Snoy and Squeenix does it again
FF8 Remaster Censored
Guess who won again, bay bay
I don't know. Censorship?
Cali really has those Japs by the balls.
RESETERA, BAY BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is fucking embarrassing
It's a multiplat though you rertard. What does sony have to do with anything?
>cleavage is problematic for sony
Why are they so gay?
Nintendo kiddies constantly try to divert from the fact that ResetEra owns them just as much as Snoy
corporate fascism?
Rinoa's top is absurd, that's barely a cleavage line by modern standards. I can't really blame them for Siren though, how that even got past the ESRB the first time around as a T rating I've got no fucking clue.
No one wanted to see sirens stinky fanny anyway!
Is this the case in the other versions as well or is this just for the PS4 release?
Honestly, I remember playing FFVIII back in the late 90s (it was my first FF, which is pretty disgraceful, but whatever) and I always thought Siren and Shiva could use more clothes. It was really plain silly how little they wore.
As far as Rinoa is concerned, she was so low-poly that I remember having debates with my friends on whether she was meant to be Asian or not. The lower cut top looks better in low-poly, but once you start ramping up the detail she would look like a red-light district whore with a top cut that low.
That said, they could simply added some more cloth to siren, like a bikini bottom. The feathers look retarded and I can understand how it pretty much comes off as censorship. They went too far. I hear Shiva is still the same though I haven't seen any pictures. Rinoa is garbage anyway so I don't give a fuck. Raine is a best girl, and her written relationship story with Laguna is 10x better romance than Rinoa and Squall's.
The PC version isn't out for another week.
>that's barely a cleavage line by modern standards.
Rinoa doesn't have cleavage, though. She has small breasts, and the higher neckline goes better with small breasts. If it were any lower, it would just look stupid. She is dressed for the body that she has.
>must be snoy
Holy fuck shut the fuck up
Guys, it's not a Playstation exclusive, you don't need to shitpost
Sony is one of the big 3. If they want censorship, they will go to the devs/pub and tell them to change it, and the devs/pub will do it and push it to all versions. Sony has that much pull.
You know, it just occurred to me ... did Rinoa always have a necklace on her model? Or did that only appear after she ... uh, obtained that 'necklace' (spoiler free).
Yea Forums pushed the commiefornia meme so hard that if all versions are changed then it must still be sonys fault and their favorite publisher/dev therefore gets a free pass
and here we go. No need to critisize publishers anymore because snoy can be the scapegoat.
DMC5 wasn't a Playstation exclusive either.
Exactly so whats your fucking point?
siren looks like she's lost a few pounds too.
it's an American company based in California now.
>I always thought Siren and Shiva could use more clothes. It was really plain silly how little they wore.
Why would divine invocation care about clothes?
dumb mutt
I don't like that SJWs are taking over, but I've been saying this'll happen and have been pointing to the signs for years. I mean, just knowing that the censorship of "obscene" material came about over a century ago because they wanted to look good to their western gods really tells you all that you need to know.
We live in the censorship era - we are returning to whence video games came. For gens 1-4 gaming endured unbridled censorship with only a few fighting against it. When Sony initially came they looked to be the hero, not confining the people who released games on their system to ridiculous arbitrary censorship codes, and unlike before where only a few like under the radar games, Night Trap, MK and Doom got away with wanton violence and sex - games got rather raunchy in general through the PS1-3 era. But now gaming is collapsing again and sensibilities have shifted. Now people look on a partially exposed midriff with disdain and despair - as objectification and exploitation. And they have influenced people right up to the highest executives in the industry
based schizo
DMC5 was censored only on playstation. Hence why people want to know about the non-playstation versions.
>and I always thought Siren and Shiva could use more clothes
Why would some non-human beings care about clothing? Or human prudishness?
The retarded lens flair is the reason I'm not buying a PS5. It's got a mature rating for a reason who are they protecting by censoring it?
Final Fantasy is a franchise for Playstation first and foremost.
Yeah, Sony's the exact opposite of what they were 20 years ago. Here's hoping we have another shift again within our lifetimes. Probably will, human history constantly repeats itself.
>dey covered up da big booby lady's cleavage!!!! CENSORSHIP!!!!!
fuck off
Whoever "won", you lost.
Funny how one can make any position seem dumb enough by simply altering the spelling and grammar or boiling it down to simple ideas
>game is on every platform
What type of autism is this?
