So.. How many Pirated Control on PC purely because it was an Epic store exclusive?

So.. How many Pirated Control on PC purely because it was an Epic store exclusive?

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I'd pirate it regardless because fuck paying full price for a video game.

like anybody knows the answer to that. stop asking stupid questions jackass

>60 bucks for that shit
Yeah nah. Even if it was on Steam or GOG I still wouldn't fucking pay for it.

I had no intention of buying it. I'm glad I did not. The story is stilted af and pisses away all potential early on.

I pirate everything.

Post webms

Attached: Control 2019.09.01 - (960x540, 2.84M)


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This one on the Tim.

>get told by Yea Forums that the game is SCP: The vidya
>it's just one evil magical virus called Hiss, no multiple threats
>everything else that is SCP related is some logs, letters and stuff like that
I mean, I like the concepts of the Objects of Power, how you were chosen as the Director and stuff like that, but it feels just like a more polished Quantum Break and it barely qualifies as a "SCP" game
Also, I pirated this game because you never shill for good stuff, you fucks


ugliest characters i've seen in a videogame

If it's Epic exclusive, it means Tim already paid the developers, so I don't have to.

Pretty based if you think about it.

Is the game in endgame after Jesse becomes director?

It's just sidequest bullshit at that point.

Is Tomassi the endgame boss then? I'm having difficulties with his bullshit.

That thread from a few days ago was just shills and people calling out the shills for using the SCP approach when it is spectacularly disappointing in that aspect. It's just a bland TPS with telekinesis. Why the hell is telekinesis so overused anyways.

Wait, so Epic's drm hasn't been cracked?

I like the weird SCP-esque story and aesthetics in this game but the gameplay is just so barebones, this move is so OP, it kills everything in one or two hits

I did. First game I've pirated in over 10 years. Glad I did too because it's average as fuck (although the ashtray maze section was pretty awesome).

Didnt bother pirating or playing quantum break, wanted to give this a whirl because the setting looked better.
Pirated control and uninstalled after the research section, pretty bland and boring in the end.
Epic didnt really factor in my decision.

I had the same experience. It got touted as some AAA SCP game but the setting didn't even supplement that complete lack of variety in the gameplay.

Like it's basically SCP if you gave SCP a 8:2 ratio where it's filled with nothing but weird things and not a complete clusterfuck of actual paranatural entities. And well in a way, that probably is the case if I browse the SCP wiki but at least it didn't limit itself with silly little rules about interdimensional shenanigans to severely limit the interesting things in the setting.

Yeah it's OP but it's fine that IMO because sometimes it's nice to play a game where you can just wreck havoc on enemies without thinking about it. Launch with Pierce is basically turning Jessie into a nuke.

Just hop on the rock, tank two-hitting attack with shield, shoot, repeat.
It's honestly amazes me that some people having trouble with bosses in this game.

The Ashtray Maze would've been 10/10 instead of 9/10 IF Jessie hadn't done a wall breaking "wow that was awesome" line drop after it.

I honestly forgot shield even existed. It's probably why I keep dying.

>>it's just one evil magical virus called Hiss, no multiple threats
there's more than that, but only very few encounters so far, there's some brain parasite from the astral plane in one room that you need to get past and I believe that I was literally fighting shit at some point

People keep calling this SCP game. But the similarities literally end with just keywords.
Redacted, entity, containment procedures. It's so vastly different beyond that.

The objects of power, and altered items, are also really boring, and i think it's a kind of lost potential. They had a chance to delve into lore of a paranormal device. But it just ends with,
>lol fridge do bad thing

>pirating based Sam Lake games
You're doing it wrong

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Fuck you fridge was the best boss.

i would have pirated it no matter what platform its on.
with that said, the game was pretty fun. controls pretty solid. the story was ok, probably didnt care for it much because i just played Beyond Two Souls recently so I almost got the same vibe going into this game (main character in both games mentally talks to some unseen entity)

Not enough as long as ONE copy was bought.

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It's not pirating, they're simply borrowing the copy Tim Sweeney paid for

Fair enough. I just finished the first boss, Tommasi, and I was highly disappointed that they didn't use a monster or paranormal creature for that boss. I'd love that.

It's ok fella. You have my permission to pirate this copy of the game. I paid for it. Enjoy! It's all on me.

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glad i pirated it cause the game sucked, literally made for braindead retards. nothing about the game were any good. and for a tunnel runner it's optimized like shit. remedy will never make anything as nice and fresh as alan wake, wish this had that horror vibe too but no, instead we get this poor (wo)mans PROTOTYPE which larps as RPG
not to mention the team and the game is associated with SJW and feminism brainrot

i'm buying the moment it's on a storefront i don't despise. Maybe i'll buy it on ps4 is i ever get one

I don't suck Gaben's dick.

