So now that they confirmed all 3rd person cutscenes are cut, including this, are you still buying this game?
So now that they confirmed all 3rd person cutscenes are cut, including this, are you still buying this game?
Then what’s the point of character customization
I imagine you can zoom out and jack off to your dude if you really want like new vegas or something
I want to rub my cock on xer scalp.
Yes, since that cut means absolutely nothing to me.
I wasn't gonna buy it anyway but removing third person sounds like an improvement.
You won't see this pretty face aside from customization at the start, inventory screen and mirrors.
If mirrors aren't downgraded as well and actually work.
>CDPR are too lazy to implement third person character creation
Why do people worship them again?
where did they say they removed 3rd person cutscenes?
Dev on twitter confirmed it. Including POV sex scenes.
Right when shut up we're trying to tortanic this shit
the development of this game must be mess...
I'm not a newfag redditor so I don't buy games
You do realize tortanic was only fun to watch because it itself was a trainwreck right?
this implies the existence of sex scenes.
am kinda confuse by the game development.
i swear it coming out like early next year.
I only care for one thing, and that is that I want grievous arms in the game, because they're the coolest shit
bonus points if melee builds are possible
at least the fags that wanted to play female to not stare at man ass have no excuse now
I too wish to windmill enemies to death.
>all 3rd person cutscenes are cut
but why?
>wanting to stare at a pair of male hands for 70 hours
well I don't know about you faggotsexuals but as a straight man the obvious choice is a female character.
no V sideboobs, no buy
>removing cuckedperson view
Based cdpr. This game will be awesome.
yeah, enjoy your first person sex with dudes, closet g
Have they confirmed mirrors let you see your character? They would have to make 3d models, animations for it to work. Considering how shit the game looks on RTX 2080ti I doubt mirrors actually work.
PC version will always have console commands for free cam bro.
You can see your legs in this game. I don’t want to state at a mans feet for 200 hours
You imagine incorrectly.
Lazyness and crunch pressure
Preorder cancelled.
>Implying we can't make a futa v and make her fuck hot girls
>not turning off your monitor in sex scenes to avoid gay stuff but still having your female character be straight for roleplaying purposes
>pov sex scene
That will be really great seeing a pillow over the entire screen while hearing buff guy grunts from behind
They would need to make animations and have a model for V, which they don't.
if you have time to be unconscious you have to program more
I unironically will play a male character now instead of female, if this turns out to be true. There's no point in making a waifu if I can't see her.
>Random fucking twitter screenshot means it true
God I fucking hate these new aged faggots that believe anything on the internet
Who the fuck would want that though?
>They would need to make animations and have a model for V, which they don't.
They do though. The mere existence of 3rd person cameras in vehicles and at the very least a couple of working mirrors means there absolutely must be a fully modeled V with all the animations that entails, given what you might be able to do in front of the mirror
>no tpp cutscenes or anything tpp
>port TW3 TPP camera to CP2077
Watch them make even more cuts
holy fucking ESL learn to format a post
what are you even saying
All the fuss and hot topics aside, they clearly downgraded their original vision of this game and they are desperately trying to pretend they didn't. I always said that this game needed to be next gen so they had fewer limitations and a lot more time for development so they could implement all the stuff they originally wanted.
As it stands, this game is suffering from normal modern game broken promises. It's barely the thing they initially promised or promoted. And yeah, we can say it happens for most games, but passively accepting it as consumers is why it keeps happening. Someone needs to call them out for it in a grand way because they threw away a project with the potential to become one of the greatest Western RPGs ever.
It's just some generic cinematic thing now. I'd rather fuck off and replay the modern Deus Ex games, because those games never pretended to be something they aren't.
its pretty easy to figure out what he's saying, brainlet
Further proof that adding Californians to your development team automatically kills your game. Californian holocaust when?
>not missionary
shit taste
Are you fucking retarded?
so how would cutting 3rd person cutscenes make it more immersive?
Don't forget, Bethesda mastered this already 11 years or so years ago
Apparently, CDPR thinks having no depth of field for shooting enemies and barely acceptable melee combat is more immersive. Also, IRL, all you can see is your own hand and the gun its carrying.
>they confirmed
{Citation Needed}
3rd person is literally third person
it shatters any immersion and connection you may have to the avatar, its extremely basic psychology
How do you know they downgraded their. vision?
>moving like you are on rails is immersive
>removing sense of space is immersive
Source or GTFO
this is bad, third person is genuinely why anyone would play this game. First person is such a downgrade it's insane.
That's nonsense, your brain gets used to it 5 minutes
LOOOOL if you actually think tpp combat in bethesda games is good you should an hero
i don't believe it. they must have spent fucking ages on those cutscenes, and the titty lady probably generated a good portion of pre-orders.
>moving like you are on rails is immersive
in case you havent noticed your eyes are very stabilized when you move irl
>removing sense of space is immersive
the fuck does this mean? if you cant grasp your width and the space you occupy without seeing yourself your brain is FUCKED
never drive a car please
>belieiving some random ass twitter screenshot
Jesus Christ it’s real. My hype levels are getting further destroyed every week. Not making this game third person was a massive mistake. What’s the point of character customization if you can’t fucking see it ever?
ahaha holy fuck third person plebs tears are fucking delicious
get fucked, subhuman
Calling it now, it’s gonna get pushed back to holiday 2020 so like 15 months from now. You can just feel it in the air with these sweeping decisions.
People believe in god so why are you even surprised?
You also throw all scene direction out of the window. For crucial story heavy parts, 3rd person is superior in every way. All we'll get now is a floating head with hands.
Meanwhile, all the trailers (even the recent ones) show male V and female V in cutscenes. Fucking shameful.
I'm talking about the combat though, I'm talking about the seamless transition between first and third person. Do you even reading comprehension bro?
But that would be a good thing. I'd rather get what I was sold in 15 months than false promises in 7.
I never was going to buy this trash
can't wait
Not how it works retard, will look jank as shit without fully developed tpp animations for running shooting etc
*I'm NOT talking about the combat
Jesus, I cannot type today.
Why do people like 3rd person view so much I don't understand.
1st person view is always much more immersive.
>Game is out in 8 months
>Still making drastic changes like this
Holy fucking shit what kind of management is this. Working at CDPR sounds like an absolute dumpsterfire.
It really does seem like a weird mix of Deus Ex set in GTA V’s world, fuck man I am really starting to lose interest in this game and it has been one of the two games I was most looking forward to for like 5 years, what a fucking waste
Immersion isn't the be all, end all though. Especially if you implement character customization. Also, first person is infinitely more ingrained in the industry than third. I think people are just tired of that same fucking view point since the first Doom game.
So you're saying cp2077 should have tpp even when it will break the gameplay just so you can stare at your MCs ass?
it's like saying Mirror's Edge should have tpp
>he's one of those retards that has his immersion easily shattered if the game doesn't have a first person camera
How do you even live? There's no such thing as "caring about immersion in vidya" and "being as easily taken out of the universe as a change of camera" unless you're a brainlet
No video game is immersive as far as roleplaying or self-inserts, go, user. It's all just entertainment. I don't feel connected to a being I get to see for 3% of the game at all, third person makes me look at the character as an actual part of the world, makes me invested in their story. Might as well just be another faceless CoD protag with it being first person
>defends getting to experience literally none of the customization he will spend hours of his life autistically planning out
based retard
There are going to be fuck knows how many cutscenes where the character's POV was never taken into account because it was in 3rd person. You just needed to make it look good. Now every scene needs to have proper LOS to function.
It's more about broken promises. They seduced many with their E3 2018 presentation. While 95% of it was first person, these few scenes in 3rd really helped set the stage, sell the world.