People must be assuming that it was pre-censored in development so that they wouldn't have to waste time and money censoring it later once Sony told them it's too lewd, which could very easily be the case. Could be something else too, we'll never know.
I'm really not sure Rinoa is censored. Is that censoring or is that a texture thing?
>Honestly, I remember playing FFVIII in the 90's after church and even then I thought Siren and Shiva could use more clothes. I had to recite my rosaries every time they were on screen.
Fuck you American
>I don't like that SJWs are taking over, but I've been saying this'll happen and have been pointing to the signs for years.
Same, what's sad is that we were called "Crazy conspiracy theorists" for telling people that this would happen. That even old games that had long since come out would start getting the offended American treatment.
Fucking no one believed us, and no one believed that tie-dye haired keyboard warriors had the kind of reach to make Square heel.
>Dev censored a game released almost twenty years ago to appeal to the "modern day" puritan retards who constantly whine and cry about everything remotely sexual, even worse than the religious nuts who were their parents
Fuck off a cliff.
>who are they protecting by censoring it
themselves from #metoo, don'tcha know
That Siren model is totally unnecessary
This is what happens when you let women and cucks in the industry.
I agree, it's unnecessary that they changed it. It was in a twenty year old game that had already been on the market and through every Christian wringer of the 90's. Are twitter SJWs worse than Christians when it comes to seeing some thighs?
But that aside, I'm still not sure Rinoa is censored.
The Rinoa is fine, but changing the models in the 'remaster' is just pointless, like you said it's already released. By changing it they've just brought more attention to it when nobody would even be bothered.
friendly reminder Yea Forums tells people to play the GBA version of FF6 over any other release despite it being the most censored in all regions.
nobody cared about CERO meddling then and still do nothing about it now.
nintendo censored the game, so now the nintendofags have to deflect.
no, it was on all platforms and was quickly patched out. that debacle was 100% capcom's fault.
In reality, they probably changed it to get a lower CERO rating in Japan and we're just paying for it. Though I have in no way checked what the CERO rating is
>themselves from #metoo, don'tcha know
Imagine if women who trumped up false charges were actually punished for it when they didn't show up on court day.
Well, in FF VI's case, the SNES localization was so bad that the GBA version was worth it for a proper localization even if it did have more censorship. It sucks, but there's no perfect version if you can't read Japanese.
What do these idiots have against big boobies? Girls love big boobies.
Sony is the only company really pushing for this type shit right now. I don't know why people seem to think it's crazy to assume it was their fault. And if your argument is "why wasn't it uncensored on other platforms", it's because it's easier to maintain parity than it is to make a different product for each platform.
Same reason that the FF7 and FF9 releases on modern platforms are the fucking mobile versions.
>it was on all platforms and was quickly patched out
It was only on Playstation and it was only patched out of the European versions.
No it was literally in the PC and xbox version and was then patched out of those two, don't try and rewrite history.
Catherine Full Body. Fuck you, fuck falseflaggers, and fuck the western boogeyman meme.
There's also the KLK game, but it's owned by Aniplex, which is owned by Sony Music, which makes twice what the Playstation division does and is higher up the corporate hierarchy, so it makes sense that KLK was untouched. Not so sure about Catherine.
Corporate overlords?
Is that her pubis online the left side? Really daring even for today.
>Shiva could use more clothes
Are you out of your goddamn mind?
I already own the original thrice, not going to pay for a butchered remaster.
>and I always thought Siren and Shiva could use more clothes
Literaly homo
>It was really plain silly how little they wore
Clothes don't work well underwater and are straight up useless when you're the fucking incarnation of the concept of cold.
Why is Adam Cole always stuck to your shitty meme
It was only with Lady's cutscene. Trish was uncensored in all but the PS4 version supposedly SUPPOSEDLY due to Capcom.
>FF8 is on all platforms
>Its somehow Sony's fault
I mean hate Sony's censorship BS but they literally didn't do anything this time. Thats all Square Enix
>Mana game is coming out with incredibly lewd designs
>Most likely will not be censored
>FF gets censored, though
I am so confused by your direction, Square.
Read Not saying it's true, but it's certainly a possibility. Game companies don't really like having multiple versions these days, though you'll still see it from time to time. I think it just depends on how much the company cares.
Isn't that just her wings closing on the next part of the animation?
Incredibly lewd? I haven't seen anything "incredibly" lewd from it unless you count leotards as incredibly lewd.
I don't know why we aren't allowed to make fun of kumbrains.
I'm surprised they got away with the pubes the first time.
