Zoomer here, so where do I start with this franchise?

zoomer here, so where do I start with this franchise?

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VII if you can stand the graphics (I find them charming).

Nowhere. I just finished playing almost every game in the series and I've never been so miserable. The only other JRPG that edges out FF in boredom is DQ.

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if you have a massive cock, you start from the beginning. if you have a small cock, you start with 5.

FF I, the GBA remake
then FF IV
Skip FF VI
Don't bother with FF XV
Don't forget about FFCC

You just posted it.

nowhere it's jrpg weebtrash

Trips of truth. You heard the man, op.

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>Skip FF VI
Well for one, don't listen to this guy.

Seriously, do your research and find out which setting genuinely interests you the most.

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This guy is correct
There's really not a good reason to play VI, everything it does is done 10x better by VII

this is a good list but you should at least try III (either version is fine) and VI
the mmos are good but nobody's gonna fault you for skipping them

IX is a good starting point. If you wanna play with the class system, go for the later versions of V.

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Final Fantasy. The PSP 20th anniversary edition is the best version by far.

Skip 1 to 3
Play 4 and skip the sequel
Skip 5
Play 6 to 9 and skip the spinoffs except Crisis Core
Skip 10 and the sequel
11 doesn't count
Play 12
Skip 13 and the sequels
Skip 14

Skip FF Tactics, play Ogre Tactics instead
Play FF Tactics Advance
Skip FF Tactics A2

You can safely skip FF1 unless you're a historyfag or someone who really enjoys challenge runs. The regular game played ""properly"" doesn't offer very much challenge or strategy.

You're playing by release date and don't skip any remake/remaster (you can skip the MMOs).
There's only like 60-70 games.

For real though, I actually recently did a playthrough of FFI GBA, and the encounter rate in that game is so much worse than I remember. Kind of an insult given how easy it is. It's a fun game apart from the encounter rate, but it really just makes going through dungeons an absolute chore

Maybe I could make things interesting by using a meme team consisting only of Theives and/or Black Mages.

I would recommend the PS1 trilogy (VII, VIII, IX). I'm not saying these are necessarily the best games in the series but they're some of the most popular ones and worth playing in my opinion.

This post is weird. Like there's basic bitch taste everywhere except where there should be like with Final Fantasy Tactics.

I had the same conclusion when I replayed the remake a couple months ago
>enemies typically do fuck all, but the agility stat doesn't work so all 9 enemies will always go before you
>half the time you get ambushed so you have to sit through two sets of 9 enemies attacking you
>one spell clears up the entire screen
>bosses die in 3-4 turns and don't hurt very much, apart from 1 spell they have that hits your entire team to critical
The remake-added side dungeon bosses are decently challenging at least, but it's really not worth wading through 1000 dark goblins and nakks to get there.

In all honesty, FF can be skipped entirely. Even the good games aren't really that good. It's definitely the worst JRPG series.

Play all the main line ones, I'm playing all of them from 1 to 15, it's been pretty fun.

FFI is actually really great, but go with the PSP remake or any of the releases since, as they are based on the PSP iteration. The extra dungeon they added is really fun if done casually. If you're going for a 100% run though, it's hell.

I kinda agree with you. I don't find final fantasy very appealing either even when I compare it to other JRPGs. I like 7, 10 and Tactics. The others are kinda bland to me.

Game gives you way too much gil as well, especially when you can pick up equipment that casts spells for no MP and can be used infinitely. I can understand high encounter rate when it's to force smart resource management, but that's the last thing the game is trying to make you do

The same as every other normie, with FF7.

Just play V

I [the far easier remakes, if you want], IV, V, VII, IX and X are all nice starting points

All of them or none of them
Your choice

FF7 or FFX.

FF6 SNES Emulation
Fully updated FF7
FF Tactics

Why would you be interested in FF if you were a zoomer?

>Skip FF Tactics, play Ogre Tactics instead
Play both, they're both worth experiencing.

Honestly don’t. Most overrated franchise. And I liked 4 and 6.

does it have the flash game graphics like the phone versions or the gba ones?

Come on now, DQ1 is great

ahem skip 1 and 2 (well play 2 if you like the stats mechanic)

play 3 on snes or pc. Never on ds due to wifi servers shutdown.

play 4 on pc for 3d animated and additional story, or on psp for 2d animation (still has same content as pc)

play 5 and 6 on gba with sound restoration patch

play 7 on current gen consoles or pc

play 8 and 9 on current gen consoles

play 10 on current gen consoles (I don't like the filesize for pc)

you have to pay for 11 and 14

play 12 on current gen consoles (you will know why)

play 13 on used consoles

play 15 on ps4 cuz fuck xbone

I initially started off at 1 and was going to complete everything in order but life is short and I'm not going to have a backlog of games, so i started at 5 and will complete 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 7 remake

Wherever you want, that's the beauty.

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IX is a good starting point if you're planning to play the whole series and want to start near the bottom.

what a randumb post

lol only after final fantasy 5

Play them in order you filthy casul.

FF1-2 - You can emulate the PS1 versions
FF3 - emulate the DS version
FF4-6 - emulate the SNES fan translations
FF7 - Play modded PC version
FF8 - Wait for remaster
FF9 - Modded PC version
FF10 - Get remasters
FF12 - Get remaster
FF13 - PC versions
FF15 - PC version

Start with the first, then work back chronologically from the latest one. Ah ha ha ha ha!

FF9 and ignore the rest

This. There are zero good ff/dq games.


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(15, 13 if you want to play the shitty ones) 10, 7, 8, 12, world of final fantasy, 9, 5, 3, 6, 4, tactics, crystal chronicles
Skip 1, 2, 11, 14. I tried to order them casual friendly to more hardcore turn based and good to bad. There are a lot of other spinoff games but I wouldn’t bother. World of final fantasy isn’t even obligatory but it’s not bad and it will be more enjoyable once you’re exposed to the bestiary

Play whichever one you think looks the coolest and jump around from there. There no continuity between the games which the exceptions of sequels (10-2, 13-2).

If you want something representative of the series as a whole then choose from I, VI, VII, or IX. X or later are “modern” and not similar to previous games but I still found X fun and if you are a zoomer you may find it easier to get into than older titles.

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This game died to me right before they released WotG

6 and 9

if you liked them a lot consider 5, 7, and 10. If you don't mind MMOs play 14. Don't bother with the rest, not worth your time

Bravely Default.

I just started playing it a few months ago. I’ve heard about the glory days and I’m sad I missed out. Doing it for the story but it’s a slog alone.

Play SMT instead