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Other urls found in this thread:


Heavy Weapons Guy.

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I fucking wish

Good news, man

>tfw DQ fan
>tfw Metal Slug fan
Come on, please let it be a Metal Slug rep and Eri is an alt.

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Rawket Lanchair

sadly it's more likely to be KoF than Metal Slug


Attached: cK80DRh.png (441x88, 15K)

>metal slug rep

Attached: F0035FD2-00DA-4B07-AE77-2B7D84BDA52A.jpg (460x215, 90K)

Terry would be the best pick ever. Iconic, popular worldwide, would make Americans and South American happy, could even do an alt where he is Fatal Cutie so it's a male and female character all in one, different gameplay from Ryu/Ken.
Instead we are getting Kyo, the most boring video game protagonist ever sans Ryu.

Metal Slug is fucking trash.
If you're playing it at an arcade, you die every 3 seconds so you have to put more money in the machine and if you're playing it at home it takes 15 minutes to beat.
It's a money eating machine with overhyped sprites that don't stand out from the background and generic mediocre gameplay.

Checked it already
KoF is Not represented on a Nintendo console
Guess who is instead??

Attached: 43932front-45469.jpg (640x636, 105K)

>KoF is Not represented on a Nintendo console
KoF has two GBA exclusive games

>forgetting the gba games
>forgetting the switch ports
>new kof switch game
cope slugfag

I hope there's a Fio alt

>probably someone boring like Terry
>or it's just a website mixup with SNK Heroines and it means nothing

Not gonna lie, finding new weapon drops was the biggest motivator to keep playing and git gud.


Attached: ms3-soldiers.gif (304x224, 32K)

>Source is literally Dude trust me

Attached: proof.png (335x172, 20K)

My crossover slut waifu is in!!! SHE'S IN!!!!!

Attached: MaiSNK.png (484x694, 162K)

Why would Nintendo/Sakurai choose the boring human guy who punches and kicks when we already have several of them over something potentially new and completely unique

It's revinmachinga

because KoF is more iconic and sakurai has even stated how it influenced smash back in the day


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>planned by February 29
Tell me why people care about this again And why they are rosterfaging about it even if it annouced tomorrow it won’t be playable for like bascially 5 months

I want to see how they implement his rising tackle

>one of the leaks a while ago said next character would be a girl with a mech
>everyone assumed it meant something from overwatch because of the Overwatch switch case which popped up at the same time
but consider the following
>the tanks in metal slug are technically mechs with how they work and are described as in universe
>metal slug has a bunch of female characters
>the 'metal slug' themselves are more iconic/well known of metal slug than the player characters
>its possible that we will get the tanks themselves as the character with the 4 metal slug characters as 'pilots' for the tanks alts similar to Hero
you all ready to be able to play as a fucking Tank in Smash bros

Attached: images (2).jpg (225x225, 9K)

tits too big for smash

Go home Sorafag

Arigatou, Mamahaha...

Attached: Webp.net-resizeimage.png (564x809, 261K)

Boomerchads win again. First Hero, then Banjo, now either KOF or Metal Slug.

It would be great if their renders have those faces

That Planned by February 29 thing is when the fighter pass is "completely finished and everything is released", so its the release date of fighter #5

Yeah, I think she's in.

Attached: Nakoruru.png (284x351, 99K)

There is no way they pick Kyo over Terry, Sakurai knows his shit and he knows that Terry is the only choice that makes sense

This is the person who was going to leak the E3 direct before being C&D'ed by Nintendo, they're probably legit.

>checked it already
Please dont call me out on bullshit, pretty please just take my word for it

KOF and Garou are on switch though. Even the newest tiddy one.

Terry is my number one and I'd love nothing more, but it's Nako. She's Japan's favorite SNK character, the "female fightan character with a boomerang weapon", and Samurai Shodown coming to Switch just makes it to obvious.

Metal Slug easily has the most wide spread appeal. It's an arcade icon. Not to mention it would be more unique.

>was going to
Unless they actualy did, they are full of shit, anyone can pretend to get C&D'ed

>female no one was expecting which may confuse people
It's literally Mai



Attached: tarma.png (285x397, 30K)

EA and Microsoft conferences were leaked by the same person

>Nintenkiddies discovering what its Metal Slug for the first time
Well, at least they'll learn something worthwhile playing Smash

>This is the person who was going to leak the E3 direct before being C&D'ed by Nintendo

Or they didn't actually have anything and just made the C&D up because sabi is an attention seeking tranny

I fucking wish.
I will buy a switch if this is true.
what if there is going to be another metal slug game?

remember that those faces are literally propaganda which is why they look so silly


They adding these babes to Smash

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>thread full of people already familiar with metal slug

Attached: RAWKET LAWNCHAIR.png (400x400, 21K)

>It's another episode of "I just like this thing because it's le unexpected and makes other people mad"

Attached: 1535954269412.jpg (540x309, 33K)

Rather have the renders be based on these made to match the proportions of the sprites.

seethin doomlet

I shit you not I read Smashfags confesing they never played a Castlevania before Simon was added

>Mei gets in instead of tracer
Ayo. Or should I say, Fio

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Attached: tarma+fio.jpg (800x720, 99K)

I want the slug crew but its most likely 50/50 for kyo or terry.

Reimu Kasen?

Sure bro

Did I ask u ya Faggott kys

I think almost every Metal Slug has been on a Nintendo console

baka my head user

Attached: joker-gun.jpg (1038x576, 56K)

>Samurai Shodown coming to the Switch
Its over, bros. We were so close.

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smash is such a huge franchise by this point that a lot of normalfags are into it

It better be Athena.

It's gotta be coming soon with all these leaks happening.


no the fuck it isn't retard

its probably gonna be Fatal Fury or Samurai Shodown but still

Attached: Metal Slug 3.webm (450x330, 2.02M)

they were posted on Yea Forums before
giving attention to a massive dicksucking faggot, now asking if he got a photo of a falcon from his "source"

Holy soul

I would love Terry or Kyo or Iori or even Athena. They're more symbolic to SNK than Metal Slug.
Maybe they'll do a Pacman sort of thing where he's representing Namco but his attacks are based on Namco arcade games.
To be fair, any SNK character would make me happy.

Like other user said, she leaked Microsoft and EA conferences.