I wonder if they did anything with shiva and ifrit too
its not that bad since the current ff is too fucking otaku pandering. popular series will pander to americunts and their sjws but on the other hand se will keep selling games with lewd contents only in japan.
mainstream = sterile
Magus and Fenrir Knight outfits will make or break the game for me.
In the worst case, I'll pirate it and I'm saying that as someone who hasn't pirated a game in 15 years. Yes, I even buy my eroge
Why did they make Rinoa look more l like Yuna?
I don't know why people who are probably my age or older can't understand that not everyone is mad specifically because something sexy is censored, but they either:
- Don't like that something is being changed for no real reason, or
- Are afraid to give them an inch because the people pushing this stuff WILL take a mile and then some. It's the "They came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me" thing.
How are leotards not considered lewd, what
because they're the same retarded incels obsessed with "MUH SJW" and terrified their cartoon child porn will be taken from them
shiva and by some miracle, selphie's panty shots are intact, even though they were black holed in kingdom hearts HD many years back.
Damn, I hope I can still see Selphie's panstu
If it's a all platform change then it seems more like ESRB issues.
Where my FFX bros at? Yfw we got a remaster before NuS.oyny took over
But Siren is not a child, quite the opposite actually.
As for the SJW, they do that to themselves pretty well, just look at Alec.
I'm not saying they aren't, I just expected something more when you said "incredibly" lewd.
I can smell this thread
Why would they do anything to Ifrit? Ifrit looks like a male, and male bodies are okay.
I guess if theres no dick then the hair doesn't mean as much
Ah, my bad, didn't intend the exaggeration.
Hang yourself from a concrete ceiling, like Epstein did.
no one "of your age" should give a shit because videogames have 0 artistic quality of any kind and even the "respected" ones like MGS or planescape are on the level of anime or YA fantasy novels.
I don't give a shit about artistic quality and neither should you. What I do give a shit about is pointless changes. I unfortunately translate games and manga for a living, I have to fight pointless changes all the time.
if you don't give a shit about artistic quality then you wouldn't give a shit about any changes
>I unfortunately translate games and manga for a living
oh so you're a complete embarrassment to your family name already
>I unfortunately translate games and manga for a living, I have to fight pointless changes all the time.
Doing God's work user, do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
>if you don't give a shit about artistic quality then you wouldn't give a shit about any changes
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
>if you don't give a shit about artistic quality then you wouldn't give a shit about any changes
What? I don't care about artistic vision, but that doesn't mean I have to like every change to the original Star Wars trilogy.
if it's meaningless, then what the fuck is the point of having the changes in the first place?
I'm scared bros...
oh no no no no
>oh so you're a complete embarrassment to your family name already
Haha, you've never learned an "exotic" language, have you? That shit just thrills parents. They think translation is actual magic.
>nonsensical position in an attempt at "mirroring"
>ad hom
sounds about right for people who approve of this shit
Definitely. A woman took over at a place I work recently and though I hated the guy who ran it before, it's even worse with her in the driver's seat.
>this has 0 artistic integrity
>but its also being CENSORED
God you're retarded, no wonder you're a weeb.
Because they wanted to and they can because they own it, the star wars example was actually just proving this and it has nothing to do with muh slippery slope, muh artists vision
They patched that out, its identical to the other platforms now
>Because they wanted to and they can because they own it
i accept your concession
user, you know some people just hate change. Nothing to do with artistic vision, stop with that angle. I like that you ignored the Star Wars example, you couldn't work censorship into that one, except maybe for Greedo shooting first.
>Oh you finally decided to step down and let your son take over the business huh?
>Well that's nice but my son translates foreign cartoons for 10 year olds
Eh, the Rinoa one is just making "fashion sense" in a way, the shirt WOULD be a little higher than it was in PSX.
The Siren one is a little weird, but I actually don't mind them giving her the skirt over that shitty "lol let's just cover the vag" shit. Would probably be better if they just gave it a G-string, but nope too much work.
My father's business is at a military complex that he just can't hand down. But I'm not particularly fond of my family, so even if they were actually embarrassed instead of being proud, I wouldn't care anyway. Keep trying though.
Change isn't censorship you retard that's the entire point.
I didn't ignore the star wars example I literally said it proved me right, they changed things, they didn't censor anything because censorship and change are two separate things. Now maybe read the original post I responded to to understand why I'm making fun of this fucking retard screaming about "muh slippery slope this is censorship!"
