So is it worth $60?

So is it worth $60?

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definitely worth a pirate


It's still retailing for that much? holy shit, no it's not worth $60.

For me it was definitely worth it.
But "worth" varies from person to person.

I have a friend who works at activision and I got it for 20 bucks

It has no multiplayer. You can literally pirate it for free with nothing holding you back.

What time period are you In

it's one of the best action games of the past years and it's not an open world meme. yes it is worth the money.

For me, this product worths $60.

Not even worth 6$ lmao shit ass game

No single player game is worth $60

What a bizarre statement.

If you liked the previous Fromsoft games

the best souls game

It is, unless you are poor and think 60 is a lot.

>a genuinely fun and challenging game comes out
>btfos all the scrubs and normalfags
>Yea Forums hates it for no particular reason
you faggots are never happy are you?



wait for it to go on sale. It should soon. However i fucking love this game. If you're not hurting for cash, pick it up now.


Yes but buy it on PC since the frame rate is awful on consoles

well Christmas is around the corner and it will probably drop to 40$, if you can wait then wait OP but the game is worth 60$

>paying more than $10 months after release for any game
no you fucking retard

name another $60 you would rather buy and we'll tell you if it's better or worse

>spending money on video games

It's closer to Dark Souls 1 than any of the other Souls games. Pick it up for 30, the game isn't really fun after the first or second playthrough.

Remnant: From the Ashes is the other game I'm considering

Yes, has to most kino last boss of all FromSoftware games

No game is worth $60.


Absolutely worth it, best action game released this year.

Sekiro is short but you'll still get more hours of gameplay out of it than Remnant

Bold statement.

No videogame is worth more than 20 bucks, however that's a pretty good one.

How poor are you?

if it was ps4 exclusive? yes it's goty
is it multiplat? it's worth $25 at best, mediocre game 2bh

>spamming l1-R1 and firecrackers: the game

DS3 still retails for $84 on steam if you consider DLC essential, $60 just for the base game. Sekiro is worth it if you're a fromsoft fan I think the gameplay is much better than DS3 and there's way less tedium involved in Sekiro comparably.

For sure. It's a very solid game.

I like From games but I’m not really enjoying Sekiro.
I’m going to finish it because I’d hate to ragequit this one but I’m mostly finding it annoying to play.

Game with multiplayer should cost way less with all the greedy stuff like lootboxes, microtransaction, and all that zoomer stuff. Also these days singleplayer is just a way to prepare you to multyplayer.

A full, fledge singleplayer game with actual gameplay and replayability is worth 60$. Like DMC series, Max Payne, or stuff like that.

git gud

It's worth 337.50$
But you can get it for free on tpb

so stop using firecrackers idiot