Whats the future for retail?
Whats the future for retail?
me impregnating her
Business as usual because classic is a fucking shitshow and people are realizing how dogshit it actually is
you can't impregnate a corp retard
Undead can't reproduce. They are just reanimated corps.
People bitching about raping the lore, when all they're trying to do is tell a story.
Funneling funds from dumb boomers who only subbed for classic and making a wolk2 where we revisit bolvar to help rebuild his frozen throne with not artifact power and a mission table. Screenshot this
More of the same, the writing team keeps trying to push the peace narrative. A large threat emerges, the Horde and the Alliance need to team up. Even though the core of the game is two factions fighting each other.
Wont be after they scrap the horde v alliance theme in the upcoming xpack and unite them as one faction
>old gods about to take over azeroth
>only way to stop them is by restarting the timeline
>next expansion is vanilla+
Imagine. There must have been some group of people whose job it was to try really hard at reproducing.
>Whats the future for retail?
I can't tell because it's pretty fucking dark.
>classic is a fucking shitshow and people are realizing how dogshit it actually is
retailfags COPE
Classic is the new rertail. The new expansion after BFA is being canceled. All hands on board either for Classic+ development or for TBC.
Total Undeath Dominion
Victory for Sylvanas!
Have we finally righted the ship?
Are we finally in the best timeline?
she's been dead just as long as any other forsaken yet barely even looks undead
Yes we did.
>Blizzard announces the expansion after BFA is Hearthstone expansion
>No more expansions for "retail" after BFA
>Classic+ is in development
>They will now listen to community
>No transmogs ever
>No LFG system dungeon finder bullshit ever
>No flying mounts
>No achievements to compare dick size
>no item level bullshit
>Asmongold banned
>Sodapoppin banned
We are at the right timeline.
she's special like dks
leddit and tranny containment
better than the future of classic desu.
>>They will now listen to community
That's what got us to this shitshow in the first place tho.
all they have to do is watch asmongol stream and do the opposite.
>he makes transmog competition stream
remove transmong |
>he makes mount off or whatever / collects mounts like pokemons
remove mounts from store, remove rare mounts that drop from elites or quests or whatever, stop treating wow like it's pokemon go
>mongoloid compares achievement points as if it's relevant
remove achievements
>literal ASSmongoloid uses dungeon finder group finder whatever system they implemented to gather zoomers around
remove lfg dungeon finder
All of this sounds good except tmog banned.
I want to fucking look good and all of the arguments against xmog are really arguments about other systems failing or the dev's own bad decisions in other ways.
Transmog is good though.