Attached: Marco-Rossi-Metal-Slug-Official-Game-Art-Render.png (844x1138, 718K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Marco as the default with Tarma, Eri and Fio as alt costumes
>POWs as assist trophies that drop items from their briefs
>music from all the arcade games
>stage with the martians fighting the rebels and other armies
>youtube.com/watch?v=VykQEgG52mA victory theme
please god

Attached: dog treats.jpg (722x960, 147K)

The great thing about SNK is that they have a bunch of cool characters that could be considered "protagonist of series" so even if you know someone from the company is in, it isn't much of a spoiler.

more importantly, SHE'S IN

Attached: 1552169505931.jpg (588x1000, 99K)

Based and slugpilled

where in the bar of the autism spectrum are people who still actively talk about a dead game?

Attached: c87a247483837638313f2ddf05f60ba0.png (832x709, 409K)

God damn it, Ultimate is getting too soulful.

Attached: 436200-metal-slug-super-vehicle-001-sega-saturn-screenshot-beginning.png (640x424, 51K)

>final smash calls in The Keesi

It's going to be Fio, one leak said a female that some would love and others would hate and the SNK logo all but confirms it. It'll be Fio with Marco, Tarma, and Eri as alts

i need smash remixes of these

>one of the leaks a while ago said next character would be a girl with a mech
>everyone assumed it meant something from overwatch because of the Overwatch switch case which popped up at the same time
but consider the following
>the tanks in metal slug are technically mechs with how they work and are described as in universe
>metal slug has a bunch of female characters
>its possible that we will get the tanks themselves as the character with the 4 metal slug characters as 'pilots' for the tanks

Attached: a65a9db7e035f686dba18996006f4f32.jpg (300x300, 16K)

>the Metal Slug character is "Metal Slug"

Attached: hugo-matilde-final-posicion-profile2.jpg (1358x1080, 226K)

Don't forget the Slug Gunner.

Attached: YH-Metal-Slug-Super-Vehicle-Walker-Type-001-S-GUNNER-Full-Action-model-Gray-or-Offwhite.jpg_640x640q (640x640, 42K)

I'm cum buckets, please let this happen. I didn't realize how much I wanted metal slug in smash until now

Xander better do an amazing impersonation of the metal slug announcer

He apparently leaked a week ago and nobody noticed

Attached: 14964DCF-6D8B-4C46-A151-80BC57907061.jpg (854x707, 234K)

Well duh. That's a wishlist for an Undertale playlist, not a leak.

It says Marco is the 5th fighter, this info is for the 4th.


Guy could have gotten them mixed up, idk, this is the only leak I could find that claims an SNK character

I'm going to seethe like a retarded ape if we get Terry or Haomaru. I know the Metal Slug gang is wishful thinking, but this is the closest we're ever going to get. We have to believe.

Attached: 1532629018993.jpg (742x689, 268K)

>Lose stock
>Other character beams in

Godspeed, user. Here's for wishful thinking.

Attached: ms5-marco.png (295x485, 8K)

>Final Smash is a literal ROCKET LAWNCHAIR

>Spawn has them parachute in
>Recreation of their goofy faces on char select
>Arcing grenade throws line up with "has a projectile like hammer bro"
>Victory fanfare
>Multiple interchangable character skins like Hero
>Underused gunner type char
Gonna be sad when its inevitably just Terry

Attached: 511.gif (302x574, 843K)


Attached: OKAY!.gif (500x573, 53K)

>New Boss Fight added
>Allen O'Neill

based and slugpilled

anything but bird bitch

it's not metal slug


i don't know who that guy is but I don't trust discord idiots

If there's something that can replicate the SOUL of Metal Slug, it's definitely Smash. I'm hype

Attached: Mega_Man_SSB4.png (1076x1076, 694K)



But Kazooie's already in the game

and extra colors
>Marco 2nd color is based on Ralf or Clark
>Tarma 2nd Color is based on Trevor
>Fio 2nd color is based on Red Eye
>Eri 2nd Color is based on Nadia