Only real CNK niggas use this setup

Attached: 1551437383210.png (334x247, 152K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*locked behind paywall "charity"*

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im waiting for the pitstop to refresh and snatch up the spyro batmobile

>finish two consecutive laps with Blue Flame

What am I doing wrong to not get this

Only passing the finish line counts, so you have to start USF on the first lap and carry it all the way to the end of the race. If you end it during the third lap after the point of the track where you got it in the first lap, it won't count.

So wait, I have to keep blue flame THE WHOLE RACE.

What track would I even do that, I considered Tiny Temple or Cortex Castle, but they only have it at the end.

They would count, what you need to do is keep it from the end of lap 1 to the end of the race. I personally did it on Twilight Tour because I'm really good at that track.

Don't forget to join the official CTR Yea Forums discord

Shes a treasure.

Attached: 459AF185-3A30-41F0-8774-3547BB14D046.jpg (1035x743, 192K)

Prehistoric Playground is the easiest

I desire this.

be honest lads

have you bought coins yet?

i bought 10k for stuff like wheels

I'm trash at this game, not sure I can maintain Blue Fire for two straight laps.

It worked on Tiny Temple for me

No, I went full autismo and grinded on the new ultra shortcut on Thunderstruck for the past three days until I completely cleared out the Pit Stop.

>he bought MTX
Not sure if i should commend your honesty or laugh at you for doing so.

Attached: 5DCFDADE-6C9E-4848-BE8C-F1484F4C7D52.jpg (394x430, 41K)

People buy 20$ of candy just for 4 different codes, you tell me who's the retard

Woah wtf how do i get this

You have to pay, uh I mean donate to a charity for war "veterans" :^)

I got orb'd playing as Pura on Spyro track. It switched my second place to fourth. I'm mad

Attached: 1562998977394.jpg (402x768, 41K)

>buy candy for codes
>also have candy afterwards and you may convert their calories into life sustenance
>buy wumpa coins
>own literally nothing you get with them didn't you read the 40 pages of EULA?

Where do i do that

On the cod website

can you actaully do it now?

or is it a timed thing like with that pink charity mercy OW skin

anyone who spends extra money on this game is retarded. including you my dear user.

>still playing this game after they lied about micro transactions


Dude I buy the new iPhone every year, do you think I care about a measly sum? I rather get stuff done than to waste time grinding not enjoying the game

>Spend money to get digital things
>Spend more money to get additional digital things

Wouldn't it be safe to say people who buy video games are retarded with this logic? I haven't spent any extra money outside of the actual purchase of the game btw.

surely Beenox realizes just how FUCKED turn and balanced classes are. whats the point of new skins for classes that are SHIT.

not with that attitude

If Nina is the star of the next grand prix she is likely going to be accel. Could you imagine filling that nitro bar for a Turn character?

>buys the character bundle on day 1 and plays that character instead
Big Gnorm is the way to go

Attached: 1555732059422.png (602x115, 8K)

That looks awful.

I plan on playing Nina regardless of her class. Even if she is turn I don't have a turn main so it works for me either way.

Attached: IMG_20190817_041922_852.jpg (594x812, 114K)

spending extra money for cosmetics hat you can get for free with a few races is retarded no matter how you put it. you did well in NOT spending any money besides the base game cost.

>Dude I buy the new iPhone every year
proving my point.

Prehistoric Playground > Twilight Tour > Spyro Circuit

Twilight Tour > Prehistoric Playground > Spyro Circuit

there, now it is correct.

PP is long, boring and has horrible balance due to the first pad being blue fire.

why is he so thicc

Attached: 1567234997511.png (329x300, 100K)

Said no one ever

why is he so FUCKING SMALL


Attached: spyro.jpg (1038x576, 52K)

Spyro Circuit seems tailor made for turning characters.

Also, the fuck is up with a ramp leading you for a shortcut over the grass, ONLY FOR IT TO FUCKING PHASE YOU OUT


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>spending extra money for cosmetics that you can get for free
That is a good point. I was thinking more along the lines of the candy car that can't be obtained in game. Still highly jewish and i'm okay with not having it.

i agree but it is not as awful as Spyro circuit.

>3 fucking portals
>Small as fuck sections with dogshit turns
>due to all the curves and small sections with straight lines that make any forward throwing items useless
>no cool shortcut, the only one that exists only save like a single second and it considers you out of bounds 50% of the time even if you don't touch the grass
>track is short as fuck but has a bunch of hazards for no reason, especially one right before the shortcut curve.

it is easily one of the worst tracks in the game and the worst track of all the GPs so far.

not really it has a bunch of curves but they are easier done with accel and speed since they can hop turn / u turn all this shit, they can also get way more boost from the short straight line sections.

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Nope, and I have no plans too. That shit better not be in a mainline game.

Attached: EDD0rcgXoAEONmp.jpg (1875x2048, 335K)

>Gnasty Gnorc
>fat fuck
>turn class


Just do it through a basic time trial at Tiny Temple, you goof.

Think they'll give Koala Kong the same treatment?

I want Evil Coco, damn it.

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>paywall "charity
Explain further

Hell no. I love the game as is but anybody desperately paying for womb coins or sour patches for this game is a moron.

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*blocks your path*

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Anyone wants some codes?

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Or maybe, set up the race to be more than 3 laps, like 7, so you can make it easy, allowing you to get blue flame on the second or third lap too.

Skin or separate character?

Koala Kong has been removed, user.

what shortcut?

>no Bianca
>no Ripto
>no Agent 9
>no Sheila
>no Sgt
>no Yeti
>no Jak
>no Daxter
>no Ratchet
>no Clank

Beenox gettin' lazy

WHAT? Since when?

What's the catch?

>powerslide for 5 sec
How the fuck im supposed to do that?

Dragonfly kart looks so good compared to the trikee

From what I know a couple of days ago they datamined the game again and he along with the characters we've been missing from the Grand Prixes have disappeared from the driver list.

When did this drop?!

I'm a poorfag but i'm not a beggar,

Ill sell them at these prices

Attached: 1567371979783.jpg (3024x3592, 3.26M)

>Also, the fuck is up with a ramp leading you for a shortcut over the grass, ONLY FOR IT TO FUCKING PHASE YOU OUT
Yeah that part is so bad, you clip the wall at all and you get teleported back

I hope it's a trick to fool us into thinking they won't be in the game. No OG Crash characters should be left out.

Three perfects and then hold it for a while, alternatively just don't boost and just ride the drift for as long as you can, going slower should make it simpler. Pick a simple circuit.