>my life path took me to translating nip nip bing bong bang bang mucchi mucchi
>I hate my family
you don't say
I meant you ignored it in that you claimed it as supporting your stance out of the blue instead of actually tackling the point of the post.
>of this fucking retard screaming about "muh slippery slope this is censorship!"
Only one screaming here is you. Slippery slopes do exist and we've been sliding down one for years with everyone kowtowing to bored people who complain about everything, pretending they're righting wrongs of the world.
We literally saw two of them last year.
You're just butthurt because Playstation was responsible for one of them.
I don't like fanservice, actually. I can tolerate occasional fanservice, but it's not my thing. I don't even like all of what I translate, but I at least try to do a decent job.
I love some of my family, just not all of them. Want to know more? I can keep going, I've got nothing to do today.
>Change isn't censorship you retard that's the entire point.
Look at the nature of what is changed and say that with a straight face, you fucking fanboy.
>slippery slopes are real trust me just look at all the censorship in games now like....uh....a few characters not wearing bikini armor anymore.
please think of the magnificent artistic achievement of mortal kombat if it wasn't for the slippery slope
some underage cartoon girls tits?
Yeah, let's just ignore places like Canada where you can get sued over misgendering someone.
Why do censorship apologists act like they're defending the honor of these companies? Why do fanboys of that caliber even exist? Why do censorship apologists exist? I can understand being irritated by the people who complain about censorship constantly where it's not always true, but to actually defend? I just don't get it, man.
Well it's easy to ignore something that isn't real.
they worship them
have you seen how cult-like consolewarfags are?
>Why do censorship apologists act like they're defending the honor of these companies?
Because they are in their minds, despite said companies only caring about money.
And don't get me wrong, while snoy is a very likely culprit, S-E is just as bad, same for their respective fanbases.
Yeah. For a long time I thought consolewar fags were just kids, and I can understand them fighting over which corporation is better, but then I realized that people in their 20s and probably even 30s are doing it.
Adults should be doing something respected like translating Japanese cartoons
Man, you are really upset, aren't you?
I'd say it's a matter of context.
It's why not as many people give Smash Ultimate shit for censoring Mythra's design versus people shitting on Sony in general for it.
The former was because Sakurai wanted an AA rating for Smash and CERO are prudes, so Sakurai had to play ball to get the AA rating. It also helps that Mythra's altered outfit looks aesthically pleasing (so much so that they made it DLC in the XB2 Torna expansion).
The latter is because of feminists making their way into Sony as well them only targeting niche fanservice games while leaving nearly everything else alone (DMC5 is an exception but that's only in Europe, for some reason).
In this particular case, I don't think they needed to censor it as doing so has drawn attention to it.
Is this the ethical department?
They rank higher than people paid to cover up titties in old games.
How's it look on the Switch?
>in FF VI's case, the SNES localization was so bad
You were born too late to play the snes version in its historical context, werent you?
>first impression
appreciate the graphics upgrade
oh look censorship
fuck this game
I'm 30, and I've played it in the 90s. And several times since. And the GBA version and Japanese SFC version multiple times. I know why it was bad. Ted Woolsey had an uphill battle. Took around a week to even get something set up so he could test the game and he only had about a month to translate it. His first script was 300-400% too big. He tried again and still too big. So he junked his script and re-translated the whole game by watching a scene and translating from memory. Plus there's the fact that translating out of context never helps anyone, and they didn't really have teams to help catch continuity errors back then. Yes, it was an uphill battle and I absolutely understand why it was so bad. But context only helps in regards to that, it doesn't make it not bad, so I still wouldn't recommend it if you wanted an accurate localization.
First one isn't censored as far as I can tell as much as it's just a slightly different design to make it look not shit
Second one is understandable since that just looks like a nude woman's hairy crotch which is gross as fuck
>nude woman's hairy crotch which is gross as fuck
>TFW you suddenly remember being 15
Women shave in the civilized world, Mohammad.
You are blinded by slavish desire to an accurate translation and continuity instead then it seems. When one just wings it and translates from memory, given the right individual, the creativity and desire for impact lines can flow, leaving a better product than an original written through exact calculation could ever come hope to be.
>You are blinded by slavish desire to an accurate translation and continuity
Well, I like accuracy, but I don't mind things that are liberal when it makes sense. You posted a good example, that line is pretty dry in Japanese. I'm not saying that I don't like parts of Woolsey's script, just that it's horribly inaccurate. And I'm not talking just little things either, there's a lot of fundamental fuck ups. You can like it all you like, but there's no reason to get mad when someone says it's not accurate. FF VII's localization is terrible in places too, but I still respect it and think it has a lot of character. Not sure why almost no one on Yea Forums understands that people can like what's flawed and admit that it's terribly flawed and not get mad when someone else says it's flawed.