>game is called Metal Slug
>there are no metal slugs

Attached: 1495009707594.jpg (600x451, 98K)

SNK confirmed they're making a new Metal Slug, they just have no details yet. It's almost a given that it will be on Switch given that SamSho is getting a port and there's a bunch of SNK Arcade/Neo Geo classics on the eShop.


a tank is very similar to a slug in the way it looks and moves and is made out of metal.

Load Ran confirmed

Attached: tss.jpg (616x353, 59K)

Kill yourself phoneposter

Absolute kino.

Attached: Im-Back.jpg (736x359, 44K)

there are several metal slugs you moron

What is this and why should I care?


known leaker sabi saying DLC 4 is SNK and is not female and is not marco (metal slug) either, but that it is KoF related so basically narrows it down to Kyo or Terry

so it means nothing?

>KoF is Not represented on a Nintendo console
Did you forget Joker?


Attached: hubbahubba.jpg (480x360, 22K)

forgot pic
they've leaked past directs

Attached: unknown.png (529x420, 45K)

Some faggot on the internet said it so it must be true. Pack it up, boys.

they've leaked direct info in the past on twitter that was 100% accurate

Attached: Screenshot_20190902-092740.png (720x1512, 207K)

uh huh, sure. Why is he saying this NOW and not before the SNK shit got leaked?

>He sits at his computer browsing Yea Forums all day.
What a loser

It's over Marco and Nakorurufags

Attached: itsover.png (793x532, 672K)


Attached: FUCKING BASED.gif (252x262, 77K)

*block your hype*

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imaging all this hype for a ryu clone

sabi doesn't know shit about the direct other than the fact it exists, the VR plant fucker hasn't said anything yet either


what are some of their past leaks?

Terry doesn't even have a shoryuken. the shotos in SNK games are the Art of Fighting team: Robet, Ryo and Takuma

If he wasn't completely full of shit he'd just come out and say who the character was. Fuck this literally who faggot.

they still have a good track record

Fuck You!

Whats the best Metal Slug game and how can I play it?

SNK would be pretty lame imo. None of their IP have been big in a long time. I know Banjo isn't relevant either but he was at least and integral part of one of Nintendo's consoles.

they're all great. I genuinely can't decide because of that.

Start with the first and go from there

My favorite game is Metal Slug X, which is a new and improved version of Metal Slug 2. Your absolute best bet is Metal Slug Anthology, which contains Metal Slug 1, 2, X, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Its on PS4 and PC.

>Dude this might be legit
>Fucking official nintendo site
No fucking shit. I wish all """leakers""" would just neck themselves

>read SNK leak
>get fucking excited for Metal Slug on Smash
>go on Yea Forums
>find out SNK has more popular franchises you never heard about
>all hope is lost

I never even considered Metal Slug in Smash before today, but now I want it and it will never happen. Fuck.

I also have a clean shirt. Does that mean it is clean forever?

Anthology has the first 6 in one package and is on PC go for it

Remember that one time where Sakurai beat up someone as Ryo?

Attached: EDZpP2eXsAARROG.jpg (678x720, 70K)

if you store it away, yes

>all these people on twitter who've never heard of SNK
Geez. I NEVER play fighting games and even I know SNK.

I hate to throw around the word 'entitled' but you really have to have a lot of balls to be disappointed in whatever the next Smash DLC is. This roster has given us way more than we could ever ask for, from NEVER EVERS like Banjo to major fan-requests like Ridley. They can add literally anyone and I'd be OK with it.

It's confirmed she uses her tranny privilege with the youtube staff to view unlisted videos early

All of the DLC have either been recent, very popular games, or beloved remembered classics.

Nothing from SNK fits either.


Attached: 71dpuzhnyjl_ac_sl1158__jpg_300x300_q85.jpg (300x273, 36K)

3 is a favorite of mine

It's time to get on the green.

Attached: NeoTurfMasters11.png (304x224, 21K)

>already got my dream fulfilled with Banjo getting in
>now might get the fucking Metal Slug crew in too
King of Fighters would be cool too but Metal Slug needs some love, also the Puzzle Bobble guys would be a left field surprise.

Attached: image.jpg (719x432, 37K)

>Metal Slug
>Not a beloved remembered classic
That shit was the best shit out of any arcade

metal slug you retard. Very popular and and beloved remembered classic.

>retarded nobody on twitter

said no man ever

>Never heard of those
The rock you've been living under must be a massive boulder

Most Likely Athena


>another shitty anime character

Attached: 1567188959625.jpg (600x526, 39K)


Mission Complete

No he wasn’t Banjoke was one off literal nothing kys Faggott god I hate Banjokes I wish they would all just DIE already

Why the fuck would they add a KoF character when capcom already covers the fighting game duo, terry would just be a fucking clone of a clone. Metal gear would be interesting tho

Attached: D25F2947-7386-4C47-A928-C2EDE195AABE.png (382x417, 245K)

As much as I want a metal slug rep, there may be a higher chance if it being a KoF or SS character. Only a hunch, but with recent announcements at evo for dlc packs, soul calibur crossover, and arcade1up announcing a KoF machine at tgs im not holding my breath since that last one doesnt really hold any water. Now lets say its a Baseball stars rep then ill lose my shit.


The first three. 4 was outsourced to some Korean developer and its not as good. 5 is fun but it's kinda tired, just a step up from 4. 6 and 7 are merely OK imo

>literally the only character that I would've wanted from SNK would be Marco / Tarma / Fio / Eri
>already shut down
I mean I already got Banjo so that's fun but goddamn
I was really hoping that Hayabusa was legit too. Things have quickly done a 180 on me

Attached: 1543888388668.jpg (518x501, 142K)


>SamSho literally got a new game this year (coming to switch in winter)
>Metal Slug is one of the biggest arcade classics

Seeing how someone was affected by a loss really infleunced his game designer sensibilities for sure. I can't really say I agree with some of his ideas or implementations, but I can at least respect the empathic intentions at least.

>not female

Attached: 1550845737645.gif (581x472, 77K)

I don't care much for Banjo. Mario 64 was a way better game. I'm just calling it how it is.

>people believe some discord lainfag

Attached: IRTUvNi.png (537x386, 246K)


It's just incels who want generic white males to be contrarian against anyone who wants a female

yes mario 64 was better for forcing you to re-enter the same level again where Banjo lets you grab all or most the things in a single go. so much better.

as much as I wish it were a metal slug character it would definitely be a kof one

they used to post on twitter but got dmca'd

Mai wish

People are saying that those screenshots of sabi/Discord are faked. Did you just...?


