I might be a tastelet but I think this game is a pile of shit.
Beat Route A, currently on Route B, still think the combat is mediocre as fuck, camera can suck ass sometime, the world is too big and too empty and the story is cringe incarnate. Biggest buyer's remorse I've had in years.
Sometimes I think this game without 2B would have been shit on endlessly and she saved it.
Ass, titties and music aside, what made this game get so much praise?
It had an uncommon narrative approach so people felt super smart for liking it
Sex sells. 90% of the people that played this have no idea that drakengard and nier even exist.
DoD1 will forever be a terrible game. You fags can stop pretending it's worthwhile at any time.
Yeah it's terrible but it still gets referenced in even n:a so suck my cock you secondary fuck.
>combat is mediocre as fuck
There's lots of neat things you can do like juggles, comboing certain attacks like using the gravity well skill and then pod blasting into the centre for huge clear. Or you can just faceroll the light attack button and sit on the dodge key the moment you see lensflare eyes. It's as deep as you want it to be.
>camera can suck ass sometime
greed, especially in narrow corridors or between sidescroller zones.
>the world is too big and too empty
it's supposed to be like that because "muh dying world" but it just comes off as them designing the areas first then drag and dropping the enemies around, sady.
>story is cringe incarnate
It's shallow and reddit because the androids and machines themselves only have a shallow, surface grasp of philosophical concepts. Still wasn't great though.
If it's any consolation route B is boring as shit and you only see a couple of unique perspectives. Route C is where it starts kicking off, but if you aren't enjoying it then try and refund it or just let it wallow in your library. You might get a kick out of it another day.
This is pretty spot on.
I understood what it was going for and the story does have a couple of interesting moments but I found it to be one of the most boring games I've played in my life. Even with all the variety in gameplay, I just never felt interested.
The game is chill to play, pretty comfy.
I know this is extremely subjective, but i dont play automata for action combat, i play it to travel a bit on a boar then fish while listening to some great music.
Taro games are absolutely a case of "acquired taste", very clucky. If you like games like E.Y.E or VtMB you should like the taro stuff, and vice versa.
DoD1 is one of the best PS2 musou
This. My friend won't shut up about how great this game is and how deep and meaningful it is.
It's literally just a gigantic empty world with mediocre combat. If he'd just admit he only likes it for the ass jiggle I'd respect him more
I guarantee I played DoD before your zoomer ass did. I would have been better off had my PS2 DRE'd rather than sit through that trash again.
>DoD1 is one of the best PS2 musou
That's an extremely low bar but you're still wrong.
Then drop it retard. Your loss. Go back to your bing bing wahoo or whatever you think vidya is 'supposed' to be. Or even better, grow up and get a real hobby.
Watching a video on youtube doesn't count as playing it you retard.
And you feel super smart for posting that.
Give me a break faggot.
The world isn't even big, and there's tons of side quests, items and enemy mobs populating it. The game has problems but "big empty world" isn't one of them.
B route does suck. I didn't enjoy hacking at all.
Exactly, so you admit you never actually played it. Glad we agree.
Shut up you zoomer fuck.
I don't give a shit about sidequests so for me it was just a lot of walking
>currently on Route B
you have to go back user, you're still in the prologue
>ignore half the content
>complain about lack of content
contrarian faggot the thread
Braindead but pretty gameplay.
Having NieR as a backstory helps make any game great.
A good share of the sidequests connect to the main plot.
Others are just plain fun like the Romeo and Juliet.
Exploring and interacting with the world is like the main selling point of Nier. Why would you buy a JRPG with strong focus on story and world build if you dont like this kind of stuff?
For instance, MGS can be regarded as one of the best series of games ever, but if i dont like the stealth genre, i will not buy it and force myself to play it because i know it just isnt the game for me. Why would anyone buy a game blindly without knowing if he even likes the damn GENRE it belongs to?
user, I'm sure you're right and everyone else is wrong,
>plain fun like the Romeo and Juliet
Lad that shit is hard foreshadowing.
Because the combat's good, the music's great, the story's awesome, and the world is beautiful. I'm sorry your taste is so awful.
