>Game hasn't even been out a week
>Already on sale for nearly 50% off
How badly did it flop?
Game hasn't even been out a week
It's all right, he already paid for it
It's 100% off on PC
Cyberpunk 2077 is 25% off before its even out
Lmao owned
It's called the "Epic Games Store Exclusive" sale
Thanks Tim!
all egs gamekeys are heavily discounted on any keysite
no one wants to buy that shit
based creepy wanker
>Epic exclusive
The only game that profits from Epic is Fortnite.
game is really good tho
basically SCP made by a team of professional
Ps4 owners don't buy games, not surprising
>Control is €59.99 on EGS
It's a 29.99 title at best unless you need something to justify your RTX ON purchase.
it's a 6/10 at best
I guess Sony is not gonna buy Remedy then
thank lad
Literally never heard of this game in my life
So what's the gameplay like? It looks like Max Payne meets that edgy star wars series
>So what's the gameplay like?
Throw stuff at enemy until you're out of energy. Shoot enemy while your energy recharges. Throw stuff at the enemy while your weapon recharges. Repeat until there's no more red on the screen.
It plays okay but feels pretty meh overall and repetitive. Telekinesis is super effective, I haven't really felt the need to use any of the other powers aside from levitation.
Hey hey. Sometimes you also bring up a shield when you're reloading and sometimes lazily float around while doing all of that.
Christ I'm still baffled by their decision to give you only one gun.
>Christ I'm still baffled by their decision to give you only one gun.
Am I doing something wrong or can you really only equip two weapon modes at a time?
That's a shame. I was hoping it would be quality max paynelike gunplay vs weird monsters with some telekinesis thrown in to mix things up
Fucking nuRemedy.
Yes, it is baffling.
It doesn't play like Max Payne at all (1 and 2, haven't played 3), unfortunately. Gunplay feels like Gears of War without the cover system or chainsaw kills, if that makes sense.
Yeah I get you
Seeing Remedy and protag with gun I'm always hoping to be taken back to MP 1 and 2 days but it'll just never happen