why aren't u gaming right now on linux?
Why aren't u gaming right now on linux?
I have no use of linuxs upsides so I stay with windows
linux is an OS for hipsters or people who are too busy with real shit to play games
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but I am
gaming sucks
Yeah, I buy expensive hardware just to have it bottlenecked by using a shitty OS. Real fucking smart OP.
linux runs the same games 20-30% faster than windows, retard.
windows is literally slow as fuck.
I don't have a graphics card in my PC.
It's greatly improved since Valve got involved, but there's still a bunch of weeb games being held back by unimplemented video-playing features such as the Media Foundation Platform and Quartz
linux is for enterprise and for servers. using it personally or in a home is some poser shit.
>oo oo aah aah hurr huhruhrur ghrhfleblelbh
Your point?
Even non-weeb games like Darksiders don't work because all the cutscenes are FMVs using the in-game graphics for some reason.
ironically enough linux now is a better OS than windows.
most of the linux native tools are good enough for most task.
and the windows emulation now doesn't suck.
so why do u want to use a spyware botnet OS?
When is Gabe going to write WMR drivers for Linux so I can play HL:VR.
I am using an old laptop with an Nvidia 310M, and an intel i5 M460. Is chuggin with a flash game, I hate it so much, especially since I am fairly sure it costed around 600-900 € back then.
I do, proton is godsend
linux isn't good enough for gaming yet and since that's the main thing i do on my pc i don't think migrating to linux worth it yet
I used to. Linux gaming is pretty good, but after buying a G-Sync monitor I had to go back to Windows.
I was thinking of trying it but one concern I have is compatibility.
I don't know if it supports all games from old to new and I don't know if it supports certain programs like flash and such. I mean, I can try to do a workaround but I prefer to have it a "plug-and-play" approach
install ubuntu distro that is 19.04, install wine-development, lutris, set up the latest wine version inside lutris and open your .exe using lutris.
Literally basic easy shit.
>no meme tabs
I only use linux on a headless server.
GTk based DEs and 'apps' look and feel like dog
Proprietary drivers are not working for nvidia cards