How did nVidia get away with tech demos like this?
How did nVidia get away with tech demos like this?
what game
It was a better time
>Go to LAN party
>everybody's pp hard
By Being the Best in the Business.
Society was more tolerant.
This was when games were made by men for men. Gaming used to be a nerd hobby, I wish it still was.
If they release something similar today they won't be in business anymore.
It would bt sexless social justice nerds who rebel, again
Because tolerance and no attention whores.
The ancients once exalted the perfection of the human form. Now it is spurned.
i still have the nude version of that somewhere in my archives. it's a pretty high res model for the time, and it was also hacked to run on ati cards (did so without much trouble too)
Whatever backlash won't stop people from buying nvidia. Games rely on geforce to run. Cars rely on jetson to drive themselves. Graphic and video editiors rely on quadro to render shit. Data centers rely on tesla to process big data.
Tech demo, retard.
Qatar didn't have such control over the world's newspapers and websites.
It's like you forget who the real PC gamers are.
why is there plant growing out of her ass
cuz i planted my seed in her ass
She wants a vegan to eat her out
imagine how funny it is when she farts and the leaf move around haha
they wouldnt go all the way though, you need a carnivore for that.
Never heard of it.
Does Nvidia still do tech demos like this? I liked the medusa one.
>WhAt GAme ThOUgH FaNOn?
We didnt have so many puratans around
There's still shit like this going on in japan
Are you okay, retard?
looks like they stopped doing open demos after 900 series.
>I CaNt fiND GaMe CAlLEd tECh DeMo FaNoNS. PLeASe HeLps mE...
When did that come out?
What would a hyper brap do to the leaf?
Just as a joke ha ha
Technology was hairy and sweaty nerds' hobby back then.
back then they marketed it towards people who actually play games
now they market it to people who just get triggered by people who play games
go figure
Now everybody wanna be a nerd
That's a great fukken gif
I want to FUCK Windows 10.
wtf, I love W10 now.
I'm not going to lie this kind of marketing unironically works on me, I know I'm being tricked but I also don't care
I miss Me-tan
>If they release something similar today they won't be in business anymore.
People who actually buy their products wouldn't care.
So you think the people who buy their expensive cards ( high end + ) would care about any of this ?
>Tech demo, retard (2002) is an action adventure video game developed by Challenged Entertaintment, received numerous awards an praised by critics worldwide the game sold 1,5 million units by February of 2003
Use Google ffs
I thought the goal of all the censoring and sjw faggotry was to make society MORE tolerant?
>tfw she keeps installing cameras in your room and looking through all your contacts
Yondare ka
Is it on PC?
it was from a time when faggots, trannies and dykes got their faces smashed in by normal human beings and feminists got laughed out of town and were told to stfu.
Not officially sold anywhere anymore. But even if you find a copy you'd have to go through compatability issues and fuck around with video drivers on Win XP
No, only OUYA
There is something incredibly disgusting about American tech companies censoring public expression & consumption of sexual art, then turning around and leveraging sex to sell their products
It's like they're trying to corner the market, so to speak
They literally just stole ATi's tech demos and mascot. They just gave her black hair instead of red.
Why is AMD girl fighting native african people?
They looked completely different retard. Ruby is dead and gone though.
>They looked completely different retard.
>being too stupid to know how to use commas
They looked almost identical originally. Anyway that changes nothing. ATi did it for several generations and then Nvida started doing something very similar with a character that looked suspiciously similar.
Get away with? That implies they did something wrong. The real question is why leftist faggots get away with censorship.
thats dawn on the right. it doesn't matter though. ruby is long gone.
secondly the look different. short hair is all they have in common.
no that is actually dusk, dawn's sister
I will never betray you.
You're both wrong. It's Fairy with one of the costume settings.
>amd japan aggressively pushes their weeb mascots even today
>meanwhile Nvidia japan never bothered with such
I wonder if it has any actual effect over there given that pc gaming in Japan is almost non-existent
No bitch.
That is in fact Dusk. Dawn is the one in the forest.
Dawn's sister is a nightclub head.
>more tolerant
>by being tyrannical
hmmm, how old do you have to be to spot a conflict in this?
>amd japan aggressively pushes their weeb mascots
Terrible idea.
There's something peculiar about the textures on both pics, I don't know how to put it, I've seen it in old visual novels.
No Twitter,smartphones, social media or youtube.
Very few people run it.
Windows 7 is the cutest though
Shit like this is why they stopped:
It was a better time
I absolutely despise people like that, fucking prude who has to flaunt his prudishness to everyone as though its a positive character trait
tech demos used to have sexier characters
all the future trannys and furious asexuals were still shitting in diapers, thats how