I buy Platinum games for combat not pseudo intellectual bullshit
people feel equally smart for disliking it too. it's like msg2 debates
Honestly for me I had trouble getting through it, I stopped for a year partway through route B. I picked it up a year later and it was worth it. The best parts for me was after finishing route B, story picks up from then on.
There's fast travel though? You shouldn't have to walk far
Do Route C. I feel though that people won't get as much out of playing this game if they haven't played Nier, or at least haven't read anything about DoD. There are loads of references that really elevated my enjoyment of automata.
>You can't say shadow the hedgehog is bad you didn't do all 326 unique playthroughs
This is a Square game, not a Platinum game
I feel like every time Yea Forums talks about Automata I'm being gaslighted into thinking the only reason to like the game is because of 2butt.
That's the one and only appeal to the game, yes
zoom zoom
Well, why dont you play it and decide for yourself if there are other reasons to like it?
That's what Yea Forumseddit wants you to think.
They're so full of their sjw shit that they think that any game with some """lewd""" content only sells because of that """lewd""" content.
It's still better than 90% of the games made today
>You can't say Skyrim is bad you didn't even read all 500 + books
Besides the gameplay, level design, and story that's literally the only good thing about it.
>"Except for the only reasons anyone liked this game, why did anyone like this game?"
>You can't say breath of the wild is bad you didn't collect all 900 pieces of trash.
The game's animations are real fucking good. I love me a game with some quality animation.
>You can't say Mario maker is bad you didn't play all of the millions of levels
>Your can't say English is a bad language, you don't even know every English word
I think it's pure ludo especially in the way the gameplay is seamlessly tied to the narrative side of things. Ending E convinced me that Yoko Taro is a literal god and the credit sequence is just the cherry on top.
imagine being this retard
>You can't say Sonic Adventure 2 is bad you didn't collect all 180 emblems
>Sometimes I think this game without 2B would have been shit on endlessly and she saved it.
>You can't say Bubsy 3D is bad you didn't finish the first level
Oh, I did play it on release. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
But for like a year now any "hey should I play this" kind of discussion is completely dominated by focusing solely on 2B as if it an eroge.
>you can't say real life is bad if you haven't lived for 80 years
Thanks for proving his point, dipshit.
Because of a handful of retards shitposting on what is generally accepted as popular and good. Same reason why there are like 5 threads shitting on WoW classic at the moment.
If you want to discuss Automata, create a Nier / DoD thread and expand from there.
babby's first yoko taro game
slick presentation
It's an okay action game but in terms of mainstream appeal,
Why are wojak posters always fucking retarded?
How fucking stupid are you? Platinum made it. It is a Platinum game. It was made by the team at Platinum who makes combat focused games and was advertised as such. What is so fucking hard for your tiny brain to understand?
Nice shoop.
Kill yourself
I'm already dead inside.
The thing about Automata is, the core gameplay sucks. If you can like a game in spite of that, it’s a pretty crazy ride. But if you keep butting up against how unsatisfying the combat is, it will ruin your experience.
I think a lot of people (I know I was one of them) who avoid RPGs like rape got suckered into it because of Plat’s name being attached, and set themselves up for supreme disappointment. That’s on us for having bullshit expectations, though, not on the game. Like, I hate the game, I think it’s shit, but I think that about almost every beloved RPG title. It’s not a genre for me. Automata is an RPG wearing brand-name stylish action designer clothes.
Dead in the brain
Least my brain isn't full of cum like yours.
The director, the one who calls the shots and decides everything, is from Squenix.
Platinum code monkeys have no say on the game.
Also Platinum was chosen because of their audio mixing (the best aspect of Bayonetta and MGRR), not because of their gameplay
Don't give a shit who directed the trash heap, it was made by Platinum
So was Star Fox Zero. Not everything they do is an action game.
Star Fox is a spaceship game you dumb nigger
Nier is the same sword shit they do every other time, but worse
Nice goalposts. The argument was whether or not Platinum made it
You're an annoying cunt you know that.
And you're wrong about video games you dumb fuck