To remove it now out of nowhere comes as a bad surprise among many (2019 presentation not being shown after being promised) just makes everything seem subject to change now. Whay game are we preordering then, if such drastic changes are being done 7 months from release?
man what the FUCK are they thinking??? just fucking push it back another year or two ffs
I don't really give a shit about TPP that much, but their argument is immersion. So what is the fucking point of this gay fucking excuse if my character has a set voice which is the exact OPPOSITE of immersion in an RPG?
wow dude I can't wait for the game to take away the controls from me and make me watch some stupid ass banter
>all that time we spend on the TP cutscenes? aye, don't mind that
really, when was the last piece of good news about this shitshow?
Not saying it will be bad. Game looks like shit right now
This game looks like shit
Fuck Pollaks
As it should be. That's how you do an immersive sim. Deus Ex take notes.
This. Push back release if it's too much. Don't butcher the game cause you got eager for release.
What is this fake bullshit? Jesus christ.
>Deus Ex take notes.
So it's just a fps then. Got it, it's rubbish.
>Might as well just be another faceless CoD protag with it being first person
This exactly. This is the fucking problem and they are gay as aids for choosing that approach
Consolefags care about tpp
Nah, after seeing how many niggers are in it, I'm going to pirate it.
Kys retard, it's not even about consoles
Who cares? Everyone is ugly anyways
Game should be 0th person view only
consolefags love tps and who the fuck loves playing fps on a console with controllers?
Case in point
dont let cyber shaniqua the worlds greatest and sassiest hacker find that out!
Third person takedowns are a disgrace.
Remember the majority of CDPR are western people now you retard
TW3 was kino because it was 99% polack you idiot
It's not about action at all, so fps argument is kinda dumb
I back this completely. I never wanted a first person shooter. I wanted to watch my badass cyborg hacker killer do ninjitsu on savages with lots of eye candy. I hold out hope the games isn't a total disaster
He's right, you know. Nu-DX is an utter joke.
surely there will be working mirrors.... right?
>consolefags love tps and who the fuck loves playing fps on a console with controllers?
Must be why all the best-selling shooters on consoles are FPS like CoD, Battlefield, etc.
Also, controllers are not ideal for TPS either.
yeah haha imagine making your female character have a massive cock and fucking all the corpos after you beat them haha that would be weird who would want that haha
what they should have fucking done was include something like MGS3 did, where you press R1 during a cutscene to see it in first person (or actually just a seperate cutscene from a first person perspective)
That would have been an interesting feature and appealed to both parties, you have your basic bitch third person shit and then the player can press a button to seamlessly swap into first person if they wanted more immersion, at the cost of it looking a bit fucking janky i guess
but instead shit, i hope they get the fucking FOV right or at least let players change their cutscene FOV so it doesn't fucking zoom in when you enter a cutscene like you're all fucking squashed and claustrophobic, at least
can you look down and see your feet? will you have limited motion to look around during the cutscene? shit like that
The more they show of this game the worse it gets, every time
Yeah..... About that....
We have to make it work on consoles, y'know....
it's gonna be cybersex, you will see a black screen with mattrix letters and some bleep bleep and your sex gauge to move.
Like pottery
I would have, if TPP was in.
If I had a good enough PC, I'd just pirate it since it doesn't have TPP.
So I'm not going to play it.
So fuck Pollaks for hiring Californians and fuck Californians too
Thought about that one too, I guess they are either lazy or just out of their mind asses
You dumb cocksucker. Immersion doesn't mean I see through the characters eyes. It means getting pulled into the world and suspending disbelief as you are caught up in the story and events. Third person can absolutely be immersing, maybe more so than first person because YOU are not saying the lines, YOU are not emotionally reacting to the plot. The PC is so to see them act it out does pull you in. Fuck am I even talking to you about this? Enjoy your shit smeared generic shooter and flapping hands.
Is this game a bigger bullshot than watch dogs was.
sure they showed one in the latest trailer
Cyberpunk 2077: Enhanced Edition once the next gen consoles come out.
>people are actually upset it's not a movie game
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
If they continue with that kinda stuff, it will definitely be
what does the text say in op's image?
>he thinks seeing your custom character outside of the creation screen at any point is a movie game
Get a load of this queer.
i don't really know how successful, popular or how much bank the witcher series pulled in for them but i would have thought they had more than enough rep and cash and backers to pull cyberpunk out of their asses with high levels of polish
i wonder if they're taking the bethesda route and relying on their fans to eat up the shit they crap out without trying to put any work in, taking their consumer base for granted because they're like a darling in the dev world
like their reputation is a currency to spend making shit for free cash i dunno
>Someone needs to call them out for it in a grand way because they threw away a project with the potential to become one of the greatest Western RPGs ever.
>potential for greatest western rpg
They've never even made an RPG before (Witcher is a glorified action-adventure game). Why would you have such high expectations?
That's exactly what's happening.
its going to be an okay game not some life changing shit and that's fine. its just funny that they hired a bunch of usa weirdos and pozzed up their world.
So true
This. Keanu being in it gave me some hope, but even his in-game model looks worse than expected.
Seriously thinking of dropping this game now. The latest demo vid didn't get me excited at all.
Cyberpunk was perfected by the Japanese in the 80s
Fuck everything else before and after (especially after)
>They've never even made an RPG before
But they have. Some might be bad but that doesn't mean you get to change their genre
I wouldn't even call it demo, some cut gameplay shit which is so badly cut that u can't even understand much of what they're trying to show you
it's all over CD Turd Eject's own forum, you fuckfaces. You even fail as hobby-shills of this second grade Bethesda wannabe company.
With the obligatory
>we listened to you guys and made the changes you (always) had asked for! Aren't we such a great, trustworthy company?
>implying I was ever buying the game after they revealed the game was 1st person only
>implying I'd touch a cdpr game after I learned of they awful customer service
>implying I'd want to be associated with their drones.
>perfecting cyberpunk
In what universe? Japanese cyberpunk has always been way more shallower than western cyberpunk fiction. There barely was any Japanese cyerpunk in the 80's (the GitS manga only debuted in 1989).
This. Why does everyone who tries to make something cyberpunk insist on making it literally no different from the streets of [insert urban shithole full of gang wars and homeless people] but with pretty lights? Why do the characters always look like they've never seen the inside of a shower?
>But they have.
What role-playing is there in the Witcher games? You can't even equip anything other than a sword, much less play different roles.
>GITs and Akira was shit
>Japanese cyberpunk
>story is about demons from another dimension invading our world
>cyberpunk theme is completely superficial
Pretty simple, the company grew too quickly and all the fuckfaces that ruined bioware flocked to them. You could literally swap "CDPR" for "Bioware from 2014" and this game would look the same.
This but unironically.
Cyberpunk was perfected with 80s aesthetic and color palette.
Ion Fury (yes, the one with the gay soap) has nailed that look 99%.
Meanwhile KurwaJunk 2077 looks like a GTA V mod.
Did they actually? Holy fuck I'm scared for cp
I recommend not talking now before you make any more stupidly asinine statements like, Japan barely had cyberpunk.
I was being sincere you shit
>Completely backpedaled on their original RPG premise, now takes inspiration from Rockstar games.
>Asked fans on Twitter on how they were supposed to balance the ARPG shooting in their own fucking game.
>Has been bleeding talent for years due to their absolutely abysmal management.
>Went on complete damage control when employees starting calling out the studio for being a total dumpsterfire.
>Caved in to people bitching about non-binary options, despite the game being designed around male/female.
>Removed third person cutscenes, despite the fact that some employees most likely spent literal years making them, now have 8 months to completely rework all cutscenes, character creation and customization is now essentially pointless.
It is actually genuinely and unironically over.
