Redpill me on this game, Yea Forums.
Is it good? How much would I enjoy it if I enjoy Megaman? I also played and finished Hollow Knight which was the first metroidvania I managed to beat so I’m looking for more.
Redpill me on this game, Yea Forums.
Is it good? How much would I enjoy it if I enjoy Megaman? I also played and finished Hollow Knight which was the first metroidvania I managed to beat so I’m looking for more.
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Your preferences are irrelevant. You will simply enjoy a quality made game.
It is an excellent game and is also free so just play it you retard.
Mate it's a free game and it only takes a couple hours if you blaze through it and you're expected to do more than one playthrough anyway to get different endings
It's not a metroidvania in any sense of the word unless you consider item/ability progression to be the only qualifier to meet. It's mostly linear with a tiny bit of exploration within but that doesn't detract from how solid the game is.
Also don't look up any spoilers until you've completed the game at least once. You only can do a blind first playthrough one time. Leave this thread right now and download the freeware release and fan translation patch
>Is it good?
>How much would I enjoy it if I enjoy Megaman?
Hard to say, it may be a "jump and shoot" game but it doesn't control very similarly to Megaman. Namely you can aim up and down and the level design and structure is not very similar.
I don't know if I would call CS a metroidvania exactly, it certainly won't feel like Hollow Knight, or Super Metroid/Castlevania for that matter.
>Cave Story is no longer a game that the majority of Yea Forums has played
It's a damn shame, game's so fucking good.
Also go buy Kero Blaster.
>there are anons right now who were born after Cave Story was released
It's fucking amazing and everyone with a minimum of skills in platformers/metroidvanias can enjoy it, even if it gets quite hard towards the end. Also I had a huge crush on the robot girl when I was a kid so I might be biased.
Just the fact that a single person made this entire game (in a time when indie games weren't so popular) and it's still regarded as a masterpiece should be enough to convince you.
>so I’m looking for more.
It has open level design, but it's not a Metroidvania. Granted back tracking can net you some powerful guns.
Also expect to beat it twice, once to get the normal ending and once again to get the good ending. You're not getting the good ending without a guide.
Truly frightful. I remember Cave Story being pretty consistently talked about here.
That's fine as long as they play and discuss games. I mean I miss when older games got more discussion but anyone can go back and play an older game excluding old MMOs and the like. I just miss when Yea Forums had even a little bit of discussion, it's insane how bad this board got.
Anyway, how is Kero blaster? Is it similar to Cave Story? Story focused? Hard levels and hard bosses?
freeware is the definitive version fuck all the other ones
I tried to play this multiple times, but once I get to Grasstown I stop playing everytime. It's so unbelievably boring. I hope it gets better because I hear nothing but good things about this game.
>Is it good
I think it is
>For someone that likes Megaman?
>Looking for more metroidvania
I don't think it can be considered an actual metroidvania, but if you like the genre I don't think you will dislike this.
how is the 3ds version? i'd like opinions from people who actually played it, I don't care about all the durr it's 3d so it must suck right guys
>how is Kero blaster? Is it similar to Cave Story? Story focused? Hard levels and hard bosses?
It's a completely linear, level based game. You get weapons and collect money to permanently upgrade your weapons. If you die you keep whatever money you have so the game sort of balances itself that way.
It has an unlockable hard mode that remixes the levels and bosses, it's a solid platformer that has the same sort of floaty platforming that Cave Story has.
>he never beat Balos
Truly shameful.
The good version: 3DS eShop, which adds widescreen (compared to the DSi version) and has the Nicalis "challenges" (boss rush, wind fortress, hell speedrun).
The bad version: 3DS retail remake with ugly 3D models.
>there are fans of video games who have not played cave story
its an amazing game with great storytelling and you will enjoy it
its very hard but fair, lots of challenging bosses that dont rely on rng or gimmicks to be hard. also it doesnt hold your hand and expects you to pay attention, take risks and explore to get everything you can get from it
you will 100% have fun
The Polar Star is a Gravitational Beam Emitter
Isn't that how the Spur looks?
I brought it in 2011. It really adds nothing to cave story plus, unless you really want to see the characters in 3D, which honestly idk why you would considering the charming spritework of CS+ is much better than those sterile low poly models from 3D. The backgrounds may be nicer (than the models) but still hardly better than 2d backgrounds, more over that sometimes 3D may actually hurt the gameplay as enemies that were backgrounds elements in CS (like the doors) aren't rendered properly and you might confuse them. I bought it i liked to support Daisuke. I think the music is great though.
Cave Story 3D is just Cave Story, so you can't go wrong with that. However, I find the models way too ugly and the game is dark as shit so it's tough to make things out
It's good, it's like a Metroidvania but a lot faster and more loose. The story is alright too.
I meant that elements in the backgrounds can harm your character in the foreground. Don't be confused, you can shoot them, it's not that they are actually in the BG, it's that they seem to be. The game plays exactly like a 2D game despite being 2.5D.
I'm a bit nitpicking here maybe though. It's more something to cite as criticism in a game design class that not to the game itself.
It's alright user, I agree. I could barely see some platforms in the game.
It's not much of a Metroidvania. It's pretty linear, though there are decision points which will change the story (don't look them up on your first playthrough).
And yeah, you'll enjoy it if you like mega man. It's just jumping and shooting, with solid enemy and level design.
Right, I forgot it's name changes to Spur when it gets completed. Polar Star just sounds more iconic.
cave story is one of these special games that have a special kind of charm
it's hard to hate this game, and it's not the nostalgia speaking, although i miss the times when indie games were simply called freeware and nobody wanted money for it
The game is only sort of Metroidvania, in the sense that it's a non-linear 2d run and gun platformer with a focus on exploration. However the way you progress through the world is pursuing the narrative, the paths don't become unlocked because you unlocked a new ability.
It's one of those games that's actually very good but amassed a sort of tumblr / undertale sort of fanbase, so keep yourself out of the threads before you start hating it.