What argument? You didn’t present anything. Schizophrenic monkey, learn English
Is keeping Hilda a warrior a good idea?
I don't like the idea of making her a great knight because she loses damage or a wyvern lord because she loses defenses.
Fuck now I want to see Ephraim murder hobo it up with Dimitri.
I u understand why recruiting works the way it does, but it feels wrong not seeing every character at the Gronder Field rematch, with some replaced by NPCs and others on your bench
>That said, I see a fairly even split for the lords which suprises me.
Seventh place
Make her a Wyvern. She's so much stronger.
Depends you can sometimes afford to make her a great knight because she already kills everything anything with an brave axe. Honestly switch her around based on the map
Azura could totally give Edelgard a stroke with that song.
How will IS ever top this waifu?
come on, let's not be disingenuous. He loses stats as the battle goes on.
I don't like the idea of making the most tanky character less defensive though, particularly since most of the rest of the golden deers are squishy.
I know how strong wyvern lords can be, I used Seteth on my blue lion playthrough and he was great but not a reliable tank.
>Dude Edelgard should have just killed off the slitherers she didn't need to start a war.
Did y'all speed read her C supports or something? Ionius is politically impotent after the insurrection of the seven. The empire is basically run by the (mostly) corrupt heads of affairs and Arundel who is secretly the head of TWSITD. Literally the only reason she isn't already dead is because she survived the experimentation that made her extremely valuable to their cause.
Lashing out like she did in Arianrhod pre-timeskip likely leads to her just getting held captive and replaced by a slither plant if not offed outright, Arundel formally takes the reins and ends up declaring war on the church anyway, using Edelgard's "disappearence" to further fuel anti-church sentiment
>playing Princess Project
>Jack off to Ai's scenes thinking of Hilda
It's as close as I'm gonna get until we get some decent doujins.
>The empire is basically run by the (mostly) corrupt heads of affairs
Literally irrelevant considering she just wills them gone with zero fanfare
>most tanky character less defensive though
That's rapheal though, and wyverns barely a step down in the defense aspect. Warrior doesnt even get def growth to wyverns 5%
Further proof edeltrannies are twitterfags who haven’t played the game
Never underestimate the power of an edgy chuuni waifu
Are you serious? She's fucking garbage man.
AFTER ascending the throne And i'd disagree heavily with that statement if you listened to some of the conversations post time skip with the BE students, especially Ferdinand and Bernadetta considering their fathers were placed under house arrest.
>decide to go no flier run cause they are too OP
>enemy fliers are wrecking my shit now
Wyverns are weak to bows and magic.
I wonder if Hubert offing his own father was his idea.
>The empire is basically run by the (mostly) corrupt heads of affairs
Which is why she benched him, never to ever see the light of day
Literally the boss of a race of spy aliens so it's far more convenient to pretend to be pals while plotting against him
Imagine being this triggered by Edelgard you spout this garbage every thread. Giving Dimitri a run for his money in terms of obsession
In BL Ephraim would probably just go full murderhobo with crazy Dimitri and accidentally ruin the nation.
Ignore that part
Would not put it past him. Mans is ruthless when he needs it to be.
It's really funny how FE has completely swapped places in terms of popularity in the east and west when you think back to the early 2000s
>shits up the thread with schizophrenic fanfiction no one asked for
Right but you can give any wyvern an Aurora shield to null their bow weakness AND get a weightless +3 Protection, and they're not weaker to magic than any other class really. Pretty sure that's just flavor text to set them apart from Falcon Knight.
I guess, forgot honestly since bows/magic users are typically what go down in a single round if theyrenot dodged entirely instead due to alert stance/avoid+10 from wyvern, specially hilda as she can basically 1 shot any mage that might be a threat to her with her retarded str
>rapheal tankier
Depends on playthrough, Hilda has slightly more growth when she becomes an advanced knight so it's all down to luck, and knight Raphael is speed suicide so that's a risky class for him.
oh it most certainly was, especially considering duke aegir did far worse, yet all that happened to him was being stripped of his power
Who care about speed when you got gauntlets and access to Quick riposte?
Wyvern lord Hilda is probably a fine choice but I think I'll keep her as warrior since I'd prefer her to remain a reliable tank but not suffer the negatives of great knight.
I'd make her a fortress knight but that move speed is just unbeatable.
It definitely was. Look up his support with Hanneman
God forbid people discuss the game and have the audacity of have differing opinions on a polarizing character than to sperg out at anyone who disagrees with you
Weapon gains and the fact Quick riposte is endgame. Unless you're doing it on new game+ you're either not getting those growths or not using the class
Further proof that the Empire is the problem and should be removed.
long as she has a weapon to hit with shes honestly fine in any class, i put her in mage just to fuck around with spells on her and she was still one of the tankier units along with her constant str level ups.
Problem isn't the empire. It's that humans are dickheads and Sothis wasn't thorough enough in wiping the Agarthians off the face of the earth.
Keep in mind the Kingdom has a plant primed to overthrow Dimitri and their homebase is located a stone'd throw away from Goneril territory. They are in prime position to fuck shit up across the board given the oppurtunity
>hey Dimitri, these guys caused the duscur massacre. Here is proof. Want to help me get rid of them?
Oh but wait, she wants to take over Fodlan and destroy the church first, never mind.
Anyone have shots of Bernie or Shamir in the dancer's outfit? asking for a friend
>problem isn’t the empire
>tfw Pega/ Falco Hilda solo'd my game
If the class can make Ingrid good, it's scary to see what it does to a good unit.