I hope PC players mod the game to give Siren a magnum dong and Rinoa bit tiddies.
bro you don't understand, the epic masterpiece of literature that was the ff6 script is being lost. this is a crime almost as vile as when "hello there adventurer" was changed to a Bill Clinton joke.
Can we find whoever is on the PlayStation "ethics" comity and have a fucking word? The entire world isn't like California Japan! In fact the rest of the country despises that state. Children wont have a moral crisis if they learn about pubic hair or boobs.
Fuck I'm tired of this shit.
Useful Mentally challenged idiots at birth controlled by the Merchants guild?
You didn't just say it was inaccurate though, you said it was bad. I'd consider it inaccurate and good.
keep swearing, bay bay. this is our industry and you're just a part of it. run back to your gachas.
Vote for Bernie then next time.
Dumb faggot
The more you underage autists keep making these troll posts, the closer you will lose your shit once it hits you.
its pure delusion, though you will die before the age of 30 due to crippling depression.
>making slight changes
If you don't know what the original script was like, yeah it'll seem good. For the most part, even people who can't read Nip can catch that fuck up Arvis makes when he says that Imperial troops are after Terra when it was actually the empire. The bigger fuck ups like Ramuh saying that some Espers take the shape of humans and live in the human world or that Locke's grandmother or whoever it was telling him about "Magitek" when he was a kid might fly over your head if you don't know the actual lines. Much like Tifa calling Barret retarded in FF VII. It's not accurate, but it's funny, so you can enjoy it whether it's accurate or not. You are allowed to enjoy things that are inaccurate, it's just that not everyone is like that. You've got to find ways to cope with that, just like people who don't like inaccuracy have to find ways to cope with bad localizers.
>Trashing Ted Woolsey
Sometimes the plebeians from SA and Reddit have something in common.
It was fine peace of work that lost almost zero context, you're a retard if you could understand Locke's angst and his relationship with Celes.
It's worse than you think, fellow gamer! The SJWs have discovered time travel and now they're censoring games from the past!
>Trashing Ted Woolsey
Might want to work on those reading skills, chum.
Holy fucking based. ResetEra truly is almighty.
I don't care if there was friendly fire, Behead those who insult Ted.
Oh nooo whatever will we do, what an injustice.
>If you don't know what the original script was like, yeah it'll seem good.
The problem is you're still precluding the idea that someone thinks its good out of anything but ignorance. I've read
I still prefer the SNES version continuity errors and all
Is the PC version even censored?
Seems like Snoy is acting retarded again
oh no I cant see a pixelated vagina outlined by something skimpy anymore that never looked good in the first place
kys incels
The series on Legends of Localization is far nicer than that one.
>The problem is you're still precluding the idea that someone thinks its good out of anything but ignorance.
No. That particular line makes it sound that way, but then I went out of my way to explain that it's possible to like something that you know is flawed, but you just ignored that. Gave a couple FF VII examples to illustrate the point and it still passed you by.
Theres no reason why theyd bother to change it for 1 platform and not just change it for all. It's cheaper to just do it once for all platforms.
And he will be elected again... because of (You)
FF has been targeting towards women since X. SE stated multiple times that Women are majority of final fantasy player and fanbase
At least Siren one we all knew there was no way they would leave the "golden bush" intact
Legends of Localization picks out lines to make their points rather than comparing all the lines like kwhazit.
The fact that you're saying I like it despite the fact I "know it's flawed" but not characterizing the GBA script in the same way for being inferior on the level of high impact lines, is contrary to your belief that you're characterizing my position accurately. You're not. I consider the GBA script to be more flawed because it doesn't have as many lines I like, that's why I prefer the SNES script.
Literally every script ever made is flawed, so liking something despite its flaws is a given for anyone.
>Rule over the vidya industry for a decade straight
>Get the ultimate zionist agent elected twice
They never stop fucking winning, bay bay
Huh. She lost the beauty mark.
Its just smaller.
Oh no, is that mole censorship bros?
How is the right HD? The left is HD, the right is blurrymess
They are being racist to Japan. Japanese devs need to sue the fuck out of Sony.
That right is the remastered version. Same here.
Is there any reason why its so blurry in the Lulu pic? Bad capture or shit encode on youtube or something?
