ITT: underrated engines
ITT: underrated engines
How is it underrated? It's been running so many mods and valve games since forever.
I ran a Garry's Mod server and this engine is overrated if anything. Minecraft has more capabilities than this garbage. It was a great tech demo for physics when it released but other than that it's okay. Useless now, especially with Unity.
>Developed since 2011
>supposed to be as revolutionary as source was
>supposed to be released to the public for free
>only used for fucking dota
gg volvo
I think they want to release a game that was built in Source 2 from the ground up first, before making it available to the public.
It's very limited. It can only work for corridor shooters and other games that require similar small maps. It shits itself completely on anything bigger
more like adequately rated garbage. there is a reason no one except for Valve is using this shitheap.
It's a fucking VR engine right now, no one cares
Name one thing Source can do besides physics block stacking puzzles and sounding like a sound card crash if any audio is playing between level loads
as I said, fucking dota.
The Lab also uses it but it's a VR game.
>supposed to be as revolutionary as source was
When HL1 came out it already looked like outdated garbage and was technologically inferior in every way compared to Unreal 1 - which came out in the same year BEFORE HL1
When HL2 came out it already looked like outdated garbage and was technologically inferior in every way compared to Far Cry 1 - which came out in the same year BEFORE HL2
Source was always dick cheese with turd sprinkles on top.
Outdated garbage
the facial animations are pretty nice
Fox Engine
It's an optimization dream buried under the disppointing game it debuted on, and it's current day abandonment
actually handles online better than other engines if your game is a FPS
you start
HL1 didn't run off source?
It runs well but jesus fuck have you ever tried to make anything in it
nothing works and level building is hell
this holy fuck
This. When HL1 first released it wasn't on Source. They did rerelease it eventually with the Source engine though, ragdolls and everything.
What engine is Death Stranding on?
Decima Engine? The one in HZD.
The engine from horizon zero dawn
Decima engine or something
Yes this, all source games feel great to play online.
I wonder how close Death Strandings modified decima engine is to the Fox engine.
Player movement, input and aiming is still the best in the industry due to its Quake origins. No other engine feels as good to move and shoot in as id Tech 2 and its descendants.
Provided you're actually retarded and it's not bait, when you'd be doubly retarded, hl1 didn't run on source you dip and far cry looked and still looks like garbage
Based /n/
far cry had pretty scenery but the characters/enemies were nowhere near hl2's league
Titanfall 2 was made in the source engine
>tiny maps with lots of high up buildings to cull 90% of shit
>bad Graphics and Effects
Looks like a PS2 game, Farcryfags are pathetic
Only Robot Repair, the rest is Unity
>I think they want to release a game
Fun fact, one of the lead guys that made Decima Engine is also in charge of new Modern Warfare engine.
>valve isn't working on HL3 in VR
if that '''''''''''''''''insider info''''''''''''''' from yesterday is to be believed, it'll be about the cut portal 2, f-stop which makes a lot of sense because
1, valve doesn't want to touch half life ever again because fans get mad
2, the lab and moondust were both portal themed and vr tech demos, like this FLAGSHIP GAME will apparently be
3, it has some kind of camera mechanic which since you'll be first person-ing it through vr is really fitting thematically to pass up
If you actually believe valve are going to do anything HL related with VR you're literally delusional
MT Framework. Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5 and 6, despite what you think of those games they all looked and ran great on consoles and PC. It was even used for Monster Hunter World and I wish Capcom used it over RE Engine.
MT Framework was made for extended and improved linear PS2-like games.
Large parts of the engine had to be rewritten for Dragon's Dogma for the sake of open world, which is why it runs so poorly on consoles, which expands to Monster Hunter World on current hardware, both console and PC.
Also 3DS Monster Hunter games were on MT Framework.
Rip it was supposed to be L4D3 too