Post yfw smelly Smash Bros zoomers don't know what SNK is let alone its legacy in video game history

>Post yfw smelly Smash Bros zoomers don't know what SNK is let alone its legacy in video game history.

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Because the Neo Geo was the PS3 of the 90s. no fucking gaems and cost $600

>don’t know snk
>wants Shantae
Fucking dummies

This thread is shit. Kill yourself Smeleefag.

They should make Super Smash Girls and have only cute waifus instead of these gay guys in it

They didn't recognize Richter, what the fuck did you expect
Fucking Retards

SNK themselves are partly to blame for this by being so poverty for a decade that they haven't garnered enough respect from the zoomer audience.

It is up to brands themselves to generate recognition and I don't blame zoomers for not knowing SNK because they are only just trying to make a comeback into the mainstream

>talk to someone about games on omegle
>ask them what their favourites are
>Minecraft and fort night

People do this with literally every character tho.
Can't believe a thread died for this/

When I was a kid my family and I would go to a laundrymat close by and I have really fond memories playing Cruis'n USA and Metal Slug. I'm not even that old, but it sucks seeing lots of people bitching and saying "who". Whatever, fuck them. We'll soon have our fighter to shit on them with.

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Mate, I can make a thread and get up to 300 replies by simply copypasting one tweet.

Yea Forums sucks before midnight Ontario time, the euros need to go to sleep first before this board is good


SNK isn't even a game its just something that was made up to mash up with other games

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smashfags are known as the worst fanbase in gaming for a reason. not a surprise at all.

why is it that almost everyone on twitter has either Persona 5 or Ace Attorney profile pic?

What's Smash?

they could put mario in the game and you could still find retards that don't know him

They're ironic weebs that actually think the cuckolization of 逆転裁判 is okay

Not gonna lie the only SNK game I'm familiar with is Metal Slug. I don't play fighting games though, Smash is just a fun party game, so don't blame me for not knowing much about KoF or whatever.

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This is the same fanbase that wants Geno

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based terry dabbing on zoomers

The Smash community is the only one who derives pride from being ignorant. This is no surprise

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Tfw was lucky enough to at least played Capcom vs SNK 1 and 2.

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Not really, the PS3 was roughly as powerful as the X360, whereas the Neo-Geo was exceptionally powerful for the time, shit had Arcade-Perfect graphics in the mid '90s! The problem with it was that each game was roughly $200, so nobody but really rich kids could afford it. The Neo Geo was

They ironically didn't know about persona or atlus until 5, or 4 if they're especially hardcore for a smash player

boomers win again.

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probably salty underfags and doomfags

that and some metal slug games were my only SNK games.

To be honest, most of my normie friends know about Metal Slug because it was very popular when we were younger, but I'm sure no one knows what the fuck SNK is.

>SNKfags think they're relevant
Doesn't even deserve passing consideration for Smash.


>yfw a cute smash player passes you and his pits are ripe, but JUST right

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Neogeo was same for home and arcade, you were literally buying a arcade board which why it was fucking expensive.

Jesus, I feel old.

>Know all about SNK
>Still don't think it deserves to have a Smash rep

The people in those screenshots may be idiots, but they've come to the right conclusion regardless.

Wasn't KOF a reason for Sakurai wanting to make smash?

what popular snk games were on nintendo consoles?

What does it mean to "deserve" a Smash rep? Smash as a concept is literally "your Nintendo favourites duke it out," it's just fan service and as of late a cute nod to their business deals. It's like saying "The Hulk should have won in that fight vs Spider Man," where the winner is just whoever the writer wanted. Same with the characters that appear in this game.

>Sakurai wanting to make smash
Not quite but did influence his philosophy regarding making Smash

Kids don't care about titty fighting games anymore.
Games like Minecraft, CoD, and GTA are now dominating the market while shitty incel's products like SNK's are flops in comparison.

Good chunk, though a lot later on in collections

I believe Nintendo wanted SNK Heroines as an exclusive

Aren't there a ton of SNK games on the Switch eshop?

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>if they pick a fighting game character over heihachi

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Cant beleive i have to be lumped in with these faggots. Being a zoomer sucks.

>[thing] happens
>immediately jump on twitter and screencap random chucklefucks
>especially meaningless this time around because you fuckers yourselves turned "Literally who xdee" into a ebin smash meme

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Zoomer is a lifestyle

As a Zoomer who doesn't know what SNK is, who are some reps that have a high chance of getting in the game? I'm fine with anyone at this point cause I got Joker and Banjo lol

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Terry Bogard and Nakoruru are snk's mascots and have the most chance. Kyo Kusanagi, Mai Shiranui, and playable characters in Metal Slug also have a chance.

if you never played a metal slug in an arcade, pub, or even at home, you don't deserve to have a fucking say in elections.

I'm in the exact same situation. also i know nothing about fighting games but i know mai shiranui. so why is terry more requested? is he really that iconic?

>I can't name a SNK game
>Theres SNK games on the Switch

God Lord I hope all these faggots die

Smashfags are braindead. When Bayo came out as DLC the smelly smashfags in college were talking about it and I heard them say how they never seen her before and they couldnt do Ryu's SF moves. Literally how the fuck?

>why is ryu requested more than chun li

I wanted Doomguy or Dante to be in as the last two fighters but I'm beyond happy for your win SNKbros. I can't wait for all of the butthurt tracerfags and zoomerfags wailing on twitter come this Friday, it's going to be insane.

Also is it going to be Terry or Marco

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if Marco there's no way they're not gonna bring the other 3 Guerillas into the costume slots.


>Don't like fighting games and don't know anything about KoF
>Adore Terry's design
He's like an even cooler Ken. He'd be cool in Smash. That said, I lover Metal Slug and would like Marco too.

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Yes because SNK never released their games on every system under the sun

Zoomers sicken me

Snk heroines. It’s mai you silly billy

>never played an SNK game
>still know who they are

Why are these people so ignorant?

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You assume that people who demand for Character from Series to be put in Smash actually play videogames, let alone Series that they're demanding for Character to be added from.

I know who they are, but I am still disappointed my dream char is not yet in.

Not sure what's the issue on being upset over something not wanted.

It's pretty normal, lmao

It really bizarre that a franchise know for being a huge crossover has a fanbase that knows shit about games. I can understand not knowing about every video game franchise but people are really calling SNK irrelevant on twitter. Do they not know that KOF was did the whole cross-company crossover game before smash?

Because SNK is mostly weeb trash and fap bait.

Unless it's pic related it will surely be a disappointment.

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It's simple

Legacy beats popularity

When will smashfags learn?

Why the fuck is Attack on Titan getting in Smash?

>saying this when stuff like dr mario, game and watch, dark pit, lil Mac, Banjoke, ROB, ice climbers and so on were added
Okay retard