>Legends of Localization picks out lines to make their points rather than comparing all the lines like kwhazit.
Well yeah, he goes after interesting lines. Not always ones that "prove his point" or anything. He's less autistic about localizations than even I am. He did go over about every line for a while in his FF IV one though, I think that's why he never finished it.
>The fact that you're saying I like it despite the fact I "know it's flawed" but not characterizing the GBA script in the same way for being inferior on the level of high impact lines, is contrary to your belief that you're characterizing my position accurately.
You've got problems understanding things, man. I don't know how I can say "You can like whatever you like, even if you know it's poorly/inaccurately translated".
>Literally every script ever made is flawed, so liking something despite its flaws is a given for anyone.
Well yeah, but people on Yea Forums tend to get super butthurt when you point out that there are flaws in things they like, which has already happened multiple times in this thread, so I often have to reassure people that it doesn't mean that they're less of a man for knowingly liking something flawed.
It's smaller and that was PS3, this is PS4/PC. Still looks worse but you can see the mole.
it's censored on every platform
this is on se
bitrate I guess
i won't touch another sony platform with a stick
i'm done with this shitty cancerous company
>Legends of Localization picks out lines to make their points rather than comparing all the lines like kwhazit.
You do realize that he's pointed out plenty of times where the localization of whatever game he's looking at shines, right?
If you were a capitalist who wants to minimize costs and maximize profits making assets for a game on 4 different platforms and one of the platform owners said "hey censor that Siren vag on our platform, we don't want that shit here" do you:
A. Rremaster the game with 2 different sets of assets for the model, 1 for the platforms who did not yet or will not complain about the Siren crotch and another for the one where the platform owner did
B. Make one set of remaster assets and just censor it on everything
That's only their Interactive division
>I don't know how I can say "You can like whatever you like, even if you know it's poorly/inaccurately translated".
You take out the 'poorly' part ;)
Yes, like Submariner. However, his method isnt an accurate model of the full script as its picking specific lines.
To hell with bullshit remasters, just emulate the originals.
Gamers, we have to rise up.
The original can also be bought on steam... for now.
But for how long? I wonder...
I agree, Shiva totally needs a wool sweater
C. Add a lensflare on the platform affected
Looks like shit
Well I don't care what you think, MIStranslation is poor translation, whether you like it or not.
Why would I bother emulating a game I've owned for 20 years?
Why would they care if nerds on the internet want them to wear less
It IS racism. Western devs can have nudity but japs can't
>I mean, just knowing that the censorship of "obscene" material came about over a century ago because they wanted to look good to their western gods
To be fair, that was a bit different because there was literally an American warship docked in their harbor that said Japan would get obliterated if they didn't comply.
The problem is...all those fucking settings. I hate pretty much every ps1 emu for either not just doing the games right with no config needed (epsxe, psxr), or not upscaling textures on the emus where there is no config (mednafen)
HD uprezzing
Then that is why you fail at your attempted "peacemaking" despite attempts like "so I often have to reassure people that it doesn't mean that they're less of a man for knowingly liking something flawed." - because you are truly on one side and can't fully understand the other side's perspective. You will apply a line like that to someone else but still want to subtly insist your perspective is more correct by using terms like poor or bad rather than objective terms like inaccurate.
I really like FF8, but I don't want to support censorship.
Why not? She wasn't censored before.
Increasing the internal resolution isn't going to do that game any favors, and without a good CRT all you're going to be able to see is just how bad those textures really are.
And this is why Japanese devs should come together and file a class action lawsuit on Sony for racism and discrimination.
I thought conan nudity was censored on consoles?!
Article 175 of the Criminal Code, the one that says obscene materials must be censored, was written 53 years after Matthew Perry told Japan to stop being a bunch of hikkis. It was something the Japanese came up with themselves during a period of "cultural enlightenment" because they didn't want to look like savages.
I want to see how bad those textures are. Because I don't want to play the game looking like this anymore
>because you are truly on one side and can't fully understand the other side's perspective.
You ACTUALLY think I can't both understand and disagree. This is not opinion, mistranslation, mistakes, is bad work. That's it. That's a fucking fact. I'm not saying you're not allowed to like them. A mistranslation in Metroid led to the "Barrier Suit" getting the much cooler name of "Varia Suit". It was a fortunate mistranslation, and I think it worked out for the better. However, that doesn't stop it from being a poor translation the first time around. I hope this isn't too complex for you to understand.
