Enter The Gungeon

What does Yea Forums think of this game? I bought it on sale and I'm starting really like it. Any tips/tricks? Favorite and least favorite enemy/boss? Best class?

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Dodge only as a last resort. Get into the habit of walking around bullets instead of diving around like a lunatic. You'll appreciate this skill when you eventually come across the busted tv. You'll see what that means soon enough.

If you double tap the fire button with the huntress' crossbow, she will reload immediately. Great for shredding boss health.

The pilot is recommended for grinding out elevator quests.

If you're able to extinguish the fireplace on the first floor with a water barrel or some variation of a squirt gun, you'll find a button on the inside of the fire pit. Press it and see what might open up around the map.

>The pilot is recommended for grinding out elevator quests.
That's what I'm trying to do now. Any tips for finding hidden rooms/weak walls?

It's a boring slog and Nuclear Throne is the better game

It's just luck. Your bullets and enemy bullets can open up cracks in the walls but they're very easy to miss.

Unlike binding of isaac, because rooms are connected by corridors, the secret room can be fucking anywhere on the map. Obviously use the map to check areas that have gaps where a secret room could fit in but don't be surprised if you find a secret room with a mile long corridor that bypasses adjacent rooms.

Also if you finish a floor and only have 1 or 2 blanks left, you can pop them in rooms that you think may have a secret room because you'll be given 2 more blanks on the next floor anyways.

And don't be disappointed when you waste 20 minutes trying to find the secret room only to find a brown chest with a half heart in it.

have you ever found a legit rainbow chest?

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What’s an elevator quest? The first around he said to meet him at the elevator, but I never did.

jump down the elevator shaft once you reach floor 2

it's retard garbage

Its good, but a lot of the good gear you have to unlock, its pretty slow until you get turbo mode, and the damage caps on bosses is beyond bullshit but aside from that it's very enjoyable
ive got about 200 hours on steam

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I have, was very surprised to say the least

I went in after a lot of Nuclear Throne playtime and was mortified by how slow it is in comparison.

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Around 200 hours here too, it is pretty fun, only complaint being yeah the boss dps cap but also how fucking long and difficult bullet hell is just to even get to the necromancer who has 3 fucking phases like fuck me I don't have enough health for all this shit, just getting to chamber six takes like 30 fucking minutes

I usually dont bother with the sixth chamber unless I have a good run already going, because as you said it's fucking painful

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>Decide to give the game another shot after all the updates
>Find my first rainbow chest
>Rat note inside
>Uninstalled again

Slow as slow honestly
500+ hours in throne here, gungeon is real slow and way too centered around health conservation and bullet patterns compared to the fucking lightning rate throne goes most of the time, but let me tell you getting a master round feels way more satisfying than killing lil hunter in a fraction of a second with super slugger

Sure, plenty. Always try to use guns with ammo when you can. This influences the game to drop more ammo.
Secret Rooms are usually found in the exit elevator room, off of chest rooms and the shop. They can spawn elsewhere, but they need space. So look at the map.
Bosses have a DPS cap, unless you break 1000 damage. There are some guns that bypass this cap.
The game is more likely to try to get you a synergy for guns and items that you already have.
Don't roll unless you absolutely have to. Learn how to move between bullets instead. Rolling is more likely to put you into the path of oncoming bullets once you get veteren rounds that can predict your movement. Certain enemies are better to roll towards them, then it is to roll perpendicular to them. Learn which.

Probably the most important is to not panic. The last thing you need is to make a poor decision again and again because you are worked up. Don't be afraid to pause and get your wits when you enter a room.

700 hours in the game, have found a single one. It was in the secret room with the pit around it. 5 of the items dropped into the pit, and because this was an earlier patch, they were gone.

I swear chanver six adds like 3 curse passively, I always get loads and loads of jammed enemies and seven hearts can get melted down real fucking quick

Here's my hot tip: play Synthetik instead.

a lot are rigged to spawn jammed, I believe

It's funny, the better you get at the game the less secret rooms you'll find
The only ones I found were because of using a blank accidentally or getting an armor broken, and as that happens less and less you'll see the secret rooms less and less, kind of the opposite of secrets in most games

still waiting for mods

The most probable place for a secret room to be in is in one of the treasure rooms. Grab one of you guns and shoot at the walls or just pop a blank at the shop.

Seem my problem with the game is that runs are ultimately dictated by gun drops rather than skill

git gud

Welcome to roguelites

I actually prefer the Marine pistol to most gun drops anyway. Cheap gimmicks are often more complicated/stupid

Nah, it just has dedicated Jammed spawns. Like the room with the backwards E shape, if it spawns a Gun nut, that one will be Jammed. You just got to be aware of it.