The trikee looks great, though. It just has goddawful decals.

Just powerslide for five seconds

I can draw lewds of a waifu of your choice for 1 code

Skins. Evil crash and evil coco were supposed to be the originals turned evil anyway. And bring over some of the ideas of CTTR back when it was supposed to be a sequel to Twinsanity where there was an imaginary kart racing tournament in Crash's dreams and memories.

Attached: evil-clash.jpg (848x584, 334K)

post the elora skin

Tbh it's a sweet deal, they're dirt cheap for anyone just wanting the codes and you get free candy.


Isn't that not out yet?

Do you expect me to eat candy 24/7? The code is inside the bag, what the fuck am I gonna do with all the candy if I'm doing a giveaway

>you may convert their calories into life sustenance
Not if it's the gum.

hop in dude

Attached: Norm Kart.png (926x863, 546K)

Power slide without doing the boost

>finally find some sour patch with the code
>$2 a pack
fuckin highway robbery I swear, good thing I actually enjoy the watermelon ones
anyway I got a spare watermelon code if anyone has either of the trident ones, I'm pretty sure they don't sell trident where I live
post your email if you've got one

Give it to the homeless

Why did CTR have to be the one saddled with all the shorty practices?

[email protected]

>hello, starving beggars, have some gum
That's cruel, user.

Small reminder to use the official feedback page for voicing your opinions on item/class balance, any bugs you've found, or how much you want Yaya Panda to be in the game

Every day until I get some confirmation

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>tfw doing relic challenges
if you miss one crate it's near impossible to get plat, I've restarted like 70 times on sewer speedway and still nowhere near gold

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Keep it up user, always nice to see a friendly face.

Tiny Temple time trial is the easiest for this, I also did this on Polar Pass but the geometry can get a bit fucky.

>Donating to charity for war vets
>When COD is about glorifying war and controversial weapons of mass destruction

Attached: db0.png (398x370, 262K)

thanks user!

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Did anyone look at this challenge and think
>What track do I want to do this on?
instead of
>What track do I have the best chance of doing this on?

Umm, YIKES? Btter buy a turbo controller and let the game on on Hard Crystal Challenge on Lab Basement while you sleep, 10,000 coins + you get a bonus turbo controller.

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Polar Pass is the hardest for me. I always miss the blue flame pad. After trying on prehistoric playground countless times, I ended up doing it on Tiny Temple.

Do these work on Canada?

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I didn't even look at the challenges I just started playing and happened to get it casually leaving everyone in the dust on Tiny Temple. 3 of us managed to maintain speed and DNF the rest of the lobby so it was a pretty great race

>I always miss the blue flame pad
What I found was to approach the pad section from the right, close to the wall. There's practically no bump there and the slightly increased bump-pad distance should make sure you hit it.
Once you have USF you're better off just maintaining it instead of trying to reach the pad again, however.

Yes, anyone can use them. I'm Spanish and I just saw a Ripper Roo using the kart body online.

I have the same problem with PP. In CTRNF and ever since the original CTR, Polar Pass has been one of my best tracks. I used to get the USF boost pad naturally but for the past couple of weeks I've been jumping over it when I actively aim for it.

Any tips on how the fuck to get past the figure 8 in polar pass with USF without losing all my reserves?

That's pretty funny user, but make sure you check the challenges so you don't have to work any harder filling up that nitro bar. 50% is a lot to miss out on.

When is this game coming to pc anons, I wanna play too

Lots of hoping and air braking to put you in position to drift in the middle section, making a line that inserts you in the second loop nicely. Then you can snake a bit or hop more.

THIS. Also, if you use a HEAVY character, in the figure 8 part, take the first right and THERE just do a single Brake Jump to the left and it shall give you enough room to then drift across the next section without having to jump again, give or take.

I did the same thing last GP and finished the nitro bar with over a week to spare without grinding it out. I'll be fine. Even in a worst case scenario, I could throw wumpa coins at the nitro bar to top it off, it's not like I don't have 30k just sitting around from playing as much as I have.
I don't even care about the nitro leaderboard since the champion leaderboard is more than enough to keep me in the top 5% for the decal.

When's the PC port?

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Hopefully early next year when they rerun the GPs

are we supposed to believe that N. Trance managed to hypnotize Spyro the dragon?

One can only hope. Maybe people can whip out some good mods for it.

>Bitched about MTX
>Already spent 12 bucks on candy



No you're just a whiny bitch

Nice wheels

Less is more

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190902003903.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

>user in thread says that he'll give away codes
>message him
>says that I can get a code, but I have to pay first

I've sent a message, are you there?

>He likes Activision cock up his ass

Attached: kitkat.png (300x400, 236K)

Please give me free candy codes, I'm not a drawfag so I can't draw porn for you in exchange, but I can write "thanks" in an anonymous bamboo carving forum if that's enough.

[email protected]

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These threads are getting boring.

I agree. We need to start posting more Bandibabes.

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>bitch about mtx
>still buys them anyway
How does that jizz taste faggot?

>will never see the lose podium animations online
gay shit

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What? I'm not that guy and I'm not talking about the candy. But Beenox said they had no intent of adding MTX, but that seems like a lie because I can't think of any other reason why the coin rate would be so shit. The weekend bonus stacked with daily bonus should be the BASELINE for coins. It was designed from the ground up to be kikey.

why do panda girls get my dick so goddamned hard

I'd rather not.

Attached: tenor (3).gif (300x208, 884K)

How the fuck do you make turns like that?

Shoot I’ll buy some codes. How can I contact you?

Put them in a bowl with a lid and eat them over time?

You might as well buy the candy at that point man

>Have to wait next year to play as Emperor Velo.
Fuck right off with this bullshit.

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You think I haven’t tried? Nowhere in my town has them.

Down + brake while turning

>Hold Brake
>Press and hold down+left or right depending on where you wanna go
>Let go of Brake and hold accelerate again BEFORE you touch the ground again

Do you main him? cuz i do

Attached: Hunter Claws.jpg (979x802, 105K)

Keep pressed the down button (along with the direction you need) before attempting the jump and don't let it go. Release accel, do a hop, but at the same time press brake. If you're keeping down pressed you'll do a 90 degree hop and you will keep USF

No, he is balanced.

Oh it's that kind of town. Well, best of luck to ya.

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u5.jpg (1000x750, 204K)

No I main Dark Spyro like everyone else.

