ITT: games you're not smart enough to play
ITT: games you're not smart enough to play
Why do I feel like I'm looking at a BIOS?
Probably the monospace font, otherwise this looks nothing like a BIOS.
imagine being this retarded. A BIOS nowadays has colored interfaces
why would you want to play this
why not just launch IDA Pro and crack games instead
The constraints of the "system architecture" and instruction set actually make this an enjoyable puzzle game.
what the fuck man
I thought i'd finally download this game and give it a try since I like puzzle games
I'm stuck on the second goddamn level already
I'm not having a bad time at all, I'm just surprised
>TIS-100 thread
Fucking based
When this happened I nearly shit my pants
>playing "programming" game instead of just programming
What's the target audience here?
It's a puzzle game
People who hate office politics and long winded meetings, and just want to problem solve.
the programming is extremely limited and fun is making a working program with the small amount of tools available. It also uses an interesting architecture that feels satisfying when completed. Ultimately its more of a puzzle game than programming game
oh I finally managed to beat it
this game is super cool but man this is gonna take me a while to beat
I felt like this too, but if you try hard you actually understand the game.
Studying for a game is cool
At some point you realize that you're literally working as opposed to playing, and then no amount of IQ points will ever make that game (and all other by the same devs) not boring again.
This is how I felt about Persona 3. I was literally going to school then pretended to be friends with people I don't give a fuck about just to improve my fusions.
that puzzle might've been the last one I solved. I remember having a really hard time with it for some reason
This puzzle was felt way harder than it should have been