Holy shit. Thank you so much. Never knew this is how it was supposed to be done.

It's already got mods, where have you been? Nothing absolutely big, but some passives added. One character that I would say at least feels good to play, with his own unique items. It's going to be a bit before people really get a good feel for how they should alter the item pool to not flood it with a bunch of useless things and make runs worse.

Same, especially with bosses. Like tank bro and the dual bros.

>Trigger twins
You'll get better. It sucks to fight them with something like Pilot Pistol, but it's possible. You just got to make sure you aren't getting cross fire and they are pretty doable baseline.

This one depends more on having some kind of speed up or slow down then anything. Blowing him up is all well and good, but in the last part of the fight he's going to be super fast and will cut you off because he will likely not have as many pillars. I still prefer this to the other two, because he feels more consistent.

Play huntress until you get good. Use the crossbow for the first two floors. The game was a lot harder on release.

I picked it back up recently and have nearly 100% apart from a perfect punchout with the rat.

>What if Nuclear Throne, but slow?

>The game was a lot harder on release.
Sure was, item generation was beyond fucked. You could go through 3 floors without any end of room drops and shops weren't even guaranteed to have a key unless you didn't pick a key up. Getting the elevator shotcuts was horrible. You were basically sacrificing a run to do them.

Now I can't get through 10 rooms without something spawning, and if I have any amount of coolness, even less. I think one run, I had 20 coolness and had a drop every room, sometimes with multiple drops. Then the synergies turned some of the most worthless guns into monsters. Flaregun with Mr. Accretion Jr destroys everything. Regular old guns, the Quad Laser with Moonscraper. Even something as small as the Machine Pistol with +1 bullets turns it into a room clear that will last all the way to Bullet Hell. I wish they would put out just one more update for some synergies. Some of them need to be fixed still.

>tfw find Mr. Accretion Jr.
Just when I thought this game had no new and cool guns to offer anymore.

Just wait till you get any of it's synergies. Black hole with that thing turns it into a beast. It's probably one of my favorite new guns and I don't find it often enough. Shame it on it's own isn't that great.

It's alright.
I got exhasuted after unlocking the Gunslinger. I probably won't ever touch it again
Don't give up, don't rely too much on your dodge roll, and FUCK the high priest.

also this

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>get to fuselier with only starting pistol
Absolute frustration.

best gun is the cactus with lich eye bullets or the fucking chamber gun

I've found two in normal runs as well as a glitch chest. I thought I was pretty good but holy hell the glitch boss kicked my ass.

Finished gun is the best, but you'll curse how common it is after unlocking it. Chamber gun is number 2 though, no doubt.

nah dude just get the cactus with lich eye and spray every room to death. Even more fun if you've got bouncing bullets

>it's a fuck up the punch-out rat phase again episode

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That's why I dropped the game. I had a horrible run with few guns, no ammo drops (yes I know not taking damage increases the chance for ammo. I guess you'll have to trust me when I say I wasn't getting hit). And whenever I opened a chest it was rat notes, health up, or orbitals. So I managed to beat floor 2, 3 and up till 4 boss with just the shitty starter gun. Boss was the wall and I literally could not out dps it before the boss got to the end of the room and insta kill me. That's when I decided that this rng fest wasnt worth the time.

>enter boss room
>suddenly zooms in on the door
>Door Lord
>instantly die because don't know how to dodge his laser
What the fuck

there are a limited number of rat notes and you can only get them once, so you should stop getting them after a few runs

>takes like 5 minutes to get to your first chest
>even with good stuff the first floor plays exactly 98% of runs, an absolute no-no for rogue likes/lites

Shit I forgot about my biggest complaint
>same enemies fucking over and over with more HP each floor

Yeah I know but still that was so frustrating. Like it took like an hour to get to that point with only the starter gun while being careful not to get hit then I insta lose because fuck you lol. I had 8 hearts because of chest rng so if it wasn't the wall I could have at least damaged boosted through the tougher ones lol. I should add I had flight and that's what made the run at least not hair pulling.

This desu. If you get unlucky on gun/ammo drops, the game stops being fun very quickly. In other roguelites you can have fun cobbling together a winning run out of mediocre items. In Gungeon, you're either overpowered or bored.

People keep saying this, but every run I've had has been great, even in the mediocre runs. I think even before Farewell to Arms, my worst run was getting nothing but health ups in chests and it still lead to winning. I think people just write off guns they think are terrible and avoid them, or blow up chests they shouldn't.

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