Kill him. He isn’t even nice enough to give you his bow like he does in BL.
>Implying Dimitri wouldn't flip his shit and go into full on murderhobo mode the second he realizes Edelgard is even remotely associated with them and would have the nuanced patience to understand why.
You overestimate his mental state at that point user
>shits up the thread by spamming shizophrenic fanfiction no one asked for
>now has to run damage control
She literally only grew 3 centimeters. She’s exactly the same size just longer hair.
Why are Dimitri and Edelgard so popular, given that they are both actual lunatics?
Really needed to be more anti-flier and really anti-mount stuff in general, even before avoid cranks up to retarded levels fliers/mounts are just busted compared to infantry with nothing really stopping them
They're not? It's TWSITD that's the problem
The only reason he flips out is because remire is a recreation of Duscur
I remember my Leonie ending with 51 speed and I don't remember giving her any speedwings
>has the ultimate form of Dark Magic
>only one use
>only used when you open the central facility
Would be interesting if he could cast Quake every 4 turns or something.
>least egalitarian nation, most prone to corruption, starting the most wars, treats citizens bad enough that an entire section breaks off and creates a new state, and another state breaks off of that one because living under the thumb of a dynastic ruler is retarded
lunatics are interesting user
>not one shotting his ass the moment you bust open the door
lunatic fucken when
I want porn of Jeralt absolutely creaming Leonie.
Leonie is the speed god of golden deers, itd be strange if she wasnt above atleast 45 by end-game
>Yune is still occupying her head
>loli turf wars happening 24/7
He fully flips out when he sees that Edelgard is the FE. And no matter how good her intentions are, odds are that the second she reveals that, he's going to immediately lapse into the crazed state you see in Ch. 11.
Don't give them ideas
They’re the lords and are duking it out in their routes. Claude is just some background guy.
>He fully flips out when he sees that Edelgard is the FE
This is because of remire
As compared to the wonderous, famine plagued Kingdom of Faerghus where the crest hierarchy is at its strongest and has its own corrupt cabal of nobles, and the Leicester Alliances where the warring nobles are literally killing each other in some instances for the sake of political clout.
All the countries have their issues
How come Edelgard is so much more tame in Deer/ Church compared to how she literally goes full Hitler on Faerghus in Blue Lions?
>imagine Ike saying number two to Edelgard after Edelgard tries to explain why she’s going down her path.
He notes he also saw someone in the flame emperor’s armor that’s implied to be his mom in the ToD, though yes Remire is a more recent example
Shut up we have true knights
>crest hierarchy at its strongest
>more commoners in the officer’s academy than BE
They had to play her up as the final boss of the route. People woulda been pissed if she was a easy to take down as in those routes
The real answer is she’s the one obsessed with her step sibling, she even refuses to target anyone else in the final fight
Completely irrelevant. Heirs aren’t being robbed of their inheritance or heavily encouraged to be used as marriage bait simply for not having a crest in the Empire.
>accidentally killed him with Seteth because I mashed A before I saw it would kill
At least they had specific dialogue
Why can't super Saiyan byleth ever cut through reality again. Why is he so underwhleming when you compare Jesus incarnate to ICBMs, giant dragon popes and king of unga bunga???
Plot in this game only let him be overpowered once. Saving it for the DLC
I don't understand how it doesn't exist yet.
the difference between ingrid and hilda is an average of like 4 str in hildas favor while ingrid has 5 more dex/spd
FE porn artists have the worst imaginations
>Axe Bandit
>tutorial boss
>Sword Bandit
>literally killed god, has the Fire Emblem, is a giant chad, and an entire religion was created to demonize him
3H confirmed for Kaga propaganda.
Sanity is overrated. There's a reason why Claude's the less popular of the 3
Holst didn't kill a single one though. He fought him all buffed up.
>Heirs aren’t being robbed of their inheritance or heavily encouraged to be used as marriage bait simply for not having a crest in the Empire.
Did you not play the game?
just wait for the lance bandit
Did you? We have a literal chapter dedicated to this shit is it directly relates to Sylvain’s brother. It’s a large part of BL’s entire narrative FFS
>tfw Punished Dimitri is the Lance Bandit
You don't even need imagination. She's begging for it all the time and you can tell a weary, tired, hot mercenary like Jeralt would love to go through the bullshit of being re-enlisted by emptying his seasoned balls in willing high school pussy
yo wtf why is Hubert so fucking fit.
They won't. It was a fluke she came out as perfect as she did
performing assassinations builds up alot of muscles in you
>literally ran for three days to the Kingdom, not giving a damn about food
>fought off the Empire's scouts throughout, only getting caught because he grew tired
>all for Edelgard at the age of around 11
He REALLY loves Edelgard
jeralts an old man who only appeals to barafags unfortunately
Is Golden Fish day worth doing if i'm max Professor rank or should I save my bait for Fistful of Fish day?
Lorenz is shit. Raphael and Ignatz had it great
He is a DILF. And aging, retired warrior fucking his teenager groupie is hot.
Also, I should mention that Raphael and Flayn is simply hilarious, because is just a couple of retards shouting to eachother
Fistful of Fish is better since the EXP gained from each fish is added up. Incidentally, this means you can earn a ton of gold from catching so many fish, especially if you hook up a Glimmering Fish
>FE porn artists have the worst imaginations
you aren't looking in the right places
I wonder what bred such devotion of Edelgard in him
This. Even Reddit's poll shows that Dimitri is so popular with women, he has more votes than the 3 below him has COMBINED.