How much will it cost Yea Forums?

How much will it cost Yea Forums?

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bout tree fiddy

100 dollars

Five Hundred Ninety Nine U.S. Dollars

the console costs your dignity
the fleshlight attachments cost five hundred and ninety nine us dorrars

Can you fucking imagine? They will be top shit.

it won't cost Yea Forums anything.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2019-02-27_at_2.52.06_PM[1].jpg (800x450, 27K)

that looks horrible



About $3000 since dev kits are always a lot more expensive than the actual console. And if you thought that was the actual console you might have brain damage

A year's worth of sopa de macaco.

All of the hardware they said that is going in it would run you about 1400 bucks for a pc. I think it's going to be just under a thousand bucks imo

All you had was 500?! Jesus Christ, user.

Hopefully enough to make Yea Forums and plebbit seethe

Cheaper than an inferior PC

Every prior PlayStation has had a sleek minimalist design.

Why would you think they'd design a console that looks like something my XCOM soldiers would take cover behind?

Just like every other console.

>literally having fastfoward and pause buttoms

even Sony is acknowledging their games are actually movies

An inferior pc is like 380 bucks this thing will push a grand easy and you Sonykeks will be crying.

*009 Soundsystem Dreamscape starts playing when you boot it up*

I wouldn't mind to be honest


the ps4 isn't as outdated as the ps3 was when the ps4 launched

compared to what? Xbone? lmao



Out of curiosity I just went and checked how each Sony console was priced at launch in USD, including inflation. My guess is they go somewhere around $599 for this one, I remember that price seemed crazy when the PS3 launched, but the Bluray player made it worth it. I don't see how they could pitch selling this one for any more than that.

Attached: launchprices.png (366x286, 150K)

>Implying that's a bad thing.

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wtf have we really had that much inflation since 2006?

idk but I'm probably not going to buy it until at least a year after it's out or when the price drops so there'll be some games out for it too

The entirety of the Xbox division.

Attached: 05-21Mattrick_Web.jpg (1200x800, 81K)

soiboys will still pay over 500$ for it

555 v bucks.

literally a blu ray player, perfect for the movie wannabe games that infest the industry. they have come full circle huh?

Sony has a habit of getting drunk off their successes and fucking up afterwards. So I'll ballpark somewhere in the range of over US$500.

Yes. Around 2% per year

wtf I hate Austrian-Keynesian economics now

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wtf i hate the ((((state)))) now

$599-$799 literally

is this the official design it will have?


Attached: file.png (83x79, 8K)

Why do artist renditions of future consoles always look like absolute dogshit.

Probably around $800 at launch if it does RTX and all that shit. Same price as a lower end PC.

>lower end PC
>console RTX
We've found it boys, the most retarded post here.

I'm closing this tab

The PS5 is gonna launch with a VR headset, so the retail price is going to be high for abit longer then usual.