>Game is out in 8 months
>Still making drastic changes like this
this is an insane red flag, it is proof that the company has no set goal and no fucking idea what it's doing. yet no one in the video games "journalism" landscape seems to pick up on it. I guess they were all too busy driving a man into suicide by running smear and libel campaigns against him just because some deranged whore made a post on twitter.
>GITs and Akira was shit
Akira isn't even cyberpunk. The story is about supernatural powers, and a few other themes like corruption and religion. Sure the powers are to be exploited for scientific purposes, but that's just sci-fi.
GiTS isn't bad perse, but as far as cyberpunk goes, its themes and world building are relatively shallow, certainly compared to the western canon of cyberpunk. And again, GiTs only debuted in 1989, long after the cyberpunk movement had been established.
Nigger Ex Machina et your mother
welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay.
I love how you faggots always redefine what cyberpunk is until only the pen and paper garbage fits
Fuck off
>>Asked fans on Twitter on how they were supposed to balance the ARPG shooting in their own fucking game.
when did that happen?
It's an American IP and it was always set in a "pozzed up" world. They did good hiring them.
I was never buying it to start with
And people will still defend it
>no third person option
>shit gunplay
>false sense of choice
>last gen graphics
>using hype and shitty explanations as the reason why they barely show gameplay
>using a celebrity normies love so they buy the game
>appealing to trannies so they buy it too
imagine not realizing this was total shit from the beginning, this is another no man sky/ tortanic situation and people are in denial.
>I love how you faggots always redefine what cyberpunk is until only the pen and paper garbage fits
What is cyberpunk about Akira? It's a dystopic Japan, but there are no massive corporations, just government facilities using secret projects. There was no hacking or computerized stuff, or even robots. Just futuristic technology, but the focus was on psychic powers. Perhaps it could be classified as Psychic Punk, or Future Punk. But cyberpunk, not at all.
Yes, less cinematics means more space in my hardrive.
TPP and MGR weight a fucking lot.
>Remember the majority of CDPR are western people now you retard
I'd say nice cope but it's not even true you fucking idiot.
>Akira isn't even cyberpunk.
stop posting any time, you clown.
Of course not. I was willing to ignore bland aesthetics, CDPR being lying fucks, game in fact being a movie, terrible voice acting, niggers everywhere, fags everywhere, trannies everywhere, boring looking shooting, open world of corridors, no flying cars, empty streets, retarded cyberspace visualizations, press X to do amything that is possible to do in the context, visual overload and shitty writing, but that, the inability to watch a hungover ugly dyke waking up, that was the last straw.
>>Akira isn't even cyberpunk.
Why are you ignoring:
Akira being labeled as cyberpunk is complete revisionist history
WTF I hate immersion!
Hi kira
I'm not going to read anything you write, or get into a pedantic argument over definitions
I'm just going to post PC98 screenshots at you until you fuck off
just how big is the tranny gamer market?
>still no actual rebuttal
This character from an actual work of cyberpunk is laughing at your stupidity.
you... have not a clue about what is "cyberpunk". It's really sad.
>several years work removed for no reason 6 months before launch
I highly doubt it.
>Perhaps it could be classified as Psychic Punk, or Future Punk
Or maybe doesn't need to have "punk" in the name
Cyberpunk seems like it has a lot of production issues beneath the surface what with
>backpedaling after the initial reveal in 2018
>no flying cars
>nothing but virtue signalling and SJW tranny pandering in 2019
>negative glassdoor reviews
>forced female v shilling
>no third person
yeah that's a day one pirate from me, fuck CDPR and fuck tranny enablers
>L I T E R A L L Y I M P O S S I B L E
cyberpunk is a setting, not a theme.
>one cutscene
>several years work
>no reason to play as FemV now
The Cumheads won't stand for this.
Cutscenes, doofus. Know what those are?
they confiremd all cutscenes will be from a first person perspective
all of them
Confirmed to be in first person now.
I'm still waiting on you to explain why Akira is supposedly cyberpunk.
I suppose modders can fix that
Think about how cool it is to be in first person the entire time, I am glad they are doing this, you weren't going to get a choice between first and third person cutscenes anyway, this just puts in into the experience.
The only thing I'm worried about with the game is that enemies will probably be bullet spongey.
>Caved in to people bitching about non-binary options, despite the game being designed around male/female.
tbf the only thing that was changed was that tab of the CC being renamed from "gender" to "body", that's all. Everything else is on point though
How far are we going to move the goal post in order for you to be right? It's a science fiction dystopia made of conglomerate entities and low life high tech societies. AKIRA is cyberpunk lite but still fits the setting.
>having a gameplay option that would not affect sales one way or the other
>taking said option out cuz lol art or something haha
One of these things is retarded.
>one cutscene
>resetera complains about the game being transphobic
>cdprojekt removes third-person cutscenes so that you can LARP as whatever tranny you want to be
>reseetera goes apeshit over no longr having third-person cutscenes (they love their movie games)
Well how the fuck am I supposed to immerse myself if I don't even have the option of zooming in?
Don't give them the satisfaction user
The only piece of cyberpunk media to these idiots is the Pen and Paper
If it doesn't fit their crappy arbitrary definition you "lose"
Guys. Cutscenes will never ever be immersive. Gameplay, sure, because you can control things and actually immerse yourself in the role. Cutscenes are scripted.
Motorcycle third person. Also you can probly see yourself if you hack something with optics.
Going back to the game I'm just disappointed as hell in the direction it seems to be going.
I prefer first person games that don't go to third person. The ones that randomly do are actually a pet peeve of mine.
I hated that they added third person titan mounts in titanfall 2.
the only people mad about this are sad fucks who wanna make their waifu like those creeps in the skyrim mod community
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
>port TW3 TPP camera to CP2077
People like you are why mods are so often trash. Fuck off.
There's a lot of creeps then, as the response is overwhelmingly negative.
>the response is overwhelmingly negative
That was just for the demo, it doesn't matter, you aren't forced to have gay sex in the game.
cdpr showed that shit they still haven't fucking shown straight male v there won't be any fucking straight male content they prioritize fucking faggot and tranny shit it's been a fucking year they still haven't fucking showed straight male v ffs
How many times have you typed this exact post?
I was stupid enough to expect something like Mount and Blade or Kenshi but with the Pen and Paper classes so I was disappointing long ago
Don't respond to that retard. He's been posting that garbage for nearly a week now.
how many fucking times cdpr refuse to show straight male v but show faggot and tranny shit
>cybertranny apologist
>is a redditor
like pottery
So much for my idea of making a reskin mod for turning V into ciri
I mean, they said they wanted to do printable character sheets back then, which would seem kinda pointless now even if they could do it, considering how little choices you have role playing wise. I don't think you were terribly stupid to expect more roleplaying freedom. I'm disappointed as well, most people just weren't around all that long or never cared much when it first got teased.
Twice. We've had two romantic scenes, one with a straight female V, one with a homosexual male V. We've not seen anything outside of that, and one of those wasn't even shown to the public.
Hoi chummers this is the most drek Shadowrun game ever.
You're right but you shouldn't be.
i bet you can't play as someone who is vehemently protective over their virginity or someone who absolutely hates faggots though
>plays the meanest son of a bitch out
>only thing longer than his dick is his list of kills
>literally born with max negative karma / renegade / evil points
>gets in a conversation with a flaming faggot
>can only choose to say nothing or worship them, no option to outright shun them
First person only is kino, kill you'reself tpp casual nigger
fucking three times they could've fucking shown straight male v in fucking pacifica shit demo they just showed more strong womyn bullshit and tranny shit it's been a fuckin year still no straight male v you fucking retards
What's the point of voiced protagonist if entire game is in FPP? It's going to sound weird as fuck.
VR announcement when????