This is autism


Attached: OHFUCK.png (754x384, 37K)

Forget all that crud, i prefer that Sol Badguy from the Guilty Gear series enters to Smash Bros.



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nice inspect element

I call it bullshit, if not I wouldn't mind

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They are faked, Sabi said yesterday that she didn't know who the next fighter is. All she said was that the SNK copyright is real.

the dream
>Metal Slug would give us a lot of alt. skin options
>unique fighting style
>could be a superdeformed chibi-style translation of the sprites for a unique body type
>a more goofball take on guns and explosives or a tank fighter
the nightmare
>or we get Terry/any SNK fighting game character
>another blonde kickboy who chucks fireballs and wears red
>in a niche that Ryu/Ken already cover when Ryu/Ken are the most popular fighter characters ever


snk is FUCKING GARBAGE and belongs IN A RUBBISH BIN. literally NO ONE asked for this!

No one's gonna buy it and the DLC will flop and now they'll never make a second fighter pass. They are shooting themselves in the foot.

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 9K)

>just released a new SamSho
>about to release a new KoF and Metal Slug soon
>not relevant
Just because you don't play their games doesn't mean they don't have stuff coming out

Attached: 1541704773430.jpg (672x950, 69K)

>Didn't say anything about Fatal Fury

Yep i'm thinking it's Kyo

>Kyo is boring

I think he's a pretty cool guy


You must be mistaken, there are no anime-originated characters in Smash. They're all from video games!


Attached: 1563957905318.jpg (197x190, 29K)

you could at least try a little harder to bait banjokes than that. it's obvious.

definitely going to be mai

We're going home Kyobros...


Attached: file.png (1200x900, 2.12M)

I don't even care who it is anymore. Marco, Terry, Kyo, Nakoruru, fuck it could be fucking trash tier Ai from NGBC and I would be still fucking ecstatic my dude.
SNK was part of my childhood and I'm so hyped to have any rep from them in Smash.

They're back bros. They're fucking back.

>There are people RIGHT NOW that believe Metal Slug will get in Smash Bros.

leakers are scum

Attached: 1567375373849.jpg (4946x1156, 598K)

Putting in an army man with a tank sounds like such a good idea for a Smash character, if only Nintendo had a series like that, we could have had this long ago.

Fighter pack page is down now...

all my spic friends want marco & pals
I don't have anything against terry or kyo, but Metal Slug fits more with Smash and their moveset would be fun to use.

The dream is dead. Pack it up boys

Attached: 15019694.jpg (1012x104, 16K)

Y'all can stop pretending like it won't be the clear best character

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Not owned by SNK, I wish though

>None of the Copyright the other do.

BULLSHIT. Hero and Banjo only have their copyright. Only Joker and 5 have all the current copyrights.

All the others are still up, it's happening

Attached: Challenger packs.png (850x667, 265K)

>new Metal Slug

Attached: 1562269896279.jpg (283x238, 8K)

Actually Joker is different from 5 too.
In fact Joker doesn't even have Atlus in the copyright

>American zoomers and smashfags completely angry they SNK is getting rep
>every gamer and people outside the US like Middle East, South America, Asia, and Europe are rejoicing
What the fuck is their problem? Man, this is the only reveal I can't wait to taste tears for

just an announcement, no images or anything for now, they also announced a new neogeo mini too

Yup, which makes it seem like Joker was the mistake. Does Plant have it's own page? Joker's copyright info might have been copied from that.

>Ken with a hat on

fuck off with your dead meme game

He's in

Q37: What games have you bought on the Wii Virtual Console?

Sakurai: Though It may not be too useful, “Donkey Kong”, “Mario Brothers”, “Solomon’s Key”, “Kid Icarus”, “The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past”, “Ninja Gaiden”, “Super Mario Brothers 2”, “Super Mario Brothers 3”, “Life Force”, “Dungeon Explorer”, “Moto Roader”, “Comix Zone”, “Ys I & II”, “Zanac”, “Glory of Heracles III”, “Fist of the North Star”, “Super Picross”, “The Adventure of Link”, etc.

Attached: kisspng-ayane-ninja-gaiden-3-razor-s-edge-kasumi-momiji-t-ryu-hayabusa-5b31bf3eae3762.20514998152998 (901x886, 556K)

Piranha copyright is:
>© 2018 Nintendo Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. Super Smash Bros. is a trademark of Nintendo. © 2019 Nintendo.

It better be my man Geese.

Can Ken do this?


Pages are gone

I repeat, pages are gone

So they realised they fucked up?

>Blitztank added to BBTag
>Metal Slug in smash

What the fuck are you on about retard? I know this post is bait but what are you getting at? The majority of people who bought the DLC bought the character pack and didn't buy them individually, so Nintendo already has the money anyways. If a couple dozen zoomers don't want to buy the characters Nintendo won't give less of a damn, they still make profit off the release anyways.

more likely than any of the other shit they have.

Expecting these niggers to differentiate KoF from FF. Based on past crossovers with other companies a bunch of people out there still think characters like Mai and Geese originated from KoF.

We won Kyobros! Where we at?

They were never dead, have you been under a rock? Geese in Tekken, KOFXIV, SNK Heroines, and Samurai Shodown.

Why didn't you buy their games user, why?

The actual fuck? You even have the whole Orochi saga on the freaking Wii of all consoles. And that's just the tip of the ice berg!

>another shot at having a good mounted/mech fighter in smash after the travesty that is Koopalings
I want to jump around and float as a fucking tank and shoot people
maybe transform like this gif

Attached: MS_Gunner.gif (129x73, 76K)

Terry literally has Fatal Fury on his fucking jacket.

Attached: dfada.png (331x372, 176K)

>KoF rep
>Terry vs Kyo
I'm sorry Yea Forums but this ain't it. better luck next time.

Attached: k'.jpg (516x842, 119K)

No Nakoruru really makes me sad.