>gimping yourself to play as dumb stoner cheetah
maybe if he was anything but balanced

Beenox just let us choose our own engine

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i would if they didnt ruin his character with a shitty new va + make him balanced
for me, its old condescending muppet hunter

Attached: spyro_doodles_by_un_genesis.png (2200x2900, 2.44M)

I dropped the spyro characters the moment I completed any challenge that required them and got my monster coco

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Found anything yet Pura?

what do you mean you found an evolvo ray and short shorts under the snow?

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It basically is. A little town in Alabama. Still I figured Walmart or CVS would have had the CTR candy but they just have the regular ones.

Not that user but stay mad

Attached: IMG_20190831_114815.jpg (1920x1080, 723K)

sshhh you're gonna summon him

I'm pretty sure he's sleeping. (If he isn't american)

HS Spoiler

Attached: RipperRooSleeps.gif (1200x675, 1.02M)

I haven’t had a chance to play yet. What class are the Spyro characters?

I'm already here and no, we already have our disagreements so let's not ruin an otherwise good thread.

Everyone in these games besides Spyro look like an off brand version of themselves.

are we getting dlc next year?

I figured as much.

Attached: 96A68DCD-7B3C-40EB-AA1E-D90B95C46DB3.jpg (322x497, 46K)

Cynder when

do you make these images yourself?

Based Baby T player dead last DNFed showing those faggot Spyro characters what's up.

probably about 4 spyro gps away when they run out of relevant characters to add

Depends on the image.

The first "Nitro Fueled Event" is coming some time after the October prix, likely in November to celebrate the games anniversary.

>Crash Nitro Kart Event
>Adds a new track based on cut Nitro Kart content AND a new battle arena based on the Hyper Spaceway track
>Also adds a new single player campaign remaking CNKs single player mode (will either be an extension of current campaign map, or a brand new map, I'm getting conflicting information)
>Most of the cutscenes are replaced with new ones to make it a bit more inline with CTRs story mode
>Finishing the campaign unlocks Velo, 100 percent unlocks his vehicle, and 101 percent unlocks hover wheels that can be used on any car
>The items from CNK are being added to the game. Perminantly to the battle mode as optional selections, and as a timed event exclusive to the online races
>Title screens music will be replaced with a new version of the CNK theme song
>Starting lights are replaced with their CNK designs
>Various other minor changes to make the game resemble CNK a bit more
>Every CNK character is getting a new skin, only ones I can confirm are brainwashed Dingodile, Pura, and Polar, and classic N Trance. Supposedly Spyro is also getting a brainwashed skin too and will be using the Velo mask when it's equiped, but that conflicts with other information I have heard
>Beenox was dabbling with adding zero gravity to the already existing CNK tracks, but ultimately scrapped it due to time restrictions and work load
>No other new characters aside from Velo

Supposedly there is one other event after this one on the current roadmap, but I was given no information on it

Attached: 40123-title-Crash-Nitro-Kart~2.jpg (422x330, 38K)

>the airplane mode trick doesn't work anymore

Attached: torment.png (548x600, 228K)

This is gonna be a skin in a future Grand Prix, I just know it

>They just slap on short shorts to the default Pura skin

Attached: 1564255692205.png (750x650, 141K)

>Never played Spyro games
>Decide to read up on Spyro lore
>Got kind of bored after watching the Reignited cutscenes

Attached: 1500563333817.gif (167x190, 2.56M)

nice wishlist

You already tried this once

Attached: 1541101358642.jpg (500x378, 149K)

Please tell me that's a lie

Are the cutscenes bad or something? I’m kinda a Spyro newbie as well

I mean, they sorta did it before, with Polar in a Rain Coat and Boots. so this is 100% Possible.

Attached: CrashSmilesasVonClutchdies.png (299x364, 113K)

It gives you an "A network connection error occurred" message and doesn't give you any rewards or count towards GP Challenge completions.

I wont say I believe it because that doesn't seem at all believable but the November track IS called Nitro Festival so who the fuck knows.

They aren't bad but I didn't feel very engaged. It's clearly for kids through and through, with no real deep lore to sink your teeth into, yet it feels like it's trying to tell a real story (unlike Crash which feels more video game-y)

No laughably bad qualities either.

I heard something about how you can't redeem the code if you live in Europe? Do you have to make an Activision accountant and mark you address as North American for it to work?

Where did you get this info? I thought we didn’t know about anything coming after the Spyro Grand prix

Source on this?

Watch the original games

Attached: C057A754-276E-477B-AC25-D51D7FD6327F.png (1280x980, 938K)

It was a comparison video so I was technically watching both

>Source:My Ass

>Short shorts

What did Japan mean by this though?
Also they removed his tail, why?

Attached: EBOIBdNU0AAM0EQ.jpg (303x246, 21K)

The recent datamine, tracks listed are Spyro Circuit, Nina's Night Ride, and Nitro Festival.

Attached: 20190901_181838.png (2734x622, 687K)

Imagine making fuck to a Bandigina.

Japan is based and hates furries

Just because something is datamined doesn't mean it actually happens though. Included placeholder data.

all things considered, a lot of people dropped spyro after enter the dragonfly and consider any post-insomniac games to be nonexistent. at least crash had an okay/mediocre run after naughtydog let go until it fell over itself
crash has more "involved" lore if only because there was a lot of content that they were trying to squeeze into crash 1 but couldn't due to the PS1 limitations and they left them basically on the cutting room floor but still de facto canon since the only thing that contradicted any of it was the introduction of uka uka

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Attached: price of fame.png (818x909, 21K)

You know what else was datamined? Baby N Tropy, Baby Cortex, Ripto and Sorceress, and I sure as Hell don't see them anywhere.
>Well they might appear for the second Grand Prix
We don't even KNOW for sure if GPs are getting a second round or not. We don't know ANYTHING about what Activisions long term plan is for GPs.


Attached: Yaya.png (570x600, 492K)

My love for her is like a kart.


The Yaya avatarfag has arrived


I mean if you want to close your eyes and deny literally everything that isn't accessible in-game right this moment, you can have fun being a fucking pedant.
Content that's otherwise locked off but accessible through hacking or looking through the game's data is just a means of taking a look at what's going on under the hood and make educated guesses. Things like the Veteran vehicle, the prototype advanced class, future content, it's all there inside the game right now. While it's true that datamined content isn't 100% confirmed, it's definitely sensible to be cautiously optimistic for content that's been alluded to through it.
Or you can just ignore what's in the game and turn a blind eye to it like you want everyone else to do.

