ITT: Post video games that were dead 4 days after their release

ITT: Post video games that were dead 4 days after their release.

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>already level 43
I'm getting there, awesome game, get fucked OP

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Is Retail good? I want to get into WoW and was wondering if it's worth the time. I like that it's a more "serious" game in the respect that you can't just walk around mindlessly and shoot things. It seems to me like it requires spreadsheets and thinking, not as much as something like EVE Online, but you get the idea.

How does the DLC work? Do you need to buy ALL of them or does the latest one give you the previous?

MMO is a dead genre; pick a different hobby.

Why does Classic makes so many people seethe?

Probably because it's zombifying a massive group of easily influenced individuals, alienating them from friends who haven't succumb to Classic's nostalgic marketing cash-grab supported by this delusional player-base.

Anything made by CliffyB

because Yea Forums is always wrong and bad at games

just try it for some minutes, if you dont get bored by the repetitive ass 3 button rotation it might be ok for you

Because it was very successful and proved them wrong

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The main thing that Retail does better is boss fights.
If you want intense boss fights that take serious coordination between you and your 20 buddies, then yeah, retail is better.
But don't go to retail looking for good PvP.

Compared to classic, retail has MUCH more balanced PvP

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Balanced, maybe.
But PvP on retail is almost exclusively about baiting trinket and blowing them up when they use it.
It's boring as hell.


>Alienating from friends
But I play it with all my close friends and we're having fun

wish I had friends like that

Asked for a reason and I gave him it.

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I'm playing right now with guys I haven't talked to since high school. We have a discord/guild with 30+ people. I've never had such a social experience playing a game. Have sex, I'm enjoying the fuck out of this. I'll be sad when people eventually start quitting.

It was comical how few players were in the servers.

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Pretty fun game tho

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This tranny shit lasted even less.

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MGS V no irony.

>early access MMO
anyone who paid money for that deserved it

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Because XIV cucks have nothing to do in their dead MMO so they make tons of classic threads.

>tfw healing SM cath while typing this