Attached: 1440118852471.png (1876x954, 1.47M)

I didn't count the VC stuff
If we count it Too much stuff could possible be in

Why is the dlc such a sausage fest

To be fair, KoF has essentially all but absorbed most of SNK's old franchises.
FF was the last one to get a solo outing with Mark of the Wolves, but other than that, it, Art of Fighting, Athena/Psycho Soldier and Ikari Warriors (though IW is also on loan to Metal Slug) are basically KoF origin stories. You can even add the pachisluts to this list as of XIV, too.

Could be SNK's Mascot, Athena.

Repeat after me, legacy beats popularity

SNKbros win again

cause youre a fag who loves sausage

>people complaining about a lack of female fighters after smash 4

I fucking wish they're not going to make it in 3D (especially with KoFXIV's one)

what's wrong with Bowser Jr?

Kazooie's in, what are you talking about

he's just not very good
I do like him
but he's so bad and his moves don't work well together that it's hard to play him for too long

>if Metal Slug is getting a character then we probably get 1 or 2 girls to pick from unless the character is just the Slug itself with no rider named or shown

His moveset is just not fun, it doesn't feel like i'm playing as him and the clown car isn't really cool either.

By that logic KoF is legit because all their games up to 2002 are in Switch.

I wasn't talking about VC, I mean an actual Orochi collection, which you have to buy physically! Samsho has one as well.

Attached: the-king-of-fighters-collection-the-orochi-saga-nintendo-wii-D_NQ_NP_798275-MLM26155299265_102017-F. (1200x900, 266K)

oh ok, I understand that. I main Lemmy and I agree he's not that great tier wise.

to each their own I guess, I think he's really fun with the clown car, though I can see how one would want it to be more BJ specific related.

I feel like the most likely outcome is to have Marco with three other alts from the original game as playable, but have him gain the ability to use a metal slug throughout the match that plays similarly to how he does on foot, just bigger, stronger and slower.

Same shit as Hero. These fags want muh Geno.

post music

Attached: EDaamoCXsAUZXiX.jpg (1039x749, 108K)

legit one of the best first levels in videogames


Attached: 650275757.g_0-w_g.jpg (272x500, 76K)


>KoF and Metal Slug not remembered fondly
>KoF 15 just announced a few months ago
smashfaggots really doesn't play video games huh.

>What did he mean by this?

>These young boys on Yea Forums don't know about glorious Engrish and hilarious localisations of the 90s.

Someone pls edit the image so that Little Tom is in the top right.


>Not female
>Not marco


oh what I would give for a time crisis assist trophy

the classic
>we might get a smash remix of this

Seething waifufag, keep coping.

> tits too big to smash
What a fag

I just want some sax

Attached: iorilaugh.gif (400x631, 340K)


>Richard Miller, The One Man Army.
God, I so much fun with TC1

>implying it's not going to be Kyo or Iori
>or fucking Haohmaru
I fucking WISH it was a Metal Slug character though

Attached: 1564851779664.jpg (613x587, 16K)

user never knew Metal Slug was the name of the tanks. Jesus


The only 3rd party females left that deserve to be in are jill valentine and chun li

Same reason he'd have 15 Anime Swordies.

Not a big fan of metal slug, never finished a game, but I have to agree it would be fun in smash

>"just trust me bro"

Attached: 1560490931188.jpg (202x184, 10K)

Sabi isn’t allowed to straight up deconfirm/confirm things anymore due to a cease and desist from Nintendo so I doubt they’re telling the truth

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-163811_Discord.jpg (1439x2865, 1.17M)

based, markino’s still on the menu bros

Attached: C13E9200-743D-42FE-A165-0A75E6301334.jpg (500x455, 38K)


The real (unedited) screenshot
To complete

Attached: 5H0JdMv.png (524x1040, 107K)


Attached: metalslugheavy.gif (160x128, 22K)

what is your fetish

i guess the chest.


what would Marco's tagline be?

>Persona and FE are video games
Dating sims are interactive anime and nothing more fag

Marco slugs it out

Seethe more westacuck.

Is this real? (the interview thing)


Nigga I wany Metal Slug just as much as the next guy, and I agree that it would be a better fit, but the first KoF was released for Super Nintendo. It's got a long history with Nintendo

Have fun

>Character starts match in tank, tank is destroyed after enough %
>They get out and fight on foot with a different moveset and some % healed back (not a lot, just enough so that the obviously lighter character isn't totally hosed coming in at easy kill %

>Marco's trailer is the Metal Slug 1 opening.

>Metal Slug and Metal Gear in the same game
Too good to be true but I want it anyway

You literally have no idea what you're talking about, sperg

>Guns down the Terryfags

Now i want Guilty Gear

slugs it out

>TFW Marco & Pals destroy Metal Gear class weapons on a regular basis.

It's not going to be Mai. Remember they had to cover up Corrin's thighs. Mai wouldn't make it.

user most metal gear can't kill a single man and are taken down with conventional weaponry. If it werent for the nuke bullshit they'd be completely useles
>REX had ONE machine gun and a rocket launcher

Y'know what's crazy? in addition to the knife/fork attacks, I could see Marco and Co. getting Clark and Ralph's moves to increase their moveset

>Not Metal Slug

I've never been wanting for someone to be so wrong in my life.

You better be wrong you anime profile'd piece of shit.

Attached: 982.png (500x279, 178K)

Nintendo did have an army man series with tanks but all the fags wanted waifus instead

Is it even possible to not like Metal Slug?

Attached: 1558921375589.png (300x322, 114K)

can’t wait to be a FIOOO main. Although, a metal slug final smash just sounds like the return of landmaster.

you're thinking of Tracerfags, people actually like SNK and their games

Why is Intelligent Systems like this

Attached: 1285106965718.jpg (528x384, 66K)

I have a zoomer friend who thinks Metal Slug is shit and "boring".

Does your country even know about metal slug?

going from Contra to Metal Slug was weird but i had a good friend show me all the crazy shit in X and I just buckled down and got used to it.

>run and gun sidescroller where everything is super-animated and explodes

Attached: 1552608385075.jpg (184x184, 13K)

He was created by the same guy that created Ryu/Street Fighter (Takashi Nishiyama) so he is more like a vidya "brother" than a clone

Why are you even friends with him?


X, 3, and 5 are my favorites

>TFW no Metal Gear/Metal Slug crossover with Snake & Raiden as playable characters
>When they collect special weapons, Campbell or Otacon call out the weapon's name.