>MFW I cancelled my preorder after Worldgate
>MFW I knew I was justified after the gameplay reveal. Just a reskin of Deus-Ex HR, and that's being generous.
>MFW I WILL be pirating it when the day 1 crack comes out.
I love fpp-only games so this is plus for me. Still wish they cut out shit like pre-animated takedowns and other similar shit though.
>strong womyn bullshit
So are you moving goalposts or what? I can't tell what you want now. The choice to make female V the solo bruiser style seemed intentional, in that the game can show that anybody can achieve this strength with the power of cybernetic augmentation, even one as frail looking a frame as the female V in comparison to her enemies in the demo. Why does this upset you? It would be a bit redundant to show a massive, burly player character being the brute style, and it wouldn't really show the potential of the augments. What is it you are upset with here? We know heterosexual content will be in the game. Are you concerned there won't be many romancable heterosexual female characters in the game? We've only actually seen one romantic partner, who is bisexual, technically, and that is Jackie. I don't really understand what you're upset about. We likely won't see more of any romance stuff I had to guess. They've been incredibly on the down low with revealing key characters despite the game being relatively close to release.
>cut out shit like pre-animated takedowns
I don't think you understand what effects that would have. What would you replace it with?
my hype for this game just died
Yeah, this is a real (((leading indicator))) that there are problems going on at CDPR. If they're making huge changes like this it means the game isn't really close to being finished. It's starting to feel like an EA title.
>It's a science fiction dystopia made of conglomerate entities and low life high tech societies.
Dystopia does not equal cyberpunk, otherwise anything post-apocalyptic would also be considered cyberpunk.
The dystopia in Akira is because of nuclear fallout, which is presumably also the cause of the mutations that cause psychic powers. Akira was inspired by Japan's own cultural past, specifically the aftermath of WW2. It has nothing to do with cyberpunk.
you'll see yourself in the inventory screen like arma.
>The only piece of cyberpunk media to these idiots is the Pen and Paper
When have I ever said this? GiTs is cyberpunk. Akira isn't.
How is this so difficult to understand?
You're joking right? i was going to before but i'm dropping it hard then, i love looking at my character.
There were literally working mirrors in the in depth demo
I swear cdpr doesn't know what they want to do with this fucking game
It seems like Duke nukem forever tier flip flipping and last second redos.
that's my fucking point they're "on the down low" with straight male content they haven't fucking shown it how the fuck anybody supposed to know male v can fuck women they haven't fucking shown it but they showed womyn shit and faggot shit so don't tell me that bullcrap they're not "down low" talkin bout how much faggot shit and tranny shit in this game man they only "down low" when it come to straight male content you asshole
I can't find this on their actual twitter page.
>Akira was inspired by Japan's own cultural past, specifically the aftermath of WW2. It has nothing to do with cyberpunk.
Those aren't mutually exclusive, though
Tell me what Cyberpunk is then
>a piece of media is only considered cyberpunk if the cyberpunk elements present within it are not related to a bomb
Based haha poster
I've heard that many people left CDPR after TW3, now we know why.
I don't give a fuck about cutscenes, if I'm buying a game it's to play it, not to watch movies.
Hitting the enemy with a takedown weapon. Don't get me wrong, there is a 0% chance of them taking that out because it's become the norm for AAA titles, it's just a personal preference of mine. I like to feel I'm control of my character, not to feel like I'm some gnome sitting on their shoulder whispering commands into their ear and watching them carry them out. I hated Human Revolution for this exact reason because every other action pulled the camera away into a 3rd person perspective and played an animation (the icarus system was the most egregious of these)
>showed fucking female v fucked by a man
>showed fucking faggot v fucked by a man
>refuse to show straight male v fucking women
>"we likely won't see more of any romance"
fucking hate you cunts
can't we remove cutscenes entirely?
surely this game has mirrors
I remember them a while ago talking about how no one is really that important in the studio and can be replaced(no vision), that may or may not be a problem for the game.
Only at clothing stores and your apartment.
>Those aren't mutually exclusive, though
Sure, and Akira certainly could have incorporated meaningful cyberpunk elements. But it didn't. So it's not cyberpunk.
Again, I have repeatedly explained in-depth why Akira fails to qualify as cyberpunk. Whereas you have yet to provide a single argument as to why it's cyberpunk.
and third person driving
rage had third person driving, and you could see your character in a pause menu and also briefly when you fell off a quadbike or some shit
but everything else was pure first person
it worked out okay for rage i guess, didn't it?
>Human Revolution
I totally understand HR, it basically put you into a cutscene, not satisfying at all, but I still don't have a grasp of what you would replace first person animation takedowns with. I can only think removing the functionality of those actions would be the alternative, so now stealth air drop assassinations. I don't understand what it is you would prefer for that functionality. Would you rather just do an attack as you fall and then the guy reacts? That would turn out very janky I would think. Can you give an example of what it is you would prefer?
what the fuck is tpp?
>original teaser trailer showing a cyber cop decked out in high tech gadgetry subduing a beautiful woman with arm blades extended and akimbo, lit by helicopters and the glowing din of city lights at night and the rain.
If you don't understand why people would feel disappointed then you're either irreparably mentally stunted or a shit eating contrarian, or both.
yes, day 1
Most of the "cutscenes" shown so far can be interrupted by you drawing your weapon or otherwise attacking the person you're speaking to. The only actual cutscene was V waking up and walking around her apartment, which has since apparently been removed, and was just for demonstration purposes, which also explains why they only had a dude walking out of the apartment.
Toilet poop police
So do we actually know any source confirming this outside of a dubious direct message from twitter with no confirmation outside of some random faggots direct message box that is totally impossible to forge in an attempt to cause outrage?
Because if first person sex scenes WERE confirmed in an official capacity available to the public, everyone from Shitaku to Polygon would be running that story into the ground for click bait, yet there isn't a peep from any of them.
Tranny pussy prescription
Or they just never gave a shit or they only really learned about the game last year and find it easier to enjoy it as it is. Lots of people I imagine don't remember the 2013 teaser or never saw it.
No, the entire third person aspect of the game got removed.
The two thoughts you're associating there aren't even remotely tangentially related.
Except from vehicles.
>anything for excuses to save money for sex operation
Well there's that, yes.
Oh tank god we can see all the work they put into player transport
They spent all the money on sensitivity training and diversity awareness
Many people assumed that the cool guy with gun represented some possible player role. Lots of people thought it was like a robocop game at the time.
>Look down
>See my massive tits and futa cock bulge
its really amazing they left cop out of the classes considering how prominent police/detective characters are in cyberpunk fiction
There was never a third person camera. Stop spreading this lie. The only thing people are upset about now is it seems there are also no third person cutscenes, unlike the 48 minute demo showed with V waking up after fucking a dude.
Yes. Watch Dogs was downgraded in graphics. Cyberpunk is being downgraded in both graphics and gameplay.
I just wanted to play a female V so I could watch her poop. You took this away from me CDPR.
>Would you rather just do an attack as you fall and then the guy reacts? That would turn out very janky I would think.
Works fine in Dark Messiah.
yeah what the fuck why are devs so anti-style and against pimping your bitch out with mods and cool cyberpunk fashion?
>brushing teeth in first person
Kino. The trade off is worth it desu.
If they're just standing there you hit them with a melee weapon. Lots of old games had this system (Deus Ex and Thief for example). I hadn't actually though of drop kills so you do bring up a good point. Thinking back on it most of the kills from Dishonored didn't bother me as much and I think it was because they were quick. Maybe that's the best comprise, not as janky as hitting someone over the head with a stick, but also not so dragged out that it takes you out of the game.
>immersion is very important to us
More like they didn't want to finish the TPP cutscenes.
I can't think of ONE SINGLE positive thing about this game after they re-revealed it in 2018.