You could certainly compare this to "Hitler getting rejected from art school created anime" level of cause getting removed from effect, but that article only came about because of gunship diplomacy in the first place.
Alright. What about the gunships 5 decades prior have to do with anything?
only for americans
Do incels realize that if they want to see a vagina so much they could just type "porn" into Google and get 12 million results?
Japan didn't have a ratings boards until 2002 which is the only reason they got away with this shit to begin with.
When Imperial Japan got defeated, a bunch of oppressive laws got deleted.
But not the ones related to porn because of western pressure for some reason.
The premise of "The article was only enacted to look good to the west" is certainly reasonable. But Japan only cared about what the west thought because of those gunships. The gunships caused a deluge of western society to Japan that was literally unheard of outside of colonialism or outright conquest while most societies are influenced by a much slower trickling and melding of ideas, especially before mass media.
Have you read the book I Am A Cat? It does a pretty good job showing Japan's rapid change from a commoner's point of view while most nonfiction accounts are written from a more academic or even theoretical side.
>This is not opinion, mistranslation, mistakes, is bad work. ... I hope this isn't too complex for you to understand.
It has nothing to do with complexity and has to do with the categorization and implications of terms. Every use of the term "bad" is opinion. It is a subjective term, user.
It puts your perspective on translation valuing accuracy above one where 'coolness' or 'impact' or 'good writing' is valued. You want to throw bones to people on the other side with examples like Varia, but still overall will say it is a bad translation, rather than just flat out saying it is a good one for being cooler.
It isn't about being able to google a vag. It's the integrity of the work. THey dont want to play a censored work
Yeah I know that there were a lot of changes due to westerners entering the nation again. I just didn't equate *threat* from gunships from 50 years before then to that. It just sounded like the Japanese being the same Nips we know now, who are very concerned about appearances.
I haven't read I Am A Cat yet, though it's on my reading list.
You can go topless on console, on PC you get full nudity.
Games are dead and sjws killed them. You're blind if you think this issue will stay with Sony.
Games died in 2007, with normalfags taking over the industry. This is just the zombification
>Every use of the term "bad" is opinion. It is a subjective term, user.
So would you say that me saying that 2 + 2 = 5 is not bad, merely a difference in opinion? I think you're confusing actual, FACTUAL mistranslation, screw ups, mistakes, unintentional changes due to whatever reasons, with INTENTIONAL changes. We can argue whether or not intended changes are bad all day long, those usually purely within the realms of opinion, but MISTAKES are always bad. They can lead to good, and have time and time and time again throughout human history, but a fuck up is always a fuck up. Period.
>It puts your perspective on translation valuing accuracy above one where 'coolness' or 'impact' or 'good writing' is valued.
This just shows that you have no idea what I'm talking about. I value a natural sound over rigid accuracy. I used to translate professionally and unprofessionally for several years and I always took great pains in balancing accuracy and what sounds like natural human speech. Sometimes I had to rewrite some stuff, sometimes I had to be liberal.
>You want to throw bones to people on the other side with examples like Varia, but still overall will say it is a bad translation, rather than just flat out saying it is a good one for being cooler.
It IS cooler and I'm glad it happened. I wouldn't have it any other way. But it's a mistake. What is your issue with understanding that a person can call a mistake a mistake and be OKAY with it? This is not that complex for human behavior.
>fixed their weird faces
This has to be the stupidest shit I've read all day.
I wonder how the snoycucks will spin this considering they were praising snoy for censoring all tits.
If you want better faces and character models, for example. On PSX it won't look as good or as clear as in That being said, playing it on PSX or PS2 on a CRT TV would overall provide a superior experience.
>censoring a chestlet
for what purpose
>So would you say that me saying that 2 + 2 = 5 is not bad, merely a difference in opinion?
Math is a factual, objective domain, different from translation and writing for video games which is an art form. Good and bad are in the eye of the beholder. If someone made a work of art that was a canvas saying 2+2=5 it is not necessarily bad as art, although it'd likely be some of that tomato soup can modern art.
I would say there is no good or bad in math, only wrong or right.
>This just shows that you have no idea what I'm talking about. I value a natural sound over rigid accuracy. I used to translate professionally and unprofessionally for several years and I always took great pains in balancing accuracy and what sounds like natural human speech. Sometimes I had to rewrite some stuff, sometimes I had to be liberal.