Mai's gonna be in but she's going to be wearing a full body suit


Attached: 2e7a31bd8a7dc33d59adfd64502fc856.jpg (710x950, 242K)

While I'm personally rooting for Mai, I'd cry tears of joy for all you Metal Slug fans out there.
Stay strong!

Attached: Mai-13extra2.png (450x800, 239K)

>it's not OK to not know who the fuck SNK are because Banjo Kazooie are in
were you dropped on your head as a child? that doesn't make them any more wellknown.

I know, I was going fucking nuclear. His opinions are almost always shit.

Because I have fixed his shit taste in the past, and I'm going to do it again by forcing him to play 3.


Attached: you stop that.jpg (377x377, 28K)

Every major neogeo game is on switch. Indeed they were among the first eshop releases.

Nakoruru matches the Japanese rumors about a female character in a kimono. It's her.

Read the answers, the screenshots are fake, they mean nothing.

The fuck happened to Hayabusa?


>japanese rumors about a female character in a kimono
when were those a thing

Yes bayos guns are very ornate and jokers are technically a toy but that's irrelevant, he also brought some models to study their guns as well.

In his old age sakuri has clearly softened up on firearms.

how the fuck could anyone find metal slug boring when it's the most balls to the wall game out there. It just constantly throws shit at you. I can understand if people disliked it because it's difficult, but it's one of the least boring franchises out there

The scent of sweat, gunpowder and womanhood

Attached: 58fe9c49cb8f8eb29739c80eeccb25b9-sample.jpg (666x1000, 88K)

See it doesn't matter WHICH SNK character gets in. The only thing is Punching(Or slashing/shooting) the Capcom characters!

>Muh pixel indie shit
Yeah, I fucking love Celeste xD Such an emotional game with SOUL! xD
Damn that looks good, but I just had to. I'm sorry and I hope you get your favorite rep in

Attached: 62221220_p0.jpg (992x1370, 740K)

I know we have Bayonetta but she doesn't actually get naked. Meanwhile Mai has the biggest bazongas in the world and they're barely covered. There's no way they would make her playable.



Attached: 1564351281453.gif (177x210, 2.12M)

No. You can't just say shit like that and immediately say you were just pretending. You deserve at least one "go fuck yourself".
Go fuck yourself.

No that honor goes to Shermie and Angel

fuck off waifufag

Sakurai saved Terry from EX Fighting Layer

>biggest tits.

That's Shermie and Angel.

>caring more about the gender of the character than the series they represent
the bluest of bluepills

Attached: s5e12b.png (512x384, 192K)

Imagine thinking a SNK rep would be any other than Terry
Imagine thinking a Samsho rep would be any other than Haohmaru

Terry is genuinely just Ken in blue jeans

Ken in blue jeans is the face of SNK

The sneedest of sneedpills

Most likely Athena


Was there rape?

Attached: 1523857499562.gif (280x358, 2.17M)

Ken is Terry in a red karate gi, with half the charm

I thought FEXL was alright?


will never be in smash and anyone who thinks she will is a retarded lolifag nigger.

formerly chuckpills

>could be something interesting like a Metal Slug rep
>it's going to be a more basic Ryu
Ahahahaha yes, Nintendo.

Fuck you, there better be a second season pass.

Attached: 1402000056757.jpg (163x177, 6K)

Yeah imagine thinking that

>Every fighting game character is a shoto clone.

Attached: 1545021731668.png (213x203, 53K)

Ken came first.

Dude, why even try to deny that Terry is an even more plain Ryu?

Attached: 1404923564624.jpg (252x250, 7K)

What does Terry do that would differ greatly from Ryu?

Yes but when he came out he was just "blonde karate man", Terry had Ken's personality before Ken


>faggot thinks terry plays like a shoto
Kill yourself

No, idea.

Besides the fact he plays nothing like Ryu. Ryo is the shoto clone not Terry.

I used to play metal slug with my dad a lot but my local arcades never had KoF
which is the "main character" and how are his signature moves?

Attached: tumblr_51154ecf567e17b9f5c5f3272b1dfcab_0c9b3879_640.gif (520x300, 1.61M)

You didn't answer my question. I'm not trying to make anyone angry, that was a genuine question

>More boring Ryu.
Holy shit, you're a faggot. Have you ever played a Fatal Fury or KOF game?



Are you telling me that this is exactly like Ryu?


Attached: 02f26f163b157ecf0fe31ea91ccd11df.jpg (1000x1000, 462K)

Please share to me how he'll be a far more interesting character than Ryu is. Please.

>tfw kos-mos is discarded

Attached: _inline_nth2fbNdv21sjs49f_400.jpg (300x240, 17K)

There's always door #5.

Even there's she's competing for space with tons of other Bamco characters though.


Please adopt a less boring line of shitposting and get rid of the constant layer of semen coating your throat.

Attached: 1555070560489.gif (380x268, 578K)

She's a Xenoblade character now, so Shulk too her place. Besides nobody cares about Xenosaga anymore.

Not Ryu, but still would much, much rather have Marco

I'm waiting to hear why he's different. If you're such a huge FF fan I think you could give me differences.

I would prefer Haseo or Fiora
from Xenoblade 1

I still hear cum being gargled.


Attached: Dude Trust Me.png (331x132, 40K)

I'm legitimately asking a question, why the fuck are you being so bitter?





The truth is that we're all in and the playable characters never really mattered because in the end, the real Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was the friends we made along the way

I hope Nintendo isn't seriously thinking about giving up a spot in Smash for some literal who developer. For Christ's sake even Steve would be better than the garbage coming out of this. I'll take ducking Jonesy from Fortnite overy this shit. Metal Slug? You mean shitty Contra? KoF? We already got Street fighter, and they already do what you do better. Fuck SNK and Fuck Nintendo if this is real

Metal Slug and Samurai Shodown are two fandoms I'd NEVER think would attack each other

Attached: 23623234.gif (500x375, 1.23M)

>Yea Forums is filled with rat bastards full of hate.

Nice bait

Attached: 1567098831023.gif (480x238, 415K)

Then why did they make Tarma look like such a chad?

Is there any proof of this besides these screenshots? Cause this is really sketchy.

The link the tweet went to 404s. If you search their site, you can't find anything for DLC Fighter Pack 4, but you can find 3 and 5.
Pack 3 404s as well.
But Pack 5 doesn't

Thing is, the page doesn't have any weird copyright thing like that. There's a huge disclaimer thing on how DLC works and there's Copyright for Smash itself at the bottom of it. But the supposed leaks don't have that at all.

