Attached: Max_Ammo.jpg (389x300, 89K)


>instakill spawns at the end of the round
>retard teammate picks it up immediately instead of waiting to get as close to the new round as possible

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Attached: 1549494859861.png (540x540, 403K)

>teammate who has called me a retard all game goes down
>don't revive him and he loses pack a punched ray gun

Attached: DEVLISH.jpg (126x160, 6K)

>two max ammos spawn at once on round 36

Attached: Fuckin_killme.gif (448x252, 808K)

all the gay easteregg shit ruined this game mode, Zombies in Spaceland was the peak

>migrating host

Attached: D5A57D2E-F421-4128-BBB0-E716AB4CAA12.gif (227x221, 967K)

>choosing a map that has an easter egg as the best while arguing that easter eggs ruined Zombie
Shi No Numa is still the peak.

Attached: Shi_No_Numa_Menu_Selection_BO3.png (1148x483, 891K)

>wahh im a peabrain retard who cant handle zombies maps where there are things to do other than run and shoot

hands down the President Zombie mode was the best

Dude revive me I have the Ray gun!

>Keeps downing to the Ray gun's splash damage.

Zombies in spaceland had a shittonne of eastereggs though.

Five was one of my favorite maps but it also attracted the most morons who can't maintain zombies at a window.

>he bought olympia/m14 first round

Don't pick them up, it'll spawn more Max Ammos more frequently

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m14 early is a good buy tho

best map coming through

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Sure thing pal
>Throws grenades in your window and leaves

Predictions for DLC4 since we're getting teasers next week lads? Is it actually going to end or are they going to set up for a shitty reboot?

t. Had to use a YouTube tutorial to unlock basic features on every map for the past two games

>that time me and my 2 friends did origins easter on a ps3 split screen
Shit was laggy as hell but the high when we did it was so good

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It's going to be Call of the Dead with two or three new areas and no George Romero/ George Romero like entity; the VR11 is going to be retconned into being the most important thing ever since it uses the Elemental Shard.

If you can't knife+m1911 your way to an smg or mystery box you are a faggot.

>Last map is a remake
AO was good because it expanded on a minor map. I'd hate for DLC4 to be another remake. The last 4 maps of the story being reruns would be absurd. It's going to happen isn't it

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I mean the reaction to Chaos was so lukewarm I imagine they're going to try and draw out Aether as long as possible.

it was aesthetically and atmospherically amazing, but the design sucked. it was just four dead ends

It's the only non Victis map that hasn't been remade.

Attached: blundell.jpg (225x225, 7K)

And "loop with a line down the middle" is so much better?

After the trainwreck that was revelations, i kinda gave up on the entire thing, nevermind that the chaos shit doesn't look interesting one bit

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iItt 12 year olds nostalgic for COD

I don't know if you're referring to the other user, I never played non-treyarch zombies

Rumour right now is that Chaos is dead. Aether will end with DLC4 but will be rebooted in 2020. Chaos really came into its own with Ancient Evil though which sucks. If the release order had been what they intended, it'd have been great.
>DOTN, BOTD, VoD on disc, so it's got a single map to introduce us to the crew as well as the celeb map (like BO3)
>IX as DLC1
>AE as DLC2 to close off Chaos

But they had to have muh casual-friendly map be on-disc so the pacing was all off.

Between Blackout, BOTD and AO all 4 Victis crew members have recorded new voice lines along with T3DD. Zombie Chronicles 2 is inevitable. I'd like to think COTD is part of that.

>Zombies has been a thing for 10 years now
>Waah why are people who played it as teenagers now on Yea Forums

zombie mode is over a decade old

>12 year olds
You do realize how old the CoD games are, right? I'm 21 and have fond memories of playing zombies in middle school.

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I was referring to Kino.

Well zombie mode was a novel thing user though, gave it a breath of fresh air.

how could 12 year olds be nostolgic for COD Zombies when COD Zombies was 10 years ago?