They got too obsessed with the tech and visuals in the game desu. Like I hate to say it but if we're talking about TPS with powers then Saints Row 4 has got this completely beat.

Their visual direction is actually pretty clever. Most of the magic is through lightning. Most assets aren't really high-quality renders but due to clever lightning, they still make it look great. With audiovisual trickery, a game with little resources can be brought up to AAA level.

If only the high end was actually optimized.

I pirated it because of the feminist stunt they pulled with the twitch streamers.

That’s quite literally the only reason I pirated it. When it goes on steam next year I’m buying it.

I didn't care before and I didn't care after because I played Quantum Break. However if I was interested I would have pirated it because fuck EGS.

I haven't bought a game in a decade or something. Last thing I bought, because I wanted to, was Space Marine.
I got Overwatch because our guild "accountant" fucked up with money transfers from carries and had to gift shit instead.
I bought 1000 platinum for Warframe with 75% discount once, and bank slots for Path of Exile during a sale.

Everytime someone use this reddit tier meme steam loses 1% of market share

t. Furious Tim

Yep, otherwise it's GOTY for me
The art direction is god tier, the lore and sidestuff is nice and the gameplay is fun
Powers are broken as fuck but every enemy oneshots you anyways so it's fair

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This tranny walking sim isn't even worth a pirate. Stupid shills have being going on about this game 24/7 on Yea Forums, must be paid really well.

I did.
I wanted to support Remedy, but not after they sold their souls to the chink devil.

I bought it on G2A because it makes tranny devs seethe

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>Astral spikes
There's at least 3 other dimensions invading the oldest house during the game, 4 if you count Hedron/Polaris.

Not every game needs to be so hard you die a hundred times.

The game was released DRM-free you dummy.

The only people who post things like that are either people who never had interest in the game in the first place, or pirate every game.
>in b4 some faggot tries to tell me "b-b-but I want to fuck epic"

That's not 4th wall breaking but characters voicing how they feel at times like that to reinforce player feelings is pretty boring and they have Jesse do it more than necessary.

I have an Rtx 2070 Super but I didn‘t even bother pirating this piece of garbage to test out the rtx simply because I can‘t immerse myself as an ugly tranny


Search scp-835

>Whining about exclusives
>Pleb station 4

Would you be happier if Remedy sold itself to either sony or xbox and game was exclusive to their consoles.

I did. glad I did too, horrible game

Xbox because xbox exclusives are on PC

Sweeney Clause bought it for me. Really gets me in the holiday spirit.

>muh epicc store
What has steam done at all with the shekels they've been filching off you mouthbreathing faggots for the past decade? I haven't played shit on the epic store, but I can acknowledge it's one of the few ways to compete and break into a market.

I'm pretty sure Microsoft is going to buy out Remedy.

Pretty much everyone. Don't believe people who tell you that they had another reason. Epic is what killed this game. If the game was on GOG i would've bought it.

Game runs like ass on base consoles, it's the end of the gen so devs are pushing them beyond where they should because graphics.

that chicks head is to annoying to deal with. wtf.

It lacks steams features which are the only reason to pay for games. Pirating movies/Tv shows is the same as buying them sans spending money so those get a pirate.

Graphically it looks worse than QB

Definitely MS because I don't want to buy a Snoystation

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This isn't reddit.

How about I pirate it and give Sam Lake $20?

well it's not like I'm going to use the chink store

looks pretty much the same

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There are people who don't think isn't the dopest shit.
Just that the MC isn't a perfect 10/10 and has a strong jaw.

wouldn't play for free

Didn't even look worth pirating.

What an ugly hl2 mod.
What's it called?

why can't they manage to make her look good in game?

Attached: compare this.jpg (829x733, 100K)
This song is kino

Daily reminder that this is the crysis of this generation but it has a budget of 20 something million, absolute peanuts in the current market

Is it fun to play or is it just another graphic tech demo? Never really heard too much about it

not even close

>Offer less
That's not how competition should work

How is this even a metroidvania again?

Just finished it
What a ride, I got better with every hour.

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and by I, I meant "it"
Have another one

Attached: Control 2019.08.31 - (722x406, 2.94M)

>Access level 3/4/5 spots early in the game
>Have to travel back to earlier sections of the bureau to go through those doors
>Sections where you can only get to spots with powers you get later on.