Attached: what the site looks like.png (350x623, 54K)

blame nakorurufags, I'm a slugfag but I would be fine with Terry, Kyo or Haohmaru.

>instead of a hadouken that travels through the air it travels on the ground bro! So unique!
>instead of a shoryuken/uppercut he used his legs!!! Holy shit!!
How exciting

Pack 4 was previously up but then was taken down by Nintendo.

What is this niche garbage? What were they thinking?

The "metal slug fans" ITT (and any other smash thread from now on) are just smashfags who want Marco because he could potentially be the most unique character, the "samurai shodown fans" ITT (and any other smash thread from now on) are Nakoruru waifufags

DLC 4 used to be up earlier today but got taken down, and Hero's page also has only the Square copyright and none of the other companies

man a metal slug rep would be so sick, like just imagine everytime you use a weapon it gets announced or something, but no people want a ken look alike punch kick dude

Why do people act like just because you're a fan of one thing means you have to be a fan of another thing made by that same company?

>Doesn't even explain
I think you guys are insecure

Yeah I think an intern fucked up

I never said anything about the company. I said I never thought I'd see them fight someday.

>Implying they're genuine fans
>Implying they're not bandwagoners who want to "win" the guessing game
>Implying there aren't some dickheads who want to stir shit up as well

>uses projectiles
>Nobody really asked for her or anyone else from MS
>Has a mech
I really shouldn't be getting my hopes up, but goddammit I want this so bad.

Attached: 1fe5e7b811c4cc7dc8187f72cf903b91.png (1223x784, 1.21M)

Leona riding a metal slug please

So let me ask you again: have you played any SNK fighter?

I do prefer Marco over Terry but he's very different from Ken

Rising tackle is charge on most games and Power wave hits low.

Thats not shoto you retard.

Attached: 1559344872527.jpg (200x200, 19K)

Please PLEASE be Metal Slug. Terry is pretty cool but give us something unique please.

Attached: 1567377164967.png (150x165, 36K)

Ah, I see, if you're not logged in it gives you that huge blurb, but if you're logged in it just has the Copyright.
That said, I don't see why it'd be just SNK copyright then. The Hero page has a more complex copyright to it, pic related.
For the Fighter Pack 5 page it has Smash's copyright
>© 2018 Nintendo Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. Characters: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft

I do think this SNK thing could just be someone fucking up in the "oh this is the wrong page for this" way than the "oh this is a leak" way.

Attached: site when logged in.png (1803x983, 124K)


I heard you guys like swords.

Attached: yoshi.png (652x884, 135K)

Wasn't there a leak that had the "soldier" and "spin" hints. What if "soldier" was Marco all along.

Yea I mean I get that but when it boils down to it he’s just a guy from a fighting game like ken and ryu, out of the dlc we have so far only hero is somewhat unique with his mana/command deck implemented whereas joker is pretty much shiek with clouds limit

Soo it's likely deconfirmed, and we're back to Ryu Hayabusa now.

>For the Fighter Pack 5 page it has Smash's copyright
It's because it's either a Nintendo or a Namco character (Both main developers of the game)

>Tekken gets Geese and people freaked out
>Kula and Mai in DOA6 and it was received well
>Haohmaru in SC6 got a wild reception at EVO
>Smash get's an SNK
>"literally who" from Nintendo only zoomers

Are you asking the entire thread? Because I've played KoF2, Art of Fighting 2 and 3, SamSho IV, and NeoGeo Battle Coliseum

There are multiple pages that have just the Atlus/SEGA copyright for Joker and just certain Square/Sugumiya/Toriyama copyrights for Hero

I know i'm probably just getting my hopes up, but I really hope it's a Metal Slug rep. I'm already satisfied with the roster as it is now but that would just be icing on the cake.

Almost like Smash isn't a fighting game and its target audience doesn't care about fghting games. Hell even the FGC says Smash isn't a fighting game, why bother pandering to them?

I'd believe him if he didn't main Guile in streets. I'm sure he was a turtling faggot Guile and ejoyed every second

Lmfao you can tell this post was made by a smashfag who has never played an actual FG

>Playing games.

Yes I did, most fighters and all kof games.

Attached: 1548863564854.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

I was under the impression that King of Fighters was at least way more popular than Dragon Quest over here, but I guess I overestimated it. I still think whoever they've got is going to be fairly well-received when they're finally revealed unless it's Nakoruru, who's going to be shitposted as another anime swordfighter

You know the only character they would put in is Terry.

both the capcom vs snk games, the second is my favorite fighting game of all time


Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-01 Super Smash Bros Ultimate's Next DLC Fighter Is A SNK Character NintendoS (807x835, 1.15M)

The Smash fandom only knows how to attack franchises they don't like. That's why /vs/ needs to exist

Not that I think Slug is likely. Metal Slug 3 was a launch day title for Switch.


Attached: 696745875487.png (296x300, 10K)

Holy fuck this means nothing, all the DLC characters have the same size as the SNK heroines you can see for yourself. Then you have all of the copyrights that match up to the SNK copyright.

I'm a really cautious guy when it comes to leaks, but the copyright is pretty damning and this just comes off as overthinking to me.

Marco getting in would be crazy cool.

Finishing with Bill Rizer costume would be kino.

All fighting games DLC are flags that unlock content from updates, they could weigh the same for different games since they don't really have game date

>T-This means nothing!
If Ryu H. gets in don't start crying.

zoom zoom

Real question: Do the majority of Metal Slug fans like red blood or water squirting out of the people they killed during playtime?

I don't care if Ryu get's in or not if he plays cool I don't care. But to use the argument of the DLC is equal to SNK heroines doesn't matter since every other DLC character has that exact same file size.

The important part is seeing how things are on THIS site specifically. Hero has the copyright I posted before, but Joker actually just has Smash's copyright.
Point is, the stuff is kinda all over the place.
The biggest tell would be if we could see Fighter Pack 3 since that is Banjo, but oddly enough it's also missing. DLC 4 was flat out removed from the search results, but 3 is there and just leads to a blank page.
Makes me think that this was some intern fucking up and now Nintendo UK's web fellas are on damage control by removing 4 and doing something to update 3 with proper data?

better than SF wannabe #964786

Also here's proof that Hero's trademark
like this guy is saying

Attached: Hero trademarks.png (750x1334, 209K)

Ffffffffuuuuuck... Are we seriously back to Ryu Hayabusa and Doom Slayer being the possible final reps?