Looks like fucking Li Li

Attached: 7013b52774860b2dd7ebdcc5999ee15b.png (1240x1748, 914K)

literally who?

>all chinese girls rook the same

Attached: T1558058329471.jpg (1280x903, 141K)

The trophy girls are not sexy at all, not attractive, and barely cute. There. I said it. You know I'm right.

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cock starved panda loli

cute, I love it!

Attached: 1567355086239.png (2205x1095, 1.86M)

The reason pandarens existence is validated.

I would respect your opinion more if you hadn't posted a shit character

Fuck off, weeb.

Attached: 1499833.png (825x832, 972K)

Call me back when you can actually get a rip or view the character models like you can the plane. Until then, there is no solid evidence, just speculation based on data that could be red herrings for all you know.

If Yaya is added to the game, would it ruin the game for you?

Outta here, you!

Attached: 1521080391257.png (1000x1000, 149K)

>all rook same

why does she give me a funny feeling in the pantaloons

not as much as baby cahracters or MTX's

I mean we've gotten textures for some of them like the humpty dumpty N.Trance, just no model to wrap them around.

We got the textures for skins, but is there anything for the unconfirmed characters? There's stuff for Nina, but she was already confirmed in an Activision blog anyway.

Not at all. Maybe they can flesh out what the hell she is beyond "China".

>Yaya gets in somehow
>Shes added as a sticker

Attached: DD6749A7-71CF-4DA9-AD01-DB48E7EA1CF9.jpg (1233x750, 80K)

It wouldn't ruin it at all
If they keep doing shit like they did during the super engine test then that shit ruins the game for me

Which color of relic challenge are you trying to complete?

>It can't be unlocked until the event rerun

Not him but I say there's more evidence pointing to rerun gp content than there is having that content on the cutting room floor. With that past two gp's having content you flat out couldn't get and them adding microtransactions so late they'd want this to run as long as possible. It is speculation but I think it warrants the optimism.

Beenox doesn't say anything man, you can't base anything positive or negative on their lack of communication.

Attached: 0A129A2D-D97C-4FE6-8F97-DDF4DDCD7406.jpg (404x466, 43K)

You don't need to get a relic for the Sewer Speedway challenge, just break all the crates

Not him but I imagine tracks take more time and effort than characters do, it's one thing to have a lot of datamine characters and not have them all show up and another to have a couple of tracks for the next couple months (that would probably have to be started at LEAST two months in advance)

>Not him but I say there's more evidence pointing to rerun gp content than there is having that content on the cutting room floor. With that past two gp's having content you flat out couldn't get and them adding microtransactions so late they'd want this to run as long as possible. It is speculation but I think it warrants the optimism.
We don't know if there's gonna be more GPs, if the later GPs are just gonna have more content squeezed in, or if later content will become DLC separately. It's all up in the air right now.

>Beenox doesn't say anything man, you can't base anything positive or negative on their lack of communication.
You know it was an Activision blog, right?

Ryuko is the cutest though! She is also my wife, because I married her!

Attached: Ryuko is cute!.jpg (700x661, 83K)

Just buy a set for me [email protected]

Shit taste user, shit taste

Attached: 1564152806398.png (313x243, 63K)

[email protected]
send me one of the cars and paint codes.

Attached: Mad Scenitist Ripper Roo.png (262x425, 126K)

>We don't know
I know, and i'm not saying that there will be. I'm just saying there's enough there to air on the side of optimism.

>You know it was an Activision blog
This is why we have to test things after every patch. Activision puts a lid on everything to the point where we don't even know what was changed.

What to Spyro's and Hunter's alternate colors look like? Please tell me hunter has his skater look

Attached: Pants.png (284x504, 316K)

Please don't bully me or my cute wife Ryuko

Attached: Cute Ryuko feet!.jpg (690x946, 89K)

It's true but the same can be said about other female panda characters. I guess that's just the artist' fault for not trying to be unique, they all end up looking similar.

You're just mad Coco/baby Coco is the only little girl and then it's all sexy grown bandicuties.

Nah. Yaya is cool.

Attached: lizcons.png (300x300, 129K)

Is there anything for her besides that icon?

I don't think there's any character that could ruin the game for me. Even if I really don't want shit like Willie Wumpa, Rilla Roo and... uhhh... can't even think of anyone past those I don't want. EITHER WAY, the game is already filled with characters I like any any new additions could do nothing but make the game better.

At this point, there's only characters left that could make this game even more amazing.

Attached: 1566014091450.png (965x704, 247K)

By the way I'm looking to BUY them not begging

I will never understand why they print codes on the packaging and not put a card or something inside, or print it on the inside.

Hunter is blue, pink and green
Spyro is flame, ice and dark

hunter can be blue, green or pink
spyro can be pink, blue or black
neither have legendaries which is fucking lame
i wanted a retro or sunglasses spyro at the very least

>Not even Satsuki

Attached: l2tjk4w389.png (361x582, 486K)

Cant wait to play as Kenny Ashcorp

Ohey, you saved my reaction image

Coco and her boyfriend Dingodile
She's not even wearing any panties for him and his big croc cock

The bandibabes are 11/10 by western character standards, which translates to 3/10 compared to any Japanese vidyagirl.

I like this Liz edit. Whats the font?

Attached: 6728C31C-2AB3-4E92-B769-A5E5A1CE7306.jpg (408x549, 73K)

all the trophy girls are top tier cute, except Ami who's attractive but too brute and boyish for my tastes

Attached: best girl.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Ami is ugly! UGLY!

>you don't even have to buy spyro
>most karts are GP rewards
well turns out I don't even need WC

Attached: 1560621478967.png (812x707, 34K)

Yeah that caught me off guard on the reignited trilogy. I admit I spent an unhealthy amount of time looking at Spyro's ass while playing, especially the wiggle he does when flying.

Attached: 1560110963717.png (331x320, 64K)

cute feet

>adding nitro karts story when all the tracks, challenges, characters and karts are already available
Why would anyone want what is essentially remade cutscenes?

>Reignited cutscenes
There's your problem. Reignited lacks the character and nuance of the original.

Isabella is so close to being best bandigirl in terms of looks, and on paper she is, but Liz just screams 'I'm fucking hot, and you want me big boy'

Attached: 1S1245678.png (426x644, 548K)

It's like the difference between an old cartoon you liked, and the modern day revival. It's mostly the same, but lacks the subtle quirks and nuances that made the original work.

This. CNK's cutscenes are perfect and this would only ruin them.

