
>hurr durr i don't have time
It's only a 130MB demo and you won't regret it for a second.
>looks like another retroshit doom copy
When you're stomping people by the dozen, bathing in their blood, and literally cumming buckets from the movement options, you'll change your fucking mind.

Attached: Ur0h8l.png (1920x1080, 230K)

Other urls found in this thread:


this is a virus link isnt it

>eyebleed graphics
no thanks

Attached: 1564850968248.png (1024x767, 1.13M)


God DAMN that's a lot of dolphin porn.

literal virus fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off

ion fury looks better. at least according to your screenshot. hell even doom looks way better. not gonna click your link

If it's even half as kino as Hedon i'll buy it

Attached: tmp_28083-1072150_screenshots_20190608153951_1849655410.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

what's with this new wave of "retro low poly 3d" shooters to disguise wanting to make money while doing as little work as possible?

>130GB if dolphin porn
what the heck

>while doing as little work as possible?
Do as little work as possible would be selling a literal Doom mod, like

All right guys, I tried. Go back to discussing trannies, I guess I made a mistake by trying to get you to play something interesting.

If you're still interested, check this video out:


Ion Fury brings literally nothing new to the table. Ion Fury is a shit copy. This is somethin g new.

>fuck off reddit, everyone knows what itch.io

Indie developers don't exactly have the budget to implement Crysis graphics.

unreal and unity are free engines

this is a shill thread if i've ever seen one.

the game looks like shit

Level design looks boring. I'll pass.

Mainstream hit a drought and people want good shooters back. Some of them are really good like and others are just crappy cashbags like Strafe was


indie devs are hacks and have no excuse to do what they do. greedy little lazy fucks.

>Strafe 2:Electric Boogaloo

>people want good shooters back

then make good shooters with at the very least new graphics or else it's just the same old shit over and over again.

let me guess Ion Fury is a Duke3D mod too right


Attached: cry.jpg (356x360, 16K)

Why does Epic sell that Unreal mod Fortnite again?

literally kill yourself, you stupid sack of shit

Was Ion Fury originally offered as a free total conversion for Duke 3D?

So what is there right now besides the "big 3" retro FPS; IF, AE, and Dusk? I need to scratch my itch some more.

That looks like shit. Loser.

>unity bad pixels good

people complaining about the graphisms even though they are ok in movement instead of focusing on gameplay which looks sick
people like you are the reason we got shit games like doom16/rage2/wolfenstein/farcry37/cod/r6s and all those console "shooters"

>instead of focusing on gameplay which looks sick
The appeal of retro fps is the exploration-based level design, not just shooting things while running fast.

Hedon is actually good but starts slow as fuck and focuses more on story than retro gameplay but when it gets to shooting it dose it very right

Prodeus is also coming soon it's literally Doom with pixelated Cowadooty graphics so can't go wrong with it

I really should play this one.
Is it on Steam?

>all these kids whining about the graphics.
Wow, everytime I come to Yea Forums I see more evidence of the kind of shithole this place is.

it's just a feature which is essential to set the pace of the whole experience, especially in a fast paced game. Are you seriously implying people don't play fps for the shooting but for the exploration?

it looks like shit lol

I've heard of Prodeus but it doesn't seem to have a date beyond "2019".

it has a free version on indieDB but I recommend the Steam release because it comes with better gore effects and weapon animations
it also has a sick extra melee only difficulty

you fucked up if you thought you could make a thread like this on Yea Forums, really should've considered shilling your game on a gamedev thread or /agdg/ or something

Played for a while, will play more tomorrow.
It's p sick brah, would love the punch to dash the character forward, as it is feels kinda meh to punch things, also it's kinda hard to keep track of consistency in the damage of the stomp, feels like is should be able to kill the weaker dudes on a stomp but I dunno if it actually damages them because anything else kills them with one hit.

Attached: D-MqWjTXoAUQbwk.jpg (507x503, 34K)


Attached: 1558376291841.jpg (166x166, 5K)

So this game looks fun but i'm color blind so I can hardly tell whats going on because everything is RED.

First two or three maps are meh but the next ones and especially the final levels are some of the best shit I've played in ages
Even so, don't play it if you don't like reading, exploring and figuring out crafting puzzles, the Doom like combat is just half of it

this, op please put braile over the colors in your game so we colorblind folk could tell what's going on

>lolsoretro game
>uses fucking mipmapping
>warping polygons which was never a problem on PC in the era of full 3d fps
>it's just a pixellation shader thrown on top which leads to slight fuzzing in spots instead of just actually rendering at a low resolution

>complaining about graphics

l1st3n l00s3r da graphix r da b3st p4rt of 4ny g4em.
if da graphix r l4me den ur g4em is shit!1!1one!

Attached: 1562022373062.png (579x436, 395K)

If you're going to imitate an era of games, do it fucking right. I bitch all the time about 2d pixel-art games that use full RGB ranges without concerns for colour palettes, or the cardinal sin which is realtime smooth rotating of sprites.


you need to stop samefagging OP

Literal shilling thread


Those games made to intentionally look like shit should get fucked. Classic Doom looks much more crisp than this. They're essentially doing the pic related but for 3D

Attached: file.png (500x566, 121K)

Dunno why everyone is comparing it to Doom. Quake would be the more apt analogy and the same thing applies, Quake did not look this jank despite brown being the dominant colour in that game.

From this video all I see is moving from one tiny box room to the next in a straight line, I have to agree with and Do the levels get more interesting than that? It looks fun otherwise

When will you retards learn that KINO IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS instantly labels you as an out of touch shill
Change your speech chip you fucking faggot holy shit, you sound exactly like those desperate EA interns who start threads with nothing but bulletpoints of the latest shareholder presentation given to them by their overlords

True. I fucking hate games like Strafe and Dusk for that reason.

Lmao fuckin nerds

>purposefully make your game look bad to appeal to niche memers


looks like absolute dogshit

>Are you seriously implying people don't play fps for the shooting but for the exploration?
No, I'm implying that most retro fps are differentiated from modern fps by their exploration-based level design. It takes more than just moving fast and retro-looking graphics to make an authentic, retro-inspired shooter. That's what Strafe misunderstood.


Quite fun, love the art style.

Feels weird to play.

If Strafe and Dusk at least conformed to 8bit palette limits I'd give them a pass.

>>uses fucking mipmapping

not remotely out of period

The game reminds me so much of that pile of shit Strafe that I don't even really want to give it a chance.

It was if you're going for a software rendered look. Mipmapping was a hardware feature. If the devs wanted to 'optimize' for that era they'd have multiple crafted versions of each texture to swap between, or not do it at all since the textures are low-rez enough to not matter, as long as the environment wasn't huge to warrant it. It's not like they were trying for a Glide/OpenGL look.

the camera recoil is too exaggerated, it hurts visibility
plus this looks a lot like Strafe is some ways