Attached: 1436546213777.png (156x145, 51K)

-Side B: Burn knuckle, lunge (there is no hard hitting straight lunge in the game)
-Neutral B: Power Wave, projectile that moves on the ground (only Pikachu has it in the whole game)
-Up B: Power Dunk, hit and dunk (Dedede and Bowser)
-Low B: Power Geyser, long range anti-air beam (Palutena)
-Unique mechanic: Rising Tackle, vertical charge attack

-Down B: Change weapon (Shulk's arts)
-Neutral B: Shoot weapon (StarFox characters, Bayonetta, Mega Man, etc.)
-Side B: Grenade (Snake)
-Up B: UFO recovery (Snake)

Yes maybe Marco could be more unique but Terry could also be very unique himself if done right

No SNK is stil probably the most likely

>Meanwhile Mai has the biggest bazongas in the world and they're barely covered. There's no way they would make her playable.

Didn't Nintendo just some years ago create a game where one of the hosts was referred as exotic and wore a jacket that didn't go past her chest with exposed cleavage

Attached: 1564304740371.jpg (442x442, 36K)

>You can leave/enter the tank and fight on foot anytime you want.
Here's the kicker.
>Any character can also get inside the tank and use it against you.

>Checked it already
>KoF is Not represented on a Nintendo consol
actual retard. You clearly didn't check well enough.

No, some intern fucked up and leaked shit too soon

Isnt little macs neutral b literally called straight lunge

>Die every 3 seconds

Literally retarded I see. Feel bad for your parents if they havent given up on you already

I don't really think it's a leak. Not until we get clear confirmation from a trailer.

I'd say it's still up in the air. Like, it's clear that someone did change the copyright for DLC Fighter Pack 4 to SNK. That much is certain.
But without knowing how things looked for the other packs prior, or hell even seeing how Fighter Pack 3 looks, it's kinda impossible to say for sure if the change was intentional or not. I'd lean on the side of caution and say it was an accident though, considering how the listing ONLY updated the copyright and did so so randomly.

But fuck man, I really wanna see the Pack 3 page now just to see if it says copyright to Microsoft and/or lists Banjo in it. That would go a long way to confirming things one way or another.

They just randomly put the SNK trademark/copyright verbage up?

The page 3 copyright did indeed have microsoft added to it, there's picture evidence

he's in


This. Poor Samus received the biggest nerf out of the whole roster. I fucking hate censorship.


Attached: 327469-genjuro_ngbc.jpg (720x960, 43K)

cant wait for marco skin for mii gunner

But it isn't straight he leaps as he junges, if you're talking about his neutral B yes it's straight but it's a slow charging attack, Terry's burn knuckle would be a quick direct punch lunge

>Prisoner skin and beard for mii brawler
I'd be okay with this

what if terry has the two-plane system aka Fatal Fury's gimmick?
He can even chain things like in the real bout games.

>mixing multiple leaks, some bullshit and some not, to arrive at the conclusion you want

Attached: 1560671783245.png (573x310, 133K)

There's no mixing, SNK was on the page for the 4th fighter's pass and then the page was taken down. Now people are on damage control

>Smashfags are unironic Capkucks shitting on other fighters
Now I've seen everything. No wonder why so many Nintendies seethe over the Switch not having Capcom's fully support.

Attached: 1559065768719.gif (488x365, 108K)

when are we to DDoS discord? Trannies are getting out of control

People are definitely mixing leaks, specifically that "character is female, people will be disappointed in her inclusion" one that people were using to shitpost *WHIRRR* epic-style about Tracer and are now using to meme about Mai Shiranui or Nakoruru.

>Change weapon (Shulk's arts)
Not even close to being the same thing

>Shoot weapon (StarFox characters, Bayonetta, Mega Man, etc.)
Metal Slug has more than just pistols

>Grenade (Snake)
Sure but it doesn't have to be grenades

>UFO recovery (Snake)
Doesn't have to be a UFO

For anyone who was curious the copyrights for Banjo before the site went done were

© 2018 Nintendo Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. Characters: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft

Are you seriously jumping to conclusions.

Discord's weathered harsher DDoS attacks than Yea Forums script-kiddies can drum up. The trannies are better at IT than you are, user, pack it up.

Attached: 1542111582260.jpg (1024x880, 85K)

Here's you L Smashcuck.

Okay that's people trying to propose who the SNK character is using previous leaks not necessarily them mixing the two together
There's nothing to jump to cause that's what happened, whether by mistake or whatever the SNK copyright was on the fighter pass page for DLC 4

It's gonna be Athena. Remember this is Nintendo. There will be no spicy girl characters

Attached: athena-entrance.gif_c200.gif (200x200, 160K)

Yeah, this shit reminds me too much of how people jumped at shadows during the Grinch Leak.
I'm willing to believe the SNK thing was put in Pack 4, but I can't accept it as intentional yet. It reeks of something someone fucked up and put something in the wrong place.

Attached: 1530927421605.gif (254x306, 306K)

The tank is named Metal Slug you dolt

>t. tranny
go back to discord

>not necessarily them mixing the two together
Stop reaching.

>SNK character with a mech
Uhhh, guys? Did you ever play NEO GEO Battle Colosseum?

Attached: cyber woo.jpg (1024x1024, 621K)

>st-stop it user i'm trying to get an epic raid going
Shut the fuck up, niggerlips.

Attached: 1556694673496.jpg (640x640, 55K)

I agree

Well no shit it wasn't intentional the page wouldn't be taken down if it was.

guys, get ready for Rasputin from World Heroes in Smash

Attached: rasputin-j.jpg (768x1024, 564K)

Working on sunday huh?
Imagine having to work on sunday so your boss can give you your HRT drugs


You know what I mean.
Unintentional in the sense that it was changing the wrong page, not unintentional as in they changed the right page too early and leaked shit.
Those are the two possibilities here.

Attached: 1529266169425.png (1345x1379, 1.2M)

well user at least ya did it in the same post

Chile here.