Attached: NK.webm (1080x606, 2.95M)

>Liz just screams 'I'm fucking hot, and you want me big boy'
This is so deadly accurate.

Attached: 3AEB385E-1971-4295-BB00-1AB6EBAA7038.jpg (427x560, 85K)

I would like the hub world please

I love you guys

Also, I like Nash's new VA, but Billy West's Stimpy voice was absolutely perfect.

Attached: Nash 2.png (1200x1032, 1.59M)

It's called CCZoinks, found it in the reddit, I uploaded it for you

all plats


Just because I posted one image reaction of her? Ridiculous.

Thank you

Attached: 0C54F63C-C753-4FC9-8335-3EB5FD117AB7.jpg (732x498, 71K)

>genuinely miss the game when I'm not playing
That's rare for games with micros. Very rare.

Attached: MC.webm (860x482, 2.93M)

U-turning and hop/airbraking need to deplete reserves.

That top 3 always scares me in races
I know victory ain't happening when they're around

>taking the shortcut
>jumping off turtles
Stop playing turning characters

Attached: 1562276682701.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

>Not taking the shortcut even with other classes
That's pathetic

Jumping is the only way to temporarily boost their SF speed

if the gnasty gnigger bundle isnt back in 30 minutes im gonna be mildly upset

Attached: 1560378270946.png (276x266, 136K)

It'll be the Komodo Joe wizard bundle.


Attached: 1565389738404m.jpg (813x1024, 194K)

ill take devil dog zam

Attached: 1563395653026.jpg (567x393, 33K)

I actually fucking love the new map. It's completely grown on me

The music and aesthetic are 10/10 and the track is not super easy to keep SF.

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I hate how the rock walls are too sensitive; if you touch them, you get mask'd as if you fell off stage. They should have collision where you can bounce/roll off them, and only get mask'd if you fall in the grass.

Shes my kind of woman.

Attached: D258ABF7-18D1-4F97-80D4-48A2F231708E.png (808x632, 462K)

not bouncy enough 2/10

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Dont remind me.

Attached: 3FD09A45-2F27-494C-ABB8-A34A79A04CCC.png (457x626, 320K)

Bad taste

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Nobodies gonna judge you for being gay for Crunch bro.

Attached: 1533478349408.gif (356x400, 2M)

Wizard Lizard time

crunch is more feminine then am* lmao

Well that just makes me love her more desu.

Attached: 7834CF48-7398-4DED-8E40-7A668319E47C.jpg (650x1338, 150K)

>Can't play until tomorrow
>Wizard Joe is in
It'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss only a matter of time...

Attached: Komodo_Joe.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Just got out of work, what's the pit stop looking like? Already waiting for Velo Gnome to rotate back

Attached: 1564504065565.gif (264x313, 2.73M)

I feel it's heavily Turn-biased, and that's a good thing, we need more tracks like that. I've left quite a few people in the dust just playing as Gnasty. Turn is easier to keep SF with.

Quick Yea Forums! What sound does she make whens he wins?

Attached: 1549509502133.jpg (726x430, 41K)

Wizard Joe is fucking great


Attached: heeheehee.webm (500x406, 116K)

The sound of conquest

Attached: 41DEE709-109A-4A05-ACF0-8D952A405EAF.png (1750x1750, 1.39M)

>tfw I will never get to see this screen


Attached: 1547409196079.jpg (1151x1069, 66K)


Formerly Chuck

Hand over your sour codes

Attached: 1566889599766.jpg (900x1254, 729K)

the code IS inside the bag

Amy's big loud protein farts that she loudly laughs at every time she rips one!


Attached: EDE4sKmUwAEerNL[1].jpg (591x874, 98K)

no elora?

Does this still work?

I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking when it comes to this.

It's just a middle finger to players, and probably hurts their kikey scheme as well. More items in shop = more things to spend womb coins on = more shekels for Kotick.

Attached: 1566634631764.png (2502x3253, 3.59M)

I know right? I wish they would just be open about it and not slap on a "Coming soon" and call it a day.

Actually I just realized that it's probably because of the limited room in the shop, so they didn't want stuff clogging it up.

Of course the obvious solution to that is to either expand the shop (quadruple it at LEAST) or maybe get rid of the fucking thing alltogether.

Attached: 1522611785308.png (730x713, 23K)

That's not true. Bianca and Money bags look great

Attached: 1542833575829.png (1024x576, 698K)

Why did we not get the zootopia bunny in the fucking grand prix?


To save for the rehash next year silly.

Top ten reasons I love Ripper Roo

1. I love him
2. He is a very good boy
3.If you scratch under his left ear, he likes it, and purrs, it's weird but I like him
4.I like him for who he is no matter what, he is very cute
5. He is a very good boy
6. I need to tighten his jacket (that's my job, he can't do it on his own) and he doesn't like to be let out of it
7. He needs walkies
8. He blows himself up with Nitro boxes all the time, he is very funny
9. N.gin sometimes bully him, so I beat him up and protect him
10. He is a very good boy and I love him

Attached: ripper.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

because shes several rungs down in terms of relevancy

if we get two more characters, they should be ripto and bianca, nu lora looks fucking bad, but she would definitely get in before bianca and sorceress was already in the code, so she doesnt have much of a chance

But that's Elora and Ripto.


Based Ripperbro

didn't Bianca promote to one of Spyro's main pals?

>Arms in a straight jacket
>turn character

What would his stats be of he wasn't intentionally holding back?

Attached: sugar°.png (758x267, 112K)

Attached: 0EB07B2F-0767-4B4B-9BF8-C4508D212465.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

I would actually like to see a class like this in the game.
The high turning would be a big disadvantage

>The high turning would be a big disadvantage
Not really

>Ripper Unbound

Attached: 1554334687736.png (444x440, 157K)

You can't drift in a straight line, it's the main reason why turning characters are so trash.

>play turning character
>suddenly notice that turning actually lowers speed
What the fuck? Was this always a thing?

what about deep sea driving?

at the end of 3, but as far as im aware she was never as front and center as elora or hunter, or the alt playable characters.
if they drop sorceress, and they do add 3 characters next gp, i can see one being bianca potentially, but i doubt it.

7 speed and 7 Acceleration will never be a 'big disadvantage'

Attached: promo2.jpg (450x360, 14K)

>First place either ran away or disintegrated

Wh-What does she eat?

Accel is a meaningless stat in this game
>recovers half a second faster from getting hit
No one cares

post wizards

Attached: wizzy.png (495x442, 457K)

No it isn't, because you also get a faster start off the line than other Speed characters.

