Why are sony fans like this?
Genuine question
Why are sony fans like this?
I wonder if this guy knows he became a Yea Forums meme overnight
More importantly, why is it always in some 3rd world language?
I know Sony sells best in Europe but I don't see random 0s or 10s in French, German, or whatever other EU language there is.
Low IQ I presume.
Spanish is a European language you fucking nigger.
You can literally find this type of shit from every platform's fanboys on metacritic
Most Spanish speakers are from ex-colonies, not Spain.
Sony is really popular in South America.
Most sony defenders are from this continent, it has been confirmed that most of the sony defenders on Yea Forums live in Brazil
Now now, we can both agree that this faggot is just an underage retard.
No adult would waste their time doing shit like this, right?
Probably because:
1) They don't have the IQ necessary to have a working PC without viruses and shit
2) They're too poor and are too stupid with money management to invest 800 USD once for a PC, so they invest 300 USD every few years for a console
I don't see xbox or Nintendo fans reviewbombing every exclusive game on metacritic
>whines about frames per second and graphics
>plays on console
No, hundreds of sony fans have been doing this for years. It happened to Botw, FE three houses and now Astral Chain
yeah happens never, sure.
someone post the (many) nintendo ones
I don't actually save these nor go looking for them as I like to be a little more merciful with the time I have on earth
>1 guy
Can you show me the hundreds of Nintendo fans who reviewbomb games on Metacritc?
Didn't think so.
Mass reviewbombing is exclusive to sony fans
Will there be a day when we stop giving numbers to reviews and actually writing shit?
Just like the one guy in the op
>A shallow Monster Hunter clone
>nintenyearsold fanboy
>complains about low FPS on sony games
literally just go to any sony exclusive and press the 0/10 reviews.
Do note that its way worse when a exclusive is just released because metacritic deletes review bombs.
I already posted proof
Can you explain why 0/10 is an option to rate, then?
35% of Astral Chain's reviews on metacritic are review bombs
Really? No one's going to address the obvious fucking solution? Literally ALL they have to do is change the rating system from 10-point to like/dislike. I mean technically it wouldn't change anything, but when was the last time you saw a metacritic user rate anything other than a 0 or a 10(with the occasional 1 for effect)? It might just equalize all the middling scores(all 5 of them) for a more accurate reading overall.
You're delusional if you honestly believe everyone who dislikes the game is a Sony fan.
I tried but I couldn't find a single xbox fan in the reviews. Maybe some of them are PC fans but the vast majority are sony fans who only own a ps4 and nothing else
A majority of the negative reviews come from accounts the have only reviewed Astral Chain
It's called testosterone, tendie.
As I was saying.
We are mature enough to not involve our selves in pointless console wars, yes?
This is what console Waring looks like, it's sad, no?