I feel like it being the SNK Heroine DLC is more of a stretch to be honest. I don't know how copyright on the website but I think of it like this. There's DLC for SNK Heroines and there's DLC for Smash. If this intern was doing something for SNK Heroine shouldn't he like already have that page up to add the copyright information? For what purpose would he have the Smash bros page if that copyright was for SNK Heroines? I know this probably makes no sense but I don't know a better way to explain it

>Metal Slug has more than just pistols
Yes but i'm using the same anti-Terry logic :LOL HE'S KEN BECAUSE HE ALSO KICKS AND PUNCHES. One could say the same thing: LOL IN THE END IT'S JUST A GUN SHOOTING SOMETHING
>Sure but it doesn't have to be grenades
It has to be grenades, it's part of the series core gameplay
>Doesn't have to be a UFO
The UFO is the only iconic thing that can shoot you up as a recovery other than planes but that would look weird



Attached: __terry_bogard_the_king_of_fighters_and_etc_drawn_by_benjo_camay_and_darkeyez07__0de55aa6697ce5b1d0e (630x958, 526K)

>tfw you will never again go to the arcade in Algarrobo

Why no spics love SNK? I agree that they're great and Metal Slug is peak arcade, but still curious

Attached: 1557878789839.png (224x224, 57K)

Metal Slug was incredibly popular in late 90s/early 2000s spicland. t. Macaco

Attached: 674935.jpg (480x360, 52K)

Greater presence of SNK Arcade machines in Mexico than America, as well as a shitload of slightly edited bootleg cabinets

Spics have genuine based taste.

Holy shit I was thinking the same

Metal Slug and KoF are basically a religion here.

nigga those are important

there's also crack shoot and burn knuckle which are non-shoto moves too, and then there's power dunk

>Why no spics love SNK?

Are you even talking about the right people?

>Why no spics love SNK?
Do you even talk to any mexicans?
My first introduction to the ps2 was playing KoF with my uncles

I’m personally rooting for Kyo but I’ll take Terry if he comes with KoF music.
Metal Slug is okay too because you just know they’ll remix Final Attack

they have jetpacks

>Do you even talk to any mexicans?
Just my gf who was a nintedie

I looked up KoF2002 roms to try and apparently there are a shitload of arcade perfect bootlegs of KoF games online. And modern KoF games are cheap as fuck.

Now I see why its so popular in Mexico

Attached: 1567371796518.gif (250x188, 152K)

>mfw the SNK rep is for us Spicbros. It's our fucking turn

Attached: 1537153742606.jpg (400x400, 13K)

It can be used on everyone south of the Rio Grande except Brazilians

Attached: RAWKET LAWNCHAIR!.gif (400x400, 129K)

Also for anyone curious here are Joker's Italian trademarks which line up with the SNK ones

Attached: Joker trademarks.jpg (674x156, 15K)

She also had her own NES game (Goddess Athena at least) for what it's worth.

>Marco gets in
>Yea Forums gets renamed RAWKET LAWNCHAIR again

Holy shit, confirmation of the next DLC characters company has only made rosterfag discussion more divisive

Attached: __terry_bogard_the_king_of_fighters_and_etc_drawn_by_yuri_anachronic__060101cc96ae5b7bb5a656ee7ef07b (1000x1000, 972K)

It all makes sense now

Attached: 1316053941342.jpg (637x480, 71K)

>check thread
>Everything is just literal who's from Twitter who didn't want to accept the truth/they are wrong

I really hope these fags and everyone who keeps giving them attention die

I'd put the Yea Forums server back online if he actually gets in smash

never played KoF
does terry have powers or anything unique?

He doesn't, he looks like a shaved baboon with a big runny jew nose


Attached: 36347453.png (600x719, 169K)

Everyone in KoF has stylish fighting, and different powers


Attached: 822d01d877b2.gif (350x246, 3.09M)

Everyone on Twitter has come to terms that this was a possible misprint. And that an intern fucked up.

Yea Forums hangs on to these like "leaks" like childhood toys.

He draws power from the earth for ki attacks.


That would be fun, and I_AM_ABIB fucking hates fun on Yea Forums.
Terry's a rushdown character who excels at keeping pressure on opponents by closing gaps quickly and keeping them knocked around.

Isnt every KoF character rushdown


The primary difference is that not just Ken, but a million other characters in Smash kick and Punch.

>It has to be grenades, it's part of the series core gameplay
The grenades could be represented elsewhere. It doesn't have to be the side B.

>The UFO is the only iconic thing that can shoot you up as a recovery other than planes but that would look weird
They could just use a helicopter.

the misprint idea was already debunked

Im pretty sure most of them are


But game give tools for it so shit don't end like SF where fireball spam can win over most stuff.

That doesn't make it the case.

actual Fighting game characters would just be lame in Smash, no even plays Ryu or Ken
they are the most rare ones to see online and honestly play like dogshit, only even more boring option I can think of is Heihachi but at least Tekken music in Smash I guess

Attached: 1539834138323.png (852x854, 1.14M)

>Metal Gear

I legitimately checked this shit when it was up and it's real,I also checked Nintendo UK page in different languages and all of them have the SNK copyright,not just certain language,if it was just one then it would be just an error

All the Ryu hype was for naught, they meant O instead of U.

Ken is fun as fuck to play you faggot

Sakurai doesn't like putting in fighting characters. If he didn't think Heihachi would be unique, then why the hell would he put in fucking Terry?

I like playing as Terry

>A weapon to surpass Metal Slug

Sakurai is an avid fan of King of fighters.

Because youtu.be/a5QAVBhLvLw

Sakurai was literally inspired to make a fighting game by King of Fighters '95

All these fags didn't even know what was SNK so they started with this fucking shit,I legitimately checked this shit before it was 404 and it was real, I also checked this shit in all the different languages on Nintendo UK before that and all of them have the SNK copyright,if it was just a certain language then it could be taken as an error but in this case all of them where there

I'm just tired of all these "dude trust me lmao" faggots


Attached: 1543996425639.gif (250x250, 992K)

Leakers and leaker dickriders often downplay new info that contradicts a leaker's say-so

....And? He doesn't like trying to work with fighting game characters. It's difficult to try and make them unique.

Reminder that all the dlc characters are choosen by Nintendo so maybe he didn't like the idea but accepted anyway

Do you think he's the only one working on this game or some shit