It's not properly balanced at all. It would be a complete noobified class that wins matches far easier than other people playing Speed aside from the top 1% of players.

>Ripper Roo Unbound
>Functions like Regigigas
>Has the lowest possible stats for the first lap, 2nd lap he loses the straight jacket and gets max stats, with his speed actually being higher than speed characters


Attached: 1564798736343.png (439x397, 263K)

>Rilla Roo
>Stats: ???
>literally randomized every race

>Turn would be a big disadvantage
It's only a disadvantage on straights. The reason speed and accel do well is because they can make any turn as well as turn and balanced with having a higher top speed.

>It's not properly balanced at all.
Just like the rest of the game.
There's literally zero reason to use anything but speed.

we should give turnings better USF management, like how they could hold the USF longer than other classes without drifting



>There's literally zero reason to use anything but speed
Imagine being a statsfag lol

Make u-turn and airbrake drain reserves.

>lowest possible stats
>everyone takes off into the endless item spam like Ripper Roo Unbound can clock spam everyone in the back
>then takes off at the 2nd lap leaving everyone in the dust
Sounds pretty OP Tbh, famalamdingdongpai.

liz is just victoria

Attached: vic.png (255x431, 207K)

that would just make USF management annoying rather than balancing the class desu

I can't believe you actually thought throwing someone with 7/7/7 stats into the game would be remotely balanced. You just made the game 100x harder for anyone playing the other characters, even Speed who has to completely nail their route just to keep up.

Attached: A1562142435338.jpg (3000x3000, 844K)

>You just made the game 100x harder for anyone playing the other characters
No, I just made it more balanced.
Speedfags need to die

>Metagame evolves into everyone just getting items and slowing down so they can stop the Unbound Roo before he can finish a lap

How so? If i'm playing turn and your playing speed, and you want to take turns that I take naturally it'll cost you reserves. You'll still be faster than me but I'm building reserves instead of draining it. Turn and balance would still lose reserves but only on the turns that everyone needs tech.

your mother needs to die

Kill yourself amifaggot

I might just because I've been digging the Spyro GP and wanna encourage more content

Small Norm easily has the funniest animations in the game. I hope he gets promoted to the main platforming titles. I love his mime bullshit.

Okay... So, I'm not that user, and I'M the one who posted Ami.

Also, I'm not an Amifag, but Speed characters I do believe are supposed to be a bit harder to control and corner to offset the superior speed, which giving them perfect handling and acceleration would completely remove, more so than u-turning does. 7/7/7 would be BOTH the easiest and overall strongest class in the game if added.

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Lucky Coco but poor Yaya.

Attached: yay.png (600x250, 73K)

Guys please stop being mean! We're all cute anime girls in CTR threads and we should just hug each other cutely!

Attached: A flustered girl!.jpg (969x720, 184K)

They already have perfect turning thanks to the new u-turning.


Attached: 1536878764600.jpg (400x403, 58K)

>nerf everyone instead of buffing the classes that need to be buffed
c'mon man.

I can't believe I went to the store today to buy shitty candy just so I can get polygons in a children's video game.


Alright Yea Forums. let's see how retarded you guys really are.
Which class out of these 2 is the superior one?

Attached: 1567312256591.png (250x263, 42K)

Wow, that's VERY rude!

Attached: 1566005778379.jpg (780x780, 382K)

New Battle Arenas would actually be cool with me.

I'll take the 7/2/1 cuz I have U-Turning and rather drift down straights.

really cute drawing user

Turn and balanced don't get nerfed, they don't need to u-turn like speed and accel do. I would make speed and accel u-turn more wide though.

the one that can drift in a straight line


Would be a fun track D E S U

I don't speak german, what does it say?

No way, I got at least 4k today just racing online while getting Nitro points.
I did however get two of the four Sour Patch Kids codes. They are scattered around, kind of fun to hunt them down at stores. Wish the Trident gum was cheaper, its way overpriced imo.

now give me a kart class that literally cannot turn unless they are drifting but have high top speed
just give me the fucking swerve star

Attached: Swervestar.jpg (800x635, 43K)

Yes, I pointed that out.

7/2/1 is better in a vacuum. 7/2/7 is better the other 99% of the time because you don't need an absolute perfect run to make every corner.

cumming all over Yaya's face! yaya fusterdly cleaning the cum out of her fur!


Attached: gnorc.jpg (1200x675, 87K)

Do not post Norm masturbating.

I wish speed didn't have u-turning or at least had any disadvantage

No you retard, a class with high turning would literally lose time in any straight line.

>No you retard, a class with high turning would literally lose time in any straight line.
And win every other time.

>And win every other time.
How? they have the same speed and the other class can just u-turn and not lose any time while still being able to drift in a straight line.

It's platonic! A cute, innocent brother display of affection.

It's not like I posted an image of Big Norm sticking his giant sausage up Little's cute bum; the size difference allowing Big's cock to make bulges in Little's tummy! With Little Norm wanting to scream in euphoria as he orgasms, but since he's a mime all he can do is whistle as suggestively as he can!

Attached: Oxide Norm.png (500x377, 107K)

>"Perfect 7/7/7 is weaker than Speed I swear!"
Do your research first

Attached: 1560488529180.png (1280x1143, 325K)

>4th place gets a fucking blue shield
>lol 5th place tnt
What's Item balance? Item distribution? What's that? Huh? Beenox?

Fuck I heard it in his voice.

Gnigger we're talking about the remake.
In the original game U-turning made you lose reserves so it's obvious that high turning was a real advantage.

>waifufaggot is a shitter who never played the original
Not surprising desu

Attached: 1541228429417.png (621x605, 224K)

>because you don't need an absolute perfect run to make every corner.
user you are severely overestimating how hard it is to do u-turns
this is not some advanced frameperfect speedrunner tech
it's essentially just holding down on the d-pad for infinite perfect turns

Attached: 1564859891991.png (629x581, 24K)

>Calls me a shitter
>Doesn't know how cornering works

Look at the charts you mongoloid. It is faster on multiple tracks where u-turns AREN'T needed. You know why? Because u-turning only helps if you have reserves. 7/7/7 is building reserves in corners and doesn't need to powerslide in straights.

7/7/7/ is a better class.

Attached: 1k8643.jpg (720x400, 26K)

Try getting the WR in Crash Cove or Roo's Tubes with a Penta in the original game and you'll realize how retarded you really are you newfag shitter.

