Play League of Legends
Play League of Legends
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middle looks like a tranny
But I'm not a chubby slant eye with poor dental, and I'm not 15.
Where's tightfu.
Watch this again
why play if i can just fap
I dont play.
I fap to the porn
>258 million views
How the fuck did they do it?
Yeah, they should fill games with trannies and niggers with afros, right?
Lots of bots. Same way shit talk shows on youtube hit """""8 million views""""".
It's a song, retard. Simple as that. Take a look at the list of most viewed videos.
One of the most popular games in the world + KPop + fapbait
Fuck you LoL.
Bring back my friends.
What's the point of playing a game if the only thing you care about is beating your dick to it's porn?
Why do people like this even exist?
imagine being so desperate for new players you start pandering to k-fag zoomers
What the fuck is this, 2011? Fuck off
How much could I get for my Judgement Kayle account?
>it's another jizzbrain game like overwatch
why do they look like trannies
Why are you obsessed with trannies
i quit because of the akali rework. that dev needs a kick in the balls.
I want sleep with Ahri!
fuck off chink
I've actually been kind of curious about the state of the game for a while now. I got burnt out on it some time ago (around Rek Sai's release), worth coming back too?
no thank you, game is trash
its a song. people listen to it many times. also lol is the game with the most daily players even in 2019, though it is dying
>b-but it sucks
so? didnt stop despacito
this shit is 10 years old, if anything OW is a jizzbrain game LIKE lol
Only know these girls from jerking it to fanart:
Is their game any good?
Who doesnt?
It's the same X hero bursts you down in half a second and they have 3 dashes and 20 seconds of perfect invisibility in their kit to get away garbage still, so no.
Riot keep making champions that can 'do it all instead of champions that have a specialization and require their team to pick up for what they're weak in.
It's a MOBA
I wouldn't recommend it, Riot has been not-so-subtlely going into whaling mode with $100 skin recolors and achievements you gotta pay for. Some bugs and the shitty client are probably never gonna get fixed because it doesn't make them money to improve the user experience.
>Is their game any good?
More like who hasn't