There was the announcement and CGI short in 2013 that got people excited, but nothing of it survived.
It looks so bland and generic I'm surprised it doesn't get ripped apart everywhere.
So, sandbox jank. Got it, thanks.
>Many people assumed
It had been seven years since that concept trailer came out. How anyone could still be holding onto assumptions derived from something like that is ridiculous. Most of the people who hyped themselves up about classes were reading straight out of the pen and paper guidebook, and assuming it was going to be a 1:1 translation into a videogame. Again, an absurd assumption.
I can hear the sound of preorders getting cancelled in the distance
>There was never a third person camera
No one said there was a third person Camera you illiterate nigger. All third person aspects, other than supposed vehicles camera toggle, got cut from the game. All cutscenes are now in a first person view unlike being first and third person like before.
I heard it with the first actual gameplay reveal. Looked boring as all fuck.
Wait what? What kind of dev would say that about his colleagues? They built PR around their "passion for games" and now they basically say that they aren't running a studio but fucking factory.
>game will be availabe on gog, therefore drm free
>day 1 crack
Sounds like you're the one on crack, user.
I'm still trying to figure out what the people looking forward to this are actually excited about at this point?
>got cut from the game
Things that never existed did not get cut from the game, you fucking mongoloid.
>unlike being first and third person like before
if you actually try to play this straight up on hardcore the melee guys will two-shot you with perfect tracking if you stay within their range
I remember them saying that their number one enemy was piraters. Maybe they're too stupid to realize that the more pro consumer they are the less people will pirate. They used to be communists, so
I don't really know how you would adapt the CP2020 classes without rewriting a good chunk of the story since you class determined more your role in society than it did your abilities (with some exceptions like netrunners and solos)
What were your assumptions when you first heard about the game following a p&p rpg then?
>Thinking back on it most of the kills from Dishonored didn't bother me as much and I think it was because they were quick.
We've come to an understanding now. I get what you're trying to say and I don't think you're making baseless complaints. I similarly share in your hope that they don't railroad to many mechanics and make them super stiff. We've seen some melee stuff that looks cool, but I wonder how organic something like a throat punch is going to feel like they showed in the recent gameplay demo.
That it would be a videogame. That it would follow a set story, and not be a completely open narrative where you could Do Whatever You Want™, because that is literally never how it has worked in the history of fucking ever.
Cyberpunk: 'High tech meets low lives, instead of elevating humanity with technology it becomes worse.'
Akira: 'High tech government experiments with technology to make psychics. This turns a delinquent punk bike gang member into a powerful psychic who rebels against them. Instead of any of this going well, everything starts to go horribly wrong.'
>¡Ay, caramba Jaina! Dios mio! I'm gonna cum in your culo! Hnnnggg...
>Johnny Silverhand will remember this.
Inventory screen
TPP driving
Photo mode.
when something was made is fucking irrelevant
what matters is the quality
nihei's work is amazing in this regard, lots of post-humans and cyborgs, fucked up concepts and corporations
>never existed
Nigger how fucking stupid are you? We already saw several cutscenes with the character in shot.
Here you go take a fucking look.
Cutscenes you fucking retard, holy fucking shit. Read the fucking thread for the god damn source you dumb fucking nigger.
Are you stupid?
>How anyone could still be holding onto assumptions derived from something like that is ridiculous.
Nobody is still assuming this, but you should understand that literally no news came out between the trailer last year and the original teaser. We had no reason to anticipate a shift in design direction prior to then. It's not ridiculous at all to have expected classes and the like. This was, in fact, a lot of the discussion that happened when the 2018 trailer dropped live. People were speculating that many of the characters shown represented the MC in different roles, which we learned was not the case. Obviously, nobody expected a 1:1 adaptation, but you're practically strawmanning the issue by claiming that people were asking for that. It's quite easy to discredit an argument when you claim it is as ridiculous as that. You are not giving a fair assessment of the issue.
Photo mode could save it, I guess. I'll wait and see.
>Nigger how fucking stupid are you?
>posts a fucking pre-rendered commercial with no UI, not even a hint of gameplay
>thinks this is in game
are you even a real person?
>first it's an rpg
>then it's not an rpg
>then it has tacked on half assed rpg elements
Why don't these people know what they want to make, this is exactly what killed Duke nukem forever.
I have zero hype for CP77 and the downgrades are blaringly obvious at this point, but all these consolefags who have been brainwashed into thinking TPP is essential for every game can fuck right off.
just read biomega and its good
>work in progress - does not represent the final look of the game
That could literally just be something they whipped up to introduce the vertical slice because it doesn't have the context of the gameplay leading up to it
>Why don't these people know what they want to make, this is exactly what killed Duke nukem forever.
Their CEO went full jew and scrapped whatever they had done pre-2015 to make a GTA V ripoff.
What has been said about the role player aspects of the game? So far I've only seen shooting mechanics and a reskinned Witcher 3 skill tree. Do we even get to choose a role to play in this role playing game?
>bro they cooked up some third person cutscenes for the extremely scripted E3 demo, that means the whole game at one point had third person cutscenes and they're cut now because a twitter screencap says so!
holy fuck you people are stupid
All the cutscenes were prerendered you braindead mongoloid.
Rage had WAY more fucking problems than seeing your character, its not even comparable.
Mount and Blade and Kenshi are better games then anything you ever played
It's a role playing game, just like The Witcher 3.
We've seen screen where you can choose between three background during CC, like Street Kid, Corporate, and something else, which impact dialogue choices.
How impactfull these dialogue choices really are has to be seen of course.
Was no one else upset about how these Eastern Eurotrash were mispronouncing Sasquatch?
>imagine deciding wether to buy a game or not based on a sideboob pic
you're one of those incels, aren't you?
Nigger all anyone was doing for months was posting pictures of the guidebook and saying "wow I can't wait to see this in game" or "wow I can't want to play as a rockerboy."
>Witcher 3
I've played both of those, and you can't Do Whatever You Want™ in either, faggot.
What is the jittering effect on the lights supposed to achieve?
You are an actual fucking dunce. I hope to God you're trolling.
If the cutscenes weren't going to be used, there was literally no reason for their creation. Nobody would have said "oh damn this game doesn't have cutscenes, this sucks ass!" They wasted fuck knows how much time animating those things, it takes a solid week with decent skill to animate something like that under working conditions with support. You can't just shit out an animation in a few hours.
I was really disapointed to hear you couldn't be a rockerboy and they explicitly said there was no way to play that in a video game.
Just how retarded are they?
All of those grant you a first person gameplay build.
The power of fame:
>Oh's's really ____ here right now. I must be blitzed. Yeah, sure whatever you say, man, go right on in.
The persuasion:
>We'll do ANYTHING for you, ____, anything. You heard him, gang, let's zero these bakebrains.
The seduction:
>To think I'd cain my own family. But if it means being with you...
The wealth:
Top tech, weapons, upgrades, you name it. Special stuff not even the military can get. Buy off entire gangs and top corpo execs, their pockets will never fill pools like you.
Sing out into the night, blast the airwaves. Convert people to your message. Incite riots, political strife, assassinations and more.
Rockerboy gameplay is fucking awesome and it's really sad they didn't have the imagination for it. It's simple to implement in this kind of game too. High charisma, pet followers, discounts and deep pockets. Song creation with choices that influence population and create zone wide events. It's so fucking easy to implement but they turned off their brains and didn't even try.
Nah, they stated at the time of the first 50 minutes video that male or female would change the way the world see's you and change dialogue and some choices.
All that goes into the trash with the non-binary thing.
CDPR is being constantly 24/7 being bombarded with San Fran clique sludge and it's finally starting to show results.
Expecting to have the ability to play as anything other than a mercenary outlaw is not the same as expecting a 1:1 adaptation of the p&p game.