So you had to rewrite stuff sometimes, in other words, make "bad translations"? If you are being inaccurate, remember, your translation is "bad" even if you think it is good that you are making a bad translation. Isn't that getting a little contradictory though? Why not judge your rewrite as I would - on its own merits rather than in service of accuracy?
>It IS cooler and I'm glad it happened. I wouldn't have it any other way. But it's a mistake. What is your issue with understanding that a person can call a mistake a mistake and be OKAY with it? This is not that complex for human behavior.
If the audience prefers Varia and your goal is to please the audience, it is not a mistake. It is factually inaccurate, but you have done your job in this case which was not to accurately translate the work but to create a translation that the audience enjoyed.
The perfect version of FF6 is the Ted Woolsey Uncensored:
As a more extremist Woolseyfag I'm skeptical but intrigued. Still I bet theyd cut a lot of his more weird stuff that I still like, like Holy as "Pearl" which everyone else and their grandma hates. If they rename the Statues from Doom Poltrgeist and Goddess, I'm out.
>Call your patch "Ted Woolsey Uncensored"
>Change all the monster names to their GBA names
>Change all the spells to either their GBA names or some abortion name you thought up yourself
For what purpose?
It’s so SJWs won’t bitch
the idiots that make these patches always have some sort of artistic vision
it's not in the american version anymore either
They'll just complain about something else.
I say let 'em. It worked for Dragon's Crown.
>need more clothes
Just leave.
>It’s so SJWs won’t bitch
Fuck em. SJWs are terrorists. You never listen to terrorists and their demands.
hmm, is that a nipple?
What about the Switch version?
As a very anticensorship pragmatist, unfortunately I still have to say this is probably the best version of the game unless more censors come to light or something horrific does as well like remixed music. The graphics just outweigh 1-2 censored models
>I only come to Yea Forums so I can be an obnoxious pseudointellectual
Is it that important that you see lady parts?
I see posts like this a lot, where do you come from? it's probably a discord
Fuck, those new faces belong to some creepypasta, how they did that shit and giving them an ok?
Is it on the Switch version too?
You know Squeenix is even more autistic when it comes to censorship.
They have an entire "ethics department", which was the team responsible for Tifa's redesign.
Oh wait, you fags don't care.
You just have to have every opportunity to slander Playstation even when they aren't responsible.
I always thought my neighbor's dogs could use more clothes, It was really plain silly how little they wore.
Any new gameplay modifications to this remaster or is it the exact same game?
Holy shit they got some lazy ass texture "artist" for the HD one
What the fuck
is the switch version out?
QUADS ON Yea Forums
It's better now. At least this way my daughters can play the game without having to have an awkward conversation about why all the girls are basically naked and the guys aren't.
Ever have to explain sexist hyperfetishization to a child? Yikes.
>I adore censorship because fuck you hahaha!
Did they censor siren in FFBE?
Sorry that we care about censorship. You can throw away your rights if you want to.
>Change isn't censorship you retard that's the entire point.
>The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
Is censorship.
Thanks, Ethical Department.
>having a daughter
>backgrounds are more blurry than the original
Really hate trannies a lot lads
you will never be more than a tranny eunuch freak, filthy sodomite.
She got Botox in the remaster
final fantasy games aren't for women quit trying to ruin my video games for your inbred children asshole.
>tfw no mods for FF8
>Series started on the NES
fucking based
FUCK off you faggot, you know your fucking intention go back to your fucking reset era forum instead of trying to infect 4 chan.
*hits pipe*
More like they're reverting back to their 90s mentality.
Remember when older FF sprites were censored for the west?
Who gives a shit? If anything, the new version's "censorship" looks better.
I played FF6 on SNES with a translation patch that keeps the original translation's charm. It was called "Ted Woolsey Uncensored edition".
It was lovely.
Also Yea Forums is retarded for reccomending shitty gba versions with worse music and altered colors and sprites. The GBA sound patch is shit too.
Siren was already censored in FF14
they really don't
What are the quotation-marks for?
>graphic remaster ff8
>the game still makes no sense, even my jap standards
Because it looks better. It's pretty much reverse censorship. The original was censored and the new version uncensors it.
>because it looks better in my subjective opinion it's not censorship
Forget I asked.
This does not bode well with how they handle crissdressing jokes in the 7 remake.
Not buying censored shit
>The original was censored and the new version uncensors it.
>drawing all these (you)
put the strap on him vince
guess I'm not buying it.
>12 million results
it's 1.530.000.000 actually.
Started, yes. But it has been a largely Sony exclusive franchise since VII.
is it the same on switch?