Attached: 1555208028580.png (1200x1195, 428K)

The ami diet
>tuna fish
>protein powder
>baked beans

Wizard Joe or Khan Joe? They're both so fucking kino

No Joe
Balance is the worst class in the game

I'm stating facts. Unless you nail your u-turns EVERY TIME without missing your chances to build reserves in straights (something 7/7/7 doesn't need to do because it builds reserves in hard corners just fine) perfect stats is the better class.

It's easier to use. It's more consistent. It's faster off the line and through corners. The records show that.

Speed class is better on VERY FEW tracks.

Are the Pit Stop items more reasonable in availabaility than the last Grand Prix, or is it just me? The packages seem cheaper and the characters were available indvidiually this time.

Please say someone saved those angry Ami posts.

The only infamous bundle last GP was Probulot and that's because MTX whinging idiots didn't realize hovercrafts are always valued as a premium vehicle. That's kinda why Oxide's comes with the premium edition of the fucking game

>Unless you nail your u-turns EVERY TIME without missing
Is this guy for real? u-turning is piss easy to do dude.
You REALLY need to git gud before talking about game balance, I'm serious here.

Attached: 1556807870665.jpg (650x650, 52K)

Those posts are lost now unless you can remember them on arch.b4k.co/v/

U-turning every time is easy. Hitting your apex every time is not.

Attached: 1544427287852.png (391x759, 131K)

>nail your u-turns EVERY TIME without missing your chances to build reserves in straights
user that is extremely easy please user I am worried for your health that you think that is even remotely difficult on any tracks at all

Do you people have no idea what a racing line is?

Do you have no idea why it would be easier to stay on it with quicker handling response?

Attached: 1560995987983.jpg (414x758, 42K)

why would you even need to hit a 100% maximum boost every time
you get way more than enough as long as you get like, SOME of them as technically perfect, reserves last fucking forever as it is and the winner isn't who has a larger stack of reserves at the end of a race

Freedom is the right of all sentient marsupials.

Attached: A9587099-6B08-4008-8111-E1179C7BF9A1.jpg (803x614, 159K)

Dang it, I should have took a screencapture. I'm sure that user is still here.

I hope you can remember them better than me. My memory is pure shit.

What are you talking about? It works on any track where blue fire is possible, as long as you obtain it at some point before the start of the second lap and maintain it for the rest of the race you're good. It's not fucking complicated.

No of course I haven't. I don't support this shit because I don't have a weak will made of bread sticks. I can understand degenerates doing this on occasion with games, but these MTX are so fucking expensive for what you get you'd have to be brain dead to actually give them money. Not only that, but the rate at which you earn coins in game is more than enough to never spend a penny. You are whats's wrong with the game industry. Leave and never come back.

You overestimate the skill level of players using Speed on average, and you overestimate u-turns as an equalizer between them and perfect handling.

I found one of the later ones. It's funnier seeing it build up overtime. I'll see if I can find the older ones. The one with Neo Cortex and the one with Polar had me dying.

The wizard part of the spyro track is the fucking worst

>Warp Orb coming for me in 1st
>2nd right behind me
>Oh I know, I'll let them be in 1st, so the Warp Orb will hit them, and I'll just reclaim 1st as they wipe out
>Hit the brake and let them pass
>Warp Orb is coming
>Suddenly it glitches out of bounds and disappears into the abyss

Attached: 1567233996009.gif (500x363, 757K)

>skater look
Skater look would be a legendary skin, not an unlock for winning races.

>she gets in
>her model isn't this cute
Not even a Yaya fag, but if she doesn't look like this why bother.

>Spyro lore
I suppose you play CTR for the plot as well?

i thought it's going to fuck me in the ass several times but so far, i've only gotten hit once and that was with a barrier

I'm a ninafag If they don't make her cuter i'll be annoyed

Attached: 66087150_116944589625063_8223288218230791510_n.jpg (1080x1350, 155K)

I want the to include Yaya as a sticker

Attached: 1553056292585.png (308x403, 12K)

What argument are you trying to make here?

You can easily get plat on some maps without even hitting all the boxes, getting all boxes only removes an extra 10 seconds to your final time, so if you're wasting time going slow to try and hit them all you're doing it wrong.

No they ain't they're versions of them from the alternate dimension in Twinsanity, which was basically a mirror version of the main world, hence why Cortex's alternate version was nice.

Good stuff. I do hope the Ami user comes back. The Trophy Girls GP had the best shitposts.

And that's a fanart, her original model was terrible.

Fan renditions are almost always cuter. But she is a literal who in the series, there's no reason she can't undergo a little redesign.

I'm saying that the cutscenes/story are not the main selling point of the game, for the most part they are just serviceable vehicles for the gameplay.


Attached: Liz6.png (274x325, 133K)

>Brake so the orb hits the guy behind me
>Get hit anyway

Attached: ARRaHHH!.png (572x401, 180K)

>”L-love I dont think it'll fit”

Attached: C041C9D6-E850-4CF6-8C3A-1C55B4DC819D.jpg (365x255, 28K)

>somehow notice that an orb is coming my way
>drive off the track to avoid getting hit because their hitbox is shit
>still gets hit
>doesn't even realise orb is coming up behind me
>make no attempt to avoid
>it just sails over my head
every time.

her original model was for a fucking iphone, what do you expect?

>lap chump who just hit an item, is still tumbling while I pass
>suddenly flattened, lose USF
>fucking WHAT
>full second later the lapped guy who flattened me flies by
>lose because the guy in second didn't get screwed over by bad netcode
great online Beenox, very good

How is content being handled in the gook version? They didn't get the bandicoochie GP at all

Hey, does anyone know how to redeem this code for the Switch version?

Attached: Six-Free-Trident-Crash-Team-Racing-Codes-To.jpg (300x400, 33K)

You redeem codes on the e-shop.

Maybe go to the damn website the promo says right in the damn picture you posted?

They were hilarious. I just spent some time searching for them. I think I found most of them here, maybe missing one or two. I thought I remember one with Neo Cortex where she tore into him and it ended with 'The trophy's mine...'.

Thank you
Was just a question. No need to be an ass about it.

Holy shit youre a god send. I can relive those GP memories if only for a little.

Attached: 4AB919BC-E802-4E5B-9AA0-9FF24BEFAE97.jpg (519x725, 62K)

It literally says "To redeem code" and they give the link.
>hurr how do I redeem code durr
Jesus Christ.

Just did it last night, ya gotta sign up for Activision's crap too and link your Nintendo account to it

Attached: Mini Team Racing.png (842x655, 20K)

no bullying in CTR threads!