I'm out. Fuck this.
Nigger it says Cinematic Trailer right at the bottom. Forget that the 48 minute gameplay demo stuff was in game engine, and so was the first trailer, but god damn. It's literally labeled as a Cinematic Trailer.
>Dystopia does not equal cyberpunk, otherwise anything post-apocalyptic would also be considered cyberpunk.
Sure, not every dystopia is cyberpunk, but they are not mutually exclusive by any means. You can have a setting that is dystopian post-apocalyptic cyberpunk.
Fuck take me back
So you think the devs made cutscenes only for a vertical slice? How is that even more defend-able than just cutting them all? So you're saying they're going out of their way to lie to everybody about their game?
So when did YOU lose interest in Cyberpunk, Yea Forums?
>when the game was announced as first-person only
>when the game turned out to resemble GTA V more than its reveal trailer
>when the gameplay was shown to be janky, generic trash
>when CDPR cucked out to trannies and leftists to sell more copies
>when CDPR relied on a meme actor to appeal to the mindless Reddit crowd
>when the game turned out to have no classes
>when the game was revealed to be severely graphically downgraded
>when the game took out third-person cutscenes
>none of the above: I am an unthinking consumer who has pledged their undying loyalty to a leftist corporation and I am still looking forward to this game because Reddit told me to
What in the fuck?
>there was literally no reason for their creation
>there is no reason to create something purely for showing off your new game at E3
>I am still looking forward to this game because Reddit told me to
leddit ain't too happy about this FPP cutscene shit either from what was linked in another thread.
you can run wherever you want, train any skill you want, and attack whoever you want, and that's pretty much it
letting you do it in any order you want is not the same as doing anything you want
and saying you can play as X and only do Y is fucking RP which you can do in every game if you want to
i hate kenshi fags, especially because people only started to give a shit about it after it fully released and youtubers began making their shitty latest game LPs
>Waste several weeks of work animating content you'll never use again instead of, you know, actually creating finished content for the game
>Bro that totally makes sense!
All the roles exist in the game, sure they do, they exist, you don't play as them, but they exist.
Cyberpunk is dystopia, that's where the punk comes from because they're born into a world that is wrong and they rebel.
>when CDPR relied on a meme actor to appeal to the mindless Reddit crowd
>when i saw equipment and gear had levels
>when i saw combat was damage sponge numbers and no finesse
>when i realised it was going to be another generic shitfest with boring fetch quests with a few interesting but scripted main ones as shown in the first gameplay demo
>all of the above
each update I care less about this game
if doing what you want interested you you'd have a job and traveled the planet you fucking loser.
When I played through TW1-TW2 and knew they were both garbage yet CDPR kept receiving more and more undeserved praise just like Rockstar did back in the day
I never had any interest in CP2077 because I don't fall for uberhype games in the first place. They _never_ live up to the hype.
you know it's bad when even the shiteaters over at reddit are disappointed
>Waste time moving the camera in scenes that already exist in game
They exist in the world to WITNESS but you cannot play as them. They made that clear.
You can only be a tech/solo/netrunner hybrid. They even unveiled the skill tree showing this.
/me whips his cock out and starts smacking you in the face with it. He farts epicly fucking loud and attempts to drown you in liquid shit.
What made you think I was buying it in the first place retard?
I'm pirating it
I don't have picture of a projector large enough to reply to this with so just imagine the biggest one you can, faggot.
i dont know how retarded a person would be to conceive something like this
>all the factions are there, you just can't define your character by building reputation with any of them
>all the classes are there, you just can only choose from three
>other characters have freedom to be what they want, just not you, you're a mercenary outlaw
Never had interest in the first place. Remember that you did this to yourselves. Everyone automatically assumed that this was going to be the greatest RPG of all time and built hype based on mere speculation and using Witcher 3 as an example when it was hardly a cutting-edge RPG in itself. Everyone just went "look at all these cool things in the p&p that will DEFINITELY be in the game" and suckers ate it up.
2077 will be a fairly linear experience and it was always going to be.
If they really faked that much of the game in a presentation only vertical slice then that's an even bigger worry. What a stupendous waste of resources for a Potemkin village.
Animations done from a camera perspective watching the actors is a damn side different from animating from the first person. I can guarantee some poor faggot is now spending his time reanimating every cutscene to adjust for the first person view. The original animations not accounting for the player's POV, or the character's movements being too expressive and having to be toned down.
I do like the idea of being in FPP all the time, especially as they will use that as a gimmick with the whole "never know when a cutscene ends or not" approach could do some interesting things. It was never going to be third person gameplay, just certain cutscenes. The issue here is really down to having character customization at the start of the game which means very, very little. It feels like a waste.
I think some had this idea it was going to be Fallout/TES with how the camera works as in all TPP, FPP or a mix of both up to the player. This wasn't the case since the start but they mislead people with the apartment stuff in the E3 video, with the occasional TPP shot/scene of V. I'm not against it, probably support full FPP more than not but its a weird decision.
gamers rise up
>4. Varied selection of different character classes
CDPR """promises"""
Are devs seeing any of this backlash about the TPP Cutscenes being cut? I am interested in seeing them respond to this shit.
They've responded to all the other shit, most of it hasn't been anything beyong PRspeak, but still.
You have 3! You need more then 3?! Have sex incel!
when they fucking dropped straight male content for strong womyn shit faggot shit and tranny shit
I can't wait for the
>Um, yeah? Why do you need to see your character? :)
That's CDPR for you.
>Play Rockerboy
>singing minigame, just a boring Guitar Hero Rock Band rhythm game clone
>zone wide events just give a minor stat boost
>money will be way too easy to come by mid game just like in every rpg ever without exception so discounts don't matter
>getting people to do things for you will be of very limited use and most often a gimmick
It's for the best user. Just hack a turret and shoot people like the rest of us.
nah they only change the game when fucking trannies complain hahaha cdpr is fucking cucked
Honestly TPP in the elder scrolls and in fallout is fucking worthless. If anything, the fact that CDPR are putting the resources into character creation and still forcing you into FPP should further instill their confidence in its necessity, yet somehow this is used as an argument against them. They're incentivized to allow TPP because they have mechanics that would mesh well with it, yet they don't, indicating how imoortant FPP only is to their experience. This is precisely how decisions should more often be made with regards to design.
CDPR does it again!
>Lights above some guys
Solo shoots them, maybe makes them fall.
Techie sends bot across ceiling to turn them off or make them fall
Netrunner hacks the building to turn them off or turns off the optics of the guys under it so they're blind.
It's ME3 all over again. Choose your flavor of shit.
Hopefully now we won't see your shit posts in Cyberpunk threads anymore
You can see the skin color of your hands, I guess.
People have been bitching about no TPP since 2018. It was far worse back then. The response has been, "Cyberpunk 2077 is a first person rpg." As it should be, you people are fucking retarded.
Well fuck, legit question, what's the point of giving character creation freedom to the point of being a fucking tranny if it holds no value/weight in the final game?
>leftist corporation
Sure, I'm the unthinking one.
Honestly what bothers me most about the game so far is that Johnny Silverhand looks more like the boomer meme than Keanu Reeves.
>Play rockerboi
>charisma up potency of "spells"
>debuff enemies and charm random people to do your biding
Literally writes itself
Then don't waste people's time baiting them with fucking character customization. It's pointless. This is like Far Cry V which pulled the same shit.
The bottom is blurry for some reason, either an issue with the video or some setting they changed, but the lighting is a straight upgrade. I don't know how anyone can look at the two ice baths and not see that the bottom picture is better.
That's in a shop after buying that tho, not in real time
I'm sort of leaning that direction too.
