Meanwhile at the Yea Forums blacksmith...
Meanwhile at the Yea Forums blacksmith
Other urls found in this thread:
+1 my sword please
Can I get a $40 Master Sword replica to adorn the walls of my gamer den?
Gotta gamble your extra iron and a gem for that bruh, also that’ll be 200 gild plus tip
What boons would this amulet provide me?
Whoops, wrong shop. Could you point me towards the nearest whitesmith, please?
They're masterbarks all, you can't go wrong!
>mfw random adventure comes in demanding that I make a sword out of mysterious mythical divine glowing space rock that he found in a dungeon located in an area where the king declared forbidden to enter under law for 500 gold
funny you say that, for this is a monkeyspeak amulet! And I happen to be a black smith
Ignore this Kupo!
Check out my merchandise!
>500 gold
I'd do it honestly
I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra strength, a number 7, two number 45's, one with gold, and a large potion.
buy dog
I got a +3 broadsword and a bag of Gold Dust, what can you do with it?
why fuck armor HEAVY
I swear to god if i have to make one more master sword or keyblade im gonna snap
From left to right; chain ball of extra chain, can be used to repair chainmail as a consumable or held to give +2 charisma because you feel safe with extra, tubular chain of binding, give to a bro to get temporary +2 strength because you will want it back, chain amulet of blue eyes, as a necklace it does nothing, but place it on forehead to gain temporary chain blessing making chains burst forth from your wounds to disorient enemies and create barriers over wounds. Each lasts 31.41 minutes
lol blacksmith more like barksmith xD
I buy an infinite amount of free daggers
Make the sword kinda luminous in the right light, also more effective against je- i mean goblins
Trusty dagger
Teleport stone(s) depending on if its single use or unlimited
Only one per customer, kupo!
I do both though? I guess just smith (ambiguous)
Also have a trick weapon. It stabs, smashes, and shoots!
can i get a 4ft long great sword
black and orange for the color please
I don't need a blacksmith, I need a sculptor! Make a 1:1 replica of this! I have gold!
I'd like a par of swords, good sir.
One for me and the other for my... friend...
Why don't you just assembly a motley crew and plot an elaborate heist or caper to steal the original?
Because artists need work too you fucking thief.
Then what do you want?! Kupo!
Would it be possible to custom-order a halberd whose shaft doubles as the sheath for a katana?
My mom always told me not to speak to any of those damn niggersmiths
Now now friend, there's no need to be hostile. Why, I believe I know someone who knows a guy whose brother is a master-class sculptor. I'd be happy to introduce you, for a small fee of course.
Are you sure you're out of Bone Swords?
Well-met traveler, Behold my custom blades
ay yo dawg
i need a sword but it's also a gun
>paying for art
I need my equipment repaired to 100% durability and each piece of gear only has less than 1% damage on it.
Here's the 100 gil to repair my plate armor and convoluted weapon you faggot.
Some swords and armor can be considered art. Should a blacksmith also not be paid for his masterpieces?
Do you have one that looks like an actual sword and not like a colorful toy for children and faggets?
*slaps it with his hammer*
There, done.
(This smith does not have access to the materials required to repair this weapon!)
Sorry sir, but the only smith who can repair your convoluted weapon is in the forest of convoluted pathways beyond the convoluted ruined bandit castle
You tried, user. Have a (You) for your troubles.
Yes. I've pirated all my swords, you fucking moralfag.
Top left bud, now pay up or get out
I will show my body if you give me GIL kupos!
Recommend me a good self defense weapon for this doggy dog world.
so I want you to buy 50 of these iron swords 40 steel armors and all that shit form me that I uh found in the um forest capisce doggy?
and don't go speaking about this to no townguard or we gonna have a little problem my furry friend
Get rid of that gold plated garbage I'm not a faggot.
Good blacksmith, do you have any magic swords for sale?
how do you +1 a sword Yea Forums?
I'll take the 4 strength 4 stam leather belt please.
I'll repair it for you, free of charge, friend.
Add a +1 Gem of the particular stat you want to it's hilt.
*bumps into stand knocking display of swords over*
Duct tape a sword onto another sword
Hi, I'd like your best and most expensive sword.
Do you accept 17 bear testicles, 5 rusty butter knives, a vial of ogre dick cheese and a broken vase as payment?
Please..visit my shop..kupos..
*Pulls out a metal throwing disc*
But that's just a Frisbee that wouldn't cause any harm.
*throw disc and blades come out and sticks into wall after slicing a mennequin
>Rakram! Woof!
Well. I don't think we'll be playing fetch in the future Doggo.
Blacksmith, I need your finest halberd head.
The potion seller did nothing wrong.
bend over you slutty moogle
chain sword obviously
grey-hound or battle-bark?
Will you?
ah fuck
Can I pay you in pets?
I'll happily provide prepayment, if you accept it
Fuck all the other blades, Lightning Wave all the way
>not taking the anti-magic sword just to mess with mages
I seem to have broken my magic sword. Would you be able to sell me a new one? Preferably with the power to wipe out large fortresses in a single swing.
Explain to me why I shouldn't take the radical lion sword and then have my new loyal followers purchase the other beneficial swords that don't immediately backfire like the Old God/bloodthirst ones?
Take of your pants and bend over
I will not use my body,kupo!
How did you get my picture?!
that'd be kind of interesting as a character
the whole game, the blacksmith is presented as a dog that takes your weapon and comes back with a better one
then near the end of the game, after you do the blacksmith's long ass side quest, the real blacksmith comes out and hands you a plain looking weapon that turns out to be an end game weapon
Yes lewd, maybe I'll actually buy something if you graciously host all us anons at once
Magic swords? I dont work much with with them.
Now, That old witch near the lake could help you out if your looking for a magic sword.
based dog of smithing. +1s and enchantments to your equipment will be upon you, but only if you reply "fuck jannies" to this post
Steal it so he has to make a new one
How much do you offer,kupo?
the douchebag dagger looks actually funny, i'll have one please.
everything in your shop if you let us pound that fluffy ass and nutt on your pom
>sentient douchebag weapon sidekick
why is this always the case
Good day, sir. You wouldn't happen to have axes here, would you? Preferably a Labrys. I'm looking to help my new Priestess partner. Maybe a new staff for her too, if you have any.
Because they’re tools
How many party members do I have, and how many equipment slots could be filled with mythril equipment?
Tebtatively, Mythril x8, 1 Teleport Stone, and Trusty Daggers all around.
Now pay up,kupo!
Make me the Masamune
I think I got just the right stuff for you, it's called the Sexcalibur.
*unzips pants*
Where are your katanas? I'm never shopping here again.
>it's actually an armourer
I want a gun that shoots swords.
Sir, we sell weapons here.
One shovel please.