Attached: 1526608938170.jpg (1400x1920, 381K)

Well excuse me, I didn't see a switch symbol when I was asked which console while I was making an activision account to redeem the damn thing. So I thought I would just ask to make sure that I was doing it properly.

>tfw got 143k coins this weekend
Feels fucking nice

Attached: 1552758640782.jpg (686x505, 108K)

Allow Mirror Mode races online Y/N?

Say, for every voting period there's a 10-20% chance a mirror mode track appears.

Hell yes

Hell no

I'd absolutely hate it but I'm down.
What about backwards races?

Hell maybe

Hell no

Don't see why not, it'd mix things up a little.

I trust Beenox when it comes to translating character designs into CTRNF. They've shown themselves to be much more dedicated to on-model consistency and maintaining cartoony aesthetic liberties than Vicarious Visions was with the N. Sane Trilogy.

Attached: NashNF.png (328x312, 140K)

>the amount of speedspeds and digitropys who will immediately quit the moment their muscle memory betrays them with the reversed track layouts that they don't have autistically memorized

I've always wanted a playlist for this and other oddities like TNT only and shields only. Maybe Super Turbos cheat activated on some earlier tracks.

Essentially Action Sack.

Hell yeah sure i guess.

Muscle and track memory fucks me up every time but i suppose it will fuck up the others too, so hell maybe

>GP track gets 1.2x multiplier throughout the course of the respective GP
>Battle Mode gets constant 1.2x multiplier and raised payouts in general across the board
>if Mirror Mode tracks ever go online playing on them gets 1.2x multiplier
>stacks with daily and weekend

I fixed online

I'm a canadian, I can't buy the stupid codes. where the fuck do I get the codes

It was switched in the cutting room floor. Crash, Coco, and Cortex were supposed to have their personalities reversed but it was changed to them being different characters later on in order to save time. This is why in the final release Evil Crash appears out of nowhere next to Cortex during the jump between dimensions.

Attached: concept3.png (833x387, 82K)

Cup races would be nice. Make a random playlist and not a preset one, rage quitters get a time out.

but if some asshat tryhard wins over 3 times in the row then there's no point in playing the 4th track is it?

Then end it early if it's that much of a problem smart ass

>rage quitters get a time out
But that system would be unfair to people who get randomly disconnected or have to quit because the lobby is frozen at the starting line.

how about reducing the score system rather than making the 4th game unwinnable?

>Unfair to disconnects
That's always been the case user. I thought the time out would be a problem when I posted it but if people leave one or two races in whats the point?

I'm okay with that, it doesn't have to be a 1:1 carry over.

This is why quit penalties are usually handed out after a lot more quits


Ask Activision

Boby Kotick went too far.

Literally just spam activision with PC request and specifically ask for them to release it earlier than usual, not 10 fucking months later which would result in a May 2020 release seriously how retarded is that?
If enough people complain they might just react.
It's almost as if they don't like money.

actually, i'm fine with more people quitting, less people to interfere with the item spam


they do like money, they know people will double dip to get the 60fps version, and they know they'll grind all over again, and if they don't want to grind, they'll have to buy plenty of wumpa shekels

>Deliberately increase the disparity of coin payouts between specific tracks even more than there already is
Boy I'm glad I'm not THAT retarded

who the fuck are these?

Kill yourself weeb trash

>who the fuck are these?
models the devs used from other scrapped projects or something for play testing. Skylanders Crash is in there too.

t. Bobby

Thunder Struck exploit. If you could do sub 15-seconds run consistently you'd win 100,800 coins in a single Wumpa Time. More realistically, you still get 30-40k coins in one weekend day wumpa time.

user I sincerely doubt that the Thunderstruck exploit will last until the PC release
that being said you probably could create some kind of complex TAS-esque grinding macro

I can't believe Pura is fucking dead

Is there anything I'm missing out on by waiting to purchase the game? Is there any time sensitive content? Some posts I've read are leaving me to believe that I'll have to wait to unlock certain skins.

Attached: 1566326490698.png (112x112, 11K)

Eh, I already bought everything and I'm still at 120k coins. My farming days are over, I just help anons without farm buddies get coins now.

Sure the stuff will cycle back in eventually but no one knows how long that will be
You'll be missing out on karts, characters, paint jobs, decals, stickers and wheels
You'll be able to play the gp tracks though

Damn. Personally I just want the characters from the first 2 or 3 games and Nina. Thanks for filling me in.

Attached: 1566327866532.png (128x116, 22K)

god fucking dammit

Attached: akl.png (668x165, 37K)

If there's two things I trust Beenox with, it's mechanic preservation and soul.

I don't trust them with anything else, but they got the important stuff right.

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Why is this allowed?

Attached: CrashNST_UnusedCrashModelRender.png (884x390, 155K)

Attached: 1EB8B8D0-5A70-4616-A3A5-295F49F05391.jpg (710x500, 78K)

the unused one looks bad too, they really should have just taken the original PSX model, and sorta
I dunno
drawn over it or something?
like just make the original but with a fresh coat of paint
honestly Beenox should be put in charge of art and animation for all Crash games going forward, they really get it in a way VV doesn't

>the unused one looks bad too
Bullshit, he at least has a face. I'm still fucking mad because the current one has downs.

Where are his features?

Attached: CrashTurnFull.jpg (1350x450, 77K)

during the October grand prix, all online races should be in mirror mode just to fuck with everyone

Just bought this bad boy today on sale, what have I missed? What are some race tracks to easily farm coins? Practicing power sliding?

>what have I missed?
Tawn, the trophy girls, two babies nobody gave a shit about, and a dinosaur


Ill make more. Sec

I dunno, I'd just rather they base it on his in-game model instead of concept art or the boxart renders
like his eyes look way too small in the art you posted, and his nose is too long
the Crash 2/3 model is incredibly expressions and absolutely perfect

Attached: 1558134012921.png (498x443, 79K)

>Actual cheeks, jaw, facial structure
>Cuffed up jeans, not board shorts
>better ears

Why the FUCK didn't they use that one?

Like 8 characters, 6 karts, a bunch of paint jobs, wheels, decals and stickers


Attached: 39gycy.jpg (591x422, 63K)

The final has better shoes and longer proportions but otherwise, I'm really not sure they did a good job at all.

Attached: CrashBandicootBabyT4a.jpg (550x700, 49K)

You've missed out on so many things already.

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Attached: Waifu Liz 6.jpg (164x206, 6K)

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