No because most if not all cutscenes were always FPP. They said this a long time ago but the V waking up scene in the demo got people's expectations and hopes up. They should have clarified this long ago.
why put so much focus on customization if thats the case? just have a boring tranny mc
CDPR doesn’t do fetch quests. They pledged that every single quest in Cyberpunk will present the player with an interesting setup narratively and/or gameplay wise.
to pander to a crowd that doesn't even play video games.
>CDPR got their start distributing pirated software
>GOG is against DRM
>developers from CDPR have commented on Witcher 3 torrents to help people patch their game
Consoles are a plague.
That's not a shop. You're being interviewed by some guy for a job. He wants you to change your look to fit in with a bunch of niggers.
user that requires creative thinking and trying something new
>CDPR doesn’t do fetch quests
user, i love TW3 but that game was 90% Fedex quests.
Consoles are actually stronger than most PCs.
They said their only problem with the gaming industry was piracy, don't know what to tell you.
This is literally something games do all the time, and far more in fact
mirror is a mirror mate
you don't turn it off after your done using it.
ah yes, another ""backlash""
charisma builds are hard and ive almost never seen them done well
in kotor 2 it was kinda fun but most of the hard parts of the game were with your lone character anyway so *shrug*
>it's not in one out of real time situation it's another
My mistake?
Maybe they'll fix it if enough people feel ripped off.
There is literally no point in making the outfits different now. Why do all that work for absolutely nothing?
Except that's bullshit that doesn't belong in a cyberpunk immersive sim. It's not D&D fag
Yes, it demonstrates you can't understand basic context, which means you are an ape brained shitstain who thinks that mirrors being shown in gameplay somehow means there are no mirrors anywhere.
Why do you change clothes in real life when you only see it in reflections?
>waste people's time baiting them with fucking character customization
The character customization is still there, just not won't be as big of a pay off as if they had more TPP. This should honestly further convince you of their confidence, given then are sacrificing certain elements of the design for this trade off. Nobody was baited, you just are wrongly convinced that you would prefer first person perspective.
I was a guy really pumped about 2077 also user, I was in these threads for hours on end fighting with other faggots about this same shit. But are you telling me this doesn't bother you?
What is the point of customization at this point? What is the point of getting cool looking gear or arms? I'm supposed to enjoy the cringe of 1st person romance scenes? Have you played FPP-only games? Endured their shit cutscenes? Bioshock Infinite and the like? It's garbage. Fuck you.
Because they get dirty. You don't have to worry about that in a videogame.
Jesus christ its just Witcher 3 how lazy can they be
"You all have imaginations, right?"
I see no difference in anything other than resolution, were they playing the demo on a PS4 or something?
lmao if i could see myself from outside i would do it
why should a game be anchored to what can or cant be done IRL
This isn't them saying they cut Third person cutscenes. The guy asking the question worded it weird. Should've asked if there are times where you can see your character beyond the character creation. Would've been a more solid answer.
It's not in game play tho. It's out of game play when you're picking the out fit, that's the whole point.
>he can't look down
You see your character in third person vehicle cameras, mirrors, and you see a lot of your arms.
I am hoping you can look down and see your chest and legs at any time as has been done in many other games now, but they haven't shown anything like that yet. Maybe if people yell at them enough to confirm or deny on twitter.
>singing minigame, just a boring Guitar Hero Rock Band rhythm game clone
I was thinking of an actual music editor of various levels for people to play around with. With the advanced stuff being usable by those that are actually musicians/audiophiles and you could share it online with people and even tune in to hear their works on a certain radio station. This isn't even any kind of work if you know anything about it, you can just cram like 4 different levels of these pre existing kits into Cyberpunk and craft your own library for it to use. One guy could do it in like one month.
>zone wide events just give a minor stat boost
I was thinking you'd create riots so you go there and see cops and people fighting which would create ways to gain entry to places as a distraction or allow you to steal a police car. Or coerce the public into committing assassinations on certain targets. Start fires etc.
>money will be way too easy to come by mid game just like in every rpg ever without exception so discounts don't matter
Somewhat of a point here but I wanted exclusive stuff people would be wiling to give you since you're famous that other people simply couldn't buy no matter what. Since actual famous people get stuff like that all the time.
>getting people to do things for you will be of very limited use and most often a gimmick
Pets, brainwashing mind control sort of. Minions. Equip them with stuff and roll around with a party of guys that do your fighting for you.
The actual Polish devs for CD Projekt Red got fed up with the development cycle and went to make Ruiner which is way more of a Cyberpunk game than Cyberpunk 2077 will ever hope to be.
Based Pat and Mat poster.
You're not 100% wrong, but Akira did have some Cyberpunk elements to it. But you are correct when you say that from a genre/thematic point of view it isn't Cyberpunk. There is more of a punk element to it, but that's where it ends. From an aesthetical/visual point of view it is indeed Cyberpunk tho.
Ghost in the Shell on the other Hand has the same problem as nu-Deus Ex where it focuses too much on Transhumanism instead of corporations and the low-life part of high-tech, low life. So it could count as Cyberpunk but it focuses too much on Transhumanism that it might as well be transhumanist sci-fi.
Also Cyberpunk dates back to the early 80s, so no, Ghost in the Shell was not made before the Cyberpunk movement.
The Japanese got the aesthetics pinned down. In terms of actual Cyberpunk writing/genre I'd say that most Cyberpunk novels and tabletop RPGs got it 100% right. It peaked with Deus Ex in 2000 and then ended there.
No fucking shit, considering how popular laptops are. My point is that the industry functions in such a way that they could improve at a much faster and more frequent rate than consoles. This is like saying most dogs aren't that fast, when we discuss the average speeds of cat races versus dog races. The fucking corgis are not relevant when we discuss a race that basically consists entirely of greyhounds. I don't give a fuck if your classmate hasn't upgraded his gpu in 6 years. Unlike consoles, you can fucking turn down the graphics settings to better fit your hardware.
blocks your path
Is there a reason they removed 3rd person mode? Doesnt make any sense.
What the fuck? They actually cut that?
CDPR probably in full crunch mode and have way too little time to finish the game. Betting it'll be unfinished as fuck.
Normally I don't care since cutscenes aren't hugely important and you can have a great game that never leaves the first person perspective.
My only question is what then is the point of being able to make your own character? Why spend time designing all the clothes and outfits I can find/wear when I'll never see it outside of my inventory screen? Seems like wasted effort. I would rather play a set character like Geralt if I'm never going to see myself. At least that way they could make it more of a defined character instead of a blank slate.
They didn't remove third person mode they removed 3rd person cutscenes.
Actually, nevermind, I just googled it. GOTY confirmed. Can't wait to leer at FemV's cyberchesticles.
They believe first person perspective is better for the experience they want to deliver.
notice things just keep getting the axe and the shills keep defending it.
Best guess is because of the tranny changes to character creation, they decided it wasn't worth making that many cutscenes for all the different customizations.
R u retarded?
Why though?
I know what you meant user, I was just trying to say that right now if they did that it would probably be poorly implemented. They have plans for large DLC packs (basically expansions, like TW3 had) so maybe there's still a bit of hope.
Don't have to animate your character 90% of the time so that is immediately a cut in budget and development time. It's even worse if this is director's "vision" for the game because it's the same retard that wants the entire game to be in daytime.
>third person cutscenes
>not in fact being upgraded by being moved to first person
>have deep character creator, character customization and tons of different clothing options
>doesn't matter
>Don't have to animate your character 90% of the time so that is immediately a cut in budget and development time. It's even worse if this is director's "vision" for the game because it's the same retard that wants the entire game to be in daytime.
>deep character creator
You're kidding, right?
Resources better spent elsewhere I guess.
Yeah CDPR don't have any brains.
So can someone actually post confirmation of this that isn't a dubious twitter screenshot?
