Name a better looking level.
You literally can’t.
Name a better looking level.
You literally can’t.
Yeah this whole area was pretty breathtaking
this nigga took a picture of his TV
And you can go underwater!!
>pictures of your screen
>not taking pics of your screen
I think Dark Souls 3 looks better than this.
But they're both pretty forgettable, average games.
>taking pics of your screen
pretty chad move desu. no messing around with software. just bring out the phone
Nothing in any Soulsborne has ever come close to the pristine beauty of Sekiro
I love that you can see the rope giant dabbing in the background
Even the underwater areas are beautiful
>tfw you are one with the lightning
It’s so god damn pretty. Only prettier scene is the Sakura Dragon fight
Let us pray for the games that could not compete
The one that came before it, the hillside monk area.
on a PC to boot. now that's what I call chad
how are they average games
Mibu village? It’s nice but it’s no Fountainhead
What the fuck are this colors???
this is the shitposting I crave
Although the spooky nipponese atmosphere is top notch
I really need to go back to play and beat the Guardian Ape
Hahaha. He's taking pics of his television.
He’s easier than you think. Don’t let his size sike you out. He’s just a dumb ape and you can deflect him and punish him easily with flame vent+living force
Honourable mentions to Hirata Estate of course
This game absolutely has some of the most beautiful video game landscapes created. The verticality and nonlinearity of the world is also very impressive.
i wish they hadn't made this boss so painfully easy, because it was one of the sickest parts of the game, but it was just over so fast.
Probably my favorite looking area in a From game.
>pictures of screen while playing on PC.
I was surprised how good it looked on XboneX
Made me kinda pissed off how DS3 isnt enhanced on the OneX and looks/run like ass
Is that Kuros mom?
Learn to take screenshots retard.
Not Mibu, the monk area with fall leavrs everywhere way up high. Its gorgeous
Senpou Temple
It could potentially be Tomoe
Yes thank you. That shit was hands down my favorite area. Lots of bright colors and fall leaves, challenging stealth sections, and really started some of the bigger mysteries in the story for me upon discovering one of those worm filled corpses that wouldnt die.
Senpou was nice as well but I still think Fountainhead beats it
True. The monks chanting quietly were great ambience
No, Tomoe is definitely an okami. That girl is a human, most likely a bride for the dragon than the rope giant is supposed to be transporting. I assume that's how divine heirs are made.
Okami warriors weren’t always fish people
Can someone explain the rope giant to me? Like is there some weird jap or buddhist lore behind it like the headless who rip out your ass soul? Or is it just a weird visual choice?
Also the fountainhead, when the rope giant takes you there, it looks like he just lifts you to an otherwise accessible area within the real world. Does the palace exist in the real world, or did you shift between the heavens somewhere?
The ropes bundles are called “shimenawa”. They are often found hung up in front of shrines or wrapped around sacred stones as a way to ward off evil spirits and protect the enclosure. You can find examples in many places in Sekiro as well as in the real world.
The anus thing comes from the myth of the Kappa who would remove your “shirikodama” which was a mythical organ inside your anus that contained your soul.
As for whether the Palace is real or not, that’s up to interpretation. It could be Sekiro meditating and hallucinating or it could be a real place. After all the dragon spring must have a source and Emma has mentioned the spiral clouds above mountains where Genichiro used to train.
Example of Shimenawa. The rope guy is obviously some legendary version of it, protecting the most worthy temple of all.
The Fountainhead Palace is also a reference to the Dragon Palace found at the bottom of the ocean in the Urashima Taro folktale
I'm mostly just conjecturing this: The fountainhead palace is a real place where the sakura dragon took root. The dragon made the fountain waters somehow magical (rejuvenating waters), it turns the people who keep drinking it into immortal fishman. The palace was built around the tree where the dragon took root by the initial dragon worshipers who were driven out from the rest of Ashina in ancient times. The Mibu villagers made a pack with the okami, occasionally sacrificing a girl to the dragon.
He cute
Sunken Valley after beating Genichiro is the best looking level in Sekiro. Senpou Temple also looks better than Fountain Head Palace
It’s nice but I dunno. The Fountainhead’s music, colours, and ambience just have such a heavenly and perfect feeling to them. I think Sunken Valley and Senpou are also beautiful but more in an “earthier” way.
Divine Child is qt tho
so what's the deal with the nobles that suck out your soul? They're stealing my youth or what?
Yes. They’re addicted to youth and everlasting life. It’s a reference to how in Urashima Taro the fisherman turns into an old guy when he opens a magic box given to him by a princess (kinda like a Pandora’s box but with relativity)
I have a great memory of fighting the Snake Eyes mini boss on that cliff while snow particle were blowing away. There's also that set piece with the serpent and i love the background music. Favourite area in the game.
I found fountainhead pretty dull to be honest although there are some highlights. Fighting true corrupted monk on that bridge with all those bright red leaves was pretty kino and as was climbing up the mountain peak to reach the divine realm while lightning struck the ground around you.
I actually stopped when I got to that place.
Not because of difficulty or anything, just because I got kinda tired of the game.
I didnt even dislike it.
I should finish it.
a punishing boss that BIG would probably be too traumatizing for players
not that late in the game. come on now we aren't toddlers.
>the virgin print screen
I was pretty impressed at the top of the hill, but it feeling so video game linear pretty much as soon as you make it to the bottom kind of took away from it. Still probably the best area in the game, some obnoxious enemies aside.
Now this is autism posting.
The part with the bridge and the snake is pretty spooky and also a bitch at times.
Divine Dragon can be tough because of how RNG it is. The lightning can not only instakill you randomly, but you could also get swiped in midair by the Dragons sword and it’s extra annoying if you’re electrified because you won’t be able to recover from the hit until you touch the ground which means you’re fucked. I think From made the dragon a lot harder in v1.04 because it always frustrates me and finds a way to get cheap kills on me in subsequent playthroughs
Weird. I played through the game twice and I first tried the dragon both times, I thought it was super easy. I guess everyone else just sucks and I'm a god at videogames.
sure but now imagine owl (father) grew to the size of the divine dragon and just pinned you against a fucking wall and did a firecracker sweep. I'd have nightmares for a month and never play the game again