COD is a boomer franchise bro

I don't think kino is the best map ever, I'm just nostalgic for it (as I am for every waw map)
I'd say mob of the dead has the best design

>Or is it...
I mean, is the easiest map of them all, gigantic spaces to croud, thundergun, gersh device, and very few claustrophobic zones, i bet that you highest round was on ascension due to how easy it is, that and the fact that the frist big and complex easter egg was here here, i disagree whit you, the nostalgia googles are damaging you eyes and preventing you to see trough, it wasnt that good

Posting Kino

Attached: Kino_Der_Toten_Menu_Selection_BO3.png (1148x483, 1000K)


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>not played any cod or zombies since bo1 because most of the game was bad
>google zombies because of this thread
>the maps are all nothing but easter egg gimmick shit
What went wrong?


Knife+m1911 is all you need to get to the weapons box. Throw grenades if you have to.

>Knife+m1911 is all you need to get to the weapons box
Is this not done by everyone? I've literally only played this way since I was a kid.

Nothing. Despite what people shitpost, there is nothing different these days between that and maps of old.
>How to activate PaP in Der Riese
>Turn on power
>Activate every teleporter and link them to the core
>How to activate PaP in Alpha Omega
>Turn on Power
>Do lockdown underground (60 seconds max)
>Open vents (Literally the Origins generator step)

It's possible by round 5 to the point there's a trophy for doing so. The only map it's arguably a pain to do it on in BO4 is Dead of the Night, which is designed to be a hard map.

Call of the dead

they're gonna open the way through into agartha

ultimis richtofen is gonna pull some shit and then reboot

The post-Moon story started focusing on characters who didn't matter and weren't interesting (or even relevant to the larger plot until literally this year) before they realized it couldn't be sustained and switched back to the original crew except now it's a different timeline version of them from WW1 instead of WW2 and that was good until the vague alien-related stuff turned into a shitty Lovecraft knockoff instead of conspiracy theory ayylmaos and the story ended but then it didn't because now everyone is back in time ??? and fighting the good guy tentacle man for some reason.

The maps are mostly fine though I guess.

I only know about cod zombies because my younger brother wants to play it with me. To be honest it's a solid arcade style experience.

Also the reason it's call of the dead is because it's a story relevant place we haven't been back to

it's where ultimis richtofen's lab where he tested on the subjects was located and it's where the first meteor landed which is tunguska and cotd is very close to tunguska

COTD makes no sense though. Ultimus have already been to the moon and back.

He was never a good guy. Monty was just not the bad guy. He perpetuated the cycle because it kept him in control of everything.

but it's key for "the way through" to get into the aether/agartha

if you read the wall writings in classified it shows the elemental shard,the golden rod and something that looks very similar to the lighthouse on cotd

Ten+ years later and I still don't comprehend the zombies lore

I don't bother I'm just here to shoot meatsacks

who was in the wrong here?

Attached: ourguy fucking dies.png (1280x720, 1.72M)

Source for pic?

Edward for trolling them

This can't be good

post ur favorite map of WaW (post ur 2nd favorite here, everybody would pick der riese as their favorite) BO1 and BO2


>mystery box
if you are getting mystery box and risking getting a shit gun, rather then buying a good wall gun that you can buy ammo for if you need to, you are a dipshit. It's okay to mystery box after you get Jug and have at least 1 wall gun though.

BO1 had the best maps IMO(except for the gas crawler fuckers)

Verrückt (played more numa but I appreciate verrückt more for atmosphere)
Die Rise (again because i played it the most but all bo2 maps are good)


>helping randoms do easter eggs and they called me awesome and added me
>mfw online gaming will never be random fun again
I miss those days. Ecelebs, party chat, and social media killed it all, now no one wants to talk anymore and you have to make premades.


Black Ops 2 zombies was peak.


Even bantz in FFA have died off. Maybe one in twenty times I sit down to play a few games will there be someone on their mic.

>dude spergs out because I used his window
What're you going to do, nigger? Call the police?

I stopped playing xbox after the One came out, have they been punishing shit talk or something?

this map fucking sucked. even gorod krovi was better then this garbage

I just want spooky horror zombies not wacky lovecraft zombies.