Rockerboys are literally enchanters
So that cutscenes are in first person.
I can't wait to hear "Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Cyberpunk 2077 was overrated?" on a loop every single day for years until the next CDPR title is announced.
it's a DM you brainlet
So they don't have to create cutscenes
People still excited for this game? Why? It's basically that old Syndicate shooter.
lol no fucking way they're gonna do POV sex scenes.
And that's a good thing.
Mods will fix it
Jank has never deterred modders before, the jankier and uglier the happier the modders are
They said they were gonna have full dicks, so why not?
Kek, now I have this image in my head of a D&D bard about to charm an enemy. He prepares his mandolin, stares intensely at the target and starts singing:
>Hear my call, I'm chippin' in
Are you really implying that CDPR is anything other than a leftist corporation?
Further evidence modders are degenerates the only often muddle a gameplay experience with shitty "overhauls"
I did like that game very much but it wasn't an rpg. I'm still scratching my head on how cyberpunk will be. But then I'm an idiot who doesn't understand PR double speak.
What a blunder.
Watch Dog Legions is more interesting than this game now.
Wet Dog Lesions? The fuck is that? Take your pets to the vet.
I'm implying that there's no such thing. Being opportunistic on some liberal social issues that are most often stupid and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things doesn't make someone leftist.
What kind of shit are you trying to stirr with this bait?
Are you blind?
Yeah wtf
CDPR officially pulled their declaration of mod support, it's on the forums. They're no longer supporting it out the gate like they said and atm have no plans for it.
As people have said it's a drastic change from what they said at the start, we might not get any mods now.
We're fucked as of right now. This game simply won't be as good as it could have been on any level atm.
yeah, that's how i'm looking at screenshots and typing on this faggot forum. Get the fuck out of here you goddamn no-humor-having brainlet.
I imagine it'll have Raytracting, which will allow for lots of chances to see your character.
Fair enough, CDPR is a leftist-pandering corporation comprised of leftists. I'm glad we sorted that out.
Exactly. It's a direct message.
And it's the only place that this has ever been confirmed that we've seen so far unless someone is willing to post something to the contrary, which nobody has yet to do. They just pass this image along.
So the only place we have confirmation for this exists in somebodies DM box, and not someplace public.
Which means it's easy to fake with image manipulation just to create some false outrage.
Where is the public confirmation of this information? First person sex scenes and the removal of a feature is the kind of thing shitty game journalists cling to for clicks, yet none of them have covered this, when every other new or removed feature in the game gets reported into the ground within hours. But not this?
I would be fine if someone could prove me wrong. I'd welcome it in fact. But so far nobody has done a god damn thing but post the same direct message screencap over and over again and insist that it's fact, and something that can't possibly be faked. If I'm going to be mad about something, I at least want solid, without a doubt proof. Not some "This is real, trust me" bullshit from some random faggot on the internet.
Was there some hostile take over at CDPR recently? Why does it feel like they reneged on everything they presented or said? They are losing good faith doing this.
Not all leftists are progressives
you're right. chances are, even if it's real, the social media guy doesn't know what he's talking about
>Why does it feel like they reneged on everything they presented or said?
no such thing is happening. you're just an absolute hyperbolic retard who believes everything he sees on Yea Forums
Because a bunch of faggots on Yea Forums are getting worked up over nothing shouting as loud as they can, because they're faggots, and you're gobbling it up, like a faggot.
I am?
They're a huge company now and everything is about money. Executives that don't play video games have investors to please and they direct the development of the game. They said the game was really slow to start development and they had a lot of issues probably due to how much stuff they needed to do. Execs brought the axe down. "Don't do any of that stuff, then. Take it all out. Just make this one character." And that's what we got.
There was also the backlash of them having crunches which were needed to get the most work done possible. So much less work is being done over the same amount of time compared to previously.
And Pondsmith being there is just PR. He can't say anything bad even though the game isn't his vision of Cyberpunk at all, he signed a contract and is getting money and attention unlike never EVER before. He can't ruin it. He can suggest stuff to him but they just tell him how they can't do that and he just has to be quiet about it and bow his head.
You can't expect him to have actually watched that trash, right? Half of Yea Forums doesn't even play the games they bitch about and just do it for the (You)s.
Wouldn't that be cool though? Guess that's too much to ask for from potato niggers
The CEO got taste of the witcher money and scrapped Cyberpunk to make GTA V
Mod support isn't a thing and this has been known for while. Also why would you make a mod for for such a shit stronk Mary Sue character?
They said there would be mod support at launch and now
>Obviously, we would love to support the modding community in the future, but for the time being we want to focus on releasing the game first. Hopefully, this clears things up a bit
Yes, user. The only proof is a DM screenshot. Something that can be completely faked. No secondary source has been confirmed and every time someone has asked in this thread, myself included, they were ignored. Because no actual proof exists. Just some bullshit someone created to make people mad.
She's not a mary sue at all. She's a cursed character. Sure she had the elder blood and can do stuff with it, but she should be a top notch sorceress unlike the world has seen in ages but
>Tries to use magic
>Nearly kills herself so can never use it again
Mary sue my ass
>all cutscenes first person
>voiced custom protagonist with only 1 voice for each gender obviously
what the fuck kinda game is this?
>Also why would you make a mod for for such a shit stronk Mary Sue character?
To watch her get fucked by cyber niggers, probably.
Because they are full of shit, they made the witcher 3 and everyone started riding their nuts for no reason.
>They said there would be mod support at launch
Oh. Well that's good then right?
>what the fuck kinda game is this?
It's a new genre called shit
>everyone started riding their nuts for no reason
>they made the witcher 3
>for no reason
They're just deploying chaff while they maneuver into a more straight position
>Might as well just be another faceless CoD protag with it being first person
This is exactly how I feel. Just a generic faceless FPS avatar. Why bother pretending its anything else with the character customization?
witcher 3 is the most beloved game of all time whether you contrarian dipshits accept it or not
>what the fuck kinda game is this?
It's called taking as much out of an open world game as possible and supplementing playtime with MMO tier grind
Yeah. Watch Dogs seemed to pretty much just be a visual downgrade. Cyberpunk seems to be scaling back everything including graphics. Who the fuck knows what else they'll be """improving""" before release.
Are you in the right thread?
>A state sponsored videogame is #1
Imagine my surprise
They mentioned during the original unveiling
You do realize that state was Poland, correct? Do you think they have gobs of money and that was why it was good, or do you actually think their government hijacked world wide media because goberments r evil?
I won't take your word for it, sauce or gtfo nigga
>Too stupid to find the keynote yourself
Kill yourself
>game has progression
>this is a grind
>the polish government isn't pumping money into cdpr
enjoy borderlands 3
I will probably pirate and enjoy Borderlands 3, thank you. I don't understand why you started talking about that instead, though.
you're the one who is supposed to prove your point you retarded shithead, why would I do your work for you
I I dident care much in the first place, i would probably get it on sale or when it goes gold on xbone. However it seems cdpr has sold their souls to the ruinous powers.
I wonder if these good goy companies are getting subsidized under the table
Hidden, didn't read. Stay mad.
>Witcher 3 cost 81 million to make
>because that money was from a gubbermint, that means it was cheating
lmao based
Hard to say when exactly but every single new thing about this game has chipped away at my interest. I was still on board as recently as last year's lengthy demo but now I just don't know that I care. This year's E3 and the recent gameplay demo have done them zero favors.
>Having an undisclosed state sponsor is fine
It's like they learned nothing from communism
>>*the EU isn't pumping money into cdpr
They're been very public about it though?
I'm not sure what this reply means, but it looks like crinkled tinfoil.
Oh I'm sure they're only funding 10% of their ventures like they say they are.